Author Topic: Pistol playing with Satan (Re Edited)  (Read 139 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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Pistol playing with Satan (Re Edited)
« on: July 03, 2005, 05:49:44 AM »
Ok since I've been getting criticiszm for my sound Quality. Which I don't take to no Offense. For one I know I'm working with a shitty ass soundcard & Cheap ass radio Shack mic..... He He He. This Is far my best work So I had to try to make it worth being on A cd as my 1st Single. Well I did what one person on here told me to do & took his advice & he know's who he is soo thnx homie. What I did was turn my volume up on my Accapella & turned the volume down on tha beat some, but tha main key was looking fo a good filter for my voice. The best I could find was sorta sounding one I picked where I know it sound's like I'm flowing through a School Intercom HAHAHA, but ( FUCK IT) this shit sounded decent to me so I went with it. Yall let me know If it's ok I wrote these settings down so Imma make all my tracks have sound quality like this one If it's decent
enough. FeedBk Appreciated.