West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: M Dogg™ on September 10, 2010, 11:37:27 PM

Title: What can turn around this economy
Post by: M Dogg™ on September 10, 2010, 11:37:27 PM
Looking into the last time we had an economy this bad, the president was Ronald Reagan, and Conservatives would like you to believe that in fact it was Reagan shirking government, cutting taxes and busting unions that saved the country. In reality, it didn't work out that way.

Ronald Reagan’s Good Rhetoric, Bad Policies, and Vile Followers

by Anthony Gregory

Most of the honest praise has focused on his rhetoric, much of which, I admit, was very appealing, and certainly more eloquent than what we’d expect to hear from the White House these days.

Reagan talked a good talk about shrinking the government, cutting taxes and spending. He gave sermons against Communism. He spoke well of liberty, individualism, and limited state power.

He condemned conscription. He brandished the Constitution. He espoused capitalism.

But what did he do?

As governor of California and president of the United States, he enacted policies that, in the main, greatly expanded the role and size of government.

As governor, he oversaw the largest tax increase in Californian history. Democratic Governor Jerry Brown cut back the tax rate when he came to office.

As president, Reagan expanded the federal government by about 90%.

Ah, but this was for defense, one might protest. And defense spending, according to the conventional wisdom, doesn’t count for some reason. In fact, defense spending is good for a "capitalist" economy, even though it was supposedly defense spending that brought down the Soviet economy. (I wonder if Reagan’s increases in California’s spending when he was governor can be attributed to a good-faith effort on his part to beat Oregon and Nevada in an arms race.)

All in all, Reagan allowed the welfare state to enlarge and the military budget to explode, causing monstrous budget deficits and government growth that dwarfs government growth under Clinton, even when Clinton had a Democratic Congress. Reagan’s tax cuts notwithstanding (some of which he reversed), the state grew fat and its growth will inevitably be financed through inflation or tax increases (unless the state defaults).

Reagan also bombed Libya, put the "war" in War on Drugs, allowed the continuation of Selective Service registration (despite his campaign promise to end it), helped the Khmer Rouge terrorize Thailand, imposed brutal trade sanctions on Nicaragua, funded the murderous brutal Contras, sold missiles to Iran, gave assistance to Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, and lied to the American people.

That he did all these things in the name of "freedom," "capitalism," "small government," and "liberty" renders his legacy, in my opinion, all the more insidious. If bad Reaganesque policies continue to have a pass because of their superficial rhetorical selling points, American liberty will have suffered, not strengthened, because of him.

Many Americans say Reagan was a man of principle, regardless of what else we might think of him. And yet I’ve heard few examples of how he acted on his principles. More often, I hear excuses that he had a principled ideology but failed to follow through.

Still, his rhetoric probably did bring a fair number of people around to adopting some good values. And even some of his policies – such as pulling out of Lebanon after terrorists bombed the Marine base in Beirut, lifting oil price controls, continuing Carter’s deregulation – were quite admirable, especially by today’s standards.

By and large, however, Reagan’s words are used to advance the power of the state. Many in today’s War Party, previously critical of Reagan’s relative restraint, claim that Reagan would have approved of their pet war in Iraq, when we do not know one way or the other if that is true.

They say Reagan made them revere liberty, and that their reverence towards liberty leads them to revere war.

They say that his words about the Soviet Union are applicable today, and that what we face now is Cold War II.

They say that Clinton and even Bush the Second haven’t sufficiently followed Reagan’s policy of bloated military spending and foreign bellicosity.

They have in the past compared him to Thomas Jefferson, when all the two presidents had in common was that their words were better than their presidencies. (Even this is a weak comparison, seeing as how President Jefferson actually shrank the government.)

Today’s champions of neo-Reaganism invoke the legacy of a man who practiced libertarian rhetoric and carried out a predominately statist agenda, and they do it to advance an agenda even more statist than Reagan’s.

As much as I think certain misanthropes distort and twist Reaganism to their devious purposes, it is no surprise that the Gipper would have such a vile following. No symbol is more useful in the advocacy of empire than a respected leader who glorified freedom even as he trampled it.

I can’t speak of Reagan the man, whom I never knew. It seems clear, however, that freedom lovers who mourn his passing should likewise mourn his legacy, which, as it stands, is hardly a cause for celebration.

Anthony Gregory [send him mail] is a writer and musician who lives in Berkeley, California. He earned his bachelor’s degree in history at UC Berkeley, where he was president of the Cal Libertarians. He is an intern at the Independent Institute and has written for Rational Review, Strike the Root, the Libertarian Enterprise, and Antiwar.com. See his webpage for more articles and personal information.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: virtuoso on September 11, 2010, 10:25:02 AM

You don't seem to get this do you? they have not just stolen say 10 trillion from the tax payer, they took that, to then leverage that by the tune of 100 times, to cover the many derivatives bets and to kick start a further "valueless boom". The rise of the derivatives bubble is exponential and when there is nothing more to steal from future tax payers everything will collapse. There is no manufacturing solution, the west can not compete with slave states under the current paradigm. Yet when everything does collapse you will have an incredible pool of slaves to carry out what does need to be carried out, therefore making standards of living plunge, except of course if you are one of the 1 percent who will bask in incredible wealth and explosion of asset prices.

