Author Topic: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative  (Read 343 times)


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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2004, 11:29:41 PM »
Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I didnt say the administration was racist.  I said a large portion of your base was racist, and also some of your party members are racist as well.  I'm glad there are a few black people in washington, but is your argument essentially "racism doesn't exist as long as there are black people in washington?" Just because some republicans aren't racist doesn't mean all republican voters aren't racist.  Clearly, a disturbing number of republican voters are racist.  Just look at the states republicans dominate in.  They own the red states, which coincidentally are the confederate states, which coincidentally have a history of racism.  I don't think anyone in the KKK voted Kerry, but I could be wrong. 

I'll leave you with some more from the GOP Candidate for Congress in TN:

Stop Welfare and Immigration Replace it with a War on Poverty Genes

"Our cities are being destroyed by dysgenic welfare and immigration. Why does Detroit look like it was hit by a nuclear bomb and Hiroshima look like it was on the side that won the war? Everyone knows the answer but is afraid to say. Because genes have a more devastating effect on civilization than nuclear bombs, and the reason for Detroit's decline is that there are less 'favored races' in Detroit"

- James Hart - GOP Candidate for Congress


Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2004, 11:35:06 PM »


Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2004, 12:00:43 AM »
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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2004, 07:19:35 AM »

The Council of Conservative Citizens

Does the C of CC oppose racism?

"The word racism was concocted by a communist ideologue in the 1920's. The purpose of racism was to instill guilt and shame in the minds of white people and to inflame racial hostility among blacks. This word play succeeded beyond all expectations. Of course, the word racism has no meaning unless whites react to it.  Because racism defines nothing, but instead generates dubious connotations, the C of CC refuses to be held hostage by what the word implies at any given moment. It is normal for white people to be proud of their race and heritage. Is that racist?"

The CoCC also refers to the civil rights movement as the "black power movement."


Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2004, 12:26:32 PM »
It's clear you have NO idea who the two seantors I posted up are.

Do some research on Robert Byrd, and Chris Dodd.


Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2004, 01:07:26 PM »

I guess this guy just sent in enough box tops to become Secretary of Commerce right?


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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2004, 01:22:12 PM »
I have been waiting to hear something about this incident involving race....I don't know how many times I saw that incident replayed and not once did I even think about it as black players being up white fans.  It wasn't until I had seen this repeatedly that I realized that the fans were white and that something race related was probably going to be brought up in the media.  And I'm actually surprised that media hasn't said more about.  That's a good thing :)

How those is that proof that the media is conservative?

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's funnier than that picture in Cracka J's sig.

Funnier?  Come on, The kid's dreaming about what it would be like to have arms! ;D


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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2004, 04:24:16 PM »
No actually I don't study the U.S. Senate, and Congressional Picture book.

But I don't understand is your argument... "well democrats have one or two former racists, so its acceptable for republicans to recieve votes from thousands of racists?" The way I see it, racism is bad on either side.  If u look at the states with a history or racism, they now vote republican.  I'm fairly sure, the racist southern voters are not casting their votes for democratcs overwhelmingly. You see conservatives are supposed to believe strongly in the initial ideals on which this country was founded.  One of those being that "all men are created equal." Is it conservative then, when recent republicans candidates, who are chosen by republican voters, claim that certain races are "favored races."  This is why I say today's republican party is a party of phoney conservatism. 

In regards to Robert Byrd, this was taken from a CNN interview:

Q: What has been your biggest mistake and your biggest success?

A: Well, it's easy to state what has been my biggest mistake. The greatest mistake I ever made was joining the Ku Klux Klan. And I've said that many times. But one cannot erase what he has done. He can only change his ways and his thoughts. That was an albatross around my neck that I will always wear. You will read it in my obituary that I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

You see, that idea is the core reason why I vote democrat.  Yes, they are not without their flaws, but they can openly accept faults, and reform their ideas when presented with new information.  The republicans call that flip-flopping.  I don't condone racism, obviously, and neither do MOST democratic voters.  The difference between Byrd and republican candidates, is Byrd doesn't run on a racist platform, while clearly James Hart ran on a platform of blatant racism.  And republicans voted for him.  They could have chosen another candidate to run, during the primary process, but they wanted the racist guy.  Just like they wanted to keep segregation part of the constitution in Alabama. 

