Author Topic: New Big Mike Interview  (Read 123 times)


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New Big Mike Interview
« on: May 24, 2005, 07:19:15 AM »

Interview By: TRMNDUS

Sup Big Mike?
Aww manne not much just relaxing back up off this vacation.

Its been awhile man, pretty long vacation where you been?

Well I had to take some downtime, you know.

Right, but if you don’t mind could you be a little more clear on why you been gone so long because a lot of rumors been floating?

I don’t want to go into too much detail about the situation but basically I got into some gangsta shit with some guys and had to do some time.

So the rumors about you being in the insane asylum are not true?

Naw, see when you gone for awhile rumors always going to spread, people going to stay this and that, he say she say type type of stuff. If you don’t hear it from the sources mouth, you should not really be saying anything but I don’t let it get to me at all, because they don’t know me personally, they only know Big Mike on a musical level.

Its good that you back, its been awhile but I am glad to hear it was nothing serious you working on a album?

Yea brand new album dropping in August, 16 brand new tracks, Big Mike is back and im better than ever. I got a little bit of everything for people on here, the serious music, the laid back stuff you expect from big mike, and the personal side of big mike.

What label is it dropping on?

Its dropping on Blackstone Records out of Louisville, Kentucky.

New label how did you get hooked up with them?

Through my guy Brad Chillford, I had known him before I went in to do my time and we lost contact but shortly after I got out we connected back together. It’s a good label, and I am excited about the new deal, ready to get back out and show the world Big Mike still has it, he has not fell off.

You said the new album was mostly just you, so you mean there is no features at all?

We got a few features on the album, its all my in house got my family affiliated game, and my other group fall partners featured on a few tracks but other than that its strictly all me. A lot of people try to come back into the game with a big feature or just a lot of features in general but I wanted to show people I could do it myself and I didn’t really need no big features to come back to the game.

So these are up and coming people you helping develop?

That’s my new team, Affiliated Game consists of two of my brothers, my sister, and a few of my cousins. I am also working with some guys I been knowing for awhile named Mankind, Sly Foxx who is lyrically hot, my partner 4-Tra, and also Fall Partners are all coming real soon. After I drop my album look for them to have some releases, Fall Partners, and Affiliated Game are featured on my album though.

I can appreciate that, wish more people had that logic, but you really never had too many features on your albums we usually always just got Big Mike, who did production on the album?

We got my boy Michael Banks, Cory Mo, Chemical, Affiliated Gang did a beat on their, Gutta, and Big Tyme did a few.

Same Cory Mo who been doing a lot of work with Rap A Lot?

Yep same Cory Mo out of Houston he blessed me with a few tracks on the album.

No Mike Dean, yall had some hits together?

I haven’t had a chance to get up with Mike Dean since I been out but I wouldn’t mind working with him, me and mike was always good. It might happen in the future, just got to get that connection back with him.

Whats the title of the album?

Naw’lins Phats

That’s what most people call New Orleans, that’s what it stand for, that is where you originally from right New Orleans?

Yep my heart is in New Orleans that is where all my fond memories is at, that’s where my family is at. When I was locked down I had a lot of time to think that is all I could think of was my city. When I was with Rap A Lot a lot of people got the idea that I was repping hard for Houston but not for the hometown. People would be like Mike you act a fool right there with that album but you was repping more for Houston than new Orleans. I never forgot that, so I got to rep and keep thinking about my city, I am going to show people with this album, they will react to this album, its going to show them how I bounced back for the hometown.

I can appreciate that, I bet showing love to home feels like its long over due?

Definitely like I said everything is their from my family to my memories so I want to be able to show my appreciate back to the city for all that it has done for me.

So you no longer have any contractual ties with Rap-A-Lot Records?

No I am no longer with the label and I don’t owe them any more albums, its no beef or bad blood with the label. I am just doing my thing with Blackstone Records like I said and we got the new album coming out in August.

Any plans to hook back up with Rap-A-Lot in the future?

Really no one can say, if the money is right anything is possible. The sky is the limit right now if they are talking business and want to do something with me in the future and everything is right I wouldn’t count it out, it might happen it might not, I left on good terms.

