Author Topic: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?  (Read 955 times)


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Like the great majority of Europeans and the world population, I would have voted Kerry if i was a US citizen. I agree with the opinion of Bush being one of the worst US Presidents the world has seen in a while, which is very popular in europe, but also i admit to not having any very detailed knowledge on politics, still I guess it's at least as much as the average US citizen has. Now why I'm making this post is not cause I'm trying to lamely hate or complain - Bush's victory was a fair one this time and he was voted for by the majority of the people too - but because I'm sincerely trying to understand why in the US a person like Bush, who wouldn't stand a chance of winning in any western european or other american country, takes this election. So my basic question is a simple one:

Why do you think George W. Bush is a good president?

as simple as this post/thread is, i'm seriously asking a serious question, so i hope for serious explanations, no childish 'weamericansarebetterthanyoueuropeans' (cuz i got enuff of that, also vice versa) or 'fuckkerrysfrenchspeakinass' tell me and bring up your points, peace

Leggy Hendrix

Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2004, 12:19:58 PM »
u beat me to it...i was gonna post almost the exact same question...

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a><a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

dude im baning you mother over here in eu. but im not a white,brown,black,yellow etc. im your nightmare

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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2004, 12:36:08 PM »
i support bush just because i hate kerry, but i think people blow everything to do with bush out of proportion because they hate him. so in other words, he may not be the best guy to have running the country, but he isnt as bad as everyone says......and IMO, better than what kerry would have been

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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2004, 12:38:40 PM »
u beat me to it...i was gonna post almost the exact same question...

coo...we'll both see...

i support bush just because i hate kerry, but i think people blow everything to do with bush out of proportion because they hate him. so in other words, he may not be the best guy to have running the country, but he isnt as bad as everyone says......and IMO, better than what kerry would have been

ok, i see that and i even agree with shit getting blown outta proportion at times, but

1. you having him in your avatar suggests, you do actually support him
2. you haven't brought up any points as to why he's better than kerry and 'not as bad as everyone says'


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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2004, 01:01:21 PM »
I agree with the opinion of Bush being one of the worst US Presidents the world has seen in a while

Hmmmmm....I wonder why he received the highest popular vote ever then?

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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2004, 01:01:57 PM »
u beat me to it...i was gonna post almost the exact same question...

coo...we'll both see...

i support bush just because i hate kerry, but i think people blow everything to do with bush out of proportion because they hate him. so in other words, he may not be the best guy to have running the country, but he isnt as bad as everyone says......and IMO, better than what kerry would have been

ok, i see that and i even agree with shit getting blown outta proportion at times, but

1. you having him in your avatar suggests, you do actually support him
2. you haven't brought up any points as to why he's better than kerry and 'not as bad as everyone says'

1. well, i dont hate the guy, i hate his support of israel but thats about it. but yeah i guess i am supporting him the great bez once said....."kerry is faker than a pair of hollywood tits"....or something to that effect. from what i read kerry was going to help out illegal immigrants had he won, which i disagree with.....unless of course help meant send them back to where they came from  :)

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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2004, 01:38:24 PM »
This thread will die a horrible death. What did you think carnaal, these pricks would actually come in here with a decent argument? lol
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2004, 01:40:11 PM »

Why do you think George W. Bush is a good president?

I will answer this queston for you, seeing that I live in Ohio and proudly voted for George W. Bush yesterday. The reason that the President is so popular here in the US is something that you Europeans will never begin to understand. The fact of the matter is that we Americans share a completely different set of core beliefs and values than you Europeans. No matter how much you people look down upon us and want to impose your beliefs on us, we will never change.

Now why do I support the president? Here are a few reasons:

Economy: Unlike in most of western Europe, most Americans reject socialism. Our country was founded on capitalist ideas and because of that we have the strongest economy in the history of the world (compare the unemployment rates of the US to most European countries). President Bush understands this and one of his first acts in office was to cut taxes across the board for all Americans. He knows that tax money belongs to the people, and not the government, and that by returning our money to us that it would spark the economy. Given that he inherited a recession from President Clinton, not to mention the severe effects of the September 11th attacks, I would say that he has done a tremendous job economically. Although we lost jobs during his first few years, our economy has now added over a million jobs in just the past year. We are obviously on the right track.

Social Issues: Unlike you Europeans, religion is a fundamental part of American life. We are proud of that fact that a huge percentage of us go to church every week. At the same time, we hold true a certain set of traditional values and morals that we think are important. We don't want a society like Europe where everything goes and where no moral judgments can me made. President Bush understands this and incorporates a strong sense of morality in his decisions. Some of his ideas such as faith based initiatives and preserving marriage as an act between a man and a woman are wildly popular among almost all Americans.

Terrorism: One of the biggest differences between George W. Bush and John Kery was on the issue of terrorism. In the opinion of  President Bush, when it comes to terror you are either on offense or defense. Unfortunately, when Clinton was president, our country was on defense. That is why Clinton sat back and did absolutely nothing after Islamic extremists tried to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993, then bombed our embassies in Africa, then bombed our base in saudi Arabia, then bombed the USS Cole, etc. Obviously that method was not working, and it ultimately ended up in the September 11th attacks. Thankfully, when that happened Bush was in office and not Clinton. He has now taken the war to the terrorists, and has been successfull in BRINGING DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM TO TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. If Bush is successful in bringing more moderate, free governments to the Middle East, it will strike a massive blow to the root causes of terror: oppression, tyranny, etc

Education: President Bush has completely reformed the American education system in America. Before, the Democrats only solution to fix America's broken schools was the same everytime: spend more money. Unfortunately, that ignores the fact that you can spend all the money in the world, but if the system is broke it does not matter. Which is why President Bush set out to fix the American educational system with his No Child Left Behind Act.  That law required schools and teachers for the first time in American history to be held accountable for their performance. If a school keeps failing to educate its students year after year, guess what? That school adminstrator loses his or her job and they lose funding.  And if students are trapped in a struggling school system, the new law gives that child the ability to transfer to another school that is doing better. It also raises the academic standards and requires all students to reach a basic minumum of skills in order to graduate to the next grade. It all sounds simple, but for years the democrats have opposed basic measures like these because of their close relationship with etachers unions. Therefore, it took a Republican like president Bush to bring true reform.

These are just a few of the reasons why President Bush is so popular here in the US. If you would like, I can keep typing more and more examples. But somehow I get the idea that no  matter what we say, you people will never get it. That is OK though.....most Americans really don't care what you think.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2004, 01:44:29 PM by CWalker187 »


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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2004, 02:04:48 PM »
If Bush is successful in bringing more moderate, free governments to the Middle East, it will strike a massive blow to the root causes of terror: oppression, tyranny, etc

Oppression and tyranny... I'm glad you mentioned that. Who helps bring these people to power? Who supports these people, as long as these people support the U.S. economy? Who turns a blind eye when these tyrants start oppressing, as long as there's something in it for the U.S. economy? If you want the root of terror, look into the U.S. foreign policy of the last 50 years.


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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2004, 02:19:57 PM »
I agree with the opinion of Bush being one of the worst US Presidents the world has seen in a while

Hmmmmm....I wonder why he received the highest popular vote ever then?

i was referring to Europe and the rest of the (western) world. That's the point of my topic, I'm trying to see how the whole western world (meaning western europe and the rest of America) can be very clearly against somebody who succeeds like that in the US...highest popular vote is also due to the participation, but like i said, i'm not fronting on his victory, i'm trying to understand it


Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2004, 02:30:39 PM »
I'll be happy to tell you why I voted for George Bush.  

With me, first, it starts with just his general demeanor.  How many times have we heard that he's a dumbass, that he isn't intelligent, that he's an idiot, he's a moron?  Millions, by every liberal in the world.  When I look @ Bush, I don't see that.  I see a guy who is just a normal human being.  He has the most important job in the world... but he's just as likely to poke fun at himself and say his wife is better at speeches than him... and he doesn't make everything politically correct.  He doesn't suffer fools gladly... when a member of the press asks him a stupid trick question, you're just as likely to hear him call the guy on it, then you are to hear him state the obvious.  He's funny, charming, and respectful to everybody I've seen him talk to, including John Kerry, his opponent.  When asked in the debates if Kerry's problem was a character flaw, Bush refused to characterize it that way, saying that he thought they just disagreed and had different opinions, and instead of giving character flaws, told the moderator the things he ADMIRED, ABOUT HIS OPPONENT.  That speaks volumes.  

I do not, have not, and shall not believe conspiracy theories.  When people hatch up a conspiracy theory, I usually roll my eyes and slam them for not taking responsibility for what they're trying to pass off as a conspiracy.  MOST of the criticism that has been thrown @ the president often is part of some elaborate conspiracy theory putting everyone from Bush, Cheney, Haliburton, Saddam, Osama, and Israel in bed with each other.  So while most of the criticism of Bush has focused on these wild conspiracies... none of it has hit home with me because I don't believe in conspiracies, in most cases.

I do not agree with the democrats that everyone in America is entitled to free health care, to free money if they don't earn any, to free food if they can't buy it.  I don't believe we shoud let illegal immigrants have in state tuition costs, while charging good people from other states 4 or 5 times as much, simply because they're American.  I don't believe in hardly ANYTHING the democratic party supports or pushes!  Almost without fault.  

President Bush believes the government takes too much of our money, and sent some of it back, and lowered taxes.  Senator Kerry believes that we, the American people, aren't paying our fair share to run the government.  I wholeheartedly disagree.

Senator Kerry voted for, against, and for, and against everything dealing with our foriegn policy, even after 9/11.  He voted against measures to support our troops who were in harms way, and he voted FOR the war, then went around complaining about it, as if he wasn't part of the problem, one of the people that sent the President to Iraq in the first place.  Kerry slammed Bush for forming a coalition with the Afgan Warlords, but then Slammed Bush for not forming a coalition in Iraq.  He obviously was motivated by political causes, and often said and criticicized the president very unfairly on both sides of the coin.  Kerry apparently disagrees with the President on every single thing he's done.  I don't believe that, I believe he just appeared that way to try and create contrast, which was disgusting to me.  In the meanwhile, Bush is complimenting Kerry's family and his service in Vietnam.  THERE'S your contrast.

The media has been almost fully in Kerry's pocket during all of this, so part of my resignation to vote Bush was as a message back to the media who constantly hounded him... I saw your news, I saw your negativity, I saw your Bias, and I was still, as an intelligent human under God, able to see through it all and vote for the right man... regardless of your repeated attempts to sway my vote.  

Tons of other reasons.  Bush isn't perfect, but he's one hell of a lot better to me than Kerry would have been.  

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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2004, 03:16:00 PM »
Well, that is two well thought out and well written replies to this guys question about why Americans like President Bush. Apparently, he doesn't like what he is hearing because he isn't responding.

It really isn't their fault though. European media is very biased and all they hear is anti-Bush propaganda 24/7. They really don't hear the other side.


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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2004, 03:26:29 PM »
Well, that is two well thought out and well written replies to this guys question about why Americans like President Bush. Apparently, he doesn't like what he is hearing because he isn't responding.

It really isn't their fault though. European media is very biased and all they hear is anti-Bush propaganda 24/7. They really don't hear the other side.

chill, i don't have time to give u a good response now, but i will read it carefully and reply. but my intention is not to start an argument but to get a better view by looking what people coming from a different perspective i said, i'm trying to understand shit, not to argue with republicans. so don't get offensive
« Last Edit: November 03, 2004, 03:32:00 PM by Kill »


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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2004, 03:31:01 PM »
European media is very biased and all they hear is anti-Bush propaganda 24/7. They really don't hear the other side.

So true, so true. We have extremely left winged media over here. In Holland at least.


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Re: Ok...Woodrow, Trauma and any Bush supporters can you explain sth to me?
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2004, 05:17:35 PM »
i support bush just because i hate kerry, but i think people blow everything to do with bush out of proportion because they hate him. so in other words, he may not be the best guy to have running the country, but he isnt as bad as everyone says......and IMO, better than what kerry would have been

i couldnt agree more

my family are demacrats but we hate kerry so we voted for bush...

ive seen myself agreeing with Sub Z alot lately...