Author Topic: Ras Kass: The King of the West?  (Read 769 times)

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Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« on: November 22, 2005, 07:38:27 AM »
You’ve heard of this guy. He’s critically acclaimed, highly respected, and touted as one of the rawest lyricists ever. You will not see him on BET or MTV. You will not hear about him gracing the stages of Direct Effect or 106 and Park. But the streets talk – they all know of the name – Ras Kass. Having been out of prison for eleven months now has provided the Carson, California MC with some much needed clarity. No longer “institutionalized” – Ras is free. Not just from prison bars and cells, but hopefully from the burdens that have followed him over his career with a certain recording label. sits down with the Conceited Bastard as he talks about why he’s the King of the West Coast, puts truth to the rumors about him and his “beef” with The Game, and why you should be on the look out for his upcoming movie.

HHDX: Since you’ve been out what have you been doing? How’s the family doing?

Ras Kass: Actually that was the first thing that I did when I got out, was spend some time with the family, just to get settled in and readjusted to a life of peace. I got my head right. After that, I then linked up with Xzibit, we hit up the studio, and started grinding out some work.

HHDX: How is it working with Xzibit?
Ras Kass: Musically, X and I call each other the double-headed dragon. I think I motivate him to do certain things and him vice versa. I’m just trying to help him out with his new album. I just finished my working on my album.

The mixtape, Institutionalized is garnering all these rave reviews – so what do you have in store for the album and who will you be signed to?

Ras Kass: To be honest, I can’t tell you the title of the album. The album title is stupid though. I wrote that album in prison. I wrote about a 100 songs while I was on the inside. I felt differently when I finally was on the outside. I’m in litigation and I’m not even supposed to be talking about another situation. But what I can say is that I get a lot of love from the industry and that I have a lot of options as to where I can place this next album. I think that music, itself, is a time capsule. I constructed the album while I was in prison and I want this album to be lyrically impeccable. But since I felt different on the outside and my perspective was different, I came out with Institutionalized and it spoke on how I was feeling at the time.

Like I said, I’m in litigation – so for Institutionalized it was about feeding the street. 50 (Cent) had two albums out before he signed with Shady/Aftermath. Eminem had one album before he signed with (Dr)Dre. People may or may not know that. But, this album was for all the Hip-Hop heads all around the world and I wanted to make sure that people could get this and I wanted to give back to them. I’m not trying to overtly sell this. I just wanted it to be some timely material that’s appreciated by those who would like it. A lot of people have had the opportunity to have consecutive albums where they can show their growth… I haven’t. I’ve been blessed to have the support of my peers and to be able to put this out there.

Speaking of legalities – how is that situation with Priority going? Can you elaborate on it for those who may or may not know the deal with you and Priority?

Ras Kass: Everything looks good. I think it’ll amicable split. All I ever wanted was a release, but since I’m suing – it looks like I’ll be seeing some money.

The song “Caution” caught a lot of heat because it seemed to have referenced The Game? With the similarities between you, The Game, and the lyrics that you spit in the song – how can it not seem like you’re not talking about him?

Ras Kass: I’m not trying to defend it. The truth of the matter is that I made a blanketed statement. I give credit where it’s due. That’s totally David Banner. We lived together back in the day. When I got out of prison, Rick Rock called me and had me all these beats. David Banner was gassin’ me up, putting a battery in my back – amping me up – telling me to tell these bitches what’s up and tellin’ them what I’ve been through. It’s not directed particularly to anyone. It’s just saying that I’m the King of the West and if you don’t like it – come fuck with me either in the streets or on the mic. Rather it be the streets because, you won’t see me on the mic. I’ve just made my claim and I found that you have to stake your claim and back it up. The streets are going to tell me that any day in LA. It’s not just me staking my claim, my birthright. Not to shit on anyone else, but I’m just getting what’s mines. At the end of the day, I have nothing against anyone. I’m just saying that this spot is me. A lot of people have had their opportunity to be at the forefront of this West Coast movement – but they haven’t stepped up to the plate. After ‘Pac and B.I.G. died – that opened up a door for Jay-Z. So, now when you think of the West Coast, I want y’all to think of me.

HHDX: “Nature of the Threat” – in my opinion, is one of the illest songs that I’ve ever heard. You dropped some deep knowledge on that one. What all did you read to be able to drop jewels and did you expect anything to come from doing a song like that?

Ras Kass: I read a little bit of everything. I was picking my classes – Cultural Anthropology… World History… and I wasn’t interested in all of it, because I wanted to rap. I failed Black History because I wasn’t there. I was in the studio. So, I kept buying the books that put me in the frame of mind where I wanted to be. But I was already a voracious reader before. Before I wrote the song – two years before, I took notes about that song because I knew that I had wanted to write it. So, I just took the references that I had happened to take notes on and placed into a concept. “Nature of the Threat,” I wrote for myself – to be selfish. I wanted to place things in a chronological order. I am not saying that [in that song] that white people are evil. But that white people can use prejudice for their benefit. I wanted to have a better understanding of the history.

HHDX: What was the feedback to that song from your fans?