The world is indeed being made into a level playing field, 99% as disposable slaves to a master group and if you don't like it, well tough shit, because they are cutting welfare to. Making money out of nothing, and robbing us all out of nothing, it is almost like magic isn't it. As for taxes, what a sick joke, your taxes willl go and are predominantly used to service the debt, the bailouts mean the bonds are owned by the very people you have "bailed" out. Owned with your own money so as for the likes of this article, the slaves are just being mocked. It is the reason why they are so blatant in every aspect of the society, because the slaves are too stupid to understand or are so demoralised they don't even care.

Aldous Huxley's address to UC Berkeley included the excerpt "people will learn to live and accept a standard of living which by any reasonable standard they shouldn't.

Obama is scum, he runs nothing, Cameron is scum he runs nothing, these politicians are just tools, they make as many sweet heart deals as they can and then they get the fuck out, the slaves can go and fuck themselves, sub human scum anyway who are oblivious to their own enslavement and even make excuses for it.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Sparegeez on September 11, 2010, 10:46:19 AM
What the fuck are you talking about. You speak on politics when you have no idea what any of this shit even means
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: virtuoso on September 11, 2010, 06:10:16 PM
What the fuck are you talking about. You speak on politics when you have no idea what any of this shit even means

And you sir just underlined my point unfortunately, what the fuck am i talking about? being robbed blind? derivatives? slave status, these are pretty basic things in the actual reality and yet you seem totally perplexed by it

And if you really don't get it, google con of the decade, then please do rebuke the points of it, but suggesinng "you are lying", or "you don't know what you are talking about", really doesn't cut it as anything other than ignorance and willful ignorance at that.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Sikotic™ on September 12, 2010, 11:28:38 PM
Fuck Reaganomics.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: jeromechickenbone on September 13, 2010, 05:20:17 AM
Poor MDogg, still falling for the BS paradigm of "dems vs. repubs".  Dude, when will you understand that they are NOT the ones who control shit?  They are all proxys / fronts for all the real players behind the scenes. 

You might as well blame fuckin Tom Cruise for the US's problems, he's the same level as Reagan and damn near every other politician on both sides for a long ass time.  They're all actors brah...shit you got Arnold in Cali, you think it's a coincidence who he's married to?  His political position was planned out LONG ago.  That fool isn't a political guru, he's a puppet.

If you insist on falling for the ploy that your tv tells you to and want to talk about Obama and Palin, at least look at who controls them - Henry "Heinz" Kissinger (you'd think after all these years he'd be able to better mask his german accent) and Zbignew Brezinski.  Those two are some of the major power players that are at least visible...but there's more even behind them who never show their face.

Or maybe check out the Rothchilds and the 12 other families that own central banks in all but like 6 countries IN THE WORLD.  These include Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and a few others that I can't remember off the dome right now.  You think it's a coincidence that those countries are the ones we are always fucking with?  It has shit to do w/ terrorism, oil, etc.  It's these families who want complete control of the money supply in the world.  Thats it.  It's not rocket science.

There's the famous Mayer Amschel Rothchild quote that sums it up nicely:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: The Overfiend on September 13, 2010, 05:52:30 AM
I was watching a  tv program on Obama in the White House where they let the cameras in and he gives a candid interview and they compare how open he was compared to other Presidents like, say Nixon. I say Obama appears like a nice guy and all that. But in reality the power of the President is limited, of course its not negligible, but there is only so much you can do in light of the global economy and this global system of credit and debt.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: M Dogg™ on September 13, 2010, 06:30:50 AM

You don't seem to get this do you? they have not just stolen say 10 trillion from the tax payer, they took that, to then leverage that by the tune of 100 times, to cover the many derivatives bets and to kick start a further "valueless boom". The rise of the derivatives bubble is exponential and when there is nothing more to steal from future tax payers everything will collapse. There is no manufacturing solution, the west can not compete with slave states under the current paradigm. Yet when everything does collapse you will have an incredible pool of slaves to carry out what does need to be carried out, therefore making standards of living plunge, except of course if you are one of the 1 percent who will bask in incredible wealth and explosion of asset prices.

The world is indeed being made into a level playing field, 99% as disposable slaves to a master group and if you don't like it, well tough shit, because they are cutting welfare to. Making money out of nothing, and robbing us all out of nothing, it is almost like magic isn't it. As for taxes, what a sick joke, your taxes willl go and are predominantly used to service the debt, the bailouts mean the bonds are owned by the very people you have "bailed" out. Owned with your own money so as for the likes of this article, the slaves are just being mocked. It is the reason why they are so blatant in every aspect of the society, because the slaves are too stupid to understand or are so demoralised they don't even care.

Aldous Huxley's address to UC Berkeley included the excerpt "people will learn to live and accept a standard of living which by any reasonable standard they shouldn't.

Obama is scum, he runs nothing, Cameron is scum he runs nothing, these politicians are just tools, they make as many sweet heart deals as they can and then they get the fuck out, the slaves can go and fuck themselves, sub human scum anyway who are oblivious to their own enslavement and even make excuses for it.

Poor MDogg, still falling for the BS paradigm of "dems vs. repubs".  Dude, when will you understand that they are NOT the ones who control shit?  They are all proxys / fronts for all the real players behind the scenes. 

You might as well blame fuckin Tom Cruise for the US's problems, he's the same level as Reagan and damn near every other politician on both sides for a long ass time.  They're all actors brah...shit you got Arnold in Cali, you think it's a coincidence who he's married to?  His political position was planned out LONG ago.  That fool isn't a political guru, he's a puppet.

If you insist on falling for the ploy that your tv tells you to and want to talk about Obama and Palin, at least look at who controls them - Henry "Heinz" Kissinger (you'd think after all these years he'd be able to better mask his german accent) and Zbignew Brezinski.  Those two are some of the major power players that are at least visible...but there's more even behind them who never show their face.

Or maybe check out the Rothchilds and the 12 other families that own central banks in all but like 6 countries IN THE WORLD.  These include Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and a few others that I can't remember off the dome right now.  You think it's a coincidence that those countries are the ones we are always fucking with?  It has shit to do w/ terrorism, oil, etc.  It's these families who want complete control of the money supply in the world.  Thats it.  It's not rocket science.

There's the famous Mayer Amschel Rothchild quote that sums it up nicely:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

LOL... you guys are too much. I saw studies that people that believe in this thing you believe in are more than likely to be uneducated. Is this true?
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: virtuoso on September 13, 2010, 10:58:28 AM

Instead of being a numb skull why don'y you start understanding what the derivatives market actually is? instead you did nothing, couldn't respond to the points, so instead you imply that I am somehow uneducated which speaks volumes for your inability to counter it and your conscious choice to deny it, well fine, if that's what makes you comfortable, but don't present something as if it is factual when you choose to ignore everything else.

Every day you are being mocked dude, the news channels you watch use official sources within wall street to "dig the dirt" I hav watched CNN before you are spoken to like you are a smply minded little child who needs captions and little pointers all the time, maybe some cartoons to like when they were explaining the credit crunch, god no wonder you are so bewildered by the responses.

However it's apt you should respond like that seeing as though I wrote...

"The slaves can go and fuck themselves, sub human scum anyway who are oblivious to their own enslavement and even make excuses for it" Of course that makes me a slave to but I don't try and delude myself that the reality changes because a fucking article told me so!

Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on September 13, 2010, 11:08:03 AM
a financial oligarchy, this is nothing new bluds. just a lot more technology and 'clever' propaganda to support it these days. america is certainly the epicentre of this recent episode and the 'controllers' could care less about the serfs - sucked dry and just about fully tapped out. welcome to neofeudalism.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on September 13, 2010, 04:59:02 PM
real estate will bring it back if these banks stop the bullshit and let people buy and sell again

economy wont move until people can get something for their properties...most places are sitting rocket, not moving, that includes COMMERCIAL real estate.  When u talk about real estate people think of their homes, no its all of it.  Now days banks are not giving out loans easy so people are not buying and selling.  Businesses suffer cuz they cant move their property, not just their business but those owners have several properties around the country and they cant move none of it, therefore they cut back on their business spending

its just a domino effect, and i think real estate will solve it....instead of banks sitting on a foreclosed home for 2 years and going back and forth in auctions and fake bids, they can just lower the price of the homes, eat up the cost and lets move on.  They spend more money keeping the house cuz no one will buy it for let say $200K  but there are those who will buy it for $130K  so just sell the motherfucker. 
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on September 14, 2010, 07:32:34 AM
^^ that is a big part of the problem. but if real estate was left to reset to a real market price based on supply and demand instead of inflated levels being kept up through artificially low interest rates and government interference (tax credits, freddie & fannie), the largest financial institutions would be insolvent, many times over. they aren't foreclosing on people for long periods to desperately avoid having to mark these asset prices to market. loads more home owners with lines of equity credit would also be completely underwater, leading to a cascading series of defaults.

don't get me this wrong, this is actually a good thing and it needs to happen in one way or another so that house prices fall and bad debt gets cleaned out, but fiscal and monetary policy is explicitly geared toward perpetuating the financial status quo at all costs. these costs are gonna end up being epic, the underlying physical economy is getting weaker all the time, everyone will take a hit one way or another on housing prices and they will eventually fall in real terms anyway. america hasn't even got one of the worst housing bubbles right now (try the UK), but prices still need to fall considerably. and all so the oligarchy don't take a hit and the 'controllers' stay comfortably in the driving seat as we move toward more serious dislocation.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on September 14, 2010, 07:35:16 PM
Niggaz tryna preach Reaganomix... wow get tha fuck outta here with that shit.  Stop playin games
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: jeromechickenbone on September 15, 2010, 08:53:52 AM

You don't seem to get this do you? they have not just stolen say 10 trillion from the tax payer, they took that, to then leverage that by the tune of 100 times, to cover the many derivatives bets and to kick start a further "valueless boom". The rise of the derivatives bubble is exponential and when there is nothing more to steal from future tax payers everything will collapse. There is no manufacturing solution, the west can not compete with slave states under the current paradigm. Yet when everything does collapse you will have an incredible pool of slaves to carry out what does need to be carried out, therefore making standards of living plunge, except of course if you are one of the 1 percent who will bask in incredible wealth and explosion of asset prices.

The world is indeed being made into a level playing field, 99% as disposable slaves to a master group and if you don't like it, well tough shit, because they are cutting welfare to. Making money out of nothing, and robbing us all out of nothing, it is almost like magic isn't it. As for taxes, what a sick joke, your taxes willl go and are predominantly used to service the debt, the bailouts mean the bonds are owned by the very people you have "bailed" out. Owned with your own money so as for the likes of this article, the slaves are just being mocked. It is the reason why they are so blatant in every aspect of the society, because the slaves are too stupid to understand or are so demoralised they don't even care.

Aldous Huxley's address to UC Berkeley included the excerpt "people will learn to live and accept a standard of living which by any reasonable standard they shouldn't.

Obama is scum, he runs nothing, Cameron is scum he runs nothing, these politicians are just tools, they make as many sweet heart deals as they can and then they get the fuck out, the slaves can go and fuck themselves, sub human scum anyway who are oblivious to their own enslavement and even make excuses for it.

Poor MDogg, still falling for the BS paradigm of "dems vs. repubs".  Dude, when will you understand that they are NOT the ones who control shit?  They are all proxys / fronts for all the real players behind the scenes. 

You might as well blame fuckin Tom Cruise for the US's problems, he's the same level as Reagan and damn near every other politician on both sides for a long ass time.  They're all actors brah...shit you got Arnold in Cali, you think it's a coincidence who he's married to?  His political position was planned out LONG ago.  That fool isn't a political guru, he's a puppet.

If you insist on falling for the ploy that your tv tells you to and want to talk about Obama and Palin, at least look at who controls them - Henry "Heinz" Kissinger (you'd think after all these years he'd be able to better mask his german accent) and Zbignew Brezinski.  Those two are some of the major power players that are at least visible...but there's more even behind them who never show their face.

Or maybe check out the Rothchilds and the 12 other families that own central banks in all but like 6 countries IN THE WORLD.  These include Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and a few others that I can't remember off the dome right now.  You think it's a coincidence that those countries are the ones we are always fucking with?  It has shit to do w/ terrorism, oil, etc.  It's these families who want complete control of the money supply in the world.  Thats it.  It's not rocket science.

There's the famous Mayer Amschel Rothchild quote that sums it up nicely:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

LOL... you guys are too much. I saw studies that people that believe in this thing you believe in are more than likely to be uneducated. Is this true?

Which part of my response are u referring to? As usual, u don't debate points, u ridicule and deflect from the topic that u started. 

Ur tactics reveal that not only are u not built for this discussion, but u already lost the debate.  And Lmao at asking about education. I'd put money on mine or virtuoso's IQ over yours any day. I have a bachelors degree in finance BTW, how bout u?
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: M Dogg™ on November 09, 2010, 10:38:19 AM

You don't seem to get this do you? they have not just stolen say 10 trillion from the tax payer, they took that, to then leverage that by the tune of 100 times, to cover the many derivatives bets and to kick start a further "valueless boom". The rise of the derivatives bubble is exponential and when there is nothing more to steal from future tax payers everything will collapse. There is no manufacturing solution, the west can not compete with slave states under the current paradigm. Yet when everything does collapse you will have an incredible pool of slaves to carry out what does need to be carried out, therefore making standards of living plunge, except of course if you are one of the 1 percent who will bask in incredible wealth and explosion of asset prices.

The world is indeed being made into a level playing field, 99% as disposable slaves to a master group and if you don't like it, well tough shit, because they are cutting welfare to. Making money out of nothing, and robbing us all out of nothing, it is almost like magic isn't it. As for taxes, what a sick joke, your taxes willl go and are predominantly used to service the debt, the bailouts mean the bonds are owned by the very people you have "bailed" out. Owned with your own money so as for the likes of this article, the slaves are just being mocked. It is the reason why they are so blatant in every aspect of the society, because the slaves are too stupid to understand or are so demoralised they don't even care.

Aldous Huxley's address to UC Berkeley included the excerpt "people will learn to live and accept a standard of living which by any reasonable standard they shouldn't.

Obama is scum, he runs nothing, Cameron is scum he runs nothing, these politicians are just tools, they make as many sweet heart deals as they can and then they get the fuck out, the slaves can go and fuck themselves, sub human scum anyway who are oblivious to their own enslavement and even make excuses for it.

Poor MDogg, still falling for the BS paradigm of "dems vs. repubs".  Dude, when will you understand that they are NOT the ones who control shit?  They are all proxys / fronts for all the real players behind the scenes. 

You might as well blame fuckin Tom Cruise for the US's problems, he's the same level as Reagan and damn near every other politician on both sides for a long ass time.  They're all actors brah...shit you got Arnold in Cali, you think it's a coincidence who he's married to?  His political position was planned out LONG ago.  That fool isn't a political guru, he's a puppet.

If you insist on falling for the ploy that your tv tells you to and want to talk about Obama and Palin, at least look at who controls them - Henry "Heinz" Kissinger (you'd think after all these years he'd be able to better mask his german accent) and Zbignew Brezinski.  Those two are some of the major power players that are at least visible...but there's more even behind them who never show their face.

Or maybe check out the Rothchilds and the 12 other families that own central banks in all but like 6 countries IN THE WORLD.  These include Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and a few others that I can't remember off the dome right now.  You think it's a coincidence that those countries are the ones we are always fucking with?  It has shit to do w/ terrorism, oil, etc.  It's these families who want complete control of the money supply in the world.  Thats it.  It's not rocket science.

There's the famous Mayer Amschel Rothchild quote that sums it up nicely:
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

LOL... you guys are too much. I saw studies that people that believe in this thing you believe in are more than likely to be uneducated. Is this true?

Which part of my response are u referring to? As usual, u don't debate points, u ridicule and deflect from the topic that u started. 

Ur tactics reveal that not only are u not built for this discussion, but u already lost the debate.  And Lmao at asking about education. I'd put money on mine or virtuoso's IQ over yours any day. I have a bachelors degree in finance BTW, how bout u?

Starting my second year in a master's degree.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on November 10, 2010, 02:43:45 AM
Whut`ll turn tha global economy, let alone tha US economy is Internet reconstruction and slowing down tha way we integrate new technology in our everyday lives.  We`re too quick to try to keep up with tha newest software and hardware when we shouldnt be.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on November 10, 2010, 07:37:53 PM
People have failed to realize in a real way that all of this new technology we come out with now actually makes it worser for people in tha long run.  Portable phones are one thing but computer operated cargo trucks are another, and yes that technology IS in tha process of becoming QUICKLY commercialized as we speak.  Advanced technology is not our friend, just ask them niggaz that work 4 Hershey Park in PA.  Napster and Apple have started society`s downfall and in literally a few years it`ll be clearly more evident than it is today...like it already isnt.  But i bet u people are too scared to speak up on it and would rather just let it happen then stop it even tho we have all of tha ``power``.  And no Im not sayn that those two companies are to blame exclusively but they kinda are to technology what McDonalds is to American weight issues.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on November 10, 2010, 07:42:34 PM
Ok maybe tha Apple comment might be SLIGHTLY off but u get my point.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on November 11, 2010, 05:02:45 PM
People have failed to realize in a real way that all of this new technology we come out with now actually makes it worser for people in tha long run.  Portable phones are one thing but computer operated cargo trucks are another, and yes that technology IS in tha process of becoming QUICKLY commercialized as we speak.  Advanced technology is not our friend, just ask them niggaz that work 4 Hershey Park in PA.  Napster and Apple have started society`s downfall and in literally a few years it`ll be clearly more evident than it is today...like it already isnt.  But i bet u people are too scared to speak up on it and would rather just let it happen then stop it even tho we have all of tha ``power``.  And no Im not sayn that those two companies are to blame exclusively but they kinda are to technology what McDonalds is to American weight issues.

well said

technology is fukkin us up, companies systems are too dependent on certain softwares they use that they cant cut certain corners cuz they have to follow process or better yet if some big disaster happens and computers are out...guess what...shits fuuuuuucked!
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: OG Hack Wilson on November 11, 2010, 05:05:50 PM
i was JUST saying to myself the other day....we rely on computers too much because they're taking too many jobs from people

i remember hearing there is some Mcdonalds somewhere that is ran completely robotically....fuck that shit
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on November 11, 2010, 05:27:53 PM
People have failed to realize in a real way that all of this new technology we come out with now actually makes it worser for people in tha long run.  Portable phones are one thing but computer operated cargo trucks are another, and yes that technology IS in tha process of becoming QUICKLY commercialized as we speak.  Advanced technology is not our friend, just ask them niggaz that work 4 Hershey Park in PA.  Napster and Apple have started society`s downfall and in literally a few years it`ll be clearly more evident than it is today...like it already isnt.  But i bet u people are too scared to speak up on it and would rather just let it happen then stop it even tho we have all of tha ``power``.  And no Im not sayn that those two companies are to blame exclusively but they kinda are to technology what McDonalds is to American weight issues.

completely ridicolous statement. technology is a wealth multiplier and responsible for most advances in the past hundred years. the solutions to all of humanities problem will be derived from technology and the people who are able to think shit up using it. there are a whole host of problems in the world, but bigger picture technology is not the cause of them. most people who work are taking far more out of the real physical economy than they put in - our value systems are outdated and unworkable for very much longer. in a system geared toward depletion and finite resources you hit a brick wall unless technology steps in to save our butts. for this to happen the system still has to change significantly and a lot of the corruption/inbalances cut out. real talk.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Teddy Roosevelt on November 12, 2010, 01:16:20 PM
Any of these things will help the economy:
-Get rid of the Federal Reserve
-Go back to the gold standard
-Lower taxes
-DON'T PASS BUDGETS THAT SPEND MORE MONEY THEN THE GOVERNMENT HAS!  <----I know it's a radical concept, but it should be tried.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on November 12, 2010, 03:38:58 PM
People have failed to realize in a real way that all of this new technology we come out with now actually makes it worser for people in tha long run.  Portable phones are one thing but computer operated cargo trucks are another, and yes that technology IS in tha process of becoming QUICKLY commercialized as we speak.  Advanced technology is not our friend, just ask them niggaz that work 4 Hershey Park in PA.  Napster and Apple have started society`s downfall and in literally a few years it`ll be clearly more evident than it is today...like it already isnt.  But i bet u people are too scared to speak up on it and would rather just let it happen then stop it even tho we have all of tha ``power``.  And no Im not sayn that those two companies are to blame exclusively but they kinda are to technology what McDonalds is to American weight issues.

completely ridicolous statement. technology is a wealth multiplier and responsible for most advances in the past hundred years. the solutions to all of humanities problem will be derived from technology and the people who are able to think shit up using it. there are a whole host of problems in the world, but bigger picture technology is not the cause of them. most people who work are taking far more out of the real physical economy than they put in - our value systems are outdated and unworkable for very much longer. in a system geared toward depletion and finite resources you hit a brick wall unless technology steps in to save our butts. for this to happen the system still has to change significantly and a lot of the corruption/inbalances cut out. real talk.


technology is the BEST and WORST thing to happen in tha past hundred years.  technology is the main reason people are losing their jobs and their stock.  matty i think you're tha only 1 that i've ran into that's said that lol but seriously tho son u mad wrong on that, shit is mad fucked up out here becuz of technology, that's why jobs are being shipped overseas everyday (becuz technology makes the labor/expenses of certain jobs virtually free).  i see u tho, tryna put up an argument n shit but naw son, u know u wrong.  
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on November 12, 2010, 05:11:18 PM
People have failed to realize in a real way that all of this new technology we come out with now actually makes it worser for people in tha long run.  Portable phones are one thing but computer operated cargo trucks are another, and yes that technology IS in tha process of becoming QUICKLY commercialized as we speak.  Advanced technology is not our friend, just ask them niggaz that work 4 Hershey Park in PA.  Napster and Apple have started society`s downfall and in literally a few years it`ll be clearly more evident than it is today...like it already isnt.  But i bet u people are too scared to speak up on it and would rather just let it happen then stop it even tho we have all of tha ``power``.  And no Im not sayn that those two companies are to blame exclusively but they kinda are to technology what McDonalds is to American weight issues.

completely ridicolous statement. technology is a wealth multiplier and responsible for most advances in the past hundred years. the solutions to all of humanities problem will be derived from technology and the people who are able to think shit up using it. there are a whole host of problems in the world, but bigger picture technology is not the cause of them. most people who work are taking far more out of the real physical economy than they put in - our value systems are outdated and unworkable for very much longer. in a system geared toward depletion and finite resources you hit a brick wall unless technology steps in to save our butts. for this to happen the system still has to change significantly and a lot of the corruption/inbalances cut out. real talk.

Its helped alot but it has also caused damage and most of the damage we're not gonna see til the future.  Imagine a car without gas...yes its great u have a car to go places but if u dont have gas u cant go anywhere its useless.  Imagine if some catastrophic happens and u cant use computers...u are basically paralyzed.  U know what happens if a hospital loses power and their backup is also out?  more than half the people there will die...these are just some small examples, theres alot more
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on November 13, 2010, 05:03:48 AM
People have failed to realize in a real way that all of this new technology we come out with now actually makes it worser for people in tha long run.  Portable phones are one thing but computer operated cargo trucks are another, and yes that technology IS in tha process of becoming QUICKLY commercialized as we speak.  Advanced technology is not our friend, just ask them niggaz that work 4 Hershey Park in PA.  Napster and Apple have started society`s downfall and in literally a few years it`ll be clearly more evident than it is today...like it already isnt.  But i bet u people are too scared to speak up on it and would rather just let it happen then stop it even tho we have all of tha ``power``.  And no Im not sayn that those two companies are to blame exclusively but they kinda are to technology what McDonalds is to American weight issues.

completely ridicolous statement. technology is a wealth multiplier and responsible for most advances in the past hundred years. the solutions to all of humanities problem will be derived from technology and the people who are able to think shit up using it. there are a whole host of problems in the world, but bigger picture technology is not the cause of them. most people who work are taking far more out of the real physical economy than they put in - our value systems are outdated and unworkable for very much longer. in a system geared toward depletion and finite resources you hit a brick wall unless technology steps in to save our butts. for this to happen the system still has to change significantly and a lot of the corruption/inbalances cut out. real talk.


technology is the BEST and WORST thing to happen in tha past hundred years.  technology is the main reason people are losing their jobs and their stock.  matty i think you're tha only 1 that i've ran into that's said that lol but seriously tho son u mad wrong on that, shit is mad fucked up out here becuz of technology, that's why jobs are being shipped overseas everyday (becuz technology makes the labor/expenses of certain jobs virtually free).  i see u tho, tryna put up an argument n shit but naw son, u know u wrong.  

jobs shipping overseas has nothing to do with technology directly and no i'm not wrong. shit is mad fucked on a lot of levels right now up but people losing their jobs because of advances in technology is a good thing in principle. think about it, it frees us up to do other shit or for those who aren't as useful just not consume as many resources. the fact that the system and our value systems are so badly configured that we can't move toward a more advanced efficient framework for society does not make technology itself bad. super real talk!
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on November 13, 2010, 05:33:40 AM
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on November 14, 2010, 10:46:22 AM
Matt, from a business point of view it's probably the greatest thing to happen to the American business in forever, but from an overall economic standpoint it's the worst thing.  Not everybody was meant to be an entrepenuer, some people are just meant to be sheep (that's their role in life - there's nothing wrong with it tho).  If only a certain amount of people [or 1 person] has all of the money and nobody else has any, eventually you'll have to leave elsewhere to get tha money {overseas} and that leaves everybody else with nothing.  The wealth has to be able to spread to make more wealth.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on November 14, 2010, 12:04:07 PM
Matt, from a business point of view it's probably the greatest thing to happen to the American business in forever, but from an overall economic standpoint it's the worst thing.  Not everybody was meant to be an entrepenuer, some people are just meant to be sheep (that's their role in life - there's nothing wrong with it tho).  If only a certain amount of people [or 1 person] has all of the money and nobody else has any, eventually you'll have to leave elsewhere to get tha money {overseas} and that leaves everybody else with nothing.  The wealth has to be able to spread to make more wealth.

but you're thinking about wealth in money terms whereas the bigger picture i'm talking about is wealth in real terms. all the silly jobs and financial machinations that have been layered on top of real wealth generating activity are not part of a sustainable system in the longer term. and yeah, some people are not going to be very useful at all, having something productive for everyone to do is a problem and probably not possible with current population levels. as it is you have all these people consuming more real wealth (resources) than they generate, driving the system into the ground. the brick wall situation with the physical economy is coming really soon now and it's technology that will save the day or at least shorten the agony/amount of people who lose their lives.

the american gov know this and are funding large investments in some very high-end energy related enterprises behind the scenes in anticipation for when an energy/resource crisis kicks in. it's gonna be too late for a lot of people perhaps, but the next real boom after the dust settles and all this financial shit implodes, as it should have already, is all to do with high-end technology, new ways of generating energy etc. we either go there or into some type of dark age/world war scenario.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: The Overfiend on December 04, 2010, 08:00:39 PM
our value systems are outdated and unworkable for very much longer. in a system geared toward depletion and finite resources you hit a brick wall unless technology steps in to save our butts. for this to happen the system still has to change significantly and a lot of the corruption/inbalances cut out. real talk.

Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on December 05, 2010, 12:40:42 PM
y'all have too much faith in artificial intelligence and your government
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on December 05, 2010, 03:32:32 PM
y'all have too much faith in artificial intelligence and your government

not at all, government and corruption is probably the biggest problem blocking productive reform and progress. with better and more long-term orientated policy we'd be in a far, far better situation than where things are today. but at the root of it is our accounting system - money. it's so out of date and inaccurately reflecting of what needs to be valued in a future society.

some people believe there will always be a con because of human nature. that's a real interesting idea to explore and more to do with psychology. but i think right now things are so out of balance that instability is unavoidable. it's well on its way to unravelling.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on December 05, 2010, 04:00:36 PM
y'all have too much faith in artificial intelligence and your government

not at all, government and corruption is probably the biggest problem blocking productive reform and progress. with better and more long-term orientated policy we'd be in a far, far better situation than where things are today. but at the root of it is our accounting system - money. it's so out of date and inaccurately reflecting of what needs to be valued in a future society.

some people believe there will always be a con because of human nature. that's a real interesting idea to explore and more to do with psychology. but i think right now things are so out of balance that instability is unavoidable. it's well on its way to unravelling.

you're right and I was just about to say something about "human error" too.

but honestly thinking about the BIG PICTURE in retrospect I think it's time for America to take a back seat for a little bit.  I mean how many more fast food workers do we need, how many more hair saloons & liquor stores can we fit on tha same block.  i mean if the WORLD economy is going to grow We should start developing undeveloped Countries/Land and start really spreading the shit out a lot more.  there's too many people in the United States all fighting for the same job and the same dollar and spending it all in tha same places and it's not getting us nowhere.

America can't grow anymore.  We invented the computer (only advanced technology is left to do), we have all of the cars, we have all of the "proper programs" like Welfare, UE Benefits and such, we have the Music, we had Crack Cocaine, we have all of the schools we need (college should just be a helluva lot cheaper), i mean honestly whut more can we do that would be significant (aka really fuckin matter).  Once everybody started coming over here and bandwagoning is when shit got fucked up.  It's too crowded over here and that's why all of our resources are going, it's time to start kickin' people out of the Country.  If anything we should make the cities (big cities, little cities) alot smaller and start moving some of these people to Rural County Mississippi and send some Careers (major careers) over those parts.  There's only so much to pass around and share.  

It's just like Old Europe/Spain (excuse my history) in 1491 when everything was drying out and it's just like old Europe before everybody invaded America and it's way too over populated.  It's time to discover "new land" and build from there.  If the US is the major key then we need 2 take care of it and stop pretending like we can save everybody and do everything.  We can't and we need 2 offer some type of incentives for people to migrate to other foreign lands so we can save what we have left.  After all of Mexico moves over here then what next, Afganistan?  Afgans will be complaining that they don't have equal rights and opportunities and that'll become the new "immigration" problem.  I just used them as an example (no disrespect).  
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on December 05, 2010, 04:26:26 PM
America needs to be a leader in the next technology boom (alternative energy etc) just for anyone to have decent prospects. And some type of rebalancing with the manufacturing base to address the whole China issue. I could lay out a really pessimistic outlook for the USA but it's ground that's been covered enough already. Needless to say there is going be some type of 'What the fuck?' style moment in the future and likely serious dislocation before they even think about doing the right thing. It's still all wealth transfer and extend/pretend for now. I'm not sure about all the details but it's the right time for everyone to keep their ear to the streets.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on December 05, 2010, 04:37:49 PM
America needs to be a leader in the next technology boom (alternative energy etc) just for anyone to have decent prospects. And some type of rebalancing with the manufacturing base to address the whole China issue. I could lay out a really pessimistic outlook for the USA but it's ground that's been covered enough already. Needless to say there is going be some type of 'What the fuck?' style moment in the future and likely serious dislocation before they even think about doing the right thing. It's still all wealth transfer and extend/pretend for now. I'm not sure about all the details but it's the right time for everyone to keep their ear to the streets.

fuck all that, send those "green technology" jobs to Africa or Haiti and somewhere.  Let's BALANCE out the world economy before we think about America again.  I mean don't get me wrong, lord knows I want that Bill Gates money and I want to make it in America (way before I die) but I'd be fine if other countries started getting it together and becoming leaders too.  America is too over saturated now and there needs to be a nice decrease in population before we can think about "Booming" back again.  

Just imagine if 1,000,000 nice paying got created tonight overnight, how many people would get those jobs who deserve it and what would tha Racial outlook be.  No bias, I can garantee u right now at least 6 or maybe even 7 jobs out of 10 would go to white people who would turn around and just pocket tha money and buy beer and institutions meant for their own (no disrespect to u Matty).   Shit would still be fucked up for a majority of people who live over here (immigrants and all) and it wouldn't balance out shit and the Shell of America might look a little better but it would still be completely fucked up in a major way.  People put too much into their optimizm.  We wanted a female President and now we got Sarah Palin as the front runner (Hilary is leaving after this), We wanted a healthier McDonald's menu and obesity is at an all time high and it's still rising.  We got niggaz out tha hood by giving them Rap contracts and fame and some money and the Ghetto is still cursed and everybody's still broke and those cheap ass charities are just BandAids.  Deone Sanders (The Athlete) is tha only nigga that I can think of (off the top) at least creating a Charter School, what has Dr. Dre done, what about Quincy Jones?

I'm just sayin'... fuck America, let's start letting the rest of the world eat and let's start making this Big Circle of People we're feeding for nothing a little smaller.  That's the ONLY way it's gonna get better.  I hope I didn't make ur eyes bleed with all of this typing lol.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on December 11, 2010, 06:50:03 PM
ima smoke weed and live on an island, screw this shit :bandit:
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: virtuoso on December 12, 2010, 05:08:49 AM

America has FAR less now than it did, so does Europe, the manufacturing, all been stripped away, the real output from the economy, decimated as a result. The restructuring of the economy is why basically the reason why the only choice for people is these shitty ass jobs. The developed world is going full circle, the deindustrialised world is being ruined, gutted, by the same people who have held down the poorest parts of the world.  The IMF has done an excellent job of destroying the worlds wealth to then transfer it, in keeping with their role as an agent for the real owners of this world. Until the banks go to the wall, until derivatives are scrapped and until there is a gradual deleveraging as well as serious jail time for the perpetrators of the open fraud and collusion, then this is inherently going to be the way of the world.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: BiggBoogaBiff on December 12, 2010, 12:57:53 PM
i told u
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: Matty on December 12, 2010, 09:37:06 PM
radiotube, how about moving to china? it'll be like the new wild west. cheap hoes too.
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: westcoastriders on January 20, 2011, 04:29:33 PM
Fuck politics! Fuck the police and fuck the government! They can all kiss my ass! They stole from generations to gernerations form different people! Even Obama is just a puppet in the game! Change my ass!!! People need to open their eyes ans see what the fuck is really behind it all!! The system is made to work for them and history is written by the winners! Don't believe what you learned in school or what you heard on TV! We just got to stop being ignorant as people and educate ourselves on this shit if you want to make a turn around!
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on January 20, 2011, 06:00:44 PM
We're doomed

When school teachers make less money than managers at Taco Bell....

But these bitches can manage to be rich and famous....wtf!


Yeah....even Chewbacca on the right
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: LooN3y on January 20, 2011, 07:22:41 PM
We're doomed

When school teachers make less money than managers at Taco Bell....

But these bitches can manage to be rich and famous....wtf!


Yeah....even Chewbacca on the right

my god i can believe LO married shrek. it would of been more of a fit for big baby
Title: Re: What can turn around this economy
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on January 20, 2011, 07:58:03 PM
We're doomed

When school teachers make less money than managers at Taco Bell....

But these bitches can manage to be rich and famous....wtf!


Yeah....even Chewbacca on the right

my god i can believe LO married shrek. it would of been more of a fit for big baby

She looks like Chyna and Fred Flinstones illegitimate daughter