Author Topic: i think hip-hop can be blamed for violence...  (Read 379 times)


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Re: i think hip-hop can be blamed for violence...
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2005, 05:15:34 AM »
Yeah, just look at all the white kids who have every opportunity in the world yet they squander it getting high and listening to rap all day.  Of course, that applies to almost any genre of music - despite what Chief said, I'm not too sure about the whole "mobbing" part.  The vast majority of the white kids who like gangsta rap like it because they're complete pussies in real life and listening to it makes them feel tough - they could never be career criminals in real life cause they'd probably shit themselves at the thought of doing time, or getting stabbed or shot.

As far as saying gangsta rap can be BLAMED for violence, that's taking it too far.  Thinking that all violence and gang-related activity would cease if removed is wishful thinking - those were serious social issues long before Schooly D and Ice-T were mobbin on wax.  Saying that gangsta rap is helping to perpetuate the cycle of violence and make it seem acceptable in society would be far more accurate - even if nobody would go out and kill a nigga just cause they heard Snoop, they might be desensitized a bit to such violence, so it'd be less of a problem for them to pull the trigger when that moment came.  The more violence we see in the media, the more we're inclined to think of it as acceptable in society even if it's really not.  This can be a problem for white kids, but I think it's really more of a problem for black kids right now who live in an environment where the only thing anyone expects to become is a thug or a pusher, and the fact that that lifestyle is glorified in pop culture right now means they're more likely to think of it as acceptable.  I always point out Game as a perfect example - he's made it well known that he grew up idolizing many of gangsta rap's biggest legends (especially Eazy-E).  And look how he turned out - he was a Piru for several years, and would have almost certainly would have died by the gun had he not been lucky enough to get noticed by Dre and Eminem (and he's still tight with Cedar Block, so maybe it'll still happen, for all we know).  And yet he acts as if the fact that he got shot 5 times is somehow honorable, which is not what these young brothers need to be hearing right now.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2005, 05:18:55 AM by Eihtball »


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Re: i think hip-hop can be blamed for violence...
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2005, 04:47:35 PM »
think about it, if you listen to hip-hop you embrace the rules of the game, or relate, otherwise you would reject it and not listen to it.. in effect people who immerse themselves in gangsta rap would develop a gangsta mentality...

i'm saying hip-hop can be blamed, because hip-hop's main driving and selling force is gangsta rap...

so christians saying hip-hop is evil, i can understand where they are coming from... it completely goes against jesus' teachings, of forgiveness, turning the other cheek etc...

crazy stuff...
This is fuckin bullshit. If you look at the origins of hip hop and what it used to mean for the most part(or still does in the underground), it was/is an expression for the streets; it's their form of communication on the ghetto life dealing with problems such as poverty, police brutality, black on black crime, the education system in the schools, gangs, feelings on religion, etc. As far as christians saying hip hop is evil, I dont know where that bullshit came from. You actually agreed with that....that line sounds like some fuckin christian extremist. LOL how is it "evil" music...As far as that whole jesus teachings of forgiveness, turning the other check...who decided it was THE standard of "good things". Other people actually do not believe into "jesus teachings of forgiveness" or "turning the other cheek" ... ::)

I can't believe you actually agree with those extemist christians saying hip hop is evil music. You remind of those crazy, extreme christian conservatives back in the 90's trying to shut hip hop saying it glorifies violence. What fuckin bullshit and ignorance that is...for the most part those artists stayed as factual as possible in depicting what actually went on in the hood...if you agree with that "hip hop is evil"...then obviously you don't know what the fuck hip hop is about nor should you be listening to it since its "evil music".

Music and religion should not be mixed whatsover AT all. Oh yea and please stop with that fuckin bullshit of calling hip hop gangsta rap. Hip Hop Is not equated to gangsta rap.  Yes it is ruling right now, but if you look you would see it is actually a small part of the whole hip hop scene.

