Author Topic: Gays and psychology  (Read 7541 times)

J Bananas

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Gays and psychology
« on: May 19, 2005, 12:21:19 PM »
I got in an argument with some girl the other day about whether homosexuality is psychological or something you're born with. The bitch wanted to defend her brother and was really pressing that it is something that you are born with. I'm for the argument that yes, some people are born homosexual, but the majority of homosexuals arrived at their preference through psychological development. I checked it out further and it seems gay people are really opposed to psychology and insist it is something you are born with. I brought up the example of men in prison who turn submissive or rape. The girl wasn't hearing it though. Are gay people just so ashamed of their own mental development that led them to be homo that they deny it? I'm wondering if there's anyone who's got an intelligent perspective or knows a gay person who agrees with the mental development theory.


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2005, 12:32:50 PM »
im always confused about the same thing.  i mean if you are born gay, then wouldnt there be gay animals?  i searched and it says they exist, but i doubt it, i have never seen like two male cats fucking or some shit.  see what im saying, if people could be born gay, and people are mammals, so could animals...i feel that gay people are people that are trying to rebel or some shit.  im not knockin em at all tho thats there lifestyle, just dont say you born with it, say u became it.


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 12:51:00 PM »
My neighbor just came out of the closet last year. It was apparent that he was gay from the time he was 5. On Halloween, he dressed up as a ballerina. He is a HUGE mama's boy. Until he went to college, his mom would buy his clothes, then she would prepare his outfits everyday.

Then my cousin, who is like 4, listens to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera all day along. He dances like a fruit to them too. So I have a hunch he'll turn out gay too.

But to tell you the truth, I think a lot of it has to do with the way a person is raised. Some are probably born with a chemical imbalance, but I think the majority are subliminally conditioned to think a certain way. But you never know. Maybe more and more people are born gay nowadays to counter overpopulation. Just another link in the chain of life. It's hard to tell though.


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 01:55:20 PM »
most people seem to be gay when there is no dad in the family...

i think they confuse their want to love a man (as a father figure not sexually) as homosexuality... but i have no real knowledge on the matter, i think it psychological...

but then again i saw on English tv that its possible there is a gene that determines if your gay or not...

maybe there are people born gay, but the other part are just confused trippin out mentally...

whats the deal with bi-sexuals ? are they just horny enough to fuck anything with two legs and a hole ?


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2005, 02:07:31 PM »
Then my cousin, who is like 4, listens to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera all day along. He dances like a fruit to them too. So I have a hunch he'll turn out gay too.

switch those cds wit some rap and get him out of that shit while hes still young lol


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2005, 02:49:07 PM »
most people seem to be gay when there is no dad in the family...

i think they confuse their want to love a man (as a father figure not sexually) as homosexuality... but i have no real knowledge on the matter, i think it psychological...

That's probably the deal with my cousin. His parents just got a divorce not too long ago, and his mom has been bringing in a different guy every week and shit.

switch those cds wit some rap and get him out of that shit while hes still young lol

lol He gets mad as hell if he can't listen to his music. He'd probably try to murder me or something. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and the kid will have a cleaver in his hands.


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2005, 02:54:29 PM »
lol He gets mad as hell if he can't listen to his music. He'd probably try to murder me or something. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and the kid will have a cleaver in his hands.

as your personaly advisor and mentor i suggest what you got to do is slowly introduce him to hip-hop, when he's passed out sneak in his room and play some 'Strait outta Compton' on low volume... this is the most serious case i've ever encountered, he needs the raw shit...

good luck.


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2005, 07:43:02 PM »
most people seem to be gay when there is no dad in the family...

How would you know this?  And if there are numbers to back this up would the difference for gays really be much different than straight men?  What about lesbians?


Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2005, 08:17:31 PM »
Well, I'll tell you my opinion.  I have a bachelors degree, with a major in Psychology, and a minor in Anthropology, but what I'm going to tell you is just what I've observed, not what I was taught.  Someone who would strive to study psychology would probably be a good candidate to ask about what they think about how someone's mind might work, though, in my opinion.

Anyways, I could just be totally full of shit, but in my opinion, there are never any black and white answers.  With that said, though, I've found that in my experience, the majority, the vast, vast majority of homosexuals have been made that way by their nurture, not their nature.

I'm sure there are some people that are born gay, and will always have homosexual tendencies.  Others are born (probably many, many, many children) with the tendency to be gay.  When I was a kid, I loved music and singing, I loved to dance, I was potty trained early, I loved school, I loved to talk, I didn't like playing in the dirt or getting dirty, and I wasn't very good at sports. 

My brother on the other hand, loved getting dirty, hated school, would never dance or sing, and liked to fight all the time.

In the wrong situation, with the wrong parents, I could have grown up queer as a motherfucker!  Fortunately my dad was there to give me a father figure, so I grew up normal, even though to this day I'm not some macho testosterone driven motherfucker who's going to go fighting everyone (although my penchance for talking has given me a sharp tongue which I'm sure anybody familiar with this board knows about).  My brother could NEVER have been gay.  The way he was born, he just didn't have it in him, you could have raised him in a house of women, and he would have came out exactly as he is today.  Me?  I dunno.  I'm just glad my dad was around, lol.  That's the realest shit you'll ever hear anybody say on here.

Anyways, I think that's the issue.  Some people are born with more testosterone than others, and in the right environment it just makes them a different type of person, 'more sensitive' or whatever the fuck you want to call it.  In the wrong environment, it makes them gay.

I've known tons of girls, too, that were tomboys when they were children.  Some of my best friends were like that, they got dirty and were always fighting and didn't like school, didn't like dolls, stuff like that.  Their mom was around, though, to raise them as a girl, not a little boy. 

I've also met several, tons and tons of people who are gay because of something traumatic that happened to them in their life.  I've met people who were molested and became gay.  I've met women who had husbands that beat and raped them, who turned against men and became lesbians. 

I would say (no shit) in MY OPINION, 90% of Homosexuals are either gay because something in them desires to be different (they honestly feel a certain 'cool' factor by being gay), or something traumatic has happened to MAKE them gay (their husband beat them, their mom made them wear dresses, etc.).  The other 10% probably had homosexual leanings from the time they were kids and were grown in a 'soft' atmosphere, or the other way around for girls.



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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2005, 09:02:40 PM »
what i wonder is, why do all gay guys have that same gay voice..., my friend's brother just came out and when he was little, he did fruity things, but he never had the homo voice until he came out...

that's one thing so show that society is to blame and it's not all genetics

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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2005, 10:52:33 PM »
what i wonder is, why do all gay guys have that same gay voice..., my friend's brother just came out and when he was little, he did fruity things, but he never had the homo voice until he came out...

that's one thing so show that society is to blame and it's not all genetics

That just depends on the role they want to play in a relationship. The ones who have the voices or are just flamboyant(sp?) probably take the feminine role.


Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2005, 11:22:31 PM »
No one's born gay if you ask me. It's either by choice, or someone got molested and it affected them and turned them gay. As a matter of fact, I don't think we're born gay or straight.
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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2005, 03:06:44 AM »
what i wonder is, why do all gay guys have that same gay voice..., my friend's brother just came out and when he was little, he did fruity things, but he never had the homo voice until he came out...

that's one thing so show that society is to blame and it's not all genetics

when push comes to shove, faggots i can live with, theyre still human, but what i cant stand is dudes trying to talk like women, walking like women etc. to me thats fake punk shit, i hate proud faggots, that walk the streets screaming their gay like theyre better than everyone else.


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2005, 03:13:19 AM »
Then my cousin, who is like 4, listens to Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera all day along. He dances like a fruit to them too. So I have a hunch he'll turn out gay too.

switch those cds wit some rap and get him out of that shit while hes still young


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Re: Gays and psychology
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2005, 05:08:31 AM »
Okay, this is my opinion on this whole thing. I think people who are homosexual can be both born that way or "turned" that way by their surroundings. It's thought that if a young boy is "babied" by his mother and/or lacking in the male role model department, then he can ultimately turn out to be a homosexual. It's true also that an extreme ordeal (such as rape or molestation at an early age) can effect the sexuality of a child. There are many atmospheric things that can in a sense "turn" someone gay. However, I also believe that people are just born with gay tendencies. There are the boys who don't play in the dirt, walk differently, use "gay talk," or only have friends that are girls. (But never seems to date any of them.) These people in my eyes, are more likely to realize that they are homosexual. I know that's being stereotypical, but that's just what i believe. It's not cause they were a momma's boy or anthing like that. Merely the fact that they enjoy something different. Also, to support the theory that people can be born gay, there is the fact that there are indeed homosexual animals. I know a science teacher who photographed a male duck mounting another male. I also have a friend who's cat is always trying to mate with cat's of the same gender.

So that's what I think on all of this. It can really go either way. There are no real answers to why someone decided that they were more attracted to the same gender rather then the opposite. I have a question though. Why does it really matter what caused them to be that way? They're still people.
Okay. None of that. But you two can spoon and fondle 'cause I think that's cute. Do it now.