So how did you even hook up with Rap A Lot, when did you start rapping in general?

Well like we talked about I was originally from Louisiana but I got into a lot of trouble so I moved out to Houston that’s where my Grandparents was to stay out of trouble at times. When I was about 15 I did my first demo and me and my father put it together, he was a up and coming musicion himself and he helped me put together my first real songs. The same demo plus some newer songs I did when I was about 18 is what got my deal locked with Rap A Lot Records. In 1990 me and 3-2 put out the Convicts album and then in about 92-93 I was down with Death Row in the process of getting ready to sign with them. Around that time was the time Willie D left the Geto Boys and they were looking to find someone to fill the void. My name kept coming up and they contacted me about being in the group, I thought about it for awhile and said yeah I did not want to sit around. It helped me a lot when that happened, it showed me where I was really at, being held up with someone like Scarface led me into doing the album Somethin Serious.

What about your relationship with J-Prince?

I mean it is what is, its nothing on a bad tip between us he is doing what he is doing and I am doing what I am doing. After being locked up for about 4 years, I haven’t got the chance to speak with him since I have been out.

That is good to hear there is no bad blood, what about maybe a Geto Boys Reunion but with you?

If the money and business right I am down for anything, as long as that is good I am down to make moves and get that money. It was a beautiful thing when they gave me the chance to do those few projects with them, it helped fuel my career and get me to the point where I could do the solo albums with Rap A Lot Records.

Your first two albums were classics, Something and Still always get praised by people, but tell me about Hard To Hit, a lot of people had different views on that album what were your thoughts on it?

All the magazines were praising it, giving it pretty good reviews but I was not really happy with it. Personally I was just going through so much in the making of that album, that it did not come out the way I had planned. If I had a chance to do that whole album over again, I would of did most of the album over more to my liking. On a personal level my head just was not into that album, and like I was saying people don’t know Big Mike on a personal level they only know me through my music. Believe when you talk to me though I will be straight up, I am from the streets I came up in the streets, I want to show people I am at there level. This new album will take its course it will appeal to my old fans and bring my new fans, some people have heard of Big Mike but maybe never got a chance to hear my music.

So the new album tell me about the tracks we should look out for on it?

”Here I Am” produced by Big Tyme is a uptempo joint ferocious rhymes that will put a end to all the rumors. It will have people saying “That Boy Wrecked It” it’s the same cat named Big Mike that been doing it since day one. I got to keep it cool I got a track on their called “Flying Brand New” which is mid tempo, I keep it gutta but real fly and on a social level. The album also covers some real personal topics, things that show you the mature side of Big Mike, show you that I got my head on my shoulders and I am ready to show people that I haven’t lost the gift. I am from the streets if you in the streets you will understand and relate to my music. I am a regular person, and want to be felt by regular people, I don’t want to feel like I made a song and it was not truly me. That’s the problem with music nowadays people are just following trends and not being themselves.

I can see that, you have been in music for awhile over a decade so you have seen the changes what are your thoughts on music right now?

It is tipping scales right now but really in my opinion it has took a few steps back because people are just following trends. Artists don’t seem to have the creativity they once had and not doing their own thing. They sit back and do songs other people want them to do and songs for the love of money. People just don’t understand when I was locked up I was in so much pain, being away from all the people I love. I stayed strong and even through the rumors going around about me and some people turning their back on me, it showed me how strong I could live. The people I loved kept me strong also, look at Pac people always thought he blew up because off controversy. The real reason was he blew up because he expressed his pain in his music, people are out their going through this on a everyday basis. That is why people flocked to Pac, plus loved his music, he was a real and anything that is real will always last. People be missing the real nowadays and that is what im going to bring them when I drop my new album, bring back the real and show people that Big Mike is serious.

You have had serious in two of your album titles, so we always know Big Mike is serious when it comes to his music, does this album pretty much follow the same line as your previous albums?