As far as these rich, white suburbs kids killing and mobbing...can't believe you actually blamed hip hop for the end its fuckin music. The problem with these rich, white kids is they been having money and living life easy since they were little....thus they don't have fuckin discipline...nor do their parents have much control over them...they have more money than they should at such a young, impressionable they dont know what the fuck to do with it. They have all that money they never worked for and because it didnt take much to get whatever they wanted....they don't have any real proper teaching or discipline from their parents...its like they have the money...but they are not truly happy inside....they dont have the mindset, personality, or character that they normally would have derived if they had to really work for their stuff and their parents put proper control on their kids and their money...

So according to you if some rich white kid killed some one while he was listening to hip hop(evil music) or is know to listen to alot of hip hop(evil music); its hip hop fault? ::)

I cant believe you made this fuckin retarded thread...

I swear many sheisty gangsters and serial killers listen to classic and other quiet, peaceful music.

^Thank you. Even though it has nothing to do with this thread, I doubt a real gangster is going to go home after a day of work and bump the chronic.

before you write a 10 page essay, read what i posted... i'm not speaking on the origins of hip-hop buddy...

pS: shut - up with the bashing... all i said is i understand WHY they feel that way.. i didnt say i think hip-hop is evil.

and about gangsta rap... go up to anyone that isn't a huge hip-hop buff... ask them what they think hip-hop is about... they will tell you black gangsters. gangsta rap is a HUG part of hip-hop right now, and is what represents hip-hop, because it's what everyone sees when hip-hop is mentioned...
« Last Edit: December 21, 2005, 04:53:18 PM by Chief »


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Re: i think hip-hop can be blamed for violence...
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2005, 04:59:15 PM »
Yeah, just look at all the white kids who have every opportunity in the world yet they squander it getting high and listening to rap all day.  Of course, that applies to almost any genre of music - despite what Chief said, I'm not too sure about the whole "mobbing" part.  The vast majority of the white kids who like gangsta rap like it because they're complete pussies in real life and listening to it makes them feel tough - they could never be career criminals in real life cause they'd probably shit themselves at the thought of doing time, or getting stabbed or shot.

As far as saying gangsta rap can be BLAMED for violence, that's taking it too far.  Thinking that all violence and gang-related activity would cease if removed is wishful thinking - those were serious social issues long before Schooly D and Ice-T were mobbin on wax.  Saying that gangsta rap is helping to perpetuate the cycle of violence and make it seem acceptable in society would be far more accurate - even if nobody would go out and kill a nigga just cause they heard Snoop, they might be desensitized a bit to such violence, so it'd be less of a problem for them to pull the trigger when that moment came.  The more violence we see in the media, the more we're inclined to think of it as acceptable in society even if it's really not.  This can be a problem for white kids, but I think it's really more of a problem for black kids right now who live in an environment where the only thing anyone expects to become is a thug or a pusher, and the fact that that lifestyle is glorified in pop culture right now means they're more likely to think of it as acceptable.  I always point out Game as a perfect example - he's made it well known that he grew up idolizing many of gangsta rap's biggest legends (especially Eazy-E).  And look how he turned out - he was a Piru for several years, and would have almost certainly would have died by the gun had he not been lucky enough to get noticed by Dre and Eminem (and he's still tight with Cedar Block, so maybe it'll still happen, for all we know).  And yet he acts as if the fact that he got shot 5 times is somehow honorable, which is not what these young brothers need to be hearing right now.

hey, i'm glad most people here can have an intelligent discussion without bullshit !!

you're right gangsta rap isn't entirely to blame, i didnt mean it that way either, i should have said partially to blame, or like you said it makes more acceptable because kids are desensitized to it... i also think it affects black kids in the projects more, because it's something that is happening alot, and a route that is easy for them to take... what pisses me off is 50-cent/jay-z rap about bein a hustla, when they didnt make millions hustlin, they made millions makin music... it's a completely different hustle, not everyone can make it in the music industry...


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Re: i think hip-hop can be blamed for violence...
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2005, 05:02:33 PM »

I cant believe you made this fuckin retarded thread...

damn i hate insulting people on the internet... but damn i have to.

it wasn't a retarded thread until your dick-ridin bitch ass rocked up... people seemed happy to discuss the shit... youre probably one of the angry pussy ass white boys eihtball is talkin about.

you cunt.