Author Topic: More Childishness from Bush Co.  (Read 217 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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More Childishness from Bush Co.
« on: April 24, 2005, 10:33:23 AM »
Its really quite funny to hear stuff as looney as this happen on almost a weekly basis, and still a few 'in the know' die hards like trauma-wood worship on.  lol ya i really trust an administration that is so paranoid it bans executives from huge organizations like Nokia from going to a conference on telecommunications because they gave $250
to the Kerry campaign.  Of course if the general public is either to dumb or too far in denial to be concerned with such practices the govt. is free to go on with their immature BS all day... until of course americans wake up and find themselves no longer a world leader.   Interestingly... Hong Kong announced 1 Gbps internet service to certain neighborhoods for $215 per month... while where I live the going rate is still $1000 a month or higher for 10 Mpbs.


The Inter-American Telecommunication Commission meets three times a year in various cities across the Americas to discuss such dry but important issues as telecommunications standards and spectrum regulations. But for this week's meeting in Guatemala City, politics has barged onto the agenda. At least four of the two dozen or so U.S. delegates selected for the meeting, sources tell TIME, have been bumped by the White House because they supported John Kerry's 2004 campaign.

The State Department has traditionally put together a list of industry representatives for these meetings, and anyone in the U.S. telecom industry who had the requisite expertise and wanted to go was generally given a slot, say past participants. Only after the start of Bush's second term did a political litmus test emerge, industry sources say.

The White House admits as much: "We wanted people who would represent the Administration positively, and--call us nutty--it seemed like those who wanted to kick this Administration out of town last November would have some difficulty doing that," says White House spokesman Trent Duffy. Those barred from the trip include employees of Qualcomm and Nokia, two of the largest telecom firms operating in the U.S., as well as Ibiquity, a digital-radio-technology company in Columbia, Md. One nixed participant, who has been to many of these telecom meetings and who wants to remain anonymous, gave just $250 to the Democratic Party. Says Nokia vice president Bill Plummer: "We do not view sending experts to international meetings on telecom issues to be a partisan matter. We would welcome clarification from the White House."
« Last Edit: April 24, 2005, 10:36:35 AM by Ant »


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2005, 11:40:23 AM »
whats the whole 250$ about ??

yeh the U.S telecomm is fucked, here in france we pay 30€ for a 15mbit conn, with unlimited everything....

isnt NOKIA or the other communications privatised in U.S.A ? a country like U.S shouldnt be that far behind the rest of the world...


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2005, 11:53:49 AM »
this is a good idea, when we have neighborhood watch meetings, we used to invite gang members, prostitutes and drug dealers... but somehow our meetings were never quite effective. who would have thought that inviting people that weren't against me, we'd get so much accomplished

or if you don't like that analogy

i have this really good business venture i'm about to go into, instead of just having people close to me that helped me out all my life help me and make tons of money off this venture. i'll invite everyone that was against me too...this way, even the people don't like me are going to be in on some lucrative deals

*oh and brush up on your reading skills Ant... an unknown participant donated $250 not Nokia... the period at the end of the statement you put in bold means that the statement stops...the capital letter on the word following that statement means that a new idea was formed.

and Ant, please do us a favor and move to Hong Kong because they are helping China to become the new world power with their far superior internet connections


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2005, 06:19:24 PM »
lol you have a business adventure? lol i'd love to hear that one... u need to brush up on ur skills and start making sense.


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2005, 07:47:10 PM »
lol you have a business adventure? lol i'd love to hear that one... u need to brush up on ur skills and start making sense.

i love it, i turn all your articles to shit and the best you can do is say i don't make sense. oh well, it's over your head anyways


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2005, 08:07:56 PM »
lol you have a business adventure? lol i'd love to hear that one... u need to brush up on ur skills and start making sense.

i love it, i turn all your articles to shit and the best you can do is say i don't make sense. oh well, it's over your head anyways

lol i dont bother arguin with you anymore because you don't make any sense lol... its not worth my time... honestly your ignorance amuses me that is the only reason I even bother responding back... lol


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2005, 08:34:44 PM »
lol i make chat abbreviations every six words lol, you don't make that much sense lol is this almost a haiku lol

look, i even messed up your internet composure... you lead a sad life ant


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2005, 09:35:59 PM »
haha what life do u lead? it is funny to me when u say that type of nonsense.. the diff is. when i call you and uneducated loser i'm right, you throw insults around all day that dont even make sense... of course i've told you this much before :)

« Last Edit: April 24, 2005, 09:41:15 PM by Ant »


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2005, 09:46:45 PM »
had to edit that post did you... i must have really pissed you off for you to edit a weak insult towards me, just to let you know, i didn't even read it  ;D


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2005, 08:29:17 AM »
had to edit that post did you... i must have really pissed you off for you to edit a weak insult towards me, just to let you know, i didn't even read it  ;D

lol that would be a first? you not reading one of my posts... lol u talk so much shit but in the end ur my lil bitch... anxiously waiting for me to post up another thread so you can further prove your stupidity to me... that is why you respond to just about everything i write.


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2005, 10:31:33 AM »
had to edit that post did you... i must have really pissed you off for you to edit a weak insult towards me, just to let you know, i didn't even read it  ;D

lol that would be a first? you not reading one of my posts... lol u talk so much shit but in the end ur my lil bitch... anxiously waiting for me to post up another thread so you can further prove your stupidity to me... that is why you respond to just about everything i write.

like i said before, you started with interesting articles, but then you transformed into a hypocritical, nit picky little bitch, and i just thought i'd point that out to, i'll make you looks stupid again real quick

you called george bush childish, but whenever anyone makes a comment about what you post, you instantly go from wannabe intellectual to "shut up you don't make as much money as me"

so if money is the standard by what a man is measures by, the person you hate is 100 times the man you will ever be

also you get all butt hurt when people make insults about you and your defense is "they're not real, so you shouldn't say things if you're guessing" but what do you do yourself? you guess. for your information i make more that $9, $10, $11, $12 ,$13, $14.... i could keep going up more but then you'd just raise the limit

and let's be realistic, if i was your bitch, not only would i be the first girlfriend you've ever had, but i wouldn't constantly prove what an idiot you are...and saying i wait for you to post is also a funny guess, i guess you post in g spot and the entertainnment section alot too don't you?

so in closing, you're just a moron with visions of grandeur, you're not smarter than anyone else on here, sure you might have a better job, but look at you, you come to a hip hop message board to complain about republicans... i wouldn't want a job that makes me think i'm smarter than i actually am and also takes away my personality and my life


Don Rizzle

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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2005, 12:18:33 PM »
kane what it comes down too is who they supported politacally should not stop them voicing good reasonable opinons on telecommunication issues, these are not polititions these are experts and key players in the industry. what the republican party are doing punishing those who voted against them, which is the sort of thing you expect to hear in places like zimbabwae not america - the country who is spreading democracy across the globe.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2005, 01:07:55 PM »
kane what it comes down too is who they supported politacally should not stop them voicing good reasonable opinons on telecommunication issues, these are not polititions these are experts and key players in the industry. what the republican party are doing punishing those who voted against them, which is the sort of thing you expect to hear in places like zimbabwae not america - the country who is spreading democracy across the globe.

lol. what a novel idea. actually discussing the topic of this thread.


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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2005, 09:15:26 PM »
kane what it comes down too is who they supported politacally should not stop them voicing good reasonable opinons on telecommunication issues, these are not polititions these are experts and key players in the industry. what the republican party are doing punishing those who voted against them, which is the sort of thing you expect to hear in places like zimbabwae not america - the country who is spreading democracy across the globe.

we're talking about a business venture, and the funny things about business ventures is, if you have one, you choose who gets to participate and who doesn't.

i don't see anything wrong with not allowing another business to get in on a deal, even more so when they were against you a few years ago



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Re: More Childishness from Bush Co.
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2005, 09:17:58 PM »
kane what it comes down too is who they supported politacally should not stop them voicing good reasonable opinons on telecommunication issues, these are not polititions these are experts and key players in the industry. what the republican party are doing punishing those who voted against them, which is the sort of thing you expect to hear in places like zimbabwae not america - the country who is spreading democracy across the globe.

lol. what a novel idea. actually discussing the topic of this thread.

lol hey, for those people that lack short term memory,lol i was on topic until your dumb ass started shooting off at the Ant, lol can you go 1 original post,lol none of this copy and pasting articles,lol without making yourself look stupid? lol i bet you $9 an hour you can't lol