Author Topic: question about mp3 players  (Read 473 times)


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Re: question about mp3 players
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2005, 12:07:48 PM »

you're an internet pussy... this is not theory this is a proven FACT.... you're not going to whoop anyone's ass and that's already been proven time and time again little bitch boy...stop acting hard on the internet, pussy

Same Applies To *Jamal* ;)


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Re: question about mp3 players
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2005, 12:33:58 PM »
ask stupid questions.... expect people to make you look like the fucking retard you are

i'm glad you now know that there are mp3 players with batteries and cords... welcome to slow education is really advancing

and finally don't make me give you my address so you can bitch out of another fight you fucking internet pussy

I just made you look stupid when you tried to clown me.  and I'd whoop your square ass any fuckin day you homo.  your so dumb I can't believe they let you into the military, but I guess that was your only choice since college was way out of the question.

well i can't say that you're dumb because even dumb people know they're not're just fucking retarded... you live in your little retarded wonder land of stupid questions, ice cweeem and internet fights

you're an internet pussy... this is not theory this is a proven FACT.... you're not going to whoop anyone's ass and that's already been proven time and time again little bitch boy...stop acting hard on the internet, pussy

hahaha, your a toolshed.  I guarntee you were a fuckin loser in highschool and probaably got picked on all the time.  that is why you went into the navy, and then tried becoming a cop.  You can call me whatever the fuck you want over the internet, I don't care.  anyone can calll anyonone anything, your behind a computer screen.  there is no fact.  yeah, I do wanna kick downy's ass.  I'd like to kick yours too.  and plenty of other people on this forum.  The real fact of the matter is it would be very dumb to travel the whole distance to whoop a lil toolshed like yourself.  Plus I'm sure you still live with your mom, and she would call the cops on me.  Now is that worth whooping someones ass that I never met?  no, not really.  call me a pussy all you want, it ain't gonna change anything.  your thousands of miles away, thats real tuff.  Hey don't you have a cd changer to fill with music that your too grown up for, and some gi joes to play with?


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Re: question about mp3 players
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2005, 12:38:33 PM »


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Re: question about mp3 players
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2005, 12:39:39 PM »
all i got out of that was


hahaha, your a toolshed.  I guarntee you were a fuckin loser in highschool and probaably got picked on all the time.  that is why you went into the navy, and then tried becoming a cop.  You can call me whatever the fuck you want over the internet, I don't care.  anyone can calll anyonone anything, your behind a computer screen.  there is no fact.  yeah, I do wanna kick downy's ass.  I'd like to kick yours too.  and plenty of other people on this forum.  The real fact of the matter is it would be very dumb to travel the whole distance to whoop a lil toolshed like yourself.  Plus I'm sure you still live with your mom, and she would call the cops on me.  Now is that worth whooping someones ass that I never met?  no, not really.  call me a pussy all you want, it ain't gonna change anything.  your thousands of miles away, thats real tuff.  Hey don't you have a cd changer to fill with music that your too grown up for, and some gi joes to play with?


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Re: question about mp3 players
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2005, 01:16:27 PM »
yeah I know, we got Mr. Mature here.  Hey everybody look at me!  I'm super mature!  I can wipe my own ass!  You guys are so childish!  Grow up!

oh yeah. 

Cockle Bur Dr.

thats the street I live on.  there is a school there.  If you don't show up, you are a pussy.  and thats a FACT.  and the word FACT means it can be proven.  but you probably already know that cuz you are so mature.


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Re: question about mp3 players
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2005, 01:25:32 PM »
yeah I know, we got Mr. Mature here.  Hey everybody look at me!  I'm super mature!  I can wipe my own ass!  You guys are so childish!  Grow up!

oh yeah. 

Cockle Bur Dr.

thats the street I live on.  there is a school there.  If you don't show up, you are a pussy.  and thats a FACT.  and the word FACT means it can be proven.  but you probably already know that cuz you are so mature.

i don't want to know where you ho at

look at the little retard trying to get his E-pride back... it's too late grundy... it's already gone you can let it go now