Author Topic: `The Governor' takes a fall (in seer's town)..  (Read 139 times)

Don Seer

`The Governor' takes a fall (in seer's town)..
« on: October 04, 2004, 03:30:13 PM »
haha.. this shit was in my area.... a few kids i know that age are scared of him..


TAUNTON'S biggest teenage troublemaker had an Anti-Social Behaviour Order slapped on him this week.

The self-styled `Governor of Priorswood' can be named and shamed after the County Gazette fought off an attempt to impose reporting restrictions on Tuesday's court hearing.

David Black is the ringleader of a gang which has terrorised north Taunton residents for two years.

Now the 17-year-old faces jail if he breaches his two-year ASBO by returning to a life of violence, intimidation, threats and under-age drinking, or hangs around as part of a gang.

For the full story, see this week's Somerset County Gazette.


Court serves teenager with ASBO
A 17-year-old who led a gang that threatened people with baseball bats has been made the subject of a two-year anti-social behaviour order (ASBO).
On Tuesday, a Taunton court heard David Black had assaulted people, destroyed property and intimidated residents on the town's Priorswood estate.

Police say they hope the order will send a clear message to others.

The order prevents Black from mixing with groups larger than six. If he breaches the order he may face jail.
