Author Topic: Understand KRS-One's REAL point!not the lies and out of context taken quotes !!!  (Read 120 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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first off please don't make this thread and the one already started one as it was done before with threads that deal with the same content

many people act ignorant and won't even check out further explanation in the threads but build their opinion based on the first post only

Make the effort and read and try to understand his whole statement, otherwise you have no right to judge. The New York Daily news put quotations from different interviews together and made up their own interpretations, completely ignoring his elaborations and actually interrupting him after they had enough material for a controversial article consisting of quotes, put together like a fucking puzzle of an image THEY painted.
They are trying to make hiphop as a whole look bad and the last thing you as hihopers should ever do is accept let alone support it without questioning it.


This is a simple lie. KRS wasn't even talking about black people but the hiphop community AND, more importantly not saiying the attacks were a good thing at all. he elaborated the whole thing and explained his actually valid point but the ny daily news were not interested in showing his actual opinion.

KRS-ONE SPOKE THE TRUTH, I am not black and as much against terrorism and the attacks as every other reasonable human being. Why do I share his views ? because NEITHER IS HE, READ and understand his whole point, then you'll understand.

The point he really made was the following:

There are TWO point of views, and one of em is dealing with just ONE aspect of what happened and is therefore not a view who's message is acceptable as a view on the WHOLE thing, which is OF COURSE a tragedy.

The first point of view is the of a citizen and normal human being in general (not counting brainwashed pro terroristic people) and is at the same time also KRS-One's view on the attacks.

"I was just as saddened as everyone else on 911."

Now the second point of view is one of the HipHop community (excluding rap artists who just have rap as their profession to earn their money and to entertain, KRS is refering to people like himself who say "I am HipHop", people who disagree with the way rap music is sold AND controlled by big companies)

This point of view is from this hiphop community as an abstract or however you wanna call it, NOT from the individual human beings that are part of it and it totally ignores the aspect of human beings dying during 911, it is simply concentrating on the business that was present in those buildings. In other words, it looks at the builings as the powerfull center of biz which makes decisions that affect, next to alotta other things, also the hiphop culture as it sells and controlls it and the human beings in the buldings are from that point of view basically non existant.

NOT saying they don't matter, they're simply not part of this point of view. (e.g., if it's your job to estimate the costs caused by an accident you don't need to consider how many people died in it cause it's not your job at the time. That doesn't mean you don't care about these people)

And as far as that goes he's speaking the truth: The HipHop community as an abstract is NOT affected by what happened, it wasn't the temple of hiphop that crumbled donw, it was the trade center from which companies such as Sony, Universal,.. were making decision.

"I went on to say that “I am speaking for the culture now; I am not speaking my personal opinion”. I continued to say; “911 effected them down the block; the rich, the powerful those that are oppressing us as a culture. Sony, RCA or BMG, Universal, the radio stations, Clear Channel, Viacom with BET and MTV, those are our oppressors those are the people that we’re trying to overcome in Hiphop everyday, this is a daily thing. We cheered when 911 happened in New York and say that proudly here. Because when we were down at the trade center we were getting hit over the head by cops, told that we can’t come in this building, hustled down to the train station because of the way we dressed and talked, and so on, we were racially profiled. So, when the planes hit the building we were like; mmmm justice.” And just as I began to say “now of course a lot of our friends and family were lost there as well” but I was interrupted.

Now if you think why would they interrupt you better get it through your head that they are NOT practising unbiased journalism, not CLOSE to:

"A young lady asked about what we can do beyond voting to change the political state of things in our country? I responded not by irresponsibly stating that “America has to commit suicide if the world is to be a better place” and that’s all. I am a poet and I speak poetically. My full statement was “America has to commit suicide if the world is to be a better place.

If you want to go beyond voting American interests must put a gun to its head and commit suicide because as long as we are only interested in American interests we go out and invade the rest of the world. The real question is are you a citizen of the United States or are you a citizen of the world? And so for me, I would say voting in a corrupt society adds more corruption.”

^^KRS didn't even say that in the same interview and in a totally different context than they tried to make it look like. What New York Daily News basically did is put those lines of his with the most potential to be controversial and negatively shocking together and basically create a new context, making KRS look as bad as possible.

"Finally, no one should ever believe anything that the one-sided Daily News has to say about the same Hiphop community that it (the Daily News) has tried so desperately to undermine for years. The only thing the Daily News seems to be interested in is scandal and controversy and for years I have challenged the Daily News on its depictions of Rap artists and Hiphop as a whole.

I know they don’t like me. However, I don’t give a ---- either! They never cover our efforts toward peace and all the charitable work we do within the Hiphop community. They never air our grievances or how we feel about the state of the world, nor have they ever aired our views on America’s invasion of Iraq simply because they just don’t want to hear them. The Hiphop community forces America to look at itself; and no one likes to take b.l.a.m.e. for their own for immaturity Because Looking At Me ain’t Easy!

(his complete statement here


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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i don't see why i shouldn't merge this, you might have as well posted this in the og topic, but ok i'ma leave it. nothing that changed my opinion tho


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Alotta peeps enter a thread, read the information in the first post and reply or leave the thread and don't care about the other posts that's why.. then again no one seems to care anyway so it probably doesn't matter lol

You said in the other thread KRS is a punk for his statements, I don't see why.. Are you telling me that his point about the attacks not affecting the hiphop culture when they do affect companies that were in that building is untrue ? if so please explain.

He is not happy that 911 happened. I see people saying he wouldn't talk like that if h lost family members / friends there himself.. he DID, but it doesn't even matter cause he never said it's a good thing that this happend, as a matter of fact he said the opposite.