Author Topic: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'  (Read 275 times)


Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« on: April 21, 2005, 12:33:31 PM »
A book that's quietly being distributed within Norway's Muslim community refers to Norwegians as the sons of Satan. The book, written by an anonymous author, has been turned over to police by Oslo's Anti-Racism Center.

In addition to associating Norwegians with the devil, the book lashes out at Norwegian ethics and morality. The author, believed to be a mullah or other Muslim religious leader living in Oslo, claims that Norwegians don't have legitimate children. "They're conceived here and there," claims the author.

Several local politicians who themselves are Muslims say they're appalled by the book. "I can't accept that this author pretends he's speaking on behalf of all Muslims or Pakistanis," Kamil Azhar of the Labour Party told newspaper VG on Tuesday. "The book's content is ridiculous and far from reality."

Azhar joined other Muslim politicians and the Anti-Racism Center's efforts to get the book labelled as illegal, on the grounds it violates Norwegian law against racist expression.

A Norwegian lawyer who specializes in free speech issues said the book, called "Satan's son," appears to teeter on the edge of legality. Turning it in to the police, however, isn't a good idea, says lawyer Kyrre Eggen.

"I believe Muslims have the same right to freedom of expression as Norwegians do in relation to Muslims," Eggen said. "The best response is open debate, not to go to the police."

The book, written in Urdu, was published by a group called the All Pakistan Muslim Society. The group isn't registered in Norway.

The author calls Norwegians "barbarians" and "poisonous snakes" who have poisoned humanity. "These white men have set off a devilish spiral in the whole world... to plague people," according to the book.

"I feel a responsibility to react when I come over something like this," Akhtar Chaudhry, also of the Labour Party, told VG. "I don't want it on my conscience that I didn't try to fight something so racist."

I thought Islam wasn't racist? How are you going to have an "Open Debate" with somebody when they view you as a "poisonous snake" or the Son of Satan?


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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2005, 12:36:51 PM »
*waits for Infinite to defend the content of the book*


Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2005, 12:41:55 PM »
It's not like this doesn't have support in the Koran....

The Evil One has got the better of them: so he has made them lose the remembrance of Allah. They are the Party of the Evil One. Truly, it is the Party of the Evil One that will perish!

YUSUFALI: Those who resist Allah and His Messenger will be among those most humiliated.
PICKTHAL: Lo! those who oppose Allah and His messenger, they will be among the lowest.
SHAKIR: Surely (as for) those who are in opposition to Allah and His Messenger; they shall be among the most abased

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2005, 02:11:55 PM »
Lol. Bert Englewood on his constant quest against Islam. So wrong, so white, yet so dumb.

I dont even know where to start. Its like the vulture kneeling over a fat piece of meat. He dont know where to start picking at the shit.

Hmm, for starters, faggot.......lets quickly review what the faggot has posted, so we can identify the source of faggotism and alienate it, in order to better study it.

-Random book is distributed in the Muslim community of Norway. No known author, no known number of individuals behind the creation and distribution of this "book".

-The Book is condemned by the greater Muslim community.

- Book is something out of a NOI members head on  a crack binge. White man this, and devil that etc etc etc.
"books content is ridicolous and far from reality"

Woodrow Englewood decides that this is inherent proof of Islams racism? Now, if you want my honest opinion, as a man, as Abdul R Karim, I think this post is stupid, even compared to the usual stupidity, this is REALLY stupid. I dont feel that this is worth a response.
I dont feel any Muslim in here should respond to this garbage.

The people with IQs over 80 will understand why Tech and the rest of the Muslims in here dont respond to this garbage, because they will smell the garbage content. The parade of dick licking hicks and quasi homo Euro trash will prance and dance but it doesnt matter because they can prance and dance better than they can read and write.

One last question, Engle Wood 187. I was wondering, ole chap, if you could explain to me the chapters in the Quran those quotes are taken from. Of course, kind sir, I am assuming you know as well as I do, the fallacy of picking random quotes out of text, out of context.
Its a very easy strategy, that if I used on the Bible, would make this thread look like a greater joke than it already is. So I was wondering if you could help me out with that. Im assuming of course that if youre quoting the Quran, you obviously must have read it, as opposed to finding that same quote in someones article.  8)
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2005, 02:18:48 PM »

Most of Norway's top politicians, but very few Imams participated in Saturday's Muslim torchlight protest march in Oslo against violence and terrorism.
Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik was disappointed over the fact that most Imams boycotted the protest march.

- They say they are against violence and murders. Why don't they join us here in this protest, Bondevik said to NRK during the march.

A group of Muslim leaders in Norway had wanted to disassociate themselves from violence and terrorism, and had organized the torchlight march through downtown Oslo to mark their stand.
However, another group had opposed the march.

The background for the march is a statement by the spokesman for the Islamic Council In Norway, Zahid Mukhtar, who earlier commented on the murder of the Ducth film maker Theo van Gogh.

Mukhtar said on a nationwide TV discussion program that he could understand that Muslims had been provoced by van Gogh's latest film, and that he could understand why someone murdered him.

-We object to the murder and violence under any circumstance. Mukhtar's statements have created an ambiguity which we cannot afford, says Khalid Mahmood, City Council representative for the Oslo Labour Party.

However, on Saturday morning Aftenposten reported that central Imams from several Oslo's mosques do not wish to take part in the march.

-I react to the fact that Muslims continuously have to prove that we are against violence by participating in protest marches. We feel we are being forced to take part, says Imran Mushtaq, deputy leader of the Islamic Council of Norway, to Aftenposten.

He has therefore launched a campaign encouraging people to sign a petition titled "Muslims in Norway are of course opposed to all violence and criminal acts".



Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2005, 02:22:05 PM »
Islamic spokesperson sympathize with murder

Dr. Zahid Mukhtar, spokesperson for Islamic Council in Norway, stated that he sympathize with the reason why the Dutch film director Theo van Gogh was murdered.

Mukhtar made the statement at the Norwegian debate program Holmgang Wednesday. Program leader Oddvar Stenstrøm asked if he understood that some Muslims could become so provoked that they killed, answered Mukhtar, «I understand that, even if there is no statutory authorization to do so.»

Jens Stoltenberg, leader of the Labor Party, demands that Mukhtar retracts his statements.

«I want to ask Muslim leaders in Norway in the most urgent manner to clearly and unmistakable condemn such violent acts as the murder of van Gogh,» Stoltenberg said to the Norwegian daily Aftenposten.

Stoltenberg stressed that Mukhtar’s statements to a large degree injures Muslims in Norway and the work for increasing tolerance.

Erna Solberg, minister of local government, did not participate in the program, but stated to Aftenposten that it is important to stress that no one in Norway must show understanding for the murder of people like van Gogh.

«It is one thing to understand what has happened. It is something entirely different to have understanding for the action,» Solberg said.

«Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Have mercy,» the 47-year-old film director Theo van Gogh reportedly called out before he was shot eight or nine times on an open street in Amsterdam.

van Gogh had received death threats before because he through his work criticized and made fun of Islam.

A 26-year-old known Muslim fundamentalist was last week arrested for the murder.

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2005, 02:22:36 PM »
Oh God.  ::) I give up. Im going to pick up some chronic. Enough Wcc for today. Peace in the middle east.
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2005, 04:53:33 PM »
your propensity for hypocrisy is astounding.  a barrage of posts suggesting outright hatred of the islamic religion, while at the same time you turn a blind eye to the hijacking of your own party by the american taliban (frist, bush, delay). its really quite comical to hear you proclaim yourself an objectivist, while at the same time supporting a party that has been hijacked by christian extremists that are just as intolerant as the muslim extremists you seem to despise.  In reality you share more incommon with a muslim extremist than you do with a traditional conservative... you are admittedly intolerant, willingly ignorant of facts, and often times possessing opinions that are diametrically opposed to your professed ideology's core beliefs. 

for someone who claims aethism its beyond ironic that you pledge allegiance to a man who is part of the worst sect of the christian religion.  what type of twisted rationality allows you to seemingly despise muslim extremists while at the same time support a born-again christan president? 


Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2005, 05:55:14 PM »
a barrage of posts suggesting outright hatred of the islamic religion,

So I post articles critical of Islam. How you turn that into an "Outright Hatred" is beyond me? Care to explain? I hate to break it to you, but just because I find error in islam, how does it make me “hate” it by point it out? I’ve done nothing but post articles dealing with things MUSLIMS have done and said. How you derive “hatred” from me pointing these things out is lunacy.

You really show your ignorance of the subjects you try and discuss, but you mask that ignorance with misplaced attacks and semi-intellectual ramblings.

There's so much wrong with your post that I don't even know where to begin. Do you know what Taliban did? Do you know what atrocities they committed in the name of their religion? For you to use the term "American Taliban" not only shows your ignorance of the said group, but excuses the actions of the Taliban. I’ve yet to see President Bush ban music, stage public beheadings, or make it illegal for women to be seen in public without a burka.

You can claim that the Republican Party was "hijacked by Christian extremists" but once again, you just show what a dunce you are by making that statement. Is the president a religious man? Yes. Is that a problem for me? No. Like it or not, you being an American, Bush is your president as well.

It’s crazy to me that you think I have much in common with a muslim extremist. Have you read the Koran and haddiths? Have you spent time in a mosque? Do you know any muslims in real life? Somehow I doubt it.

Do you understand that Saudi Arabia HALF of all citizens support Bin Laden's views? Does that strike you as a problem? Is it just a tiny minority of individuals who have misrepresented islam when HALF of Saudi Arabia’s population supports Bin Laden?

I urge you to find me one Christian sect of any importance that supports an act of Christian terrorism.

I’m a conservative in nature. Does that mean I have to support EVERYTHING conservative? You fail to understand that I CAN be conservative, and have differeing views from the conservative line. You’re trying to paint people with such a narrow brush it’s funny to me. 

I really think you should examine your hatred towards religion. It can be a very calming and reassuring influence in ones life. Your venom and bile that you spew towards “Christian sects” and your hatred for the president has obvious made you wary of religion. It’s a shame you let your hatred run you.


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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2005, 03:48:22 PM »

«Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Have mercy,» the 47-year-old film director Theo van Gogh reportedly called out before he was shot eight or nine times on an open street in Amsterdam.

did some Muslims kill just for poking fun at islam ? isnt it up to Allah to punish those opposed to his teachings ? i know in Catholicism it is taught to forgive and turn the other cheek, allow them to feel the wrath of God.

i dont think its a fault of the Muslim religion, i can not see such an old religion having such faults in it, only cults n shit could be capable of this kind of bullshit... it comes down to alot of Middle eastern peeps just being full of anger and hatred and using religion as a scape-goat, a vast amount of them are just fucked up people...


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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2005, 04:17:40 PM »

«Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Have mercy,» the 47-year-old film director Theo van Gogh reportedly called out before he was shot eight or nine times on an open street in Amsterdam.

did some Muslims kill just for poking fun at islam ?

poking fun? just asking: was that a joke or do you not know what you're talking about?

don't forget that theo van gogh is not the only one that's been murdered for criticizing the islam


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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2005, 04:17:42 AM »
i been way behind on news... yes i knowits not the only erson murdered over the critisism of islam, but is it the fault of the muslim religion ?

 is it in the teachings to kill those opposed to islam ?


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Re: Book calls Norwegians 'Satan's sons'
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2005, 07:12:17 AM »

 is it in the teachings to kill those opposed to islam ?

that's the argument for the murder, yes