Author Topic: Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!  (Read 491 times)


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Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« on: November 19, 2002, 02:04:32 AM »
imma change my lyfe, this iz reall right here everything im telling u believe it or not but i need sum help from ya'll

aight i smoke and sell weed and i wanna quit im not fully addicted to ciggerettes but i need sum help stopping, i mean everytime sum1 offers me sum i wanna be like "naw dogg im kool" but i cant like i got in trouble for doing it to many timez,and ppl be like "hey dogg i got a dime wanna smoke it" im like fucc i wanna say naw dogg but instead i wanna have funn and me and my homiez go and blaze it, and ciggerettes i got into that cuzz it gives me time to think cuzz i smoke in my restroom taking a shyt and it makes me think alot and i blamed this chicc Baby (ya thats her real name) cuzz when i smoked all i thought about waz her and how much i wanna stay wit her and shyt. so imma clean up my act and try to stay away from that.

another thing iz being nice to ppl if u know me i like to make funn of ppl and joke around and punk ppl for no reazon, and i hurt ppl like in gym i alwayz kicc this guyz ass patrick for no reazon jus yesterday i through a football at his head cuzz he wouldnt do wut i told him to do. and this chicc Stacy gets on my fuccing nerves and i hit her on tha arm (not hard or nun) and everybody iz all man thats wrong and start laughing and they tell me imma be a women beater and shyt and im like i dont give a fucc she waz fuccing wit me and got me pist, but now looking at it hitting her waz wrong cuzz i left her a bruise and i felt so badd cuzz i got a badd temper, and i told her i waz sorry and shyt and im scared cuzz i dont wanna hit a gyrl ever again in my life.

now about gangz sum of yall know im a crip and i jus wanna get away from that shyt i am in a gang La Quadentha 40 Westside/Eastside and i waz Eastside so now i jus dropped tha side but i need to dropp tha color and jus quit, but its hard when ur whole fuccing family iz in that shyt, imma stop trying to bang and jus quit that shyt. i dont get nun out of it

cleaning up my act at skool now i got kicced out of skool 1 and put in an alternative skool for 30 dayz for, weed, ciggerettes, gambling, and stink bombs, and now im at a regular skool and they already wanna send me bacc and i havent even been there for 6 weeks! and i cant even get a detention or else im gone and i signed a Behavior contract stating all of that shyt. so i need to clean up my act at skool.

next iz about my mom and sister, i need to stop yelling at my sister for everything and she jus started PMS and man imma go krayzie but i guess ill let her slide wit alot more shyt, and my mom iz so lazy and stinjy she cant even by us sum food to eat cuzz she dont like spending her money and she can never take me anywhere cuzz most of tha time she iz drunk she likes to drink and shyt and i cant talk to nobody anymroe cuzz how am i gonna talk to a mom when she iz drunk and shyt?

next topic this iz really important, i dont think im gonna make it to see 18 and seriously i think im going krayzie, cuzz tha way im going im not gonna make it and i think im going krayzie cuzz im alwayz fuccing deppressed and i dont give a fucc anymroe, im not scared of getting in trouble i already cut 2 ppl me and my homeboy jamaal have jumped like i dont know how many ppl since i came bacc to kool so it sux, like ill do anything so i can straightin shyt up, and i need to jus watch myself

does anybody have any suggestionz of these topics? and i dont want no BS plz, im gonna make a better lyfe for me and jus fuccing quit all this shyt i do i dont care if ppl dont like my change at least i know im not gonna get in trouble anymore. im out!!!


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Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2002, 03:37:43 AM »
If you are looking for something better to identify yourself with, something that will indefinitely change your path, and improve your condition, then Islam will liberate you from whatever demons, stereotypes, and stigmas are currently colonizing your soul.

But if you just want a phase, a passing solution, then find a woman to be miserable with, or go to church for a sunday or two.  I sincearly hope you make a wise desicion so that you don't harm yourself or anyone else.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2002, 03:38:24 AM by Infinite Ibrahim Abdul Hamid »


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Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2002, 11:40:32 AM »
Damn Doggs...

I feel that exact same way about weed...i got high last night, but I told myself last week I was gunna quit getting high and even drinking for the rest of this year, on janurary i might smoke weed or drink u know, jus do that shit.

it aint hard to quit weed but getting free weed got me into smoking out again regularly, so try to resist it if u wanna quit dude. Cigs...i smoke em socially sometimes but I aint got no problem wit that. its bad for ur health so be scared away from it haha.

U sound lkinda violent Lol i was like dat a year ago too man I used to punch some ppls that pised me off and its ANNOYING so try and stop that shit haha



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Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2002, 01:57:32 PM »
Yo, that sucks man.  First, sit down and think about yourself, your life how it was, how it is, and how it will be if you continue.  And then visulize your self being a lot happyer, giving up drugs and shit like that, your doing this for yourself, not no one else.
Give up weed, drinkin, ciggs and all that shit, drink a lotta water n eat a lotta fruits and vegitables.  Change your peer group, dont hang around with guys who force this shit on you for a while, or tell them not to smoke or anything infront of you, or ask you to smoke with them cuz you wanna quit.  Hopefully they'll understand.
Excersize a lot, work out, go running everyday, deep breathing, stuff like that should cool you down.  Anytime you get mad, understand that if sumone makes you mad, he controls you.  No one can make you angry, except your self.  Count to 10, or whtever, you dont want anyone to control you but ureself.
Who cares if ure family is in a gang or whtever, everyone knows theres noting positive bout one, its stupid really, so leave that aside, its jut gonna be another burdern on your shoulders.
get sum self control man, stop gamblin, drugs or whtever, its just gonna ruin ure life, your too young already, enjoy it while u can.  
About ure mom, it sucks, confront her bout it, tell her how much u love her n care for her, but how her behaviour is negativly effecting you, you want to be a better person but shes not really helping.  And chill on your sister, how old is she anyway?  I mean underneath it all, all the hatered n shit, you know u love her, act like it, be the bigger man.  Anyway i hope all goes well for you, no one can change ure life except you, so try, peace


Waving My Double Edged Sword, God Sharpened My Blade...
Its Just Me Against The World, And The Evil That He Made...


Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2002, 09:14:59 PM »
Good luck, you'll feel 100% better if you make even one of those changes, and that, if you focus on it, will push you to keep making those changes you need to be a better person in your own eyes.  You need to find a friend or somebody that wants to help you stay straight by doing the same things.  Peace~


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Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2002, 09:33:56 PM »
Yo man...You're only 13...Don't worry about it...PeACe


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Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2002, 02:53:25 AM »
thanx guyz ill try to do better and take ya'llz advice. my sister iz only 13 and i am violent last year they forced me into going to anger manegment cuzz i got in trouble and they said i needed it and i couldnt come bacc to skool if i didnt go. but i talked to my momz and she said ts aight for me not to worry and shyt she wont drink tha mach anymore cuzzz she iz trying to lose wieght ::) and my mom only wayz about 135lbs. as for my family and friendz forget it im not gonna kicc it wit my family anymore and my friendz sum of them are koola bout it and understand. im out!!!

Don Seer

Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2002, 03:02:42 AM »
If you are looking for something better to identify yourself with, something that will indefinitely change your path, and improve your condition, then Islam will liberate you from whatever demons, stereotypes, and stigmas are currently colonizing your soul.

But if you just want a phase, a passing solution, then find a woman to be miserable with, or go to church for a sunday or two.  I sincearly hope you make a wise desicion so that you don't harm yourself or anyone else.
ohh man.. i thought your attitude has changed.

you gotta remember how your words here -especially when u lace them with praise of islam- often are perceived as how all muslims are.

remember you dont only represent yourself.


Re:Damn its so fuccing hard but imma try!
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2002, 07:32:18 AM »
^^ I'm glad you noticed it too.  It's not like this is the only thing out of line he's said, all he does is talk sh*t.  The reason? Because he actually BELIEVES it! Most people might say stupid stuff, but they're just slippin up, and don't really believe that... behind closed doors, Infinite's truly a bigot.  Remember him going off on Mormons?  He's a bitch, man.  He has no tolerance for anybody with views different than himself, it transcends his life, that's why he refuses to admit classical music has any merit, etc. stuff like that. He cannot see through the eyes of somebody else, whereas me and you can say "Oh, I can see where somebody would want to be muslim, I can understand why they believe that" and recognize that we are all alike in our differences, He can't.  It's his way or the highway, and he doesn't just passively believe it, he actively attacks anything that doesn't fit into his world.