Author Topic: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul  (Read 453 times)

Don Seer

Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« on: November 01, 2005, 03:23:41 AM »

J Bananas

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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2005, 03:35:25 AM »
Ra's al Ghul (sometimes written Rā's al Ghūl) is the DC Comics supervillain, and archnemesis of Batman. His name is Arabic for "the Demon's Head" (see Algol). He was created by writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams and introduced in Batman #232's "Daughter of the Demon" (June 1971). He has been described as a "James Bond"-style villain, created as a response to the popularity of James Bond during the 70's, and to give Batman a more epic scope and enemy. Given the grand scale of his plans, he has also come into conflict with Superman and the general DC Comics superhero community.

Ra's al Ghul was several centuries old before he ever encountered the Batman. Replenishing his aged, injured, or dead body with a bath in a Lazarus Pit, Ra's has survived through the centuries, all the while accumulating wealth, knowledge, and power. Ra's is a criminal and scientific genius, particularly in the field of alchemy. He also rivals Batman in hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting. Along with Malhar Naik, also known as "Iceman", Ra's coleads the League of Assassins, a fanatic group willing to die at a word from Ra's and consisting of some of the most dangerous assassins in the world. He is constantly accompanied by a servant given the title Ubu, who is typically an especially dangerous fighter.

When a person uses a Lazarus Pit, the person emerges temporarily insane. Repeated use of the Lazarus Pit could have more subtle and dangerous effects, and no one has used as many Lazarus Pits as has Ra's. Use of the Lazarus Pits may well have driven Ra's completely insane.

Ra's's goal is a world in perfect environmental balance, a goal he will achieve at any cost. Since he believes that the best way to do so is to eliminate most of humanity, he may be regarded as an ecoterrorist bent upon global genocide. That he has the means to achieve his goal makes him extremely dangerous and brings him in into frequent conflict with Batman. Ra's usually tries to assault the world's human populace with a biological weapon, such as a genetically-engineered virus.

Ra's is among Batman's most formidable foes. Not only can he physically and mentally challenge "the Detective" (the name by which Ra's always refers to Batman), but he has also deduced Batman's secret identity.

According to Batman Villains Secret Files & Origins 1998 #1 (October 1998), Ra's stands 6 ft 5 in (1.96 m) in height and has a weight of 215 lb (98 kg).

Uncle Tom is a pejorative term for a black person who is perceived by other blacks to be obsequiously servile to white authority, eager to win the approval of white people, or who rubber stamps white supremacist notions about the inherent superority of whites and its corollary, the inherent inferiority of blacks. "Uncle Toms" are perceived to take the side of whites when there is an injustice against blacks. The term Uncle Tom comes from the title character of white author Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin.

The book's Uncle Tom demonstrates an honorable grace and dignity, his story of suffering being similar to that of Job, from the Bible. Tom pities Simon Legree, for his enslavement to his wickedness; despite his wealth. He is poor in spirit in comparison to faithful, old Tom. Most blacks, however, object to Tom's passivity, willing subservience and complete lack of outrage at his enslavement, and to Stowe's paternalism in the portrayal of the loyal, patient, long-suffering Tom. They view the author's prose as patronizing, condescending, stereotypical, and emasculating. The depiction of Tom in the popular stage version of the novel also was greatly influential in popular perception of Tom as a servile, white-haired, shuffling slave who was grateful to his master.

Essentially, the accusation of being an Uncle Tom or tomming questions the accused person's integrity, or courage, or both. The implication is that the person is demeaning him- or herself, or acting against the interests of blacks, generally, for their own personal benefit, out of fear, or simply because they have been brainwashed to be complicit in their own oppression. A "tom" can be someone judged to be insufficiently outraged by, or inadequately engaged in opposition against, a status quo of white privilege and power and black disadvantage. Sometimes, the term is applied to individuals who simply are perceived as being unnecessarily accommodating of whites.

During slavery, tomming could be a cunning subterfuge. White masters often gave well-liked and trusted slaves coveted, less physically demanding duties to perform. "Faithful" bondsmen and women also tended to be watched less closely, allowing them opportunities to escape to freedom or engage in clandestine acts of defiance. A tomming fieldhand who had been bullwhipped might set a field afire or destroy farm implements. An outwardly compliant cook whose husband or children had been sold away from her might burn down the cookhouse or exact a slow and agonizing death from her master by poisoning his food with finely ground glass or other harmful substances.

Slaves also often calculatingly pandered to white supremacist assumptions about blacks. The self-referential use of the word "nigger" to their own advantage was a typical, self-deprecatory artifice of tomming. Implicit in taking on such a label was the unspoken reminder to whites that a presumed inherently morally or intellectually inferior person or subhuman reasonably could not be held responsible for work performed incorrectly, an "accidental" fire, or any other similar occurrence. Tomming effectively could enable someone to dodge personal responsibility for sometimes blatant insubordination or perceived incompetence and allow them to escape completely the wrath of an overseer or master. Acting in a dimwitted manner was another effective device, which also helped put whites at ease. Stepin Fetchit, the 1940s on-screen persona of comedic actor Lincoln Perry, was the quintessential Uncle Tom. Whites often assumed that a black person who thought of himself as a "nigger," who apparently willingly accepted his subordinate status, or who was simple-minded, posed no threat to white authority. Other famous people often considered to be Uncle Toms include former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

This practice of masking defiance or rage with acquiescence, civility and even obtuseness continues today. As in years past, tomming can be a means of appropriating and preserving a degree of private autonomy in the face of social prejudice and institutionalized racism, an act of subversion -- or even an over-the-top, mocking response to race prejudice.

I Dont see any connection between either of them, are you saying all decent black people are international supervillains?

Don Seer

Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2005, 03:37:12 AM »
I Dont see any connection between either of them, are you saying all decent black people are international supervillains?

only the one's that suck up to cracka ass crackas


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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2005, 03:40:06 AM »
I thought it was Janal.

Denial! Is Actively Joinin The Revolution

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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2005, 03:46:58 AM »
u always blame jamal!
Hittman is not a real person. He was a computer program generated by Dr. Dre and Mel Man back in the mid 90's. When Dre started treating Mel-Man like shit, Mel infiltrated the computer and put a virus in the hittman program



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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2005, 03:48:27 AM »
u always blame jamal!

he's usually the one with those lame aliases, so yeah i thought it was him. blame me.

Denial! Is Actively Joinin The Revolution

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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2005, 03:50:53 AM »
no my money woz also on jamal.
Hittman is not a real person. He was a computer program generated by Dr. Dre and Mel Man back in the mid 90's. When Dre started treating Mel-Man like shit, Mel infiltrated the computer and put a virus in the hittman program



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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2005, 03:52:46 AM »

Denial! Is Actively Joinin The Revolution

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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2005, 04:15:16 AM »
Lol never mind
Hittman is not a real person. He was a computer program generated by Dr. Dre and Mel Man back in the mid 90's. When Dre started treating Mel-Man like shit, Mel infiltrated the computer and put a virus in the hittman program



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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2005, 08:35:09 AM »
dipset bitch


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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2005, 11:21:32 AM »
corey matthews was the funniest alias  :)


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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2005, 01:30:18 PM »
Razor Ramon is funny 2 ...............Mang


J Bananas

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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2005, 01:33:15 PM »
Uncle Tom got banned, I guess he was too real nigga status


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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2005, 12:15:46 AM »
corey matthews was the funniest alias  :)


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Re: Uncle Tom = Ra's al Ghul
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2005, 02:08:00 AM »
Bill O'Reilly was pretty good too