Author Topic: The great Barry Bonds  (Read 844 times)


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2005, 09:17:35 PM »
big never did it for the A's b/c for the longest time he couldnt stay healthy. and then the season he finally started doing it he was traded to the cards.

Wait, but steroids magically heal you...  So how could he not stay healthy?  and how in the world do you know Big Mac never started roiding until he was with the cardinals?  Canseco said he did them.  I believe Big Mac roided while on the A's.

no they help heal small nagging injuries like sore muscles, but they attribute to major injuries, which plagued big mac threw his career in oakland.

I'm not an expert on roids, so I wouldnt' know what they do and don't do, other than the fact that they don't help you hit a home run off of an ace pitcher in the mlb.  sure they may add strength to a person, which in turn will help hit the ball further, but it still takes a great degree of talent to hit the ball that well, whether strength is involved or not.

And none of you guys have answered my question:

Why have the players who have been busted for roids this year, been no name players barely surviving in the major leagues?  Why are they not crushing homeruns left and right?  If you are going to argue a point, at least back it up.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #46 on: September 20, 2005, 09:29:13 PM »
^^^^ shut your fuckin ass up, you sound so stupid, you're fuckin 25, grow the fuck up and stop pouring your heart into everything you write on the internet if you don't care so much you faggot, you try to be funny and you make stupid ass comebacks, for the millionth time, go get fuckin laid you nerd

Next time you have something relevant to say get at me, until then stick to something you are knowledgeable about, like American Idol, or Paris Hilton.
:laugh: man that's funny, "good one"



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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #47 on: September 20, 2005, 09:29:53 PM »
LMAO Not getting butthurt huh?
Next time you have something relevant to say get at me, until then stick to something you are knowledgeable about, like American Idol, or Paris Hilton.
umm, thats impossible to prove you dipshit
Or, is it maybe that you don't know what you are talking about and should shut your mouth?
:'( :loopaper:


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #48 on: September 20, 2005, 09:32:12 PM »
no I"m not getting butthurt.  good comeback tho, quoting me, with nothing to say yourself.  and nice back up on your argument.  good to see that you still have your head up your ass.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #49 on: September 20, 2005, 09:34:58 PM »
^^ and you say your not butthirt. ::)


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2005, 09:36:38 PM »
Fucking wasted topic


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2005, 09:37:37 PM »
Why have none of the guys taking steriods hit a bunch of homeruns? Maybe cause they aren't that good. Giambi, Sheffield, Bonds and the rest had talent but steriods boosted up their stats and helped out their game more.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #52 on: September 20, 2005, 09:38:52 PM »
ok I'm butthurt, whatever helps you sleep at night.  get a few hundered more posts so that you can "diss" me.  back up your argument you dipshit, thats why I'm in this thread, to make you realize you are dumb.  You've done nuthin but prove that and tell me I am butthurt.

Let me help you with your original and may I say extremely creative comeback.  Here in 3 simple steps:

1. Quote me

2.  Put a picture after the quote

3.  call me butthurt

That is the 3 simple step plan to guaranteed make me cry myself to sleep due to humiliation.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #53 on: September 20, 2005, 09:41:11 PM »
ok I'm butthurt, whatever helps you sleep at night.  get a few hundered more posts so that you can "diss" me.  back up your argument you dipshit, thats why I'm in this thread, to make you realize you are dumb.  You've done nuthin but prove that and tell me I am butthurt.

Let me help you with your original and may I say extremely creative comeback.  Here in 3 simple steps:

1. Quote me

2.  Put a picture after the quote

3.  call me butthurt

That is the 3 simple step plan to guaranteed make me cry myself to sleep due to humiliation.

And how have you proved anyone wrong. And I haven't dissed you, your the one that got all hurt and started talkings shit.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2005, 09:44:11 PM »
ok I'm butthurt, whatever helps you sleep at night.  get a few hundered more posts so that you can "diss" me.  back up your argument you dipshit, thats why I'm in this thread, to make you realize you are dumb.  You've done nuthin but prove that and tell me I am butthurt.

Let me help you with your original and may I say extremely creative comeback.  Here in 3 simple steps:

1. Quote me

2.  Put a picture after the quote

3.  call me butthurt

That is the 3 simple step plan to guaranteed make me cry myself to sleep due to humiliation.

And how have you proved anyone wrong. And I haven't dissed you, your the one that got all hurt and started talkings shit.

Thanks for proving my point agian.  I know you haven't dissed me, you're not smart enuff to.  and how have I proved anyone wrong?  Go back, pull out your hook on phonics, and reread each one of my replies to you.  It may take several times, but hey, you'll get there.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2005, 09:45:59 PM »
your the one that got all hurt and started talking shit.
^^^ forget it Bizzy, Acgrundy's just a fuckin geek who's pissed off at life........ you'll never get through to him about how gay he is and how pathetic he sounds

for the millionth time plus one:  give him a break, he's 25, he's a virgin, and all he has is the internet..... he's a fuckin loser and a geek, I feel bad for him, if only he realized we're all tryin to help him by telling him how fag'ish he sounds.........


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #56 on: September 20, 2005, 09:49:39 PM »
Isn't 25 a little old to still be living with your mom.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #57 on: September 20, 2005, 09:51:40 PM »
yes 25 is way too old to be living with you're mom.  Looks like you have a shitty future to look forward to.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2005, 09:54:42 PM »
I'm 17 I don't have to worry about my future yet. You on the other hand have no future unless the internet counts as one.


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Re: The great Barry Bonds
« Reply #59 on: September 20, 2005, 09:55:24 PM »
I'm 17 I don't have to worry about my future yet. You on the other hand have no future unless the internet counts as one.

damn Acgrundy, why'd u gotta hit the diss button?  you get butthurt again?  you fuckin hypocrit  :laugh: