Author Topic: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song  (Read 1857 times)


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #90 on: December 10, 2004, 05:13:18 PM »
Honestly, I think you guys are taking this way too's just a song..let it go


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #91 on: December 10, 2004, 07:15:37 PM »
Just don't listen to it. It will save you all a lot of trouble.

The man speaks the truth.


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #92 on: December 10, 2004, 09:45:48 PM »
Wow, I had no idea you had all these personal issues. Allow me to try and ease your pain and give you another perspective that maybe you can try and spread in your neighborhood. I'm not trying to say you can change society but change has happenned before and it has to start somewhere. You never know.

Greeks, Jews, Irish, Italians, they all have struggled, and get along great with minority communities. But this is not about what you are thinking. As I've stated, over and over and over and over again, it's self image and self hate. How darker people view themselves, and how we hate what we see. We see a society that tells us white skin, blue eyes and blond hair is hot.

I'll admit that I don't come from a culture that is based on self hate, but there are Jews that go through that because of the accusations made against them. I assume it isn't easy being Polish, with all the jokes and all. Blue eyes and blond hair is hardly common for whites. Besides for you a little whiter may be seen as better, but for us a little darker is better. Look at all the whites that tan, or frown upon really pale girls.

There are very few black models, and just a little bit more Latina models than black. Our societies image of what's beautiful is Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson and if they are a different race, then they have to be light like a Christina Aguilera. That's the issue, the issue of our men going to different races because that's what they are told is beauty, not a beautiful black woman or Latina, but a blond hair, blue eyed woman. Also, since it's taboo, white women go for darker men. And our women are left being the worst objectified women in the country by their own men, as our men run credit cards up there ass, or spank them with stop signs. Our women are not shown as beautiful, but as slutty, trashy. In order to be a beautiful Latina, or black, you have to show skin, shake your ass, have a big ass that you are willing to hang out. It's not ok to just wear a beautiful dress to an award show, our women have to slut themselves. That's the issue, I can write more, and I mean a lot more, as this is just part of the issue.

I'm going to have to disagree with this. Women in general are objectified. Britney Spears? C'mon man if you think she doesn't slut it up then you're fooling yourself. Jessica Simpson doesn't exactly where coveralls either. Look at Jennifer Lopez, who isn't white Latina by any means and she is viewed as a beautiful woman, and hardly sluts it up anymore than the other white beautiful women. Whitney Houston never had to get naked or objectify herself. Aretha Franklin wasn't exactly the type of woman you'd expect to be in the forefront, but she was always treated with class and respect. She was dark and overweight. Halle Berry was seen as the most beautiful woman in the world well before she showed any skin.

Oh and you wanna see objectifying? Go watch an 80s Hair Metal video and see all the white girls slut it up for David Lee Roth, Poison, Motley Crue. It just so happens that rap is the scene now and I'm assuming the rappers choose what kind of girls they want to show, because when the metal guys did it a black girl was rare in their videos, and the girls in those videos were just as disrespected as they are now.

Yes, Greeks, Irish, Italians, Jews, they've struggled, but the interracial dating thing is not just about struggle, it's self image and self hate, and how we hate ourselves because we can't be white.

Go to the Greek Islands and take a look at the average skin complexion. You'll find that they're actually rather dark. Not too dark obviously but some are as dark and darker than Derek Jeter. Anyway, it may not be about self hate but it is still prejudice when Greeks or Jews or Italians frown upon mixed breeding.

And for your comment on Mexico, go to Mexico, very few rich white people, millions of poor brown people. And yes, there was some intermixing, that's because we have the same issue, if a woman can be pretty enough, she'll get a white man, if a man makes it, he gets a white woman. In Latin culture, more so that black culture, we thrive to be white. Because white's are higher class, they have more money, they are seen as more attractive, we don't care about our struggle, because we don't know we are in one. We are in a struggle trying to be white, because we hate ourself. We hate having dark skin because it means we are poor, we hate that we aren't from Europe, because it mean we came from savages, we hate our dark hair, our dark eyes and anything else that's part of us, because it makes it harder to fit a European image. You don't understand it, because you can't.

I think you should take your Mexican friends to Flint Michigan, Asbury Park New Jersey, or about 1000 other loser towns in the states, and see what normal white people live like. The well to do Americans are about 2% of Americans. There are more poor whites in the USA than there are poor blacks and Latinos combined. Total blacks and Latinos make up less than 30% of Americans, so the poor black and Latino obviously make up less than 30%. I'd bet at least 50% of white Americans are around or below the poverty line, maybe 40% above the poverty line and 8% live pretty good. This leaves the 2% to strive as rich folks do. White people are about 70% of the country. Go to the rest of the white world and you'll see the same thing. That European image you find so hard to achieve is just as hard for the average white guy to achieve. Trust me on this.

You never grew up with girls that will turn you down, and straight up say, because you are too dark. I'm talking about my own Mexicans. I am talking about more than once. It makes you want to have lighter skin, because if you had lighter skin, you can date the girls you want. And our girls are raised to find white men, our men are raised that lighter girls are better. We are in a struggle to be light. We can't understand what it's like to be raised in a culture that hate's it's own self. You'll never understand it.

I did not grow up around girls that would turn away because I was too dark. I grew up around girls that would turn away because I was too light, or white. I grew up in a predominantly black area. The blacks girls didn't want the white kid from around the corner and the white girls wanted the cool black guys. The Greek girls were told their whole lives to stay away from black guys. This lead to them finding black guys very desirable. I was the guy that would show up at the door to pick them up so their parents knew thought they were going out with a nice Greek boy. Then they run off with the black guys. It didn't bother me though since I did it more for my black friends and I personally was against going with girls in my area, simply because I don't want to run into girls when I don't want to see them. However I had a couple white and Greek friends that would get really pissed off and wish they were black. So it does work both ways.

Most of the black girls here don't really go for white guys. The ones that mature past the street phase end up with more mature educated sophisticated men, but usually black men.

Let me end this by saying I feel bad that Latino societies actually look up to the mess that is white European society. If they only knew how few whites actually succeed in life and become rich. My advice to you is to find a girl you want to be with and any girl that discounts a guy for how light or dark skin is isn't one worth marrying or being with. I guess I was lucky growing up in such a multicultural city where we see so many faults and assets of so many races that we realize what equality is with out needing to be told.

LOL I can't believe this all started because of what Nas said about black men selling out. The last few posts have nothing to do with that.


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #93 on: December 10, 2004, 10:03:35 PM »
my fingers constantly smell like cinamon


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #94 on: December 11, 2004, 01:08:47 AM »

It's not about realistic or not headnut. I just want to explain to you why Nas is a dick to me, which I did. If he disses blacks for acting white basically, I see it as a diss to my people as well. Like you would too, no matter how realistic Nas dissing blacks for acting latino is. Which makes your accusation wrong and my explanation valid and understandable.
My assumption: You're disgruntled because Nas can make comments towards Blacks, without being considered racist, while you can. True? Yes.

Your assumption: That I'd be upset if Nas downed Blacks for acting Latinos. True? No.

Blacks in New York, the Bay, Miami, Houston etc. all act similar to Latinos and vice versa. There is no problem with them acting like each other. NOW! If Latinos enslaved Blacks, like Whites did, it would be a different story. But, since the shoe isn't on the other foot, your "analogy" is lame, unrealistic and pointless.

Fuck Your Existence

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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #95 on: December 11, 2004, 01:48:21 AM »
lol this shit is never gonna end


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #96 on: December 11, 2004, 02:43:26 AM »

It's not about realistic or not headnut. I just want to explain to you why Nas is a dick to me, which I did. If he disses blacks for acting white basically, I see it as a diss to my people as well. Like you would too, no matter how realistic Nas dissing blacks for acting latino is. Which makes your accusation wrong and my explanation valid and understandable.
My assumption: You're disgruntled because Nas can make comments towards Blacks, without being considered racist, while you can. True? Yes.

Your assumption: That I'd be upset if Nas downed Blacks for acting Latinos. True? No.

Blacks in New York, the Bay, Miami, Houston etc. all act similar to Latinos and vice versa. There is no problem with them acting like each other. NOW! If Latinos enslaved Blacks, like Whites did, it would be a different story. But, since the shoe isn't on the other foot, your "analogy" is lame, unrealistic and pointless.

In fact, Latinos play a big role when it comes to enslaving blacks. Apart from that, you do your best to miss the whole point. Either you're severly dumb, or you just can't stand being owned.
Therefore, I try my best to make it extra simple for you.
If person A disses person B for acting like I do, I'm offended. Because it implies, that acting like I do sucks, and that I suck, in consequence. Got it finally, for christ's sake?
So you wouldnt be offended at all, if Nas said "Fuck all blacks who eat latino food and fuck latinas"? I doubt it. I really really doubt it.
And fuck you for keep telling me why I am mad. I guess Im more able to tell people why I'm mad, and I do it for the whole thread long, and you still didnt get it.
Also, I can criticize blacks, so why would I be mad that I can't and Nas can when I actually can? I do it all the time. Because race is no issue to me. For instance, I just criticized Nas, who's black. Then, yesterday or so, I criticized Kobe, who's black. I also said Cam'Ron is retarded, who's also black. Lol.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #97 on: December 11, 2004, 09:53:04 AM »
Latinos had nothing to do with enslaving blacks. The SPANISH did, but not Latinos. Um...Owned.

"Just like the spanish exterminating Tainos/Raping the Black and Indian women, creating Latinos" As you can see, LATINOS had nothing to do with slavery, in fact, most Latinos have Black ancestry, so why would Blacks diss Blacks for acting Latino when some come from the same vein? Ouch. Really "owned" there.

If Nas said "Fuck Latinas" I'd laugh. I don't care...Why should I? That means more Latinas for me. He wouldn't say it though, because we're similar. If he said "Fuck Blacks who act Spanish" that would be more realistic, which I still wouldn't care about because I don't associate with the Spanish. Owned...

Again, moron, you're mad because Nas makes negative comments towards Blacks and is NOT considered, but when you do it, you ARE considered racist. Owned...

Had you just stopped earlier, you wouldn't look so dumb. Closet racist....


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #98 on: December 11, 2004, 11:23:45 AM »
Latinos had nothing to do with enslaving blacks. The SPANISH did, but not Latinos. Um...Owned.

"Just like the spanish exterminating Tainos/Raping the Black and Indian women, creating Latinos" As you can see, LATINOS had nothing to do with slavery, in fact, most Latinos have Black ancestry, so why would Blacks diss Blacks for acting Latino when some come from the same vein? Ouch. Really "owned" there.

If Nas said "Fuck Latinas" I'd laugh. I don't care...Why should I? That means more Latinas for me. He wouldn't say it though, because we're similar. If he said "Fuck Blacks who act Spanish" that would be more realistic, which I still wouldn't care about because I don't associate with the Spanish. Owned...

Again, moron, you're mad because Nas makes negative comments towards Blacks and is NOT considered, but when you do it, you ARE considered racist. Owned...

Had you just stopped earlier, you wouldn't look so dumb. Closet racist....

I love how you base your knowlegde of world history on lines by rappers. Real smart. Go read a fucking book. Just to clarify for you, all those light skinned latinos are very much at least half spanish. You see when Spain and America fought, the US won. If Spain won and continued to attack the US, we'd have seen an entirely different USA, or whatever it would be called. Latinos would be fill up the upper middle class, while Blacks would have been right back at the bottom. It just so happens that the whites won the battle of colonialism years before. Spain and Portugal were very prosperous inthe beginning, and portugese are just as dark as the average latino. They are reffered to as hispanic for a reason.


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #99 on: December 11, 2004, 11:31:33 AM »
I meant the Mexican American War, not the Spanish American War, change the first Spain parts to Mexico. And if you look at the head Mexicans in that day, they were just white as Spaniards.


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #100 on: December 11, 2004, 12:36:47 PM »

I love how you base your knowlegde of world history on lines by rappers. Real smart. Go read a fucking book. Just to clarify for you, all those light skinned latinos are very much at least half spanish. You see when Spain and America fought, the US won. If Spain won and continued to attack the US, we'd have seen an entirely different USA, or whatever it would be called. Latinos would be fill up the upper middle class, while Blacks would have been right back at the bottom. It just so happens that the whites won the battle of colonialism years before. Spain and Portugal were very prosperous inthe beginning, and portugese are just as dark as the average latino. They are reffered to as hispanic for a reason.

Since I didn't have a book in front of me, it would've been hard to quote one, right? Just to clarify for YOU, the light skinned Latinos you see here are NOT accepted by the Spanish. Someone like me or Fat Joe or Pitbull are looked upon as trash by the Spanish, hence why we never associate with them. The Spanish filled the upper middle class, the Latinos stayed with the Blacks. So you're not saying nothing...


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #101 on: December 11, 2004, 02:03:09 PM »

I love how you base your knowlegde of world history on lines by rappers. Real smart. Go read a fucking book. Just to clarify for you, all those light skinned latinos are very much at least half spanish. You see when Spain and America fought, the US won. If Spain won and continued to attack the US, we'd have seen an entirely different USA, or whatever it would be called. Latinos would be fill up the upper middle class, while Blacks would have been right back at the bottom. It just so happens that the whites won the battle of colonialism years before. Spain and Portugal were very prosperous inthe beginning, and portugese are just as dark as the average latino. They are reffered to as hispanic for a reason.

Since I didn't have a book in front of me, it would've been hard to quote one, right? Just to clarify for YOU, the light skinned Latinos you see here are NOT accepted by the Spanish. Someone like me or Fat Joe or Pitbull are looked upon as trash by the Spanish, hence why we never associate with them. The Spanish filled the upper middle class, the Latinos stayed with the Blacks. So you're not saying nothing...

Just like whites in Mobile Alabama are seen as lower level humans by whites in Greenwhich. That doesnm't mean you'd be seen as lower than blacks to the Spaniards. Let's be realistic here place, there aren't enough Spaniards to to globalize the entire States or even the colonies they had. The very few would be placed at the top, while the rest would have to be Latino. If Mexicans won the War with US, they would have taken over just about all of the deep south and west. Texas to California for sure and maybe Florida and surrounding areas and the Whites would have stayed North. All slave owners would have been taken down or fled, they hardly could have taken all their slaves, and the slave owners that were killed would have had all these slaves left over. What do you think the Mexicans would have done with theses slaves? Put them in university and give them good jobs? All black slaves left over would have been thrown to the bottom of society. The light Mexicans would be at the top, the brown in the middle and upper middle, and the blacks at the bottom. So please don't think that Latinos and Blacks are in the same boat, because they aren't. You may be pushed down by the rich whites in America, but a black population in Mexico would be just as pushed down by the Mestizos. The Amerindians would still be on their own. Also don't think the Spanish were as white as you'd think. Remember that Muslims had conquered Spain for 700 years. Quite a lot of mix breeding can go on in that time. Muslims can't enslave Muslims, but anyone who didn't convert, was forced to or tortured.


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #102 on: December 11, 2004, 02:16:47 PM »
Latinos had nothing to do with enslaving blacks. The SPANISH did, but not Latinos. Um...Owned.

"Just like the spanish exterminating Tainos/Raping the Black and Indian women, creating Latinos" As you can see, LATINOS had nothing to do with slavery, in fact, most Latinos have Black ancestry, so why would Blacks diss Blacks for acting Latino when some come from the same vein? Ouch. Really "owned" there.

If Nas said "Fuck Latinas" I'd laugh. I don't care...Why should I? That means more Latinas for me. He wouldn't say it though, because we're similar. If he said "Fuck Blacks who act Spanish" that would be more realistic, which I still wouldn't care about because I don't associate with the Spanish. Owned...

Again, moron, you're mad because Nas makes negative comments towards Blacks and is NOT considered, but when you do it, you ARE considered racist. Owned...

Had you just stopped earlier, you wouldn't look so dumb. Closet racist....

LoL.. *AGAIN* missing my whole point like a 5th grader and telling me *AGAIN* why blacks should love latinos and hate whites and telling me *AGAIN* that you think that I am mad cause Nas can diss blacks while I already proved you wrong in all these things, I can hardly believe you read my post.. LOL... You're worthless.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2004, 02:18:51 PM by 7even the Harbinger »
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #103 on: December 11, 2004, 02:24:20 PM »
Shallow: As a Latino who's had the unfortunate oppurtunity to be around a few Spaniards, I can tell you, they look at Mexicans, Hondurans, Salvaodreans, Guatemalans etc etc as trash. That's all that matters here. Whether we're lower than Blacks, to them, or not. That is beside the point. You two dudes are trying to justify your meaningless point by bringing up Latinos to me, but it's not doing anything but making both look dumb. What you wrote, that's just a huge what if. What if the Africans came over here on their own. What if Whites never existed. Blah blah blah. It's all a bunch of what if's man. I ain't trying to hear a what if. You don't know what the Mexicans would've done. For all you know, they would've freed the slaves.

7even: You've been owned. LOL @ You making a dumbass post, being called on it, and back peddling like a hoe.

This should end everything here. You two CANNOT say the comments that Nas said about Blacks, without looking racist, while Nas can. That frustrates you and now you've both got your panties tied in a bunch about it. You can't get everything in life, let this go. Nas has is opinions, you got yours, done deal.


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Re: Nas Sparks Controversy w/ 'Coon Picnic' Song
« Reply #104 on: December 11, 2004, 02:28:12 PM »
7even: You've been owned. LOL @ You making a dumbass post, being called on it, and back peddling like a hoe.

This should end everything here. You two CANNOT say the comments that Nas said about Blacks, without looking racist, while Nas can. That frustrates you and now you've both got your panties tied in a bunch about it. You can't get everything in life, let this go. Nas has is opinions, you got yours, done deal.

Do you have a tumor or something? How can you ignore my posts so extremely hard? Incredible. I explained you trice why Im mad, and you STILL say that Im mad for a different reason, like if it was a fact.
How can you repress the fact that I owned you, and keep telling yourself that you owned me? Unbelieveable. When someone says "Hey, Fuck you man, you're almost as much of a retarded piece of shit as SGV is!" -  you won't be the slightest little bit offened? Have you seriously not gotten my point after like 5 different ways of explaining it?
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin