Author Topic: Foreign Enrollment Declines at Universities  (Read 458 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Foreign Enrollment Declines at Universities
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2004, 05:13:18 PM »
Community college is basically there to earn your Associate's Degree (2year), or people attend, and then apply to universities, and transfer there to earn a Bachelor's. To attend community college you just have to be 18 years of age or have a high school diploma. Pretty much anyone can go there. Some people even take classes just for their own interest.

See 7even, you proved my point. You were able to point out one school that you heard is good. Obviously there are some more, but they're not as prestigious as the universities in the U.S.  No other country has as many foreign students as the U.S.  People come from all over the world to attend these universities. You'll find that schools from #1 through #30 in the U.S. make the Top50 in the World list. No joke... I saw UCLA on the TOP50 universities of the world list, and UCLA is like 25 in the U.S. That's only because most of the top schools are private/ivy league. The acceptance rate for some of those schools is like 9%.


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Re: Foreign Enrollment Declines at Universities
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2004, 05:36:03 AM »
Not sure how interesting peeps will find this, but this is a pretty big issue that will continue to affect our economy.  This article doesn't blame Bush for this problem, and certainly a few things are affecting this phenomonon, but talking to some international people I know, a lot of foreigners just aren't looking at the US as the land of opportunity anymore.  And over the past few years we are slowly being branded as being a dumb nation.  We've benefits for decades from the inflow of foreign intellectual capital, now the inflow is drying up, and at the same time some of our intellectual capital is going overseas due to growing frustration with the Bush Administration.  I mentioned before 5,000 US scientists signed a report that documented the Bush Admin's abuse of science.  But anyways, make this what you will.  To me its an issue, to you it might be nothing. 

Full Article Here:

Holy shit ANT!!! You are on to something... America is on the brink of total disaster!


Re: Foreign Enrollment Declines at Universities
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2004, 11:01:17 PM »
Who gives a fuck? If they don't want to come to school here, don't make them, let them go to school where they want.  What good does it do us to teach the rest of the world? They just return home anyways, so if they'd rather be educated somewhere else, more power to them.

In the meanwhile, immigration is rising every year in the U.S., and many of our minority populations (especially the latin american population) are skyrocketing, so since you're apparently attempting to place some value on culturual diversity, the only way you can argue against my statement here is to insult the latin culture. 


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Foreign Enrollment Declines at Universities
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2004, 11:38:03 PM »
No I'm not arguing for cultural diversity, I'm arguing for the importance of intellectual capital.  The U.S. has historically recieved intellectual capital from foreign coutnries becuz we were viewed as the land of freedom and opportunity.  An inflow of intellectual capital is a benefit to our economy, I was only pointing out that we are losing that benefit.   

And its not just foreign students who no longer view us as the land of opportunity, but foreign businesses feel the same way.  Under Bush Foreign Investment into the U.S. shrank from about $300 billion per year, to around $30 billion per year.