Author Topic: New Royce Da 5'9 Interview [Talks about working with Primo and Eminem]  (Read 149 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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It's been a minute since we've talked, how've you been?
I've been great. Like always I'm in the studio working on my new solo project. I plan to release it in the spring.

"Death Is Certain" is one of the best albums coming out in 2004, can you talk about your mindstate when making that album?
My mindset in making that album was two things: I wanted to make a hip hop album that I felt rap was missing at the time. Just a hard-core rap album with no obvious commercial singles. Nothing like my "RockCity" album. Second, I wanted to let people know what was on my mind and to be totally honest with the public. Talk about what was going on in my world. There were a lot of dark things happening so the album came out sounding very serious and dark.

How was it working with Primo again for "Hip Hop"?
Working with Premo is always a learning experience in and out of the booth. He has a lot of knowledge of how to make records and hip hop in general. We've never been together when recording because I'm normally in Detroit and he's in New York, but when we get together to mix our songs we always have a great time talking sh*t and cracking jokes.

How did you first link up with Primo?
Me and Kino talked about it and we both thought it was a good idea and someone we knew at TommyBoy had a connect with him. Nothing to special sorry. Actually a real regular story.

What's a studio session with Premier like?
When we're in the studio we just kick it, talk about different albums, hip hop, the world in general, and we'll crack a few jokes. He's a real cool dude and one of the realest people I've met in this game.

How about July 6?
Los is like my brother his D-day is the day after mine so we click very well. When we worked on the D.I.C. album we were in the studio for weeks at a time so it was a lot different from working with Premo. We talked about everything hung out after the studio and even argued like brothers. Not as much as he argued or should I say debated with Kino, he (Kino) debates with everyone. Those two guys (Premo & Los) will probably be on every album I work on.

You apoligize to your fans for making bouncier music, how much do you regret that?
I don't regret doing the music but I apologized for not making music from the heart. Some of the songs that I recorded in the past was me trying to do what was popular at that time instead of trying to make the best music I could. It's a mistake a lot of artists have when trying to please a label and or sell records. It's nothing wrong with making bounce or dance music but it has to be from the heart not to please anyone or just to sell records.

On "There's Something Wrong With Him" you say "you've got people at the top swinging from 2Pac's nuts." Can you elaborate on that and why people stay biting him?
People emulate Pac because he's probably one of the most influential people of out time. He did what I was just explaining in my last comment: He recorded all types of records, bouncy, pop, hard-core, songs for women, the streets everything, but the one thing he did when he did it was stay true and real with himself. That's why people relate so well to him. He spoke to everyone and stayed himself. Who doesn't want to take their career in that direction. Oh yeah and he also sold millions of records while doing it. Need I say more.

You also say how your wife doesn't like the album, why will women be turned off by this album?
Some women may like it depending on the type of rap they like. But my wife didn't like it because she doesn't like dark music. So as far as all women it's subject to their taste.

You have the line "My name is Nickel, I'm from the suburbs." You're one of the only MC's to say that, do you feel like that could hurt your credibility?
Not at all. Just because I'm brought up in a certain hood doesn't mean I'm a certain way. It just mean I was afforded different opportunities But that's what all parents do they try to give their kids a different lifestyle and more opportunities than they had. There's no rapper selling records living in the hood. If they are they need to get an attorney and holla at their label or manager.

You got the new mixtape "The M.I.C. Part 2," are you happy with how that came out?
Yeah I'm happy, but the new mixtape is mostly songs I had that were never available for retail. I figured it was a good way to keep my name out, build The M.I.C as a label, and let you know who some of the artist are that I'm working with from the label until my new solo album drops.

"Buzzin" with Nottz is crazy, what's it like working with Nottz?
Actually Marcus Garvey did "Buzzin" who has some real heat. As far as Nottz I think he's the next big thing so I'm glad I have this opportunity to work with him. It's just starting but the chemistry is crazy.

How did you first link up with Eminem?
I was opening up for Usher back in 98 and he was selling his CD (what was later to become the Slim Shady LP). Kino introduced us and we just started hanging from there.

You've spoken on your relationship with Em, when did things start changing for the worst?
They never changed for the worst we just went separate ways.

How has he changed since he got with Dre?
Of course he's changed he's a better songwriter and producer but I'm sure Dre would do that with anyone. As far as his person he's always had a good heart. I don't think he makes his records for heads.

A lot of Heads are saying his new single is wack, how do you feel about it?
It's colorful and funny Eminem. It's pretty much the same way all of his 1st singles are. I'm looking forward to hearing the album though.

Who are you making music for now?
Listen to I & Me on D.I.C. "I make my music for me" That was the truest thing I ever spoke.

When people hear the name "Royce da 5'9"" what do you want them to think?
I'm a survivor. People often ask how does he keep putting out some much material and getting so many deals? It's because I'm a survivor. Now I want people to know I'm a great artist and I'll prove that with my new album.

When can we expect your next album?
All I can say about my new album is it's some of my best music ever and it will be different from D.I.C.. I want every album I do to be totally different from the last.

Any last words?
Thanks for the interview, go get the M.I.C mixtape on Oct. 26th, and look for my new album this spring.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 10:05:09 AM by Wellz »

I`m Wayne Brady bitch!

Re: New Royce Da 5'9 Interview [Talks about working with Primo and Eminem]
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 11:23:29 AM »
I think that the Nottz/Royce album will be a straight classic , and if he ever works with Em again , then em is going to get outshined by his ( once ) protegè