Author Topic: What did you think of the debate?  (Read 671 times)


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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2004, 08:34:25 PM »
Why the hell is Can't Touch This playing? LOL.

Anyways, I agreed with Bush that the coalition they have right now against North Korea is the best way to go about it. China can put immense pressure that other countries couldn't.

Most hip-hop is now keyboard driven, because the majority of hip-hop workstations have loops and patches that enable somebody with marginal skills to put tracks together,...

Unfortunately, most hip-hop artists gravitated towards the path of least resistance by relying on these pre-set patches. As a result, electric guitar and real musicians became devalued, and a lot of hip-hop now sounds the same.



Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2004, 08:36:45 PM »
Why the hell is Can't Touch This playing? LOL.

Anyways, I agreed with Bush that the coalition they have right now against North Korea is the best way to go about it. China can put immense pressure that other countries couldn't.

This is one thing that agree with that Bush said. A coalition is A LOT more effective.
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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2004, 09:21:22 PM »
HOW in the fuck is cant touch this playing in this thread? LMAO

anyways, it was pretty entertaining, but they are both such full of shit its actually disgusting at times.


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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2004, 10:21:49 PM »
i haven't seen it... i will watch something about it on the news.

did bush or kerry say something new?


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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2004, 02:22:31 AM »
well the problem with Kerry is, he does everything to NOT piss anybody off. in consequence, it's also hard to gain true supporters.

with Bush, it's like the opposite. he doesnt give a shit if he does piss some ppl off big time... cause he also gains strong supporters.

you know what I mean?

I couldnt see the debate though... maybe find out some shit online.
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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2004, 02:38:43 AM »
Saw a part of it. I think Kerry was better, he was more attacking and outgoing. Bush was more in a "defensive" position. Think Kerry has more humanitality than Bush also :P
But well the attacking-arguments of Kerry were a bit boring and too expected.



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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2004, 04:56:20 AM »
i planned on watching the whole thing, but some stuff came up. i think kerry did better (anyone watch bush while he was listening to kerry rebuttle....they need to tell bush the cameras were still on him)

Except the 1 part twords the beginning. Bush said something like "kerry once said, saddam is a threat and needs to be taken out, anyone who doesnt realize that is not fit for the presidency....and i agree with him"

I had an o snap moment. I really think one of kerrys problems is that stuff he bashes bush on, he actually voted for in the senate.


Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2004, 06:58:11 AM »
bush is a moron

The Daily Show CLOWNED HIS DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Daily show KNOWS WHATS up!

white Boy

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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2004, 08:02:32 AM »
I had an o snap moment. I really think one of kerrys problems is that stuff he bashes bush on, he actually voted for in the senate.
exactly.. which is why i dont think bush did that bad... kerry basicaly point the finger at bush... but at the time.. kerry voted for it the same way.. meaning he agreed with bush then... wtf....


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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2004, 08:05:13 AM »
I think the thing Kerry got called out on the most was how he was going on about the lack of armor, good vehicles, etc... and the example of soldiers recieving better equipment for birthdays. I agreed with him. But.... he voted against the funding! Come on.

Most hip-hop is now keyboard driven, because the majority of hip-hop workstations have loops and patches that enable somebody with marginal skills to put tracks together,...

Unfortunately, most hip-hop artists gravitated towards the path of least resistance by relying on these pre-set patches. As a result, electric guitar and real musicians became devalued, and a lot of hip-hop now sounds the same.



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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2004, 10:53:15 AM »
I watched the whole thing, and I was impressed by both sides.

I am a Bush supporter, but Kerry did make some interesting points.

In the beginning of the debate, it was Bush who was strong, but Kerry had a much stronger finish than Bush.


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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2004, 11:26:49 AM »
I was out n about cuzz tha homies had it on laughin n shit.....but 1 thing that sticks out in my mind was when Kerry was like he wants to double the armed forces n all that....but then Bush at the end said the Army will still be a voluntary thing if I get elected....does this mean anything regarding the draft on Kerry's side or am I trippin?

Kerry definitely won though.....





white Boy

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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2004, 11:58:16 AM »
John Baer | 1st round goes to W.
Kerry needed a knockout, and he didn't get it


Or one of the Johns. You know, McCain or Edwards.

Or anybody else seriously looking to run in '08 after George W. Bush serves out his second term.

That's because John Kerry, who had to score a knockout last night, landed some punches but didn't take the title.

Yeah, he looked a little tougher than when he's windsurfing off Nantucket in spandex.

And, OK, he had a good line about how it's one thing to always be "certain" but one can, after all, be certain and wrong.

And he even seemed somewhat directed and focused.

But this debate, critical if not determinative to the outcome of the election, did not take Kerry where he needs to be.

Instead, the champ at staying on message is still the undisputed George W. Bush.

How so?

Because of one moment that defined the debate and the race.

When debate moderator Jim Lehrer asked Bush if there are "character issues" that maybe should keep Kerry from being president, Bush showed he's a consummate politician.

He first did some aw-shucks plain-speak. "Whew, that's a loaded question."

See, he's just folks.

Then he graciously praised Kerry's service to country and family, calling him "a great dad," and even praised his service in the Senate.

It was Bush being the nice guy, the guy people like. Brilliant.

Then he hit Kerry with the message of the night, indeed the campaign:

"He changes positions."

It was the pat on the back before slipping in the shiv.

It fit perfectly with his performance throughout the 90-minute encounter.

Bush over and over tagged Kerry for changing his position on Iraq and said several times one can't lead if you say, as Kerry has, it's "the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Ah repetition. The mother's milk of campaign victories.

Plus Bush looked the part: aggressive, firm, strong.

From the moment he stalked across the stage (first one out of the wings) to Kerry's podium to shake his hand, to his tight-lipped PO'd look caught on camera as Kerry sniped at him, as opposed to Kerry's smiling and nodding as Bush swiped at him.

(Don't you think they should have traded ties? Kerry wore red, Bush blue, but their states are just the opposite colors.)

When Kerry got to answer the "character" question, he floated off on something about stem-cell research and global warming (the debate topic was foreign policy and homeland security).

And the fact Kerry spoke to Lehrer and not to me and not to voters and seemed more intent on showing how much he knows rather than how much he cares? I just think that's a killer.

Bush worked the camera and Lehrer with a nice mix of eye contact and practiced talking points.

He used his occasional 30-second extensions, a debate rule allowing for continued discussion of a single question, to answer every charge Kerry made.

Kerry, at least once, tried to do the same and couldn't even get Lehrer's attention.

Mostly Bush very much stayed the course.

The war is hard work, which he said, I don't know, a dozen times, but we're going to win. Saddam was a threat. America's safer.

"We're going to win this war in Iraq."

Kerry, when he finally looked into the camera for his closing remarks, said, "I believe America's best days are ahead of us."

For me, stuff like "whew, that's a loaded question" works much better.

white Boy

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Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2004, 11:59:00 AM »

NAPOLEON WAS once asked what qualities he looked for in choosing his generals.

"Luck," he replied. "I want generals who are lucky."

The Democrats' general, John "Reporting for duty" Kerry, needed to get lucky last night. And we don't mean with Teresa.

It didn't happen. President Bush made no gaffes to allow Kerry a clear triumph in their first debate. But Kerry spoke with enough clarity on Iraq and the war on terror that the Republicans may have to put their flip-flops away.

In case you were washing your hair and missed it, here's Clout's review of the debate.

Bush message

You can't win the war on terror if you send mixed messages. You have to show certainty and strength. Kerry doesn't. I do.

Kerry message

I'll hunt down and kill terrorists. But you have to be smart. Diverting troops from going after Osama bin Ladento invade Iraq was not smart. It was a "colossal error of judgment."

Bush's best moment

Two, really. One when he spoke of consoling Missy Johnson, the widow of a soldier killed in Iraq. The other when he praised Kerry's military service and the kindness of Kerry's daughters to his daughters. Bush makes his strongest connections with voters when he speaks of emotional, human moments.

Kerry's best moment

His closing: "Let me look you in the eye and say to you: I defended this country as a young man at war, and I will defend it as president of the United States...I have a plan for Iraq. I believe we can be successful. I'm not talking about leaving. I'm talking about winning. And we need a fresh start, a new credibility, a president who can bring allies to our side."

Bush's best attack line

"I don't see how you can lead this country to succeed in Iraq if you say wrong war, wrong time, wrong place. What message does that send our troops? What message does that send to our allies? What message does that send the Iraqis?"

Kerry's best attack line

"I agree with the comment made by the former terrorism czar [Richard Clarke]: Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 is like FDR invading Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor."

Smartest thing Bush said

"The military will be an all-volunteer Army." This should help quell the draft fears that might otherwise drive the usually moribund 18- to 25-year-old vote to the polls to cast ballots against Bush.

Smartest thing Kerry said

The U.S. can't stop nuclear proliferation as long as it's trying to develop a new set of nuclear weapons. Kerry said he'd halt the program.

Bush's worst moment

Several times the camera caught him grimacing and smirking as Kerry spoke. As Al "Deep Sighs" Gore learned in 2000, such body language alienates voters.

Kerry's worst moment

Throwing the words of President George H.W. Bush in the face of his son, by quoting from Bush the elder's book on why he decided against invading Iraq in Desert Storm. Cheap shot.

Oddest pronunciation

Referring to the leaders of Iran, Bush called the mullahs "moo-las."



Re: What did you think of the debate?
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2004, 12:29:13 PM »
Bush is my choice for president, there's no doubt about that.

Thing is, He lost the debate. It doesn't take much to see that. Bush came with good points, but Kerry countered and looked much better. Sure he contradicted himself a bunch (past votes and comments), but as far as the debating goes, he won. He's a veteran debater and he did a really good job. I could find 100 op-ed articles saying bush won, and I could find 100 articles saying Kerry won.

I think Bush needs to realize he didn't do as good as he could have, and step his game up for the next debate. If he comes off thinking he won, bad things could happen in the next 2 debates.