Author Topic: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood  (Read 337 times)

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Ex-sergeant Taysir Hayb was convicted at a military court in Ashkelon for the shooting of Mr Hurndall in April 2003. Hayb will be sentenced at a later date.

Mr Hurndall, 22, was involved in protests against the Israeli military in the Palestinian town of Rafah. He died nine months after the shooting.

His father, Anthony, said the Israeli army acted with impunity too often.

The defendant was led out of the court in handcuffs and tried to attack a number of photographers and cameramen filming him.

More than 50 people crowded into the small courtroom on a military base in southern Israel, to hear the verdict - which took more than an hour to read out.

  We're concerned there is a policy which seems to be prevalent in Gaza that [Israeli soldiers] feel able to shoot civilians without any accountability

In addition to the manslaughter verdict, Hayb was found guilty of obstruction of justice, incitement to false testimony, false testimony and improper conduct.

The court was told Hayb fired at Mr Hurndall from an Israeli army watchtower, using a sniper rifle with a telescopic sight.

Witnesses said Mr Hurndall, from north London, had been escorting children away from gunfire when he was hit in the head by a single shot.

The Israeli army initially disputed this account, but under pressure from Mr Hurndall's family and the British government it ordered a full investigation. It later indicted Hayb, a member of Israel's Bedouin Arab minority.

Family 'concerned'

Mr Hurndall, a Manchester Metropolitan University journalism and photography student, had been operating as a human shield in the Gaza Strip with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).

This is a Palestinian-led organisation that includes Westerners and aims to oppose Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories by non-violent means.

Mr Hurndall's sister Sophie said she felt a "huge amount of anger" towards Hayb.

"Tom was rescuing a child," she said, adding that what Hayb did "was the most despicable action you could carry out".

Taysir Hayb tried to attack journalists as he left court
But she added: "He's been hung out to dry by the Israeli army who have not taken responsibility for the poor investigation and absolute lack of accountability."

Mr Hurndall's father, who had been sitting in court within touching distance of Hayb, said the guilty verdict was the right one.

But he also expressed concern about the "culture in which this incident took place".

"We're concerned that there is a policy which seems to be prevalent in Gaza, amongst the Israeli soldiers and army, that they feel able to shoot civilians really without any accountability whatsoever."

Civil liberties group Human Rights Watch last week accused Israel of investigating less than 5% of hundreds of cases of Palestinians killed since 2000.
Israeli authorities say there is no policy of tolerating the shooting of civilians.


CWalker, since you're so quick to stand up for your beloved Britons, what do you say to this?

Don Rizzle

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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2005, 11:52:52 AM »
just shows israels informal policy that civillians are fair game no matter if they are British, Working for the UN or more to the point Palestinian, shoot first and hopefully no one will ask questions later, a deplorable policy especially when applied to one of the most densly populated places on earth.

If the guy wasn't a british civillian there would have never been the pressure to bring the guy to justice.

On a side note I read somewhere the only reason he was prosectuted was because he was an israeli arab...

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2005, 04:53:44 AM »
i can easily defend this article by saying one phrase

Rules Of Engagement

of course "friendly fire" cases are going to be prosecuted because of the lack of discipline in the can't just go around shooting everything

but Israel is in a war zone, so the killing of palistians is pretty much reduced to what the military call the Deadly Force Triangle (law enforcement uses a simliar triangle)

the triangle consists of ability, opportunity and intent.

so when dealing with an enemy that doesn't have a uniform, uses guerilla tactics and other unconventional means of attack, the shooter in question can easily defend themselves using the triangle and it's completely legal

like the marine that shot that one insurgant that was caught on camera... iraqi insurgents have been known to play dead or injured and then blow themselves up. the soldier that killed this man believed the individual had the ability (since no one can see through clothes to see if he had explosives on him) he had the opportunity, and since he was already apart of an attack, he had the intent

J Bananas

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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2005, 02:17:34 PM »
Is this world coming to an end?


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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2005, 02:22:00 PM »
Would your little bullshit triangle explain how an Israeli bulldozes over an American peace activist? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit....

guess what? next time they're about to demolish a building where you live... go run into it, most of the times they won't stop

and since you can't read, i said this applies to soldiers and law enforcement officers, not construction workers


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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2005, 02:22:49 PM »
And if you want to talk about rules and laws... Israel is in violation of over 60 UN resolutions, they're illegally occupying the Palestinian territories, and according to International Law, the Palestinian people are allowed to defend themselves by any means necessary to drive out the occupier....

Iraq was also in violation of a bunch of UN resolutions and look at every one get all mad when america stepped up to enforce them


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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2005, 02:32:33 PM »
it's not a double standard it's friendship

i bet your friends can call you a dickhead and threaten to beat your ass and you would just laugh it off

but if someone you don't like calls you a dickhead and threatens to beat your ass. you'd probably do something

i'd call that more of an omition than a double standard... both situations are completely different



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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2005, 02:33:39 PM »
oh and life isn't fair


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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2005, 02:39:46 PM »
it's not a double standard it's friendship

i bet your friends can call you a dickhead and threaten to beat your ass and you would just laugh it off

but if someone you don't like calls you a dickhead and threatens to beat your ass. you'd probably do something

i'd call that more of an omition than a double standard... both situations are completely different

LMAO... that's the definition of a double standard... fucking retard

how can you have a double standard on two seperate things?

i don't like oranges but i'll eat some steak



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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2005, 02:40:41 PM »
You're right, life isn't fair because if it was, you wouldn't be mentally challenged.

and look whos getting owned by a mentally challenged person.... care to borrow my helmet?

Don Rizzle

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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2005, 02:51:17 PM »
it's not a double standard it's friendship

i bet your friends can call you a dickhead and threaten to beat your ass and you would just laugh it off

but if someone you don't like calls you a dickhead and threatens to beat your ass. you'd probably do something

i'd call that more of an omition than a double standard... both situations are completely different

LMAO... that's the definition of a double standard... fucking retard

how can you have a double standard on two seperate things?

i don't like oranges but i'll eat some steak

you got it twisted, how can america not putting pressuring its friends; like vetoing almost all UN resolutions against Israel but puts its whole weight against the likes iraq not be a double standard?

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2005, 03:00:57 PM »
it's not a double standard it's friendship

i bet your friends can call you a dickhead and threaten to beat your ass and you would just laugh it off

but if someone you don't like calls you a dickhead and threatens to beat your ass. you'd probably do something

i'd call that more of an omition than a double standard... both situations are completely different

LMAO... that's the definition of a double standard... fucking retard

how can you have a double standard on two seperate things?

i don't like oranges but i'll eat some steak

you got it twisted, how can america not putting pressuring its friends; like vetoing almost all UN resolutions against Israel but puts its whole weight against the likes iraq not be a double standard?

do you want a list of differences between the two? i can think of probably 4 or 5 hundred differences between iraq and israel

the only similarities between the two are that they are countries and they violated resolutions

to further prove that there's no double standard, let's say jessica alba and rosie o donnel are at a bar and you wanted head from both of these women... would you approache them the exact same way because they are both female and they both have dark hair? no, every situation must be treated differently

now i can see that if there were a bunch of countries we don't like that were violating un res's.. let's say israel, iran, iraq and korea just to name a few... and we attack iran, iraq and n korea and left israel alone... yeah that might be a doulbe standard... but since we are negoitiating with all but iraq.... i don't seee how it's a doulbe standard

Don Rizzle

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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2005, 03:12:39 PM »
you don't think the jewish lobby has anything to do with then?

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

Don Rizzle

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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2005, 03:21:30 PM »
seems as your posts seem to be largley irrelivent i thaught i'd post up a picture of you

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re: Israeli soldier KILLS a British peace activist in cold blood
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2005, 06:10:39 PM »
it's not a double standard it's friendship

i bet your friends can call you a dickhead and threaten to beat your ass and you would just laugh it off

but if someone you don't like calls you a dickhead and threatens to beat your ass. you'd probably do something

i'd call that more of an omition than a double standard... both situations are completely different

LMAO... that's the definition of a double standard... fucking retard

how can you have a double standard on two seperate things?

i don't like oranges but i'll eat some steak

you got it twisted, how can america not putting pressuring its friends; like vetoing almost all UN resolutions against Israel but puts its whole weight against the likes iraq not be a double standard?

do you want a list of differences between the two? i can think of probably 4 or 5 hundred differences between iraq and israel

the only similarities between the two are that they are countries and they violated resolutions

to further prove that there's no double standard, let's say jessica alba and rosie o donnel are at a bar and you wanted head from both of these women... would you approache them the exact same way because they are both female and they both have dark hair? no, every situation must be treated differently

now i can see that if there were a bunch of countries we don't like that were violating un res's.. let's say israel, iran, iraq and korea just to name a few... and we attack iran, iraq and n korea and left israel alone... yeah that might be a doulbe standard... but since we are negoitiating with all but iraq.... i don't seee how it's a doulbe standard

Ok, let me give you another analogy. You're dumb, probably at the legal level of being labeled mentally challenged, but I don't know why you're that dumb. I really have no idea how this happened to you. Now just because I don't know why you're a retard, doesn't mean that you aren't one. The same way, you don't see the double standard (probably due to your lack of intelligence), but that doesn't mean the double standard doesn't exist.

oh can't debate so you're left to just calling cute....

get some more education before you decide to talk shit little girl, i put you in your corner way too easy