Author Topic: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.  (Read 265 times)


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Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« on: August 22, 2005, 10:54:53 AM »
"I went to OZZFEST 2005 san bernardino last night and things got pretty crazy. Sharon osbourne had people throwing eggs at bruce dickenson and messing with Iron Maiden's equipment during Maiden's set. Bruce said "I'm going to rip your fucking eyes out if I see who's doing that" "This is fuckin' Maiden Fest" Almost every song was plagued by her mischeif, such as Bruce's vocals being cut off and being replaced by an annoying OZZY OZZY OZZY chant. Bruce was livid. He said america stands for "we the people" and the people were the only reason he didn't leave.
There were other subtle signs of the "shit hitting the fan"

Sharon then cut them short and you could hear the sounds of a fight backstage. Sharon then goes on the Big Screen and calls Bruce a "Prick". Next ozzy comes on and gives the worst perfomance ever. Please find some more people who were there to corroborate my account."

This seems to be well corroborated by a lengthy post and more emails received as well as the fact that two photos of IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson have apparently been removed from the official Ozzfest web site, — presumably because the Ozzfest organizers believe that Dickinson has "disrespected" the festival (based on comments made by Sharon Osbourne during last night's Ozzfest in San Bernardino, California). View the IRON MAIDEN photo page (containing pictures taken earlier in the tour) at The photos that are believed to have been removed from the page can be seen on the server, but are no longer part of the former page: Photo#1, Photo#2

The following report was submitted by David Priest, editor-in-chief of On Track Magazine:

"Last night's [August 20] headlining performance of IRON MAIDEN at Ozzfest in San Bernardino, CA rendered some interesting, if not disturbing, results. Although MAIDEN played one hell of a show, they were under attack from the moment they began their set. From the time they hit the stage, they suffered power loss on at least three occasions and they were continuously pelted with ice, bottle caps, and eggs, among other things. Vocalist Bruce Dickinson was even spit on by one attendee. He seemed to believe these occurrences were not by accident and insinuated that they had been planned from the beginning of the night [Download MP3 files of Bruce's on-stage rants at last night's Ozzfest: Bruce#1, Bruce#2]. He also encouraged the other audience members to break the arm of anyone that they saw throwing things their way. Upon concluding their performance, the emcee for the evening began to chant Ozzy, Ozzy while Bruce was still speaking. Bruce retaliated by chanting MAIDEN. After he left the stage, Sharon Osbourne took over the mic and informed the crowd that they absolutely loved IRON MAIDEN and their crew and stated that they were all wonderful but that their singer Bruce Dickinson was a prick and had disrespected Ozzfest since they began their stint with the touring summer festival [Download MP3 file of Sharon's anti-Bruce rant at this location]. This, of course, came as a shock to those of us in attendance and the there was ample confusion and speculation from audience members there after. As previously announced, last night's show marked the final performance of IRON MAIDEN on this year's Ozzfest. VELVET REVOLVER will be taking over their slot on the last remaining dates."

Here are a few more eyewitness accounts, as submitted by BLABBERMOUTH.NET readers:

"Tonight was the last show of IRON MAIDEN's leg of the Ozzfest. Unfortunately the rest of the tour will have that spot filled by VELVET REVOLVER. There has been some sniping and such going on during this tour between Ozzy's camp and Bruce Dickinson, but that had been kept for the most part away from the fans it appears. So, IRON MAIDEN is playing a 55-minute set (though they've played full shows on the nights SABBATH cancelled on this tour because Ozzy can't to back to back nights.)

"MAIDEN is about to come on and right before a voice on the PA starts chanting 'Ozzy, Ozzy.' MAIDEN comes on and starts getting pelted with eggs from one area of the pit. Some dude has three dozen eggs. Bruce calls this out quickly. Next, during 'The Trooper', where Bruce waves a large British flag, some big dude painted red walks out from backstage with an American flag and on his back painted 'Don't f(#$ with Ozzy).' Tackled, he appeared off stage again. Then after Bruce declared 'You'll never hear MAIDEN on U.S. radio, MTV and certainly never see them in a reality show,' he says they will play 60 minutes, not 55. So, during two of their most popular songs (note: they are only playing songs from the first four albums, so 40,000 metalheads and idiots are going nuts), their PA and power goes off. Unbelievable, they handled it fine as almost if they expected it. They then do an encore and Bruce says something about the 'We the People' and nobody is going to stop them, not eggs, a guy spitting on them (until Bruce had him tossed) or a PA hoax and they play two more songs. Then they finish and are bowing and saying goodnight and the Ozzy voice comes on to chant, Bruce tries to change it to MAIDEN chant and then says, 'Are you as sick of this BS 'cause we are.' And they walk off.

"THEN: Sharon [Osbourne] comes on stage and asks for everyone’s attention and half ass praises and thanks IRON MAIDEN but say the singer Bruce is a prick and has been slagging the tour. 40,000 are stunned and start to boo and throw stuff, but most were stunned by the surreal moment. SABBATH then came out and did a good set like last year's with a much improved, yet hoarse, Ozzy. They started doing medleys thought, not good. But the rest, eesh."

despite the fact that the idiot some idiot is screaming 'Ozzy... Ozzy... Ozzy' as MAIDEN's intro tape ('Doctor Doctor') is playing.

"Some prick is throwing eggs up on the stage. It doesn't occur to me till later, but this person HAD to be planted in the audience, because there is NO WAY any fan could have snuck in 36 fucking eggs. They patted us down so good, I felt like asking for a cigarette afterwards.

"Bruce is in fine rant form (got 5 or so tonight...LOL), and mentions how MAIDEN will never be on the radio, or MTV...or reality TV shows. He also mentions that they're supposed to do a shortened 55-minute set tonight, but just like someone sang that they can't drive 55, they can't PLAY 55....they're going to play their full show.

"Maybe 30 seconds or so before 'Phantom of the Opera' is to end, the PA cuts out. A minute or two later, it's back on an they go into 'Run to the Hills'. This happens again 2-3 times the rest of the night. Once near the end of 'Hallowed be thy Name', and the crowd is so into it, we all decide to help MAIDEN finish the song anyway. We sang the rest of it for them, as we could just barely hear their stage monitors going.
"In spite of all the problems with the planted egg thrower, the 'Ozzy... Ozzy...' asshole, and someone pulling the fucking PA plug, the band are on FIRE, and are determined to give us the best show possible. There was no big Eddie during the song IRON MAIDEN, just the walk-on Eddie. Is this how it was at the other Ozzfest shows?

"MAIDEN come back out for their encore, and Bruce says that the band is back out there for one reason, and one reason only...after all the for us...the fans. They put on a fucking killer encore, and the crowd was fucking totally into it.

"MAIDEN are on stage still, and taking their bows...and this cocksucker starts the 'Ozzy... Ozzy... Ozzy...' shit through the PA system again. Well, almost IMMEDIATELY, seemingly the entire crowd starts chanting 'MAIDEN... MAIDEN... MAIDEN...' over the guy... over and over... and we drowned that motherfucker out! Bruce was up there like an orchestra conductor, waving his arms as we chanted 'MAIDEN... MAIDEN!'

"The band aren't off the stage 10 seconds, when that cunt Sharon Osbourne comes out and tells us she needs us quiet just for a moment. She proceeds to tell us how they love IRON MAIDEN and think they're cool...but then says that Bruce Dickinson is a real prick, and has been disrespecting Ozzfest from day one. That's all I heard out of the bitch, 'cause we all immediately went back into 'MAIDEN... MAIDEN... MAIDEN!" and she was completely drowned out after that.

"I looked at my brother and said 'Let's get the fuck outta here,' and he nodded too. All the way out, we chanted 'MAIDEN... MAIDEN' ...and 'Bruce... Bruce...' ...and the crowd all along, chanted right with us.

"Walking out the gates, we quickly noticed that we were FAR from a large mass of people were leaving right with us. Common statements made by others were, 'Fucking bitch, Sharon...fuck her.' I think she overestimated her popularity...LOL. All she ended up doing was thinning out the crowd of a large LARGE number of MAIDEN fans. Good fucking riddance, too!" Link to website.

In further news....

Pop diva Gwen Stefani is refusing to attend MTV's Video Music Awards, after bosses at the channel were unable to offer her a performing slot.

Stefani was said to be "deeply offended" by the supposed snub and has declared that she is staying away in protest, despite being up for several nominations.

An insider from the TV station is reported as having told the New York Daily News: "We love Gwen and we hope she will be able to join us, as we know her fans would love to see her on this big night - especially since she's heavily nominated."

Mariah would be proud of you, Gwen.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2005, 11:40:15 AM by Mattdrush1 »

TuKer Says: Angeles Records is the truth!!

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Re: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 11:08:24 AM » crazy for posting such a long story


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 11:34:34 AM » crazy for posting such a long story
There we go... Modified. But damn!!!, its still a long as story.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2005, 11:38:10 AM »
Modified it again. But, I still think some of the most interesting stories are from the ones who were there. If you want to read just go to the website posted above.


Re: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2005, 01:54:20 PM »
Ozzy should just give it up.
Ozzfest is the biggest pile of wank show too.
It should be called Sharonfest. It costs $75000 to get a spot on the 2nd stage when every other fesival in Europe pays the bands to play not the other way around.


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Re: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2005, 02:01:20 AM »
damn, i was going to go too Just for Iron Maiden


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Sharon & Ozzy Osbourne = Bitches (READ if u are a fan of music)
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2005, 12:26:54 PM »
Wow, I never expected bullshit like this to happen.

Sharon Osbourne, Black Sabbath singer Ozzy, their family and crew are such bastards. Here is why (interesting story):

Title: Hang Your Head in Shame, A Backstage Perspective

OZZFEST, Hang Your Head In Shame: The Backstage Perspective - Aug. 22, 2005
The manager of a well-known heavy metal band (*NOT* IRON MAIDEN) who attended this past weekend's Ozzfest show at the Hyundai Pavillion in Devore, California has submitted the following first-hand account of the evening that will surely go down as one of the most shameful moments in recent rock history (NOTE: at his request, the author's identity is being protected by BLABBERMOUTH.NET):

"Saturday night's Ozzfest at the Hyundai Pavillion near Los Angeles was a debacle on so many levels, I am still in shock as I write this. As a fan of many of the bands [Saturday] night, one can only hope this was an isolated incident, but sadly, it most likely wasn't. As many of you have heard already, co-headliners and metal legends IRON MAIDEN were pelted with eggs, bottle caps, beer cups, spit on, had people from the Ozzfest camp talking over the PA during their set, had 'Eddie' delayed from his onstage entrance, had members of the [BLACK LABEL SOCIETY] entourage rush the stage with American flags, and had the PA intentionally turned off over 6 times, all by the OSBOURNE CAMP.

"While it's still unclear as to the exact reasons why the terrorizing started (rumors abounded as to why, with everything from Bruce calling out Ozzy in the U.K. rock magazine Kerrang! on the widely known fact that Ozzy uses a teleprompter, to various vague references said on stage about a 'reality show' at an Ozzfest stop in Detroit), one thing was very clear: The whole thing stunk, and left me, and nearly all of the 40,000+ heavy metal fans in attendance angered and disappointed. Not that behind the scenes bickering or magazine trash talking is anything new to rock fans, but the shocking lack of professionalism at one of the largest stops in North America in front of 40,000 + spectators, at the hand of the Osbournes was nothing short of disgusting.

"It all began early in the afternoon, when many side stage bands were openly approached in clear view of everyone backstage by Sharon and Kelly Osbourne to 'join them in throwing eggs at IRON MAIDEN this evening.' All the bands were encouraged to rally the other side stage bands to do so. Members and/or friends of the hardcore band BURY YOUR DEAD were seen actively trying to encourage other side stage bands to 'join in the fun.' Thankfully, many side stage bands angrily declined.

"Later that evening, as IRON MAIDEN came on stage, their intro was interrupted by [BLACK LABEL SOCIETY] hanger-on and biker wannabe Big Dave, who was at the soundboard loudly chanting 'Ozzy, Ozzy' over the PA. MAIDEN opened their set and the entire band was pelted from the front row with eggs, beer, beer cups, spit, and various other objects by an Ozzfest-credentialed, bandana-wearing, Osbourne entourage. IRON MAIDEN, ever the professionals, continued through their set, and by the time they launched into their second song, 'The Trooper', Bruce changed into a civil war-era, red coat and began waving a Union Jack — British flag. Then, someone in, or associated with, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY tried to rush the stage waving and American Flag with the words 'Don't fuck with Ozzy' scrawled across his bare chest. He was tackled and beaten by MAIDEN crew and promptly thrown off stage.

"As 'The Trooper' ended, frontman Bruce Dickinson, with characteristic spunk, launched into a scathing attack on the people terrorizing his band, calling them 'a sorry excuse for an Ozzy Osbourne fan,' and wondering aloud how, 'three dozen eggs could get snuck into the front row of Ozzfest by people with Ozzfest laminates?' Though he never named names, all in attendance could understand who he was referring to. Nicko McBrain ran up to the front asking Bruce to hold on while he cleaned egg off his drums. He then stated the the next song wouldn't be heard on 'Your local cocksucking corporate radio station, wouldn't be seen on MTV anymore, and sure as hell wouldn't be played on a fucking reality TV show,' met by a huge roar from the crowd.

"During the song 'Hallowed Be Thy Name', Bruce, after only the first two lines, stopped singing and ran to the front row, firing back at his terrorizers, saying 'That asswipe right there, with the curly hair, the fucking glasses, and Ozzfest laminate throw his fucking ass out of here right now. It's gonna take more than eggs to stop IRON MAIDEN, and if it wasn't for a lawsuit, I'd rip your fucking head off right now, you piece of shit!!!!' He had the various attackers ejected and continued with a blistering version of the song until right before the big sing long at the end, the PA was INTENTIONALLY cut off. When it came back, Bruce launched into another scathing attack saying that they were supposed to play a shorter set than normal today, and only play 55 minutes, but IRON MAIDEN can't drive 55, or play 55, and were going to play our whole fucking set tonight.

"The band endured six more 'PA cuts,' including having the power to their amps turned off at one point. When the PA would come back on, they would simply launch into the next IRON MAIDEN classic, never missing a beat. Frankly, with every PA cut, the band just got meaner and meaner, playing each new song with an anger and a fire that was at times, simply astonishing to watch. Bruce began the introduction to IRON MAIDEN with a speech about 'Your constitution has something about 'We The People.' Well let me tell you, the only reason we are up here tolerating this bullshit, is because of you people. You have been amazing Glen Helen, and there are A LOT of IRON MAIDEN fans here tonight,' eliciting a huge roar from the crowd. He continued, 'It's gonna take more than eggs to stop IRON MAIDEN, NOTHING is going to come between us and our fans, and it will be death before dishonor, this is 'Iron fucking Maiden',' which was greeted by a thunderous applause. During 'Iron Maiden', longtime MAIDEN mascot Eddie was purposely delayed from making his entrance, making a brief appearance at the end, and one could only wonder as to how. As the band closed there set with a furious version of 'Sanctuary', the PA was again cut only to have Big Dave repeatedly chant 'Ozzy' over the PA, while the band tried to say goodbye to their fans. The now-furious crowd angrily drowned him out with chants of 'MAIDEN, MAIDEN.'

"Then, not 10 seconds after MAIDEN left the stage, Sharon Osbourne walked on stage and predictably, tried to give MAIDEN some fake, half-hearted praise about how they'd like to 'thank IRON MAIDEN,' and what a wonderful band IRON MAIDEN are, and how their crew were 'fantastic,' then sneering, 'But Bruce Dickinson is a prick.' The entire crowd, now fed up with the entire affair, began loudly booing her, pelting her with beer cups, and yelling 'bitch.' She tried to carry on, adding that 'Bruce had disrespected Ozzfest,' only to be drowned out by an ocean of boos, and soaked with beer. She slammed the microphone down and stormed off stage. Many in the crowd, fed up with what they had just witnessed, especially considering that many had come solely for MAIDEN, and paid upwards of $150 to do so, left in droves. SABBATH played to maybe half the audience that was there prior, and seemed stagnate compared to the band preceding them. As a huge fan of SABBATH, I honestly couldn't stand to watch them.

"I've seen IRON MAIDEN probably 10 times in my life, and frankly this was the very best IRON MAIDEN show I've had the pleasure of witnessing. You DON'T want to fuck with IRON MAIDEN. The more the Osbournes tried to fuck with them, the better they got! IRON MAIDEN was on fucking overdrive! Considering the amount of terrorizing and intimidation that IRON MAIDEN had to deal with at the hands of the Osbournes and the other side stage and main stage bands participating, they were the consummate professionals. They had the crowd in the palms of their hands, and IRON MAIDEN and Bruce Dickinson proved beyond a shadow of a doubt why they are the greatest metal band on earth right now, and quite possibly, the classiest, too.

"The Osbournes are drunk with power. Shame on them, and shame on ANY of the bands that participated in the terrorizing and intimidation. It was disgusting display, that NO BAND should have had to endure, but especially a legend like IRON MAIDEN. That fact that it happened in front of 40,000+ people, at a Clear Channel-sponsored event, while Hyundai Pavilion Security turned a blind eye and let the Osbourne camp pelt one of the main headlining bands with eggs, beer, and spit, was simply inexcusable.

"I will proudly be attending next year's MAIDEN fest, and as much as I hate to say it, I can't bring myself to spend another dime on the Osbournes.

"Ozzfest, hang your head in shame."

Not only am I a big fan of Iron Maiden, but a fan of music. Music is made to listen to. Not to be selfish and rip off people. If I went to this show I would sue everybody to get my money back. Fuckin bastards. MAIDEN!
Drop down, do the eagle, fuck that Real gangstas just pull up they pants and lean back! -


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2005, 12:30:03 PM »
Fuck them. for more info. Fuck the Osbournes!
Drop down, do the eagle, fuck that Real gangstas just pull up they pants and lean back! -


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Re: Iron Maiden Sharon Osbourne fight/Stefani boycotts MTV.
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2005, 06:13:16 PM »
Fuck Ozzy and Sharon. Maiden is way better than Ozzy, not Sabbath though.