Author Topic: another Christian reads the Quran  (Read 578 times)


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Re: another Christian reads the Quran
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2005, 02:21:59 PM »
First off HOMEBOY I didn't say that I could not answer Ur Question Because IT IS WHAT IT IS : If Jesus is not of the blood of Abraham he aint the messiah Point Blank. 
Jesus has to be the son of Abraham to fufill the prophesy the GOD promised to Abraham.

Jesus is The SON OF MAN (physically Abraham) and THE SON OF GOD (spiritually GOD)

And ur theory on the Apostles and the gospels aint right and exact either because Luke and if I not mistaken Mark NEVER EVEN SEEN JESUS they was some of Pauls disciples i know for a fact that Luke was a Doctor and Jesus didn't kick it with the upper class folks. so u cant say that the OT is less factual than the NT because its all heresay anyway. The New testament was not put together until the council of nice in the year 325a.d.
300 YEARS AFTER THE APOSTLES WAS DEAD,  & all of the contradicting Gospels were burned. (thats why they all say the same thing)
In all of my post I NEVER took sides because its all GOOD with GOD on MINES, but if U don't know NOTHING except what youve been BRAINWASHED with don't dis Muslims for the same thing. THAT IS MY WHOLE POINT. Abraham is the Key ALL 3 of the great monotheistic religions JEWS, CHRISTIAN,AND MUSLIMS should be able to work together as ONE under GOD.
 I am sure that if someone is born in the middle east and is a born of another religion as long as they follow their laws TRUTHFULLY GOD will accept them.  I am NOT their judge AND NEITHER ARE YOU.

man shallow wasnt bagging the muslims, it was me  :-[


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Re: another Christian reads the Quran
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2005, 06:55:51 PM »
First off HOMEBOY I didn't say that I could not answer Ur Question Because IT IS WHAT IT IS : If Jesus is not of the blood of Abraham he aint the messiah Point Blank. 
Jesus has to be the son of Abraham to fufill the prophesy the GOD promised to Abraham.

Jesus is The SON OF MAN (physically Abraham) and THE SON OF GOD (spiritually GOD)

And ur theory on the Apostles and the gospels aint right and exact either because Luke and if I not mistaken Mark NEVER EVEN SEEN JESUS they was some of Pauls disciples i know for a fact that Luke was a Doctor and Jesus didn't kick it with the upper class folks. so u cant say that the OT is less factual than the NT because its all heresay anyway. The New testament was not put together until the council of nice in the year 325a.d.
300 YEARS AFTER THE APOSTLES WAS DEAD,  & all of the contradicting Gospels were burned. (thats why they all say the same thing)
In all of my post I NEVER took sides because its all GOOD with GOD on MINES, but if U don't know NOTHING except what youve been BRAINWASHED with don't dis Muslims for the same thing. THAT IS MY WHOLE POINT. Abraham is the Key ALL 3 of the great monotheistic religions JEWS, CHRISTIAN,AND MUSLIMS should be able to work together as ONE under GOD.
 I am sure that if someone is born in the middle east and is a born of another religion as long as they follow their laws TRUTHFULLY GOD will accept them.  I am NOT their judge AND NEITHER ARE YOU.

1) The way I see it the loophole is that because Jesus was part of a human family headed by a direct descendant of Abraham. It's obvious in the scriptures that Jesus was not born of Joseph's DNA. If you belive otherwise then so be it.

2) I didn't quote Luke, or Mark for that matter. I quoted Matthew. Furthermore let me tell you how I see it; I read the bible, bot hnew and old and I look for things that don't seem right, like being able to stone your wife, or calling gays evil, and see that as being added by the prophets or apostles to appease the public and maintain control. When I read the gospels I don't see those things. Name me one thing that Jesus said according to the quotes that seems immoral or just plain stupid and I'll back off.

3) Yes the bible was put together after 300 AD, but that doesn't mean it's been changed so much. Many of the apostles died well before they had a chance to write the gospel down, like Peter who's Gospel would have easily been the most important historically. Phillip's is incomplete in the sense there are too many holes in it, meaning  no one can properly read it. There may have been a Gospel of Mary Magdelene, which I have no problem accepting, but for obvious reasons I could see why Rome in 300 AD wouldn't use a book written by a woman. I don't think any of them were burned, probably just not added in, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're all sitting in the Vatican as we speak. Keep in mind 99% of Christians couldn't write their own names, much less read Greek. Also, please don't state that the rest of the Gospels contradicted the 4 that were used as a fact, because in order to call it one you'd have to actually read those gospels and I'm sure you haven't.

4) Please actually read my posts as they are and don't add in what you think I'm implying. I never in this thread put down any Muslims or implied that any of them were going to hell. I am hardly a brainwashed Christian. I don't go to church for philosophical reasons and I take everything I read in the Bible with a grain of salt. The only reason I don't believe the 4 Gospels have been altered in their message is because I don't see anything morally wrong in them, and if the Vatican were to have changed them why wouldn't they have changed them more? Why wouldn't they quote Jesus as saying it's not okay to be gay, or "if you go to War in my name and die you go straight to Heaven"? Couldn't they just have added all this stuff in when they first made the Bible? Why keep a bible with 4 books that the church itself blatantly contradicts everyday?

5) As for my thoughts on heaven and hell philosophically; I admit to not actually knowing anything, just like everyone else doesn't "know" anything. I strongly believe in the Trinity and in God being accessible through 3 entities for a very simple reason; I don't believe anyone is going to hell because of the way they worship or believe. I believe in the father, the son, and the holy spirit as ways of getting into heaven. Whether you believe in, God and God alone, God through Jesus, or the greater good by listening to your heart (the holy spirit). As stated many times in every scripture there is only one God, and I don't dispute that. I just feel you can get to God through him, his son, or his gift to mankind. In short I don't think only Christians go to heaven.
Its all good with u  Brother Shallow, I just dont believe every thing in the bible or any book for that matter, but I do believe in one GOD, and that most likely HE wouldn't want us fighting or killing in HIS NAME.


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Re: another Christian reads the Quran
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2005, 01:24:28 AM »
I believe in God, but fuck religious freak assholes, god damn hypocrit's


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Re: another Christian reads the Quran
« Reply #33 on: May 30, 2005, 01:35:56 PM »
I believe in God, but fuck religious freak assholes, god damn hypocrit's

Seriously, why the fuck cant we get past this religion bullshit and just be good people. All that shit happened thousands of years ago and no, no one can prove that any of that shit was true. And everyone is still fighting over who is right. Fuck whose right, be good people and thats it.