Author Topic: lol my co-worker is an idiot  (Read 74 times)


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lol my co-worker is an idiot
« on: August 17, 2005, 11:51:24 AM »

Yes, you wanted it.  Now you can have it.  The shift of your dreams.  I am willing to make a great sacrifice to the first lucky person who is willing to work in my stead this upcoming Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005 (0600).

What do you get if you decide to take the shift?  Neverending glory?  More "booty" then a greedy pirate can shake a wooden stub of a leg at?  My undying love and respect?

Is the answer "yes"?  I don't know... it?

Call me on my cell, or respond to this email, and let me guide you down the path of your dreams.

After one fulfills their lifelong dreams, what next?  Do they go on into the sunset, happy having lived the glory?  Or do they become empty souls with nothing left to look forward to but dirt and carrion?

The answer to these questions...I don't know.  But someone might.  Someone took my shift and will be living the dream. 

I won't disclose who exactly, but if you are fortunate to work that night, look for the employee with the smile from ear to ear.  She's the one. 

And hey, if your feeling like living vicariously, ask her what it's like.  And quite possibly, if you feel it necessary, bow, or possibly do a curtsy.  I don't know the exact behavior I have never been in the presence of such greatness.

But alas, one day in the future, opportunity may again arise from the midst. 

You just be ready, I know I will.

Till that day.

But he gets alot of pussy reciting poetry  :laugh: