
« Reply #60 on: September 27, 2005, 07:39:40 AM »

you're misinformed if you think they use "normal" cd's in the "normal" fashion.. put a xbox game in a dvd drive you wont read jack shit.
xbox games _have_ to be ripped over a network via the xbox drive itself..

Not to mention he's full of shit anyways.  Every seen a hacked Gamecube? Me neither.  While there is a 'mod chip' per se, you can't use it to play bootlegged copied games.  Nintendo made it so fucking hard, that they still haven't figured out ways to copy the games... if you're a manufacturer making a gamecube game, one thing you can be sure of is that there's no fucking way it's gonna be copied. 

Don Seer

« Reply #61 on: September 27, 2005, 07:43:51 AM »
exactly.. non standard media = people cant do shit unless the console itself is compromised...

for gamecbue you cant create disks like you can for the xbox.. so you're stuffed

i expect xbox360 to be more secure. microsoft as you pointed out lost money with xbox..
but they _meant_ to .. the loss is seen as the cost of entering the market
they put the console together out of near PC standard bits.

xbox360 has this dual shared memory area which developers will love (wont go there again)
which sony dont have.. xbox360 also as the same unrivalled dev facilities as xbox.. (and PCs..)
which sony also dont have.. MS are software guys gone hardware.. they know what the
people writing for the console's need.. tbh


« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2005, 07:58:46 AM »
I really think XBox will be the clear winner in the next generation (with the small fanboy part of me hoping maybe Nintendo will pull off a miracle).  Everybody keeps comparing Nintendo to Sega, which is fucking rediculous.  Nintendo has never been Sega, they've made money in every single thing they've ever done, from back in the 70's when they started making arcade games.  Hell, even making fun of Sega is fucked up because they still rule the Arcade world in Japan.  Sega is to this day one of the biggest game companies in the world. 


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« Reply #63 on: September 27, 2005, 08:46:55 AM »
Trauma, don't be stupid. First of all quarters mean nothing if the fiscal year is out of the red, and secondly, Sony losing any money has more to do with the crap going on in the video department. Sony games is still going strong, and so is sony as a whole. Playstation is doing fine, and so is Gameboy Advance (the main reason Nintendo keeps numbers up every year).

"That said, the company behind the PlayStation Portable announced that its group net profit for the fiscal year that ended March 31, 2005, rose by 85.1 percent compared to the previous year. Its FY2004 net profit totaled 163.84 billion yen ($1.54 billion), compared to 88.51 billion yen ($833 million) in FY2003."

Sony made 1.5 billion last fiscal year. That's more than Nintendo made.

(for the record. I'm pretty sure Nintendo posted a net loss once back in October of 2003).

It's crazy to think they'll fall to number 2 or 3 because of how much of a lead they already have. Like I said before; if X Box and Nintendo double their sales and PS3 cuts it's sales in half from PS2 then PS3 will still be number 1. Now that is a big if. Back in '95 when PSX started getting strong there were a whole bunch of kids who just started getting into video games in a serious level. Now those kids are older and they still like their playstation. Factor in all the older gamers that want games that aren't made for kids, and the fact that video game companies want the biggest market possible.

Most would rather make a game for an easy to pirate system that sells 90 million than for a hard to pirate system that sells 20 million. The number of people with out modded PS2s is still way higher then the number of people with XBoxes or Game Cubes.

So far Trauma I'm not wrong about DS. What's it sold, 5 million copies? Compared to other Gameboys it's way down. GBA-60 million. GB- over 100 mil. I never said anything about Micro, or Nintendogs. I never said childish games can't sell, but in today's market you cannot win the over all game wars with them.

Seer- like I said above security is overrated if you can't sell systems. In fact, making it easy to hack sells systems. There's no point fighting it. If companies just made good games that are somewhat challenging and aren't over and done with after a weeek and reasonably priced then pirating wouldn't be half the issue it is.

And finally Trauma- If I could snap my fingers and make this war between Sega nd Nintendo again I would, but I can't so I have to deal with what's real, and what's real is both PSX and PS2 are the two highest selling home consoles ever. Higher than NES, higher than SNES. To think that you can fall from a strong number 1 to number 3 is bullshit.

I'll make you a deal. When Sony is number 1 come January 2007 you have to go out and buy Bruce Springsteen's 30th Anniversary Born To Run box set and listen to it in full and watch the DVDs, and if Sony is in number 2 then I'll buy a Revolution and send you one so you can have an extra. If Sony is in number 3. I'll buy 3 revolutions and send them to members of your family. Deal?

(If I missed any reponses to Seer or Trauma, let me know. I'm not puposely ignoring anything).



« Reply #64 on: September 27, 2005, 08:58:47 AM »
But I'm purposely ignoring you, Like i'm gonna read all that bullshit. 

Lesse, I caught 'Trauma don't be stupid quarters don't mean shit" blah blah blah... well, when Nintendo makes money EVERY quarter, and Xbox loses money... EVERY QUARTER, I think, yes, that that's significant.    When you're saying the DS is gonna be a flop, but yet it drives Nintendo on to even more profits... I think, Yes, that's significant. 

By the way, why don't you just go ahead and send me a grand for this quarter, since you don't think it's important.  Lemme know if that works for you, and I'll shoot you my paypal address.

Didn't have time to waste reading the rest of your post. 

Don Seer

« Reply #65 on: September 27, 2005, 09:02:41 AM »
Seer- like I said above security is overrated if you can't sell systems. In fact, making it easy to hack sells systems. There's no point fighting it. If companies just made good games that are somewhat challenging and aren't over and done with after a weeek and reasonably priced then pirating wouldn't be half the issue it is.

you missed the point i've been making yet again.. people aren't going to want to make games for a console that is compromised.

whats the point in buying a system if no one makes games for it?

most companies sell their console's at near cost (or in the case of the xbox a loss!).. the money comes from game licences and royalties.

therefore.. you're talking rubbish about them selling hackable consoles being a good thing for them to do.
its never ever a good thing as far as console sales go.

yes you're right.. some games are shit.. thats how it goes. fact is.. these consoles won't have much between them.. and the reality is franchises like GTA will be real system sellers.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2005, 09:11:58 AM by Overseer »


« Reply #66 on: September 27, 2005, 09:16:53 AM »
"That said, the company behind the PlayStation Portable announced that its group net profit for the fiscal year that ended March 31, 2005, rose by 85.1 percent compared to the previous year. Its FY2004 net profit totaled 163.84 billion yen ($1.54 billion), compared to 88.51 billion yen ($833 million) in FY2003."

Sony made 1.5 billion last fiscal year. That's more than Nintendo made.

(for the record. I'm pretty sure Nintendo posted a net loss once back in October of 2003).

Overseer's post made me read yours, damn it. 

If you'll just fucking READ the news story you posted, SONY (the global, electronic giant) DID make 1.5 billion dollars last fiscal year... but their gaming division made nowhere near that much money, despite the launch of the PSP and being "#1" in the marketplace.  If you had even half the fucking brain you think you do, maybe you would have dug and found it.  You're counting in the profits Sony made from DVD sales, T.V. Sales, Camcorders, DVD players, VCR's, Movies like "Spiderman 2".  If Nintendo was counting Box office sales, then their numbers likely would be much higher as well, with Pokemon movies and shit. 


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« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2005, 09:52:55 AM »
Seer- like I said above security is overrated if you can't sell systems. In fact, making it easy to hack sells systems. There's no point fighting it. If companies just made good games that are somewhat challenging and aren't over and done with after a weeek and reasonably priced then pirating wouldn't be half the issue it is.

you missed the point i've been making yet again.. people aren't going to want to make games for a console that is compromised.

whats the point in buying a system if no one makes games for it?

most companies sell their console's at near cost (or in the case of the xbox a loss!).. the money comes from game licences and royalties.

therefore.. you're talking rubbish about them selling hackable consoles being a good thing for them to do.
its never ever a good thing as far as console sales go.

yes you're right.. some games are shit.. thats how it goes. fact is.. these consoles won't have much between them.. and the reality is franchises like GTA will be real system sellers.

Then why did the most easily compromised systems PSX and PS2 get all the games. Why do you think they won both of the past 2 wars? Games. That's why, and that's why they're going to win the next one. Why do they get all the games? Because they sell the most systems and availability is a key issue for game makers. Reasoning aside, Sony sells more and sony is the easiest to hack. PSX destoyed N64. PS2 destroyed Xbox.

Trauma, once again you're being an idiot. You write posts and expect responses but pretend not to read what others write, and you brought up Sony's loss, not PS2's earning. You really want to see numbers? THen find out PS2 related money and compare it to Gamecube related money. I never said the gameboy market was dead, with GBA being the clear cut champion of current hand held gaming.

And just because you're such an idiot I'll explain my reasoning with the fiscal quarter comment, and I'll do it in an analogy. If 2 teams are playing football and team A scores 35 points in quarter 1, 25 points in quarter 2, 50 points in quarter 3 and zero points in quarter 4, and team B cores 25 points in all four quartes, who wins the game? Does it really fucking matter that that Team A was outscored in one quarter?

The bottom line is Sony makes more money than Nintendo (you can count all the movies and TV shows you want) and Sony sells more systems. Sony's video game market is not why they are losing money. If you read the article you'd notice it was sony's video cameras, TVs, and DVD players that were down. Playstation 3 will be in more homes than Revolution or X Box 360 come January 2007.


« Reply #68 on: September 27, 2005, 10:12:21 AM »
Did you read the news story you posted?  EVEN IF Sony made 1.53 billion dollars, TOTAL, for their entire fiscal year, Nintendo made 630 million, for the past fiscal quarter.  For the fiscal year BEFORE that quarter, which runs up with the sony article you posted, Nintendo earned 1.04 billion dollars in operating profit.  Sony is sellng camcorders, dvd's, and even filming hollywood movies like Spiderman 2 to help them make their 1.53 billion dollars.  Your article clearly shows Sony making 407 million dollars in operating profit last year, in their gaming division.  407 million dollars, Nintendo made twice that. 

P.S. - I've been doing a little research online, and the nasty secret is, Nintendo's been making more money than Sony for fucking YEARS.  Microsoft isn't even in the picture, they've only turned a profit one quarter, while Nintendo has only lost 1 quarter, and that was due to a fluctuation in the value of the U.S. dollar vs. the Yen.  Nintendo's advantage is apparently that not only are they one of the top 3 hardware manufacturers, they're one of the top 2 or 3 software manufacturers as well. 

So argue all you want, Nintendo's not going to die anytime soon, because they're making money smart instead of running a footrace on technology. 
« Last Edit: September 27, 2005, 10:20:05 AM by I Want My Donation Back »

Don Seer

« Reply #69 on: September 27, 2005, 10:25:45 AM »
i hope this dude isn't an accountant.

sony get all the games because they pay for those games.. for example making GTA:SA exclusive for a period was a very clever move on their part..

however... microsoft have gone one step further with "rareware" now.. which was a similarly clever move.. them having been the best producer of nintendo games outside of nintendo themselves in prior generations


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« Reply #70 on: September 27, 2005, 10:33:19 AM »
Did you read the news story you posted?  EVEN IF Sony made 1.53 billion dollars, TOTAL, for their entire fiscal year, Nintendo made 630 million, for the past fiscal quarter.  For the fiscal year BEFORE that quarter, which runs up with the sony article you posted, Nintendo earned 1.04 billion dollars in operating profit.  Sony is sellng camcorders, dvd's, and even filming hollywood movies like Spiderman 2 to help them make their 1.53 billion dollars.  Your article clearly shows Sony making 407 million dollars in operating profit last year, in their gaming division.  407 million dollars, Nintendo made twice that. 

P.S. - I've been doing a little research online, and the nasty secret is, Nintendo's been making more money than Sony for fucking YEARS.  Microsoft isn't even in the picture, they've only turned a profit one quarter, while Nintendo has only lost 1 quarter, and that was due to a fluctuation in the value of the U.S. dollar vs. the Yen.  Nintendo's advantage is apparently that not only are they one of the top 3 hardware manufacturers, they're one of the top 2 or 3 software manufacturers as well. 

So argue all you want, Nintendo's not going to die anytime soon, because they're making money smart instead of running a footrace on technology. 

That's because Sony has way more costs and create way more jobs. If Sony goes bankrupt the economy asa whole would suffer a bit. If Nintendo goes under, nobody will care on a grand scale. I never said Nintendo will die. I said they won't beat PS3, and I stand by that. Sony may turn a only a slighlty larger prfit but they generate billions more than Nintendo and help the entire economic market grow.

Seer - why are we still arguing? All I said was that Sony will sell more than the others. Do you agree or not? I don't care how they get their games. The point is that they do, and that companies would rather go exclusive. Sony is not losing money every year and shows no signs of going bankrupt. This means the PS3 has no reason to fail. The Playstation markey is so much higher than the others they can't lose n the next round. What could happen is X Box narrowing the gap and then winning the round after. But not the next round. I'm judging the sucess by the consumers, not by the company profit. Sony has enough money to keep PS3 running and that's all that matters in the war.

Nintendo had Raw too, and PSX still destoyed them. It means nothing. The people have spoken and the people want Playstation. It'll take a lot for XBox 360 or Nintendo Revolution to change the opinions of the peopl. N64 could have prevented this if they had gone the route of CD and had dropped the ridiculous silicon system that no one wanted to learn to produce for, but N64 dropped the ball and Sony ran with it, and they are so far ahead it's going to takea long time to catch up.


« Reply #71 on: September 27, 2005, 04:05:02 PM »
You're a fucking idiot.  You're sitting here, every way wrong you can possibly be, and looking for ways to back out.  "Sony may turn only a slightly larger profit".  Bitch, Nintendo made two and a half times the profit Sony made last fiscal year.  Sony didn't turn a slightly larger profit.  They turned a significantly smaller profit. 

Second, now we're talking the economy?  Who the fuck is talking about how many people each company employs?  I show you that Nintendo is handing Sony their ass, and you tell me Sony employs more people?  WHO GIVES A FUCK.  They just announced they're firing 10 thousand of them, partially because Nintendo is kicking their ass with less employees.  This alllll stems from you earlier saying the DS would flop, you consistantly insinuating that Nintendo is taking a back seat to Sony and Microsoft (when in reality, Nintendo is making more money than both of them combined). 

Lets clown you a little bit.  Here's a disection of your original post, on page 1 of this.

I feel bad for everyone at Nintendo that knew this was a bad idea and are now going to lose their jobs once this thing tanks.

Do you feel bad for the 10 THOUSAND PEOPLE sony just announced they were going to fire thursday?  Look it up.  They're cutting 10 thousand jobs.

Why do they always focus on this bullshit by trying to make new things. NES took what Atari was and beat it because the games were better. SNES kept the same formula with a graphics improvement. Then the norm changed from cartride to CD and Nintendo played the old fogie and refused to change. Since then it's almso as if they are trying to overcompensate from not moving forward to moving too far ahead. No one is going to want to play a system like this and no developers are going to want to mae games forthis that they can't make for PS3. Nintendo's first part games should be nice but the system as a whole is going to fail.

System is going to fail.... but yet Nintendo's gamecube and gameboys are helping lead Nintendo to profits two and a half times sonys.  What are you measuring failure by?  I'm measuring it by what I measure everything by if you're a business like Nintendo... MONEY.  Bottom line is, Nintendo is consistantly making billions of dollars of profit for their shareholders, more than Sony, and more than Xbox.  Maybe they know more about how to make money than Sony's gaming division, or Microsofts?  I imagine they know immensely more about it than you do. 

I saw the video of the conference and the moron actually used the logic that non gamers are more used to TV remotes rather than video game controllers and they will be drawn to this system because the psychological barrier will be broken. What a bunch of idiots. My dad hates video games and can't use the controller but he loves TV and uses the remote all the time.

They're the idiots, but yet you just admitted their logic is flawless and you have proof of it in your own home.

There is no way he's going to get into this system because of that. Even if you can turn it sideways for old games it sill only has 2 buttons ont he front for your right hand.

There's countless adaptors that could be made for it and countless ways to control the game with the movement of the wand as well as the buttons that can be daisy chained into the expansion port on the bottom.  You're looking at the easiest configuration, for folks like your father. 

It's real easy Nintendo; a D-pad and analog stick next to the D pad, 6 buttons on the front and two on the shoulders and a bunch of decent games. That's how you sell video game systems.

Yeah, Nintendo knows, dumbass, they invented the fucking D-pad, they invented the fucking analog stick.  They came up with the 6 button scheme, and they also came up with the shoulder buttons.  They've also made more decent games than any other game developer in business.  Any other bright ideas you wanna bitch about? 

The guys at Microsoft are having a field day right now, and the guys at Sony are so far ahead they don't care one way or the other.

Hmmm... well do the guys at Microsoft give a shit that they're losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year with their system?  Do the guys at Sony realize they're not ahead at all, their profit margins are 40 percent what Nintendo's are?  Yeah, lets laugh.  You're a fucking idot. 


« Reply #72 on: September 27, 2005, 04:11:10 PM »
I'm judging the sucess by the consumers, not by the company profit.

So by your example, Nintendo could just lower the revolution's price to 10 bucks, and if they sold 100 million systems, they would be more successful than Sony, even though it would bankrupt them.  AH, gotcha.  Hey, lemme guess, you work at a car lot. 


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« Reply #73 on: September 27, 2005, 06:34:03 PM »
I already showed you that Sony makes more mobey than Nintendo. You have yet to show me otherwise. The article I posted above clearly explains that Sony Gaming is doing fine, and it was Sony Electronics (DVD players, Tvs etc) that had slipped. The PS2 sold 16 million unites (that's almost as much as Game Cube's total sales). "However, the division did hit a new record in sales: 252 million software units shipped worldwide, an increase of 30 million units over the previous year." Oh yeah, they're getting their asses handed to them, dumb ass.

Go put on a Beach Biys record and jerk off to pictures of Michael Jackson, because your bullshit isn't flying here ass hole.


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« Reply #74 on: September 27, 2005, 06:58:11 PM »
and after all this argueing its still a nintendo.