Well I broke the album into the three different parts, I got the uptempo tracks, the gangsta tracks, and the serious tracks. When you start the album its going to be like a blast, like you don’t know what just hit you then its gong to slide on into cruise control with some of them mellow gutta fly tracks, and I am going to end it out with the serious stuff in which you will get to feel Big Mike. A lot of people don’t know me personally, its like a fight when a fighter get too cocky and does not research his opponent. I am going to surprise everyone just like that fighter is going to surprise everyone. I don’t take offense to the rumors, they don’t know me, im confident about mine. Tell me it is not my best album, tell god that it is not my best album. I am confident with this album. God put me through everything for a reason, and it has made me a better person and made me step my game up thoroughly. I can talk to inner city kids and they got something to relate to, they be like he come from where we from. I have to give thanks to the good lord he did it for me, he put me through it. My album is not no preaching it is just real and relatable. Pac did it and I am doing it too. I am ready, I am ready to move onto bigger things, I am feeling good about this album, god gave me his blessings, the sky is the limit. I want this for everybody, I just want to be triumphant through this whole situation. You have to think great leaders always had their up and downs but in the end they all came out victorious. When you think of Big Mike that is the story you will be saying when its all said and done. I want to show people that the south is not just a bounce that ass shake get crunk region. Don’t get me wrong I like to do a track like that every so often but I want some of the greatest to be ready to step in the box and go head up with Big Mike. I guarantee no one is going to knock Big Mike out the box right now.

Im glad to hear all this, its good to see your very hungry I am ready for this new album, but what do you think is your best project to date?

Hmmm my favorite album, I don’t know I liked the convicts album because that was my first time being out nationwide. I think "Something Serious" is my baby though I really enjoyed doing that album right their. The Geto Boys albums I got to see how I held up to the great face.

So where does the new album stand?

This new album right here, its my best to date. I am not saying it’s the best of Big Mike because I have so much more to offer in the future but as far as now its my best work yet. My talent level is way up their and this album is up there with the “Somethin Serious” album. The only thing that is more in depth is the trials and tribulations, it’s a lot deeper than you have ever seen me but at the same time all the stuff you remember and love me for. I really like the fact that I got to really be fully me with this album, when I was with Rap-A-Lot I was not able to fully express myself on some of my albums.

What you mean at Rap-A-Lot you were not album to do albums your way?

I just was not able to fully use my creative process like I wanted to but this new album is fully me. I have never been this excited or happy to bring a project out.

You member the artist iLL that appeared on a few songs from the “Still Serious” album you still working with him, a lot of people wondering what he been up to?

He had to scramble get his stuff and get together, he had to do his thing he was down with me since he was 15. We just grew up started having kids and me being on lock down didn’t help. We have kicked it since I got out and recorded a few tracks, they didn’t make the album but his pen still sharp. He testing out the waters out for himself, he a strong cat you going to be hearing from him real soon.

Man I know you got to run so before we leave, plug your album one more time tell the people why they need to go get it?

This Big Mike, you got to go get that album, I Know you have net heard from me in a minute but believe me this album will totally satisfy my old and my new fans. The album is 16 brand new cuts, I got a lot to say, it’s a deep album, songs you can ride to, songs you want to mellow out to. Im very proud of this album and for the first time am totally satisfied with a album, go get the album in stores this August.

I appreciate you taking this time, I am glad you back at it, a true legend and I wish you the best of luck with this new effort, do you have any last words?

I want everybody to stay out there and enjoy this world, get this paper while its out their. We have got to line our selves up, if the money on the left and you lined up on the right you best to line your self up on the left. Keep god first, when hard times come don’t give up, god will be with you.

check out my 90's vinyl bargain bin..tons of classics & rare ish for the low!

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Re: New Big Mike Interview
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2005, 07:54:26 AM »

 :o :o

props push homie..


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: New Big Mike Interview
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2005, 11:15:57 AM »
I was wonderign what happened to Big Mike. I didn't know he was locked up. Something Serious is an incredible album, one of the top southern albums ever.
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Re: New Big Mike Interview
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2005, 10:00:03 PM »
good to see that big mike is about to drop an album. i heard a song that he did with agallah & big v (nappy roots) recently. the song is bangin.


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Re: New Big Mike Interview
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2005, 06:20:18 PM »
man, i cant wait for this album!!
check out my 90's vinyl bargain bin..tons of classics & rare ish for the low!