I unfortunately had to choose the support the democratic party because the republican party has become the party of blatant corrpution, arrogance, and incompetence.  And while the democrats are not without their flaws, I will not shy away from a flaw in my party, and pretend as if it doesn't exist.  I suggest if you truly care about the future of the republican party, and of the country, you do the same. 
« Last Edit: November 29, 2004, 06:03:58 PM by Ant »


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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2004, 04:39:18 PM »
I should also remind you that you are the party of strom thurmond, and trent lott.  For those of you who aren't aware Strom Thurmond an unsuccessful campain for president ran against Harry Truman on a platform stating:

"We oppose and condem the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation."

Strom Thurmond's racist platform eventually carried four states.  All of which coincidentally remain red states.

In December of 2002 Trent Lott, Mississipi Senator, and Senate Majority Leader, said this:

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either,"

Eventually Lott had to resign. 


Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2004, 03:24:39 AM »
Call me crazy, but I don't think Strom Thrumund, or Trent Lott have used the word ni**er on a national news as recently as 2001.

My bad. You should know your senators.

M Dogg™

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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2004, 08:49:03 PM »
Call me crazy, but I don't think Strom Thrumund, or Trent Lott have used the word ni**er on a national news as recently as 2001.

My bad. You should know your senators.

but yet they both promoted segration... Lott as recently as 2002/2003.


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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2004, 08:58:02 AM »
Senator Byrd actually used the phrase "white nigger." He wasn't referring to black people, he was actually criticizing white bigotry... he also said that race relations have continually improved during his lifetime, and they need to continue improving.  Now, ok, I am slightly embarassed at Senator Byrd's poor choice of words.  But he is an 83 yr old senator, who is openly honest and critical of his KKK past.  You can find more than  a few quotes were Senator Byrd cricizes the Klan, racism, and admits his own embarassment in his past actions.  He has also willingly chosen a party, that has been responsible for the civil rights movement.

Again, I'll remind you.  When the democrats pushed for a civil rights movement, they did what GWB often claims he does, they made an important decision without considering opinion polls.  The democratically inspired civil rights movement, was the beginning of the end of democrats being able to carry southern states.  In fact, Strom Thurmond, was a former democrat until Johnson pushed for civil rights, the democracts at that time pushed a lot of racists out of their party, and guess what, all those former racists democrats, eventually became republicans. 

But I never said, Bush is racist, or all republicans are racist.  I said, the republican party enjoys the support of racist voters.    Clearly they do.  This is why the republicans can so easily carry the south. 

In case you didn't read it the first time, Strom Thurmond, left the democratic party and ran for president on a platform stating:

"We oppose and condem the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation."

He carried four states, and recently Trent Lott, an individual, your party chose as its majority party leader, actually said:

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either,"

A candidate you ran this past election, ran on a platform stating there are 'favored races' and the reason detriot is a "looks worse than hiroshima", is because it is dominanted by "less favored racists" i.e. blacks.  That's not only racist, it is very similiar to the nazism.  But republicans voted for him during the primaries, and chose him as their candidate. 

and just last week, republican voters in alabama, voted to keep segregation part of their state constitution. 

When I said the republican party recieves a lot of racist support you responded "LOL! I'd really like to see you try and back that up with facts."  Not only have I presented you with plenty of 'facts', but your making it seem as if ur second republican myth may be true also.  But then again, maybe its not that republicans are entirely illiterate, they just can't read anything that disagrees with their idealistic view of their party.     


Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2004, 11:53:39 AM »
Senator Byrd actually used the phrase "white nigger." He wasn't referring to black people, he was actually criticizing white bigotry... he also said that race relations have continually improved during his lifetime, and they need to continue improving.  Now, ok, I am slightly embarassed at Senator Byrd's poor choice of words.  But he is an 83 yr old senator, who is openly honest and critical of his KKK past.  You can find more than  a few quotes were Senator Byrd cricizes the Klan, racism, and admits his own embarassment in his past actions.  He has also willingly chosen a party, that has been responsible for the civil rights movement.

Again, I'll remind you.  When the democrats pushed for a civil rights movement, they did what GWB often claims he does, they made an important decision without considering opinion polls.  The democratically inspired civil rights movement, was the beginning of the end of democrats being able to carry southern states.  In fact, Strom Thurmond, was a former democrat until Johnson pushed for civil rights, the democracts at that time pushed a lot of racists out of their party, and guess what, all those former racists democrats, eventually became republicans. 

But I never said, Bush is racist, or all republicans are racist.  I said, the republican party enjoys the support of racist voters.    Clearly they do.  This is why the republicans can so easily carry the south. 

In case you didn't read it the first time, Strom Thurmond, left the democratic party and ran for president on a platform stating:

"We oppose and condem the Democratic Convention in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation."

He carried four states, and recently Trent Lott, an individual, your party chose as its majority party leader, actually said:

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either,"

A candidate you ran this past election, ran on a platform stating there are 'favored races' and the reason detriot is a "looks worse than hiroshima", is because it is dominanted by "less favored racists" i.e. blacks.  That's not only racist, it is very similiar to the nazism.  But republicans voted for him during the primaries, and chose him as their candidate. 

and just last week, republican voters in alabama, voted to keep segregation part of their state constitution. 

When I said the republican party recieves a lot of racist support you responded "LOL! I'd really like to see you try and back that up with facts."  Not only have I presented you with plenty of 'facts', but your making it seem as if ur second republican myth may be true also.  But then again, maybe its not that republicans are entirely illiterate, they just can't read anything that disagrees with their idealistic view of their party.     

So just two posts ago, you have no idea who Chris Dodd and Robert Byrd are, but now you're an expert on the civil rights movement, democratic involvement, and try and excuse somebody for using a racist term? It's funny to me how you brand a whole group of voters as "Racist" with no proof, but then move to excuse a Grand Dragon of the KKK because he's a member of your party. Does that seem right to you?

What you said was: "You do realize that a large portion of the conservative base is actually racist?" that statement is a lot different than: "the republican party enjoys the support of racist voters"

I don't see how anything you've posted has proved that "a large portion of the conservative base is actually racist."

If anything has been proven, it's that racism doesn't follow party lines.

You're moron for typing it, and an even bigger moron for believing it.


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Re: The Conservative Media... proof the media is conservative
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2004, 04:54:40 PM »
No they are very similiar statements.  1) republicans enjoy the support of racist voters 2) racist voters constitute a large portion of the republican base (base referring to segments of the population that always vote republican) racist voters are part of the republican base, and most racist voters always vote republican.  Now large is subjectively defined.  I see the facts I mentioned, and say that a large portion of the republican base is racist.  Republican support of racism helped Strom Thurmond carry four states on an openly racist platform.  To me that is a significant amount of racist support.  According to former majority leader Lott, his state was "proud" it voted for thurmond even in 2002.  Also, Thurmond was supported by the republican party until the day he died, and continually voted into office by republican voters.

But let's review your logic:

1.  Republican Majority Leader says the country would be better of if we elected strom Thurmond president.  Let's not neglect the fact that republicans a) choose to run strom thurmond for a senate seat and b) republican voters kept him in office. 

2.  Republicans vote to keep segregation part of their state constitution in 2004.

3.  Republicans elect a candidate who wrote a book entitled "favored races" in 2004.


4.  One democratic senator was a member of the KKK in the 40s, and has since denouced the KKK, supported civil rights causes, and affirmative action, and says "one cannot erase what he has done. He can only change his ways and his thoughts. That was an albatross around my neck that I will always wear it." 
And you say essentially both sides are equally racist?  Please explain to me, how having one member of your party be in the KKK 60 years ago, compares to the examples I gave you. 

Why is it that republicans always carry southern states? lol Why is it that the democrats actually pushed people out of their party to pursue civil rights?  Do you really think racist southerners vote democrat, and the non racists southerners vote republican? Are there any grounds on which you would criticize your party or do you intend to play see no evil hear no evil for the rest of your life? 


« Last Edit: December 01, 2004, 07:30:21 PM by Ant »