Author Topic: Cruel!  (Read 125 times)


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« on: June 06, 2005, 12:10:02 PM »
I feel crazy, sittin dazy, straight trippin out,
Cos this girl, she amazed me, left me thinkin bout,
Kissin her, here and there, every inch of her body,
Dreaming about gettin naughty wit this girl who's such a hotty,
But something wasnt pretty, she wasnt very true,
Its a pity cos I'm honest and I'd do anything for you,
But that didnt mean shit, I shudda just left it,
Waved bye and got off and moved on to the next chick,
But its hard being caught up, I shudda let it burn,
I shudda thought of friends who've had that learning curve,
I was so attracted to her though, the kiss was special,
Didnt even know it would turn out to be so regretful,
So hurtful, so painful, like a spike in my brain,
Such a shame that I'm in pain cos I still feel the same,
And I still wanna hold you, still wanna kiss you,
Wanna beat the shit outter the boy thats with you,
But I shouldnt be like that, you made your choice,
And I hate for the fact I'm still waitin for your voice,
To say, "Bez I really like you, now I see that clearly",
And "I'd do anything to hold you and to have you near me",
And I'd be like "Really? this is like my dreams",
Cos I've only ever heard them words in my sleeps,
But I guess while my heart still beats, I'll stay waitin, so patient,
This emotions so cruel and dam I'm really starting to hate it!


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« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2005, 10:02:12 AM »
I liked it a lot, I can relate it too; so I feel you. Emotions can be a bitch, that's why most of us guys don't deal w/ 'em & just ignore the shit...but it's hard. Good rhymes, flowed well, seemed heartfelt..I got no complaints. Keep up the good work, Bez. Keep it real, homes! Stay up, Peace*