Author Topic: someting really pisses me off about streotyping arabs and muslims.. peep in  (Read 1547 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • KUWAITI........
^^ wtf r u talking about fool
zakat is wrong because its religious but taxes r good cause bush says so, right?
some times its point less to discuss those topics w/some ppl

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  • Lil Geezy
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It is apartheid.

So is Israel, but that's considered a democracy, right?


So is Israel, but that's considered a democracy, right?
You're joking right?

Take a look at Jewish rights in arab countries, and then take a look at Muslim rights in Israel.

For you to even suggest Israel is an apartheid state just shows your ignorance of the facts.

Matrix Heart

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I was surprised to meet so many catholic arabs, apaprently there is a huge catholic population i didnt know about.

No there isn't  ;D the Christian Arabs are just the majority of Arabs that make it to the United States.

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  • Lil Geezy
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So is Israel, but that's considered a democracy, right?
You're joking right?

Take a look at Jewish rights in arab countries, and then take a look at Muslim rights in Israel.

For you to even suggest Israel is an apartheid state just shows your ignorance of the facts.

I didn't deny the status of Jews in Muslim countries. I've stated before (I don't know if it was in this thread or another) that these so-called Islamic nations don't really represent what Muslims see as a true Islamic country. Jewish rights in most Arab countries probably don't exist, so anything better than that in Israel for Muslims makes Israel a true democracy, or does it just make Israel a little better? Let's use your analogy to also state that Bush is not as evil as Hitler. Wow, he must be a great guy. Anyways, do some research on the apartheid wall in Palestine (notice I didn't state Israel, since the wall is built on Palestinian land), and check out the laws applied to the two different groups of people. By the way, there's a difference between the Hebrew words for national and citizen, which is what they use in their constitution to seperate the rights of Arab Israelis and Jewish ones. It's a tricky, fucked up situation. You gotta do all the necessary research. I suggest


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • KUWAITI........
So is Israel, but that's considered a democracy, right?
You're joking right?

Take a look at Jewish rights in arab countries, and then take a look at Muslim rights in Israel.

For you to even suggest Israel is an apartheid state just shows your ignorance of the facts.

yea i seen arabs and muslims rights in israel... they treat them like second or third class israelis... do u kno how  do they treat black israelis??
its nice to know how the media painted a fabolous image of israel, while in reality they a buncha of kurupted ass politicians

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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • KUWAITI........
So is Israel, but that's considered a democracy, right?
You're joking right?

Take a look at Jewish rights in arab countries, and then take a look at Muslim rights in Israel.

For you to even suggest Israel is an apartheid state just shows your ignorance of the facts.

THX MAN... u said most of the stuff i wanna say
especially the part about so called  islamic governments

I didn't deny the status of Jews in Muslim countries. I've stated before (I don't know if it was in this thread or another) that these so-called Islamic nations don't really represent what Muslims see as a true Islamic country. Jewish rights in most Arab countries probably don't exist, so anything better than that in Israel for Muslims makes Israel a true democracy, or does it just make Israel a little better? Let's use your analogy to also state that Bush is not as evil as Hitler. Wow, he must be a great guy. Anyways, do some research on the apartheid wall in Palestine (notice I didn't state Israel, since the wall is built on Palestinian land), and check out the laws applied to the two different groups of people. By the way, there's a difference between the Hebrew words for national and citizen, which is what they use in their constitution to seperate the rights of Arab Israelis and Jewish ones. It's a tricky, fucked up situation. You gotta do all the necessary research. I suggest

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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Well if kurupt gave a fuck about a bitch...
yo wtf are u talking about, i been to israel and they treat everybody exactly the same. Theres churches and whatever the fuck it is arabs go to. No discrimination i dont know what the fuck your saying. Like 10% of jews in israel are Ethiopians, and when they come there they get a car and an appartment and a job, only reason arabs arent welcomed in israel is cause they blow everything the fuck up, if some fucking palestinans came to the states and start blowing shit up no one would be wanting any of them here


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • KUWAITI........
^^ lol they just blowing shit up cause they liek to die right?? not because they trying to get their land back....

secondly.. good life is having a car and an aprtment to u?? there is more into it than that homie....
i know and u know they dont be treating them right
i dont remember when was that.. but a buncha ppl sued the israeli government in belgium for discremenation against blacks in israel

and btw kid, slow doing with the cussing we havin a proper argument her, if ur not grown enuff to conversate and argue with other grown ppl... dont bother arguing over somn u dont wanna change ur mind about and just got in it to disrespect watever religion or race
get yo facts right.... and argue

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  • Lil Geezy
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yo wtf are u talking about, i been to israel and they treat everybody exactly the same. Theres churches and whatever the fuck it is arabs go to. No discrimination i dont know what the fuck your saying. Like 10% of jews in israel are Ethiopians, and when they come there they get a car and an appartment and a job, only reason arabs arent welcomed in israel is cause they blow everything the fuck up, if some fucking palestinans came to the states and start blowing shit up no one would be wanting any of them here

I'm sure you're aware of the different laws applying to Arab Israelis? Or how about the apartheid wall? Or how about the 20 gallons of water each Israeli consumes for the 1 gallon that a Palestinian consumes? Or the 120,000 olive trees cut down on Palestinian land, so that those farmers have no way of making a living? I could go on and on, and you would probably bring back the same old "they blow themselves up". I don't agree with that, but I can't blame 'em. Call 'em terrorists, but then what do we call the Israeli government and its army?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • KUWAITI........
when u only got stones to fight back, m-16's,rocket launchers, apaches's, F-22's and M-1 tanks... only option u have is to use ur own body to deliver the bomb.....

CLASSIC.... west is BACK


what pissed me off about the war was that who gave america the right to decide wheter iraq should have a democratic or communist admin....they cant just move in and dexcide ...ok im gonna throw over these fuckas coz i think democracy is a better idea....fuck that

sorry fordrifting from the point....and ya like in the case of islam...any kinda stereotyping is happens everywhere.....the middleast is feeling th worst of it right now



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Well if kurupt gave a fuck about a bitch...
Theres no wall, its a fucking big electric fence that would stop any motherfucker from sneaking into israel and blowing shit up. Why would you care about the fence if your not a terrorist, why wouldnt you just go in the legal way, Cry me a fucking river motherfucker how can u complain about israel building a fence to protect itself from these muthafuckas. Israel has the right to do whatever it wants with the territory given to it. The israeli army is called The IDF(israeli Defence Force) cause israel doesnt start shit but settles it. When did Israel start shooting arabs for no appearent reason?? theres a reason for these things, you gotta kill terrorists and their fucking families too, shit i dont care as long as theres no innocent victims(which there isnt usually) but sometimes shit happens and people get shot. All wars in that reigon were started by Israels enemy countries, than israel won those wars and even gaines some land so these palestenians have nothing to whine about. Who supplied the palestaine police with weapons and shit? israel did, Those fucking arabs are ungratefull motherfuckers.

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  • Lil Geezy
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Theres no wall, its a fucking big electric fence that would stop any motherfucker from sneaking into israel and blowing shit up. Why would you care about the fence if your not a terrorist, why wouldnt you just go in the legal way, Cry me a fucking river motherfucker how can u complain about israel building a fence to protect itself from these muthafuckas. Israel has the right to do whatever it wants with the territory given to it. The israeli army is called The IDF(israeli Defence Force) cause israel doesnt start shit but settles it. When did Israel start shooting arabs for no appearent reason?? theres a reason for these things, you gotta kill terrorists and their fucking families too, shit i dont care as long as theres no innocent victims(which there isnt usually) but sometimes shit happens and people get shot. All wars in that reigon were started by Israels enemy countries, than israel won those wars and even gaines some land so these palestenians have nothing to whine about. Who supplied the palestaine police with weapons and shit? israel did, Those fucking arabs are ungratefull motherfuckers.

You obviously don't know shit. First of all, there is a wall. For you to say there isn't just shows how big of an idiot you really are. If you say this is a fence then what the hell was the Berlin WALL? The Berlin Wall was about 96 miles long, and on average about 4 meters high. The Israeli FENCE LOOOL is supposed to be over 400 miles long when done, and is about 8 meters high (25 feet). A 25 foot high fence, wow, let me compare that to the fence my neighbor has in front of his house.... wait you're right, 3 feet is almost the same as 25 feet. Fuckin retard.

What a cute little fence that is.

The only parts they used a fence is where there are no Palestinian villages or towns. You say Israel has the right to do whatever it wants on its territory, BUT the wall was built on Palestinian land. It was built on the other side of the Green Line. If Israel wants to build itself a little fence as you like to call it, then they should've built it on their own land.

The Israeli army calls itself the Israeli Defense Force. What's your point? Terrorists call themselves freedom fighters. When did Israel start shooting Arabs for no reason you ask? How far back in time would you like me to go, and how recent of a story would you like? You further prove that you're an idiot by claiming that we should kill suspected terrorists AND THEIR FAMILIES. Using 1000 pound bombs on whole villages should pinpoint those terrorists. Anyways, if Israelis remembered what had happened to Jews during the Holocaust, they wouldn't treat these people the way they do; they only choose to remember and bring that up when it's in their favor, or when it gives them the chance to yell anti-semitism for every little bullshit reason. Ex: Mel Gibson making a movie about Jesus.
Anyways, PEACE and have a good day.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • KUWAITI........

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