West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: JTSimon on August 29, 2003, 10:02:40 AM

Title: Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: JTSimon on August 29, 2003, 10:02:40 AM
Customer service not a job for African Americans.  :P

I swear African Americans are the rudest employees around. Not all of them but most of them...and then they wonder why they get no tips. Even over the phone they piss me off.

I just got back from the DMV and it wasn't pretty ;D I accidently called someone a stupid bitch.

Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Trauma-san on August 29, 2003, 10:21:55 AM
Alright, thank you.  Now we all know to ignore anything else you say.  
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Don Jacob on August 29, 2003, 11:53:02 AM
Customer service not a job for African Americans.  :P

I swear African Americans are the rudest employees around. Not all of them but most of them...and then they wonder why they get no tips. Even over the phone they piss me off.

I just got back from the DMV and it wasn't pretty ;D I accidently called someone a stupid bitch.

to an extent i agree a lot of times  certain people in each ethnic group can be rude .........but look where they're working at the DMV!!!!!!!

Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: JTSimon on August 29, 2003, 10:32:41 PM
Alright, thank you.  Now we all know to ignore anything else you say.  

Its ok...I know you live in North Carolina.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: PinkTowelGirl on August 29, 2003, 10:36:59 PM
Customer service not a job for African Americans.  :P

I swear African Americans are the rudest employees around. Not all of them but most of them...and then they wonder why they get no tips. Even over the phone they piss me off.

I just got back from the DMV and it wasn't pretty ;D I accidently called someone a stupid bitch.

i walked with this black girl when i was at grazianos... waitressing... she was mean as hell... but for some reason.. her strong personality is what people liked..... she had that down to earth feel too... she wasnt a bitch.. just kinda strong in her personality.... i also live in a neighborhood where black and whites are the majority.... i am thinking maybe thats why they perfered her over the latina waitresses...... but i dont think race has to much to do with it.. as far as.. saying that blacks should have that job... because of whatever reason...
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: hector on August 29, 2003, 10:52:34 PM
Customer service not a job for African Americans.  :P

I swear African Americans are the rudest employees around. Not all of them but most of them...and then they wonder why they get no tips. Even over the phone they piss me off.

I just got back from the DMV and it wasn't pretty ;D I accidently called someone a stupid bitch.

You are ignorant Kain. You try so hard to sound intellegent, then turn around and make a thread like this.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: JTSimon on August 29, 2003, 10:54:41 PM
Customer service not a job for African Americans.  :P

I swear African Americans are the rudest employees around. Not all of them but most of them...and then they wonder why they get no tips. Even over the phone they piss me off.

I just got back from the DMV and it wasn't pretty ;D I accidently called someone a stupid bitch.

to an extent i agree a lot of times  certain people in each ethnic group can be rude .........but look where they're working at the DMV!!!!!!!

Everyone else is coo.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: JTSimon on August 29, 2003, 10:58:53 PM
Customer service not a job for African Americans.  :P

I swear African Americans are the rudest employees around. Not all of them but most of them...and then they wonder why they get no tips. Even over the phone they piss me off.

I just got back from the DMV and it wasn't pretty ;D I accidently called someone a stupid bitch.

You are ignorant Kain. You try so hard to sound intellegent, then turn around and make a thread like this.

lol  ;D When do I try so hard to be intelligent? <<<I spelled it right ;D

Anyways thats how I feel.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Eidolon_Ravi on August 30, 2003, 12:29:42 AM
Customer service not a job for African Americans.  :P

I swear African Americans are the rudest employees around. Not all of them but most of them...and then they wonder why they get no tips. Even over the phone they piss me off.

I just got back from the DMV and it wasn't pretty ;D I accidently called someone a stupid bitch.

I really don't know know how all this works out but n e way tryign to make a intelligent guess...
Being in the minority prob. makes them act rude as a means of self-defense

they sey *Attack is the best form of Defense*...
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: .:DayGoStyLz:. on August 30, 2003, 03:34:14 AM
have u ever had to work in a rich white neighborhood?? lol talk about.....RUDE!!!!
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: pappy on August 30, 2003, 10:22:12 AM
i thought kain was black lol
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: JTSimon on August 30, 2003, 01:35:01 PM
i thought kain was black lol

I'm African...
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: JTSimon on August 30, 2003, 01:38:38 PM
have u ever had to work in a rich white neighborhood?? lol talk about.....RUDE!!!!

Yeah but they are not getting paid to be rude.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: .:DayGoStyLz:. on August 30, 2003, 01:44:44 PM
have u ever had to work in a rich white neighborhood?? lol talk about.....RUDE!!!!

Yeah but they are not getting paid to be rude.

which DMV did u go to? Cus tha ones ive gone to, it doesnt matter what race people are...EVERYONE is just rude there. And like ive said, honestly...the majority of rude people ive dealt with....have been white. Not tah mention how rude africans usually are lol
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Don Jacob on August 30, 2003, 11:55:37 PM
the only people i'd really generalise as bein' rude are probably ghetto ass people and foriegn people . seriously ghetto i can get , but no matter what 90% of all foriegn people i've dealt with in my life are either  rude or have bad mannors.

i'm buying books at the bookstore at school and this indian (from india) behind me keeps trying to get in front of me every time i "fail" to move up THAT very second the line is going up, i felt like saying get back behind me bitch! and it wasn't like i was moving slowly it was like she was trying to crowd me at the first opportunity possible.

this african chick i worked with. she was really nice but she was just rude! like if you are standing there and she's walking and you're in her way just a little bit...she'll just walk through you and push you away, instead of saying excuse me. but if she's in your way you almost got to do the same to her to get her to move . or if you're talking to someone else she'll just interupt  with some bull shit.....no respect.

these arab kids that lived by my old house. they would ALWAYS walk all over our lawn.  i don't know about where you guys are from but here that's considered FUCKING rude....if there's a sidewalk there is NO REASON to be all up on our lawn if you're not  the mailman.  but no matter how many times my mom cussed them out, they'd always walk all over our lawn and swing on the branches of this one little tree we had.......pissed us the fuck off, and they'd do that on all the house.

in the 4th grade i remember there was this one asian dude from Loas and he always had a negative comment about EVERYTHING.....even if he liked it or it was good. some examples i still remember,  "basketball  my favorite sport, but  too much passing" "wow you  good at math but you write slow" "what a nice day today,too bad there's too many dumb people out".......kinda like that asian dude on King of the Hill......always negative.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on August 31, 2003, 12:45:23 AM
lmao......I agree ^

And max powers, where U live at? U seem pretty white-washed there...
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: ITW [the irish boy] on August 31, 2003, 02:51:55 PM
Haha, walking on the lawn is rude??? Our front garden is like the neighbourhood playground theres so many kids messing around in it. In my area, its considered normal that kids play in any gardens they like as long as there not breaking stuff. I mean, a piece of grass is there to be used not just looked at.

As for the other things, they seem kinda rude but its not a race thing. By saying "all foreigners" your basically saying everyone outside the states is rude and thats just stupid. Ive met rude americans (mainly rich ones on holidays) but ive also met bad africans, english people and irish people. Theres always bad apples, I wouldnt confine it to race tho.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Don Jacob on August 31, 2003, 09:56:20 PM
Haha, walking on the lawn is rude??? Our front garden is like the neighbourhood playground theres so many kids messing around in it. In my area, its considered normal that kids play in any gardens they like as long as there not breaking stuff. I mean, a piece of grass is there to be used not just looked at.

As for the other things, they seem kinda rude but its not a race thing. By saying "all foreigners" your basically saying everyone outside the states is rude and thats just stupid. Ive met rude americans (mainly rich ones on holidays) but ive also met bad africans, english people and irish people. Theres always bad apples, I wouldnt confine it to race tho.

well that's ireland then, if you're mom spent as much time and money to get here lawn the way she wanted it with out some kids ruining it, by running on it and uprooting patches of grass, i think she'd be a lil mad too.......dont' try to make us look stuck up .

yeah i'm sure there are rude americans , but for the most part people from other countries expect people in the US to adjust their culture to suit them, that's rude i'd never go over to ireland and start doing that shit.....and like i've said most foriegners who come to the US are rude, 90% of them.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: UnstoppableForce on September 01, 2003, 02:29:01 AM
and like i've said most foriegners who come to the US are rude, 90% of them.

Yeah like those fuckin white people who came here, stole the Native Americans' land, killed most of them, and forced the rest into the desert. That's what I call rude. Oh and let's not forget about the "annexed" land from Mexico. Fuckin greedy bastards. You're right, foreigners, including your ancestors are fuckin rude.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: UnstoppableForce on September 01, 2003, 02:34:44 AM
LOL... 90% of foreigners? You're a sad sad person if you REALLY believe that. You can't associate people being rude with their race. There's mannered and rude people mixed into every race. You and Trauma would make such a nice couple. :-*
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: JTSimon on September 01, 2003, 08:54:48 AM
Ahh well N.Africans are not rude  ;D

I went to the DMV in Chula Vista.

Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Don Jacob on September 01, 2003, 01:44:10 PM
and like i've said most foriegners who come to the US are rude, 90% of them.

Yeah like those fuckin white people who came here, stole the Native Americans' land, killed most of them, and forced the rest into the desert. That's what I call rude. Oh and let's not forget about the "annexed" land from Mexico. Fuckin greedy bastards. You're right, foreigners, including your ancestors are fuckin rude.

yeah those european bastards were rude as fuck, thank you for proving my theory right, the native indians welcomed them and fed them and in return got slaughtered and had to walk the trail of tears......fucking idiot ::)

LOL... 90% of foreigners? You're a sad sad person if you REALLY believe that. You can't associate people being rude with their race. There's mannered and rude people mixed into every race. You and Trauma would make such a nice couple

i'd be one thing if  i saw a person from some other place and said.....wow you're going to be a bitch. but it's another thing to experience how rude they are and make an honest judgement. what i said isn't racist.....you could be ANY fucking race and still be rude. most people i've met who've come over here from europe circa britain, ireland scottland,  have been pompus arrogant SOB's!  i would never go over there and expect a british person to walk egg shells around me to so i could maintain my culture in a whole other world......that'd be rude as fuck. if i was in britain i'd be trying my hardest to try to get use to what's decent in THEIR culture.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: ITW [the irish boy] on September 02, 2003, 05:19:53 AM
Well if ur mam does put a lot of work into her garden then yeah it is rude to run on the lawn.

As for the rest of it, I hate to say it but americans are by far considered the most arrogant tourists in this country. They moan about the food the weather etc etc. I think however when you move to another country you should bring your culture with you, because what are you without it?? If i moved to the states and forgot my roots, id be considered a stupid paddy over there and a stupid yank over here. If ya have pride in your roots then youll keep your sense of identity. I agree that you should respect the new culture also, but it doesnt mean giving up your own. Maybe you will find that the people who you consider rude, are rude because of how you treat them. Perhaps you treat americans with more respect and get more back in return.  People will be what you expect them to be. Maybe im wrong tho ???
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Don Jacob on September 04, 2003, 04:49:13 PM
thing is i don't treat them any different than an american, and this isn't just in america either, i've been to quite a few other countries, i had to visit my grandma in canada when she got cancer....i couldn't believe how rude these middle easterners were treating this flight attendent cuz she couldn't speak english right (you could tell she spoke mainly french) i went to italy with my cousins on a tour group and there were these germans and everything they had to say was "inferior" compared to what was in germany....those people don't need to hear that. i went to britain a few years back on a school trip and alot of the kids i was with were mocking (no offense) how ugly the british were....so i'm not just knocking everyone else ......foriegners in GENERAL are just rude as fuck, most people in the world don't have respect for other people's cultures. i ain't going over to india and ordering a big mac  cuz THAT"S MY CULTURE, i'mma try to blend into what's exceptable . also i ain't saying go move to another country and forget your own culture.....fuck that i'm just saying don't let your pride interfere with some one else's when YOU ARE NOT APART OF THAT CULTURE.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: ITW [the irish boy] on September 05, 2003, 03:25:09 PM
yeah, good point. My point is though that in general foreigners in most countries are treated less well than natives, or feel that they are, and get the attitude as a defensive mechanism. I was actually on holidays this summer and an arabian guy and me werent gettin into a club and i had to physically calm him down and talk to the bouncer myself before we got in. Maybe thats the way theyre brought up there though? I mean, over here Americans seem very soft and spoiled, but its obviously just the way they are. The same the way the british seem stuck up and "superior". Again thats just the way their brought up. To you middle easterners might appear rude, but it could just be that they define "rudeness" to be something else. But yeah, you should consider the culture your in.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: .:DayGoStyLz:. on September 07, 2003, 11:08:02 AM
the only people i'd really generalise as bein' rude are probably ghetto ass people and foriegn people . seriously ghetto i can get , but no matter what 90% of all foriegn people i've dealt with in my life are either  rude or have bad mannors.

i think tha rudest people ive ever dealt with, were actually rich white people. Knowing which side of the plate to place your fork, doesnt show u have manners lol. But go work in a rich white neighborhood, and those people are so unbelievably fuckin rude. i worked in both tha ghetto and tha suburbs, and as far as bein rude....tha suburb people were WAY worse.

One thing is, it all depends on what u consider rude. Everyone has things that they consider rude, it isnt like theres an actual rule on this lol.

Like, u said foreigners are rude. Well, not every culture has the same definition of whats rude and whats not. So who knows, in other countries...we're considered rude for what we do.

Fukit, everybody's rude....lol
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: Javier on September 07, 2003, 11:35:22 AM
people are rude.

From the richest people on earth...to the poorest people on earth.
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: .:DayGoStyLz:. on September 07, 2003, 11:37:45 AM
people are rude.

From the richest people on earth...to the poorest people on earth.

yah, aint none of us shit...lol  ;D
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: ITW [the irish boy] on September 07, 2003, 01:02:50 PM
 ::) ::)

im the shit ;D
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: .:DayGoStyLz:. on September 07, 2003, 03:01:45 PM
::) ::)

im the shit ;D

ITW....whas crackin man?!

lol@ this guy puttin a ol childhood pic of himself in his avator  ;D
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: ITW [the irish boy] on September 08, 2003, 04:27:03 PM
whats the craic man??

Looking at it, it does bear a remarkable resemblance to me when i was a kid...it might also explain my fetish for sticking fingers in things....

So whats up man? Still rhyming?
Title: Re:Customer service not a job for African Americans
Post by: .:DayGoStyLz:. on September 08, 2003, 04:55:52 PM

u know it foo  ;)