Ras Kass: Honestly, I don’t really recall. It was just a selfish record, dude. I wasn’t going to put it on Soul on Ice – but then when I wrote it I felt that it was important to get it out there. If there was anything said, then probably, I was oblivious. I mean I got a lot of critical acclaim, which was a blessing. To have from the niggas in the pen, to white people, professors, teachers, all the way down to the “dumbest” cats on the Earth – all hailing this as a blessing. But I was already past that onto the next. But it’s always a blessing, it creates a dialogue. My whole thing is if you don’t believe it, prove me wrong. I don’t care if people don’t like my thesis, but if you don’t believe it, I’ve given you the incentive to do so.

HHDX: You said that Institutionalized is not your album for “106 & Park” or “Direct Effect” – but don’t you think that you’d need some sort of mainstream machine to be able to have your message heard?

Ras Kass: Of course, that’s the nature of the beast. I said that that wasn’t my goal. I wouldn’t say no if they asked me to be on there [Direct Effect]. I have never had that support though. My company didn’t know how, or didn’t want to, or couldn’t promote me the way that I was supposed to. But when I go to my next situation – it’ll be lovely. I’ve known Em before he was blonde. He’s not any better or worst before meeting Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre – he’s still dope. That’s the same with Alicia Keys – she was signed before and was still great. You just gotta have the right machine behind you. 50 has had two albums out and isn’t much different from when he first came out. It’s the power of that machine. When you’re with the right people then you look like the right person to like. I cannot even find a new locale…

HHDX: Could that be why people are saying that you might be signing to G-Unit?

Ras Kass: I don’t mind people perceiving it. I just won’t say yes or no. [Laughs]

HHDX: With Jay-Z and Nas squashing their beef, 50 trying to extend the olive branch to Jadakiss – do you think that this peace will impact the music that comes out?

Ras Kass: Nah. Me, personally no, because everyone is a businessman. We all started out with this dream and this talent. Then we get clique-y. This is the 13th grade, in my opinion. I consider this shit just like it was school – you have your popular people, the nerds, the jocks, and so on. We all know one another. You’d never guess it but, like I said before – me and David Banner lived with one another. Everyone has probably known each other for quite some time. From doing shows on the road, hitting up the same venues, all these other experiences – we’ve all had together. This is like the damn Mickey Mouse club. Like how Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears knew one another before they blew up… that’s how the rap game is. Cats ain’t messing with each other people mainly because of ego. People necessarily do not want other people to shine. The truth of the matter is that people operate under business. Like what’s the purpose of Nas doing a song with me? From his point of view, right now, there is none. But if he wasn’t doing anything and I become hot – it’s vice versa. Why would I want to mess with Nas if there isn’t something in it for me? I mean you do have the cats in the game who do this genuinely from the heart and collaborate on each other’s projects strictly for the love.

But, in reality, I mean the most that we can do is roll around and fuck bitches together. [Laughs] I just told the dirty little secret. Rappers do not want to work with the cats who aren’t doing nothing. Why do you think 50 has all these beefs with everyone? Why would he want to work with the cats who thought he wasn’t going to ever do nothing?

HHDX: What’s the status of Golden State and the Horseman – are those projects that you’re still trying to have see the light of day?

Ras Kass: Yeah, as far as the Horsemen is concerned – I actually just talked to (Killah) Priest not to long ago. I was supposed to go out with him. Golden State is always gonna be Golden State. My kids call him Uncle X [Xzibit] and his kids call me Uncle Ras Kass. We’ll always be Golden State.

What’s the status of Re-Up Entertainment? Is Scipio still apart of that?

Ras Kass: You know some people grow in different directions. I think Scip is running with The Game at this point. Re-Up in my company. I want me to be an artist on my label. That’s my attempt to own something. If you don’t own nothing in America, then you ain’t shit anyways. It’s an avenue where I can promote the things that I like in Hip-Hop. Because once you get a little bit of money people start respecting you a lot more.

Cliché question – but what are your thoughts about the game right now? The South seemingly runs it – but most people are saying that lyricism is severely lacking.

Ras Kass: I don’t know about that. I think T.I., Luda, and DEFINITELY Andre 3000 are lyricists. I think that people spit that raw shit. I don’t always want to be lyrical. I just want to see some girls shake they ass in the club [laughs]. Thank God for Lil’ Jon. I can say that the game is not balanced. I mean there’s only one video company. Viacom is a monopoly. That’s where we’re fucked at. We have three record labels, one video company, and two radio companies. They don’t care what’s new. They only care about “consumer trends”. So, what’s “pop” is what has been sold to the public before. There you have the imbalance. Not necessarily the music, per se, but the game definitely is. You don’t get the good balance of what all encompasses this music. It’s all pretty much the same type of cat doing the same song and dance, getting money.

How do you change it?

Ras Kass: I don’t know. If I knew that answer I’d be rich already.

Will there be any chance of you making your own “8 Mile” or “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” type movie?

