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DUBCC - Tha Connection => Outbound Connection => Topic started by: Drudge on March 06, 2006, 06:01:18 AM

Title: Michael Jackson Jermaine Jackson Fallout/ Jermaine Book Tell all revealed..
Post by: Drudge on March 06, 2006, 06:01:18 AM
Jacko bullied bro
Fear of Michael drove Jermaine to nix book
LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson threw a raging fit and made drastic threats when he found out his brother Jermaine was drafting a tell-all book, so his shaken older sibling pulled the plug on the project, the Daily News has learned.
Michael vowed to toss Jermaine out of the Jackson family home and sue him and anyone else who had a hand in writing or publishing the proposed tome, "Legacy: Surviving the Best and the Worst," said author Stacy Brown, who had been slated to ghostwrite the project.

In a shocking tome-teaser detailed in Sunday's Daily News, Jermaine, 51, said Michael, 47, has "a thing for young children" and that he feared his kid brother might be guilty of the child molestation charges he faced in late 2003.

A jury found the oddball entertainer not guilty of the charges last June.

Jermaine also dished about Michael's alleged drug and alcohol abuse, claimed that Michael's two older kids were fathered by a sperm donor and suggested that their father, Joe, molested their sisters Rebbie and La Toya when they were kids.

In an exclusive interview yesterday, Brown said he was "surprised and caught off guard" when the Daily News obtained the book outline more than two years after it was shopped to publishers as Michael faced child molestation charges. "The experience of writing the proposal ... and then having Michael go nuts, Jermaine crying, and the family going into chaos mode was draining and weird, and one that I wouldn't want to deal with again," said Brown, who co-wrote "Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the Mask" with the pop star's longtime front man Bob Jones.

Brown said that within weeks of the proposal going out, Michael Jackson somehow got his hands on a copy and "went ballistic."

"He threatened to throw Jermaine out of Hayvenhurst," said Brown, referring to the Jackson family's longtime home in Encino, Calif. "He called Jermaine a backstabber."

Michael Jackson owns the mansion, but Jermaine lives there, along with their mother Katherine, their brother Randy, and Jermaine's ex-wife, Alejandra, who has children by both Randy and Jermaine.

Jackson's siblings had frantic "family meetings" to discuss Jermaine's revelations, and under the intense pressure, "Jermaine decided not to go forward with the book," said Brown, who had been an old-time friend of the Jackson family.

Brown said he stopped considering Jermaine and the other Jacksons friends after the experience made him realize "how out of touch, unreal, unrealistic and dysfunctional" the family is.

"In a way I'm glad none of this happened. I don't want to be affiliated with them anymore," said Brown.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson Jermaine Jackson Fallout/ Jermaine Book Tell all revealed..
Post by: Trauma-san on March 06, 2006, 09:12:33 PM
Nobody can figure out what the real deal is with this.  First, this guy Stacy was all buddy buddy with Michael and all of the Jacksons until about a year ago, now he doesn't like any of them.  He even spoke out before and said he thought Michael was innocent, etc.

Now, the stories are saying Jermaine was saying in 03 that Michael was Guilty.  I saw Jermaine on television vividly defending Michael in 03, and talking about bringing a book out.  So Jermaine mentioned the book, and said Michael was innocent, in the same exact interview I saw.  This guy stacy is saying that Jermaine said he thought Michael might be guilty, though... so either Stacy is lying, or Jermaine was saying one thing behind doors and saying another thing to the media.  Either could be possible.

Jermaine dissed Michael in the early 90's when his record career was dwindling (Jermaine's).  Some song about how Michael changed his skin color and a whole ton of really bad shit he said about Michael on a single that was released.  I dunno what happened between them but it's pretty sleazy to call Michael out like that in public no matter what he thought.

Around the same time, Latoya was telling everybody her father raped her and her sister Rebbie when she was a kid.  Latoya also insinuated that her dad pimped Michael out to pedophiles in their neighborhood, Michael was a pedophile, etc.... Latoya later said her manager made her say all of it, and that Michael's great blah blah blah.

This just all goes to prove my theory: Michael Jackson is actually the most sane, normal of all of them.  Don't even get me started on Janet.

I personally think Michael isolates himself from all of them not because he's a jerk, but because they drive him fucking crazy and he'd rather keep them all at a distance.  His dad's nuts.  His mom stood by while he beat all of them to death.  Janet hid a marriage for 10 years and had a secret baby, all kinds of crazy shit.  Latoya married her manager then later said he brainwashed her.  Jermaine and Randy fucked and had kids with the same woman (Jermaine's wife).  Crazy shit. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson Jermaine Jackson Fallout/ Jermaine Book Tell all revealed..
Post by: Maxin in the Shade on March 06, 2006, 09:21:26 PM
thats some crazy shit

how can anyone expect to be well adjusted, growing up in that kind of family environment
Title: Re: Michael Jackson Jermaine Jackson Fallout/ Jermaine Book Tell all revealed..
Post by: R-Tistic on March 06, 2006, 10:06:53 PM
Michael's life story definitely proves that money and fame do NOT equal happiness...that's all bad