Author Topic: Fear & Loathing Update  (Read 74 times)


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Fear & Loathing Update
« on: May 13, 2005, 12:58:47 PM »
This is a very dope record. So far I've been very impressed with everything Neblina has done. They put out a very dope K-Hill 12" last year, and they follow that up with this. DJ Resident does a dope job mixing the mixtape. Manov War does a dope job opening up the mixtape with "The Fuel Up." Storm the Unpredictable and Priest da Nomad hold it down as usual. Supastition and Soulstice come through for some dope tracks as well. The K-Hill "Diesel (Remix)" is dope as shit. If you want some fresh music, cop this. You may not recognize all the names, but wouldn't you rather be put on to new music than hear the same ol' Papoose freestyle?

Hiphop Game.Com


5 out of 5

Usually I’ll do a track by track analysis of every track on the cd. But for real, I just don’t have the energy for all of that. And you cannot blame Zillz because the joint is like 22 or 23 tracks. But believe me when I say that I wasn’t mad at this joint at all. I got the promotional copy from Mallz aka Mirage, “Spit Fire”…who features on it with his Secret Society crewman Manov War, “The Fuel Up” (both tracks produced by DJ Resident). There were very few weak links in the cd. And the only reason why any part of the cd may seem weaker than other parts is because of the level of tightness that this cd exudes. Check it, Lord Finesse produced a track for it too. Supastition, “Fountain of Youth” and “Adrenaline Remix” who’s becoming a bigger star everyday, demolishes tracks with his flow and is provides evidence that North Carolina has a very deep talent pool. (Remember what I’ve said y’all, Mid-Atlantic music is the next big thing). DJ Resident’s production is tight and is felt throughout the cd. Shelly B spits a banger “Hot Shells” all over a DJ Resident track where he get’s Premo-esque with a Heather B sample. Infamous Virginia producer Nottz drops his cut with DMP on it with “Hear Me Knockin’.” Little Brother’s man-of-the-year and amateur Fruity Loops users’ messiah, 9th Wonder name may be bigger than the cats who spit on the track, Lightheaded, but they don’t dissappoint. Like I said, this cd is tight. I was supposed to write this review a long time ago but I wasn’t really ever sure how to go about writing it. So after I took a nap today, I just wrote it. Just because I sleep doesn’t mean I slept on this cd…don’t get it twisted. If there was something that I didn’t like about something I heard within this cd, it would be that some lyrics make “The Underground” sound self-righteous when comparing to “Commercialized” music. If you get what I’m saying, then there’s nothing else to be said. But if you don’t, then you don’t notice the small things. Anyway, it shouldn’t hinder you from copping this cd somehow. It’s tight. Neblina Records (who I have never heard of before this cd) got a gem here. GET IT! 5 out of 5. Here’s the snippet.


 "Every Neblina release puts me on to some new cats who can spit. This
is no exception."

- Supastition (Soulspazm Records)


 "Yo the promo is ill! Definitely some hot joints on there and some of those beats are sick!"

- Illmind


"The album is crazy. I know cats look for names they are already familiar with when buying something but trust me I was hella impressed with some of the cats on the tape that I never heard. COP THIS!!!!!"

- Fizzstar -


A collection of Neblina's heavy hitters guided by DJ Resident who provides an intense, super-creative project that will most definitely stand out and overlap the standard of how a mixtape should be done. This needs to be known. Away from all that monotonous, mainstream-media marketed, mixtape garbage you find being pumped by the lost. With tracks featurin' Rashid Hadee, Young Valentine, Dave Ghetto, Supastition, Skinny Kenny, Splash... man, the list goes on! A unique journey through the Neblina family for ears that recognize the art in Hip Hop. Check it!

- Lee R - KRUX 91.5 fm

Definition. The Hip-Hop Compilation IS OUT NOW!!