Ras Kass: Ah... you know, dude to be honest – I definitely would. But you can only do it when people care. Once you sold 10 million, that’s when people would care. Eminem’s life was probably hard for him, but he didn’t lose a leg or something like that. Lance Armstrong had cancer and came back from that. When I sell 10 million records, everyone cares – then that’d be some shit.

What would you call it?

Ras Kass: Eat My Dick or Fuck You Pay Me. Now You On My Dick.

They say that there is power in numbers – if you could form a group right now – who would be a part of it and why?

Ras Kass: Dr. Dre and Premier because they’re the dopest producers. They are the two classic great producers in the game right now. I don’t know, that’s a good ass question. MD, Nas, Rakim, Jadakiss, Jay-Z, Redman, Eminem – I think that every four years we should have a Rap Olympics and that people should go into the studio and just knock it out, one take, if you mess up that’s it. I bet you that would change the game. Whoever’s the livest would shine. Critics would pick the people who are qualified to get in. So the underdogs – those on the underground could get a chance to shine. That would be a live concept.

That’s a live concept, you should try and get that out there…
Ras Kass: You gotta sell some records before anyone cares what I said.

With all these new acts coming into the game and having some sort of success and influencing millions to follow their movement – [no offense] do you think that you’re even needed in the game now?

Ras Kass: I think that every time I drop something. I think that I’m totally relevant. Umm.. yeah.. I grew up with Spider Loc and all them – so I think that I am relevant. Keith Murray used to tell me that I’m ahead of my time and this was back in the day. So, I’m 2008, so I gotta try and slow down for everyone else. People are just now discovering that – I’m so relevant that I’d have to die and 10 years from people would be saying that I’m great.

If there were anything that you’d want to let the public know what would you like to say?

Ras Kass: Really… just thanks. I haven’t sold a billion records, but I have been able to live comfortably. I’d just like to let all the people know.


Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 08:07:56 AM »
Q: Ras is the King of the West?
A: No.


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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2005, 08:26:23 AM »
I think Ras Kass is doope but the The King Of West title he can't claim.. yet . Although It's not impossible for him to do that, cause that cat defenitely got talent !

Right now I'm bangin' "More" from Institutinalized !! That song is a Real banger  8)
West Coast To This


Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2005, 09:41:19 AM »
Rass kass a never b the king of the west,not before crooked i,lyrically crooked i the best in the west,well the best in the rap game,cant nobody fucc with him,But rass is ok,But he cant never get more credit then crooked i and even anybody say other wise is out of they damn mind,

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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2005, 10:36:30 AM »
Whoever thinks Ras Kass has a chance (even a little one) of being the king of the west needs to get his/her hip hop pass revoked.


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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2005, 12:39:42 PM »
sure, ras is the king of the west.  he's the dopest lyricist in the game.

maybe he's like the king in exile or something.  the throne is his, but some imposter is sitting in it and the people don't yet know that they guy they are recognizing is just some phony that has assumed the throne under false pretenses.
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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2005, 12:42:49 PM »
Rass kass a never b the king of the west,not before crooked i,lyrically crooked i the best in the west,well the best in the rap game,cant nobody fucc with him,But rass is ok,But he cant never get more credit then crooked i and even anybody say other wise is out of they damn mind,

crooked i is tight, but lyrically i feel that ras does a little more.  i feel ras has done more than crook.  crook needs to drop an album, and do a lot on the mic to take the crown.  ras kass has done the word play, the metaphors, the story tellings, packed all types of meaning and information into his lyrics.  lyrically, he's shown more variety.
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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2005, 01:52:49 PM »
Whoever thinks Ras Kass has a chance (even a little one) of being the king of the west needs to get his/her hip hop pass revoked.


Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2005, 02:01:41 PM »
Q: Ras is the King of the West?
A: No.
For real, the guy had one good album (Rassasination) and besides, nobody wants to hear someone rap about the stars, the moon and the galaxy

J Bananas

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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2005, 02:05:01 PM »
To me Ras Kass is king of the west, his albums aint really have continuity, but he's the only westcoast rapper besides Quik i actually want to hear what he has to say.

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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2005, 02:16:46 PM »
ras kass will never be and has never been the king of the west... imo.. i think its Dr.Dre....


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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2005, 02:33:05 PM »
Rass Kass is good but i feel Yuk deserves the title of king of the west at the moment.. he's working real hard on a number of projects million dollar mixtape and album[both double disk], regime album, luniz album etc.. so surely to take the title "king of the west" you have to be working hard and no1 is workin harder then yuk in my opinion at the moment..


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Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2005, 02:50:40 PM »
The Game 5 million sold = King of the West


Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2005, 02:51:24 PM »
Q: Ras is the King of the West?
A: No.
For real, the guy had one good album (Rassasination) and besides, nobody wants to hear someone rap about the stars, the moon and the galaxy

You're forgettin Soul On Ice, classic album, but most wont feel the beats I know...


Re: Ras Kass: The King of the West?
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2005, 02:53:07 PM »
if you´re gonna say that you´re the king you need the sales to prove it aswell coz bein the king is about a lot more then your skills on the mic. and Ras Kass needs to sell a couple of millions of albums before he should even mention in his own name in the whole king of the west arguement.