Author Topic: WCC Rules  (Read 856 times)

Don Seer

WCC Rules
« on: January 31, 2003, 03:12:06 AM »
This is the message new signups see when they sign up to the forum and this (non-sticky) post is linked in the forum header.

Code: [Select]
You agree, through your use of this YaBB forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law. This is not only humorous, but legal actions can be taken against you. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also inappropriate to this YaBB forum.

Note that it is impossible for us to confirm the validity of posts on this YaBB forum. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages and are not responsible for their content. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information presented. The messages express the views of the author, not necessarily the views of this YaBB forum. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator of this forum immediately. We have the rights to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy goes for member profile information as well.

You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless this forum, and any related websites to this forum. We at this YaBB forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any information we have about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any information posted by you.

You have the ability, as you register, to choose your username. We advise that you keep the name appropriate. With this user account you are about to register, you agree to never give your password out to another member, for your protection and for validity reasons. You also agree to NEVER use another member's account to post messages or browse this forum.

After you register and log into this YaBB forum, you can fill out a detailed profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information we deem inaccurate or vulgar will be removed.

Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from this YaBB forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.

Your administrators are Overseer and Rud. Respect our authority.

General Posting Rules

- Quote sources when posting news from external sites. Let them have their props since they worked for it.

- Posts should be made in the correct section.  (Don't cross post in multiple sections -
see also point below.)

- The common language on the board is english. please stick to it.


- Spamming the board with advertising will get you a ban. (1 post in the relevant section is ok).

- Having multiple accounts and using them to manipulate discussion will get you banned. (permission can be obtained for extra accounts if good reason is provided)

- Rasicm, Sexism and/or religious bigotry will not be tolerated in any shape or form.


- No porn! (basically no nips and coochie shots) (we do have a section where free posting of porn is allowed - currently called 'Tha G Spot'

- Keep them to a reasonable size.. and dont have millions of them! remember some (sad - lol) people still have 56K modems.

Forum Politics

- Don't beg to be a mod, it will never ever happen if you do.
Mod's are chosen due to merit and conduct on and off the forum. You won't be a mod if you haven't even posted here no matter who or what you say you know or have modded before. More recently Mods have been elected.

- Mod's found manipulating discussions by editting/removing posts will be mods no more.

- 'Connected Sites' are chosen on merit and contribution to the community. Don't turn up and expect a link without having being involved day to day on WCC without ever having posted even if your site is 'the shit' because its about more than that.

- Arguments. Shit happens, But unlike some other forums We will actually let an (on topic) argument  run its course just to get it over and done with. Call it 'selective under-moderation' if you like. Grudges held and dredged up repeatedly or future 'hounding' by the winner/s or as is usual the loser/s will result in action depending of the severity. Resorting to calling someone names and not stating an actual point of argument means you've already lost.

-  Stalking, a continuation of a point made above. You will not hound, harass, bully or stalk anyone.

Illegal Music Distribution

- Trading and Selling of bootlegs is prohibited.

- Discussion of mp3s is fine, as are instructions on getting things from IRC etc.

- No posting of hidden direct links to mp3s. If externally hosted mp3s are posted make sure they are labelled as having no connection to the board. Links to sites containing them is ok. The reason for this is that in the eyes of the user, and more importantly the law is that is obvious the file doesnt come direct from WCC, but from an external site that we have no control over.

- Dont harrass people publicly or privately for mp3s they dont have to do *anything* for you. if you cant make the effort to go get them from a shop/irc/kazaa/winmx or whatever then its on you.

Moderators may perform the following, and any more they seem fit. If you're not sure consult another mod or an admin for a second opinion.

Moderators may change posts and esp. post titles to make them not uppercase, or make them be not misleading.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2003, 07:08:39 AM by Overseer »

Don Seer

Re:WCC Rules
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2003, 03:13:59 AM »
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What are the forum user groups?

newbie : Lil Geezy
over 50 : 'G'
over 100 : Muthafuckin' OG
over 300 : Muthafuckin' Double OG
over 750 : Muthafuckin' Don!

Mod's show as "Shot Callers" in the sections they moderate.

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What Is Karma?

At 500 posts you get the ability to distribute positive or negative karma, but you can only do this once an hour per person. It's impossible to tell who is giving out karma.

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Rules can be discussed here :;action=display;threadid=27780
« Last Edit: July 28, 2003, 06:15:54 AM by Overseer »