Author Topic: Went to see Stones Throw in London last night  (Read 62 times)

On The Edge of Insanity

Went to see Stones Throw in London last night
« on: December 03, 2005, 07:13:37 AM »
First time I'd been to the club "Fabric" seemed like a real dope place. They played dope hiphop for about an hour and a half before Peanut Butter Wolf & DJ J-Rocc came out and rocked the crowd for a good one and a half hours, playing loads of dope hiphop, funk, soul, reggae, Brazilian, everything you could think of, but all really dancable stuff. I think it was probably the best DJ set I've seen as far as the dopeness of the music played. J-Rocc is obviously really talented in the technical aspect of DJing, but he doesn't overdo it and sit there beat juggling for five minutes at a time, he just incorporates stuff quickly into his set before dropping the next hot record. Koushik also helped them out with the DJing for a bit. I was quite funny during this period, because there were like a group of hardcore Madlib fans just standing, not dancing, right next to stage throughout their whole DJ set. They must have had something wrong with them, cause the music was extra funky, and there were (suprisingly) plenty of fit women about. Dudley Perkins (aka Declaime) came out and did like a fifteen-twenty minute set, mainly based on Declaime stuff, but including a few Dudley Perkins songs, ending off by doing "Flowers" accapella, with the beat then kicking in half way through. At this point Madlib was on stage, but J-Rocc played a couple of beats offa the J Dilla - Donuts album thats coming out in February, which were both really dope, before he took the mic and got himself centre stage. He opened with "Astro Travellin", and then went on to do most Jaylib, and Quasimoto tracks, the highlights being "The Red", "Rappcatts" (where he kept pausing at various guys names, at which point one of their tracks would be played), "Nowadays" & a new track produced by J-Dilla, ending with "Chippin". His performance was suitably stoned throughout, with him seemingly forgetting the words on some tracks, but in my drunken state it was all good, and kinda added an extra level of trippyness to it. Having finished his rapping performance he then started playing drums for ages, at which point I left cause I was way too drunk and needed some food. Overall, it was a real good night, and I'd definitely recommend anyone to go to a Peanut Butter Wolf or J-Rocc DJ set, cause they really know how to rock the crowd well, Dudley Perkins was cool, and Madlib performance, despite its flaws, was still worth seeing.