
White people or Rap music?

White people
10 (43.5%)
Rap music
13 (56.5%)

Total Members Voted: 17


Author Topic: What kills more black people?  (Read 973 times)


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Re: What kills more black people?
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2005, 10:19:32 AM »
I honestly think you are in denial. Like I said before, white people don't embrace any black artist before they are already embraced in the black community. Before 50 Cent sold his first record to a white person, he was in the hood selling mixtapes and building up a buzz with his gangsta schtick. So thugging and pimping isn't any more popular among white people than it is with black people. I just think you are embarassed by the way these rappers act and try to rationalize it by saying "they are just acting like savages to entertain white people". But white people were buying black music in droves long before gangsta rap started and they will be buying black music long after gangsta rap is gone. Little Richard in the 50's, The Temptations in the 60's, Stevie Wonder in the 70's, Michael jackson in the 80's...they all sold millions to white people and didn't act like savages. Whatever music black people make will be embraced by white people. So don't blame us for the way black rappers act today.

No, you are in denial because you need to believe what you say in order to justify your conservative beliefs.  More to the point, you're still not hearing what I'm saying (you may be reading the words, but you obviously are not processing them).  The fact that black people embrace gangsta rappers before white people do is hardly the point, or even the problem.  Yes, it's true that every these rappers start out in the underground first, but the point is that the reason why rappers even decide to take on the gangsta persona in the first place is because they think that's the only way to sell records.  And they're pretty much correct - by and large, the gangsta records are the ones that have the best chance of selling (even though college audiences will sometimes embrace rappers like Kanye or Common).  And since white people buy 80% of hip-hop records, is it not obvious that these rappers are (whether they'll admit it or not) trying to satisfy white audiences?  Hip-hop was not filled with an excess of gangsters and thugs until WHITE people suddenly started buying N.W.A. and Ice-T records in massive numbers.  Suddenly, there was an explosion of rappers who wanted to get their paper by doing the same thing - and this problem was magnified as more and more white people bought these records and made hip-hop the top-selling musical genre by the late-1990s'.  It's reached a point where, as I have said before, gangsterism has become a defining aspect of hip-hop, when before, it was only a marginal aspect.  So I don't see how it's not perfectly fair to blame white people for this - they bought the records, they made these rappers popular, and thus, they sent the message to following generations of rappers that being a thug was the way to sell records.  You cannot deny (or maybe you'll try anyway) that this HAS been the case.

As I have said, gangsta rap has far more in common with minstrel shows than it does any other form of black music.  It is more-or-less a revival of these traditions.  But even so, a perverse obsession with urban primitivism has always been at the forefront of white consumption of black music, and this has been true since before gangsta rap.  When jazz first came out, it was considered an explicit expression of sexuality and a threat to traditionalism (partially because of the dancing).  And it's funny you mention Little Richard, because he was popular for the exact same reason (when he yelled "Tuti Fruti", that was considered a big deal back then).  And same for stuff like disco and then Michael Jackson - this is all music that feeds the image of blacks as oversexed, materialistic, etc.  And now hip-hop has fallen into the same trap, except that it's added another hot-button societal issue to the mix, that being gang violence and the crack-cocaine epidemic (which became a big problem around the time it was gaining popularity).

Seriously...ask yourself, why is it that white people find the violence and misogyny in gangsta rap so appealing?  Why do YOU even listen to it?  bell hooks wrote an essay quite some time back addressing the popularity of gangsta rap, and I think she says it better than I ever could:

"Mainstream white culture is not concerned about black male sexism and misogyny, particularly when it is unleashed against black women and children. It is concerned when young white consumers utilize black popular culture to disrupt bourgeois values. Whether it be the young white boy who expresses his rage at his mother by aping black male vernacular speech (a true story) or the masses of young white males (and middle class men of color) seeking to throw off the constraints of bourgeois bondage who actively assert in their domestic households via acts of aggression their rejection of the call to be 'civilized.' These are the audiences who feel such a desperate need for gangsta rap. It is much easier to attack gangsta rap than to confront the culture that produces that need."


So basically the whole personal struggle and inequality you were talking about in this thread was that you had to work 2 jobs while going to college? Well boo hoo, join the real world. I don't know where you supposedly teach, but you just described about 90% of the kids I went to college with, myself included. No one ever said life was easy. If you really think the average white kid goes through life with everything handed to them on a plate I am going to guess you really don't know that many white people. You choose to believe what you want to believe.

No, having to work 2 jobs is hardly my problem...I simply said that to illustrate that affirmative action isn't really working as well as you might believe (but of course, you would overlook that).  And second, you are probably lying...I doubt you had to work AT ALL to pay for your tuition.  Not to mention that there obviously can't be enough jobs for 90% of the student body in the first place (which shows how you exaggerate).  I can't prove it, but I know conservative devils, and you don't sound any different.  And even if what you say is true, I don't see why you would want it to be as hard for your kids as it was for yourself.  There's a difference between having to work hard in school (as in, studying hard) and having to work within a system that is inherently in favor of those who have the most money.  That, whether you want to believe it or not, pretty much characterizes education in America.

Anyway, yes, I know plenty of white people; as I have said, I TEACH white kids (but you obviously missed that).  I have been to all of the white high schools in my town, so I can compare them to the high school that I attended.  And the differences are quite obvious to me.  One of the things that's always struck me is the fact that these schools have college counselors who basically hold their students' hands and baby them through the process of applying to college - do you think I ever had that?  All of them have teachers that are willing to tutor them, who stay on top of them and try to keep them focused (even when the students themselves could care less), etc.  Almost all of the students at these schools also have parents who can pay for them to attend SAT study courses such as the Princeton Review, and some schools even offer free study courses.  Not only did I never have any of this stuff, I had to make do with the exact opposite - terrible teachers, a lack of money for anything, and nothing except my own ambition to get me through.  In comparison, many of the white kids I teach have pretty much sleepwalked their way into college with their parents' money, and many of them really don't want to do anything except party and get laid.  Do you know how many times I've had to give students extensions because they weren't doing the work I've assigned?  They always claim it's stress or something - like they would even know what that is.  In fact, the only difference I see between them and the types of people I grew up with is the fact that they simply have parents to fall back upon.

Again, the person who is choosing what he wants to believe is YOU.  You don't know what you're talking about, but you are just trying to put words into my mouth to further your own agenda.

I think you are confused about what kind of message board this is. This isn't a black message board. This website is based in the UK and most of the people that post here are teenagers from countries like Norway and Denmark. There are actually very few black people that post on here.

So don't worry, I am not trying to fit in with your black ass.

That's not what I meant.  It's not about race, it's about political orientation.  As I have told you before, you are a conservative posting on a hip-hop message board.  Conservatism and hip-hop are incompatible and should not be mixed.  So THAT is what I meant by "you don't belong here" - it has nothing to do with you being white.  But of course, since you can't read, it figures you'd get it twisted.

Oh, and BTW, Makaveli was talking to Nibs, not you.  Work on learning to read.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2005, 10:22:38 AM by Eihtball »