Author Topic: NEW! : Surival.  (Read 101 times)


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NEW! : Surival.
« on: October 11, 2004, 02:15:23 AM »
I've learnt a few lessons from a female, which seem to be.
How they always make you soft and are always mean to me.
Also a family of two faces getting nasty over some greenary.
Shit i just want a happy home, fuck a bitta scenary.
Now all of your true colours suddenly becoming clear to me.
I was peaceful, now they brewing up all the fear in me.
Now i gots reasons which stand back and keep cheering me.
Fearless, Tearless nobody will be finding a single tear in me.
My aunty owns this house, keeps going on about shaving grass.
Well you get out and do what we cant, you a pain in the ass.
Theirs just not enuff time for my mother to steal.
So she'll make more time for herself and forget to cook meals.
Ya'll left alone in the dark, ya'll know how that feels?
No, you dont you think you got it hard, but face my ordeals.
See when you've gotta be chosen between you and another.
I step back coz i know without hesitation she'll choose her lover.
Above no other shall she answer to, she listens to no-one.
Shes so-blunt, so i want no-mum, coz soon she'll have no-son.
As for girls well you do 3 things, laugh flirt and hurt doug.
The only time us guys under the thumb is if we soft and inlove.
They'll say anything worth listening to whenever they drink.
Some girls are truthful, to forward and most of em dont think.
Girls will fall inlove, but rise outta lust with the thought of boys.
Our hearts their playground, give them our emotions as their toys.
Who-ever ive been with is either careless of they just mouth-off.
Say buh bye to your guy and i'll shut the door u walked out of.
Back to relatives, they forget to give any kind of attention.
Only time they show interest, is when they want gossip and confessions.
I've realised that one aunty only smiles when she around retail.
One thinks shes facing reality, all my family mainly just female.
Goodi too-shoes cousins, only out for the praise of their bloodline.
While i survive with no-dimes, take my family away i dont want-mine.
Coz sometimes you get fed up of alotta mouth but not enough back-up.
Threatened to lose my home, now that sucks, nothing but bad-luck.
This aint my home, nor was the other 4 places i was shoved into.
I watch my daddy live on no food or money, see what i've been thru.
I dont want a cuddle you cant take your warmings and keep them away.
Hope your all satisfied with your behaviour if i just suddenly die one day.
But when i come back, i'll clean up, some will be ok, but some will pay.



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Re: NEW! : Surival.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2004, 06:25:01 PM »
*bump* feedback stop sleepin!!  ::)


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Re: NEW! : Surival.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2004, 10:56:43 AM »
i didnt write this for it to be ignored.. some feedback on decent ryhme would be appreciated x


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Re: NEW! : Surival.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2004, 11:07:29 AM »
Man stop your bitchin, I will reply when I am good and ready god dam it.


That was nice too, wasn't as nice as your other peice cos it was rhymed in a simply structure, which actually worked quite well for the peice.  It didnt go off flow once but as I said thats because it was wrote in a away-today, hate-great, poor-raw, feel-real way...get me?

I thought it was cool tho, had a nice message and was on point throughout, keep dropping.  I like reading your stuff...I see some of the way I write in your keep droppin.