Author Topic: America has to make huge changes soon  (Read 1902 times)


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2004, 12:57:06 AM »
no I've been to another country.  stop posting in this thread.  you don't know shit.  I don't need to explain anything to you.  I just ask, stop posting in this thread.


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2004, 02:29:51 AM »


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2004, 03:12:43 AM »
The youngest person to ever graduate a 4 year university was 10. :D


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2004, 03:46:43 AM »
Just because I'm 14 years old I don't know shit? And how do you know? Was it because when you were 14 your were the most ignorant kid at the time, so you expect everyone to be just like how you were?

Dude, you even proved you don't know jack shit about the world and you are ignorant like nobody else. Why do you keep defending yourself? Hector is right, a  14-year-old like you shouldn't discuss in this place. Just do yourself a favor and just read.

Ontopic: I'll make a post later when I have time to read :)


Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2004, 05:13:02 AM »
trauma see the thing about moving is,  some of us have spent our whole lives living there.  we lover where we live.  Some of us also come from places where shit is goin on 24/7.  You can move to charlotte but your not goin to get that.  Im from NYC an i kno anywhere else i go its goin to be boring as fuck compared to new york.  Some people like the never ending party.  Some people have children who have established roots where they live an they dont wanna up root there kid.  You makin moving sound so simple.  and if you want to meet asshole cops come to new york city.  Your opinion on cops will forever change.  Just see how it feels to get an undercover cop ride your bumping to make you nervous an speed up just so the cock sucker can give you a ticket to meet his quota.

So, ultimately, your problems are because you refuse to leave a bad situation. 


Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2004, 05:18:51 AM »
I'll try to be respectable, and add a little perspective.

1.   "The Middle Class Is Dwindeling" ? Do you have anything to back that up, or is that just the party line you're towing this week?  It sounds like something from a Kerry/Edwards stump speech, and they don't know anything about the middle class because they're both multimillionaires, and in Kerry's case, a Billionaire.  So their opinion on the middle class is kind of useless to me.

2.  Population will be a problem? Move.  I live in North Carolina, there's no population problem here.  Leave Cali if the population is a problem.  Again, I live in Charlotte, it's a large city, and there's jobs everywhere. 

3.  You bitch about us losing 'so many jobs', well if they can do it cheaper over there, why shouldn't they?  That's just how it is.  You also bitched about having to check yourself out at the grocery store, and wait in line, etc.  Don't shop there.  They'll go out of business, and you can shop with the people who do it the right way. 

4.  Next, you bitched that the bay is a shitty place to live, you have to drive 2 hours to work, and you have to pay a grand a month to rent an apartment.  Again: MOVE.  Dude, I was living in WEST VIRGINIA as a child, my dad moved me the hell out of there to a place (Charlotte) with a strong economy.  MOVE if it's that bad.  Don't bitch, do something about it.

5.  You also found time to bitch about the education system.  If you feel you're wasting your time, don't go.  Simple as that.

6.  If you don't like the companies you do business with, don't do business with them.  Find smaller companies that care more about you as an individual consumer and see you as less of a number. 

7.  Banks have always charged for checking accounts, until recently, when many banks gave them away for free.  Now you're bitching that some still charge. 

8.  Everybody WANTS you to go in debt, but what do YOU want?  Do what YOU want, leave them to themselves.  You seem to realize it's bad to go in debt... ... so don't do it.  How is this a problem in your life? You need to relax, and take deeper breaths.  You're cracking up. 

9.  You're wrong about most cops wanting to be assholes and harassing people.  I haven't been pulled over by a cop in a year, and then the few times they did, I didn't even get a ticket. 

10.  How are people in America stupid?  As for the Atkins diet, the evidence that it's unhealthy is shaky, and the people weren't 'brainwashed', they were looking for a better life, it was optimism that made them subscribe to the diet, and I'm not going to call anybody an idiot for being an optimist. 

11.  If you don't like salespeople, don't buy anything, and they will cease to exist.  Capitalism.  Darwinism.  It's one of those two, maybe a mix of both.

12.  Don't follow fads, lol.  This is simple stuff, friend.  If you think fads are silly, watch the fools waste their lives on them, and don't do it yourself.  That's all you can do, man, you can't make people think like you do. 

13.  All your other little comments show me you're a pretty bitter person, but yet you think the ENTIRE COUNTRY is the problem. 

In conclusion: We're all idiots, brainwashed, stupid.... but you're the one who's unhappy. 

good post, if you were really representing the avg american.  I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about the avg american which I encounter everyday.  I have no reason to argue with you.  I could waste my time typing up arguments, only to have you reply with arguemts and so on.  Neither one of us will give up.  I don't care if you agree with me or not.  Thats fine if you live the greatest life you can, I don't care.  We both have very different opinons on this stuff.  I live way differently than the avg american.  I respect your opinoin Trauma.  Your a smart person.  I don't agree with half of what you say, but I still respect your opinon.  The problem is that the avg american (or person) doesn't think the way I do, or the way you do.  I ain't bitching about myself, I'm bitching about what I see.  LMAO @ Albertsons going out of business.  Right, and cheveron will be next because they charge too much for gas.  Cops thing, you have no fuckin clue.  Your a white fuckin male.  None the less you feel you need to obey every single law whether its worthless or not.  Sure, your gonna say, well if you break the law then you deserve to get the penalty.  whatever.  you wouldn't know bout what I'm talking bout and I ain't gonna bother with you.

I never said the bay was a shitty place to live.  quit fuckin assuming.  I said the prices their are fuckin ridiculous.  and fuck movin to some shithole like north carolina.  I don't live in the bay, but I live very close nearby.  I know what the housing situation is like.  How close do you live?  oh, 3000 fuckin miles away?  Ok, talk to me when you fuckin know what your taking about.

Me bitching about companies I do business with?  Oh you mean like SBC?  Oh well, let me just go find another utility company.  Oh wait, there is none.

banking thing, well thats just you sticking up for everything cause your close minded.  Learn something about investing and banking then get at me.

I'm not the one going into debt.  I have no problems.  but america does.  pull your head out of your ass and realize this.  Just tell me that the avg american doesn't have a debt problem. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

You were exactly the person I knew would stick up for america for all this.  Tell me Trauma, how is your life?  How much money do you make a month?  How much do you work a week?  What kind of place do you live in?

I've read plenty of your posts. I know you got a degree in psychology.  and you work as a goddamn vendor operator.  How much did you spend on your education?  How much do you make a year?  A fuckin vendor operator!  Good thing you got that degree, I mean who could operate arcades w/o a degree in psychology?  And shit, you live such the great fuckin life, why you livin in North Carolina?  Must be so much better than livin in California, right?  You got different views than me, dumbshit.  I'd rather live in a way too expensive place in cali over anyplace in NC anyday.  And I guess telemarketers don't annoy you at all?  You don't mind when your in the middle of dinner and some idiot tries selling you some timeshare?  And I'm sure all your time in school was completely worthwhile right?  all 12 years of gradeschool were completely worthwhile right?  Thats probably why you are a fuckin vendor operator instead of a CEO right?

Damn man.  Ultmiately, you're a bitch, so i don't give a fuck how your life goes.  Keep crying in your cheerios, I'll keep having a great life.  What the fuck do you want, man? Who owes you a fucking thing? Go out, be a man, and get what you want, stop bitching about the world because the motherfucker is going to PASS YOU BY while you're waiting for the train to stop.  Fuckin' Bitchmade. 


Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2004, 05:19:42 AM »
And HERE is your problem, Asshole.


"You were exactly the person I knew would stick up for america for all this.  Tell me Trauma, how is your life?  How much money do you make a month?  How much do you work a week?  What kind of place do you live in?"

Grow the fuck up, 'my life' has nothing to do with 'my money'.  I thought Kindergarten kids knew that. 


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2004, 07:59:07 AM »
i do hate outsourcing.  Last week i called up sprint, and this indian dude starts talking to me. I swear every other sentence he spoke i had to ask him to repeat it.It just gives those million dollar companies more millions, while americans cant find jobs.  But i do with trauma to some degree. Sometimes you got to move to find a city with a better job market for your profession.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2004, 08:05:23 AM by rampant »


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2004, 08:41:59 AM »
become a nurse, they won't outsource hospitals..... job problem solved


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2004, 09:58:22 AM »
Hey great answer Trauma, way to back things up. 

Moving is not a solution.  thats just a small short term solution.  Just like us going to war with Iraq (in the very, very best scenario possible) is a short term solution to terrorism.  And like I said, for those who cant read right (Trauma), I not specifically talking about myself, I'm talking about the avg american.  I have many advantages over many many people, I'll survive.  but I look at the big picture and I see what goes on around me.  I could be like Trauma and just pretend everything in America is fine and dandy and we have no problems.  but that is not the reality, whether you wanna face it or not.


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2004, 10:51:31 AM »
you have to worry about yourself and not other at school, i see hundred of people signing up for the same two majors over and over again, criminal justice and physical education, there's no way the US needs 600 gym teachers produced by this one school alone..... and some people that take criminal justice have records barring them from ever using the's not my fault that these people are choosing degrees and not thinking about how viable their decision actually is

if you want a job you have to be smart about your decisions, gone are the days where you can just work one job for 40-50 years and retire...while you're young, you have time to learn and change

i've gone from short order cook, to shoe salesman, to cashier, to an IT2 in the navy, now i assemble bikes and in Jan i go to be a State Trooper, plus i'm going to school for computer science and hopefully get a job as a video game programmer

right there i have 3 major career options i can always fall back on, there will always be a military, there will always be the need for law enforcement, and videogames are increasing each year in size and profit


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2004, 12:15:30 PM »
trauma see the thing about moving is,  some of us have spent our whole lives living there.  we lover where we live.  Some of us also come from places where shit is goin on 24/7.  You can move to charlotte but your not goin to get that.  Im from NYC an i kno anywhere else i go its goin to be boring as fuck compared to new york.  Some people like the never ending party.  Some people have children who have established roots where they live an they dont wanna up root there kid.  You makin moving sound so simple.  and if you want to meet asshole cops come to new york city.  Your opinion on cops will forever change.  Just see how it feels to get an undercover cop ride your bumping to make you nervous an speed up just so the cock sucker can give you a ticket to meet his quota.

So, ultimately, your problems are because you refuse to leave a bad situation. 
first off why should you be forced to move from your surroundings that you have spent your whole life living in an loving.  Why should you let a cop that abuses his power make you move.  an no matter where your move its goin to be a bad situation.  Yea you leave the problems of the city.  But than you go to the small out of state suburb an your bored out of your mind.  You miss the 24/7 life.  whatever you do your fucked.


Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2004, 04:22:09 PM »
The alternative is, you sit around and bitch about it, and nothing gets done.  I say move if it's that big of a problem.  If not, shut the fuck up, nobody cares. 


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2004, 04:41:17 PM »
The alternative is, you sit around and bitch about it, and nothing gets done.  I say move if it's that big of a problem.  If not, shut the fuck up, nobody cares. 
im not complaining im just sayin.  an dont talk to me like your some tough guy b/c i really dont fuckin appreaciate it.


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Re: America has to make huge changes soon
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2004, 12:53:02 AM »
naw fuc dat trauma....this forum is made for bitching & discussing issues, so wats the problem? U bitch about every damm thing....let's not lose track over bullshit tho, MOVING is not that simple for people that actually consider themselves products of their environment, I can't imagine moving, I rather stay broke out here than be a rich fuck in Idaho or some shit, and dats juss an example, cool your horses....muthafucaz aint sayin they more of a man than U, but fact is if U grew up in a place like North Carolina, U most likely do not have the same views on issues like these as NY & Cali folks's as simple as that.

People in the bay area pay over $1000 a month for one room to rent.  and thats for a shithole ass place.  People drive up to 2 hours to go to work, because thats the best job they can get.  Education is bullshit.  So much wasted time in education.  A college degree is hardly worth shit anymore.

U AINT LYIN MANE !!!! my homeboy juss got a lil piece of shit unit on Polk Street, San Francisco's transsexual/hooker/prostitute central, and it's in Fillmoe, just a couple of blocks away from every day war zone dats already had 60 murders this year, now, he aint got a kitchen, all he has is a room with a bed and bathroom, and when me & my people got out there to visit, we can't be wearing red, lmao, security won't let u in, now U may ask how much he is paying 4 this piece of shit? TOO MUCH goddammit, 900 muthafucin big ones, and why? who knows, maybe because AC here has a point, America needs 2 do something, but what? what's the solution? my boy has 1 of the cheapest spots in the city, why does bay area have the #1 homeless rate in the nation? because of this. But what the fuc is we suppose 2 do? MAYBE we can start by concentrating on issue on our streets first instead of spending 10 billion dollars a day on ammunition and weopens 2 "REBUILD" other countries.

Machiavelli, may I remind U that you're 14 and live in Brazil? I don't give a fuc if U got some kinda genious degree when U was 5 years old, U ain't in my streets, so U have no say in this, U can't learn without books will help that.