Author Topic: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?  (Read 36324 times)


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #750 on: May 15, 2007, 01:23:04 AM »
episode preview Greatest Hits(Clarle Flahback)

Got this of another forum so believe what you want



======================================== ====================

Someone posted these on another site and could be bullshit, but jibes with a lot of what has been leaked out, and jibes also with what Moriarty posted on AICN.

So, read this with the knowledge that it may be bullshit, but WOW if this is real....


Here it is. What you've been waiting for. The mother of all Lost scoops. The "game-changer" The "rattlesnake in the mailbox." Let's start with this week's episode. Beware, MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! AND I MEAN IT. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE NEXT EPISODE AND THE FINALE DON'T READ ANYMORE.

EP 321 CHARLIE'S FLASHBACKS Basically, this is another show where they make you think that Charlie's going to die, but then it doesn't happen. Desmond tells Charlie that he's seen a vision of Charlie's death and that this time it HAS to happen because it's going to cause another of his visions to come true -- one of Claire and her baby being rescued from the island by a helicopter. He tells Charlie that he's going to drown after turning a switch next to a yellow light in a new underwater hatch. At the same time, Sayid tells Jack that he can't get a rescue signal out on Naomi's phone because Rousseau's old distress call is blocking the signal.

He tells Jack that they need to go to a radio tower to turn it off. Juliet, though, tells them that still won't get the signal out because Ben has been blocking all transmissions from the island by a jamming device on an underwater hatch called THE LOOKING GLASS. They know from Sayid's maps that the hatch is flooded. Charlie volunteers for the suicide missions to swim down there and turn off the signal. After what Desmond's told him, he now knows that this is his destiny. He swims down to the udnerwater hatch -- but it isn't flooded! He comes up in a pressurized chamber.

He's overjoyed that he doesn't have to die....but discovers that there's TWO CHICKS down there (probably Others) pointing guns at him. The FLASHBACKS are the five greatest moments in Charlie's life. He saves a stranger being beaten on the street (the stranger is Nadia, Sayid's long-lost love), he shows his Dad he can swim when he's a young kid, he hears YOU ALL EVERYBODY on the radio for the first time, and his brother Liam gives him the DS ring. But his greatest moment is when he met Claire on the beach the first night after the plane crashed on the island.

(He writes down these five memories and asks Desmond to give them to Claire after he's gone). The episode is just okay. Not as good as the last two, it's basically setting things up for the finale. It woudl've been better if they'd have killed Charlie in it. Now onto the finale... episode 322 FINALE "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS" The finale is full of action, a few deaths -- and that huge twist I mentioned earlier.

First, the deaths.

A bunch of Others get killed when they try to raid the camp. This includes Friendly, who Sawyer shoots in cold blood -- and also the other new tough guy Other (I think his name is Price) who gets run over by Hurley in the van. And Charlie FINALLY dies. Thank god. I've always thought he was one of the weaker characters and his death has been threated in so many episodes its about time it finally happened. He unblocks the jamming signal in the underwater station but drowns when Mikhail uses a grenade to blow it up, killing them both. It's a cool death for Charlie. Maybe cooler than he deserves.

Another big moment is when an old favorite of the show returns. Locke is just about to kill himself in the Dharma grave pit that he fell into after Ben shot him when he hears a voice telling him not to. He looks up to see...WALT!! Walt helps him out of the pit and then disappears. No sign of Michael, and there's no explanation about where Walt has been or what happened to him or Michael. Locke then makes it to the Radio Tower -- and gets there in time to kill Naomi just before she makes the rescue call. He throws a knife straight into her back. Jack can't understand what Locke is doing and tells him that he'll have to shoot him to stop him from making the call himself. Locke threatens to kill Jack, but then backs down. Jack makes the rescue call -- and someone on the other end answers. The story on the island ends with help on the way. Or maybe not.

Ben has told Jack that Naomi and her people aren't who they say they are -- and just before he dies, Charlie sees a transmission in the underwater hatch from Desmond's Penny -- who, contrary to what Naomi has said, denies that she knows Naomi at all!! But the HUGE TWIST of the episode -- in fact, probably the huge twist of the entire series -- happens in the flashback. They start by showing that Jack is totally fucked up. He's popping pills and suicidal. The first flashback shows him about to kill himself by jumping off a bridge -- only a car accident nearby causes him to stop, and instead of killing himself he fins himself helping the accident victims. But he keeps spiraling. He sees his ex-wife at the hospital -- she's pregnant with another man's child.

He goes to a funeral of a person that we never discover, but whoever it is, his (or her) death rocks Jack hard. He steals drugs from the hospital and is caught by the new doctor in charge. And all the time, he's constantly on the phone desperately trying to contact somebody. And the last scene shows us who...he goes to meet the mystery person, and it's the last person on earth we would's KATE! And it's now that we realize that for the first time in Lost history, we haven't been watching a flashback. We've been watching a FLASH-FORWARD! Yep, that's right. THEY ACTUALLY SHOW THAT JACK AND KATE MAKE IT OFF THE ISLAND. For some reason, this has been the cause of Jack's spiral. He tells Kate they have to go back to the island.

She refuses and drives away. The show finishes with Jack screaming "We have to go back!!" It's a bold move by the writer's no doubt, but I'm not sure if it will pay off entirely. It raises many other questions -- how did they get off the island, did anyone else get off the island, who stayed behind -- but on a show that has been all about our heroes trying to get back home, its kind of disappointing to know that Jack and Kate actually return to the mainland and that they could stay there if they want. The twist is bound to cause huge discussion among Lost fans. I felt it was a bit of a cheat, but maybe others will like it more... Hope enjoyed the scoop.


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #751 on: May 17, 2007, 04:51:27 PM »
so i saw the episode with jacob first i was like what the fuck?! me the meeting was off the hook.......if they just showed him and so on, people would have been more dissapointed straight away....they were in a no win situation with that.......personally the way they did it was hella dope though..........but can someone explain to me.....why could he not see him? and why did he ask him to help him?.........dude aint invisible right? lmao.....

oh and before they go into his crib lock is seen grabbin some sand or some shit before he gets to the house.....what was that?....was that gun powder....sand?.................orrrrrrr was it the black smoke thing? could be that shit when it aint active??? takes the form of sand??? and jacob is locked in that mind always comes up with some crazy ass theories when i watch that show....i always end up having new questions!! thats why i think its the shit still!


oh and fuck you muthafucka bones....i couldnt help but resist reading that spoiler shit you passed!.....but i will not comment on it till i have seen the episodes!!


The Watcher

Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #752 on: May 17, 2007, 06:00:38 PM »
well, since jacob seems to be invisible or a spirit or something weird, i would guess that the grey powder locke picked up was used in some sort of spell to keep jacob in the house (ie: he can't go past it), as it would be in a circle around the house (no way for him to escape)

there is also the theory that they're doing it like in the wizard of oz, with ben being a good vantriliquist and pretending jacob was there, and locke's imagination ran away with him and he thought he saw jacob, but he didn't

last episode was ok, looks like charlie is gonna finally bite the dust, can't wait for the finale though, finally going to war
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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #753 on: May 17, 2007, 09:57:42 PM »
cool episode building hype of the season final. After seeing that looks like those spoilers i posted above are true so shud be a dope ep next week.
lost 3.21 - Greatest Hits Easter Eggs

How fitting is it that the logo for "The Looking Glass" be a White Rabbit?  White Rabbits appeared elsewhere in the episode, and in fact have been featured prominently throughout the series.  It was a White Rabbit, coincidently, that led Alice "Through the Looking Glass" in  "Alice in Wonderland."

Here's a better look at the schematics for "The Looking Glass" hatch.  An underwater hatch has long been a point of interest for Dharma enthusiasts, tonight we finally got a look inside.

"The Looking Glass" is huge, and inhabited!  The question is, are these 'others' or left overs from the Dharma Initiative?  Since they seem to be doing Ben's bidding, guess we'd have to go with "others," for the time being.

Perhaps the most crossed character in LOST to date, Charlie rescued Sayid's UOA Nadia from a mugging in the alley

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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #754 on: May 18, 2007, 01:14:38 AM »
I liked this week's episode; it wasn't particularly exciting, but it was well paced, well acted and seems to set the story up nicely for the finale (Bones, I'm not reading that synopsis of the last episode, motherfucker :P ;)).

The only thing I felt was a bit weak was the cliffhanger; Losties find a previously unknown hatch, then find it to be inhabited when the person in it trains a gun on them - where have we seen that before?... ::)
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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #755 on: May 18, 2007, 02:58:21 AM »
^^ Couldnt agree more about the last part.

Nice episode though, Bones thanks for all these lil hidden facts you posted.

EDIT: look what I just found:


Air date: Thu May 17 2007
Rip date: Fri May 18 2007

A series recap exploring questions that have been answered and those that 
haven't. Executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof host.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 03:57:54 AM by Timbo the king »


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #756 on: May 22, 2007, 01:23:37 AM »
^^propz that was interesting

Episode Preview - Through the looking Glass

There all different previews


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #757 on: May 24, 2007, 08:23:37 AM »
Aw shit that was GREAT.  :o

***** Spoilers"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

So at the end it basically showed that Kate and Jack survived and got off the island! Whos was that dude that died though ? The one that had a funeral Jack was talking about.

The only thing I didnt like is, how Walt magically appeared when Lock wanted to kill himself.

But damn, Ima have to watch that shit again, that flip at the end changed everything  :D


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #758 on: May 24, 2007, 08:40:25 AM »
^^ Yup.

Another big moment is when an old favorite of the show returns. Locke is just about to kill himself in the Dharma grave pit that he fell into after Ben shot him when he hears a voice telling him not to. He looks up to see...WALT!! Walt helps him out of the pit and then disappears.




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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #759 on: May 24, 2007, 09:06:23 AM »
Who do you think that "he" is at the end when Kate says "if he found out I was here..." Maybe she hooked up with Sawyer in the end.

The only thing that sucks is that you now know that no matter what Jack and Kate survive and get off the island.

Thats really cool how Jack was all fucked up for leaving the island, looks like he got that Ben obssesion with the island in the end  :P

I wouldnt be suprised if they crate a whole season of life after Lost.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 09:08:12 AM by Timbo the king »

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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #760 on: May 24, 2007, 11:28:45 AM »
^^I guess thats why Locke said "Jack, you're not supposse to do this"

So I guess that means Jack fucked up and got everyone else killed? SO that means Ben wasn't lieing?


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #761 on: May 24, 2007, 01:32:42 PM »
That was amazing. Nuff said.
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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #762 on: May 24, 2007, 02:50:02 PM »
Doesn't it seem that Charlie didn't infact have to die?

They fixed the thing which was blocking transmissions.

Why couldn't him and Des have just left out the bottom together?


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #763 on: May 24, 2007, 03:32:26 PM »
Probably because thats the only way, uh, whats her name, that blond chick and the baby could get rescued. Probably didnt wanna mess with the faith.

Anyways, Im glad the fuckers dead.


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Re: Sticky: *spoiler* has anyone seen Lost's second season premiere?
« Reply #764 on: May 24, 2007, 03:39:54 PM »
AWESOME episode but did anyone else get confused that jack was talking about his dad as though he was still alive?!?

"get my dad down here and if hes less drunk than i am then you can fire me..."

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