Author Topic: Sydney police warn of more riots  (Read 216 times)


Sydney police warn of more riots
« on: December 14, 2005, 07:04:27 PM »
The Sydney authorities are warning of more racial unrest over the weekend, as text messages encouraging violence continue to circulate in the area."We expect further problems," New South Wales Police Minister Carl Scully told reporters on Wednesday.

After two nights of violence, Tuesday night was mainly calm as hundreds of police patrolled the troubled areas. Arab community leaders have called for a curfew on Friday and Saturday nights, and all of Sunday, to stop any trouble.

Ahmad Kamaledine, president of the Lebanese Moslems Association, said: "Those who violate the curfew will be doing so in defiance of their faith, of the [holy] law, and their community leaders", according to Australian media reports. He was speaking after a number of meetings were held across Sydney aimed at defusing the violence.

Representatives of Middle Eastern and surfing groups met at Cronulla - the scene of most of the violence - and said they were sending out text messages telling people to stop the violence.

New South Wales state Premier Morris Iemma said police would keep a close watch on places of worship in the coming days. He was speaking as authorities investigated whether a fire at a Protestant church hall in another Sydney suburb could be linked to the violence.

Four men were reportedly seen outside the church, in a largely Middle Eastern neighbourhood, shortly before the blaze started in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

"I've been in contact with the police this morning and the police are treating it as suspicious," Mr Iemma said.


Re: Sydney police warn of more riots
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2005, 07:04:43 PM »
Revenge attack

The large-scale violence in Sydney started on Sunday, when thousands of young white men attacked people of Arabic and Mediterranean background on Cronulla Beach - apparently in revenge for a recent attack on two lifeguards.

Many of the rioters had been alerted to congregate in the area by receiving mobile text messages.

The fighting then spread to other parts of the city, injuring more than 30 people, including police officers.

The violence continued on Monday night, apparently in retaliation, despite calls for calm and ethnic tolerance by Prime Minister John Howard and other senior figures.

Mr Howard told reporters covering an East Asia Summit he attended in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday: "Incidents like this... can happen in any country."

Text messages that fuelled the riots have now started circulating in two other states - Victoria and Queensland - police have said.


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Re: Sydney police warn of more riots
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2005, 07:24:33 PM »
man, when's this bullshit gona frikin stop..... >:(


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Re: Sydney police warn of more riots
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2005, 11:46:36 PM »
This weekends outcome will determine how long this shit is going to go on for, especially now since the riots have fueled racism Australia wide. The following occured a few days after all the drama in Cronulla;

In a sign that trouble was spreading to other parts of Australia, the home of a Middle Eastern family was attacked in Perth, Western Australia, the offices of an Islamic organisation were vandalised in Melbourne, and a taxi driver of Lebanese origin was assaulted in Adelaide.

A text message calling on white youths to start "cracking the skulls" of "grease ball monkeys with their gold chains" was circulating on the Gold Coast tourist strip in Queensland.
- Telegraph, UK

Now i find the whole Gold Coast situation far fetched as that is tourist central in Australia, violence doesn't normally tend to occur there (minus schoolies period) due to the massive influx of casual visitors from all nationalities and business and locals are geared towards these visitors. The most likely place for things to flare up again will be in Syd & Melb, even though there has been reports that SMS's have stirred up Mullaloo beach in Perth which is on the opposite side of Australia. Other minor incidents have occured in my city of Adelaide where a lifeguard tower was vandalised with "support the brothers" sprayed on the side.

Apparently police force have pilled there numbers up around areas containing vast amount of vechiles in each city as a precaution to rumours circulating that the Lebanese want to "beat the record" of the number of cars smashed up in Syd's Southern Subs.

I'm really hoping riots don't occur this weekend and violence is kept to a minimum because the next few weekends we have chirstmas day and new years eve approaching. Which means people have a few days break from work during a time where it's custom to get on the piss, and i can't see it looking good if tension is still paramount.

A lot of media are reporting this starting from when the life guards were attacked but it goes back further than that. Ever since the international terror attacks of the past few years tension has been built up over here between races and it boiled over a few years back when a Lebanese gang went around and raped various girls just because they were Australian and ever since then it's been going back and forth.

It was a disgrace to see drunken dero's laying into innocent people just because they didn't look Aussie, just as much as it was offensive to see the Lebanese flag burning. Both sides are just as bad as each other and what makes it worse is this is world wide news which undoubtedly deminishes our repuation we've tried to build as a multi-cultural society. I'm ashamed to be Australian right now.
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Re: Sydney police warn of more riots
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2005, 05:52:16 AM »
Australians acting like their ancestors ;D

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Sydney police warn of more riots
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2005, 09:17:51 AM »
every time an immigrant whups a white boy, some where in my cold heart there is a flicker of hope  8)
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll