West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Sports & Entertainment => Topic started by: Mo Z. Dizzle on April 01, 2006, 09:46:07 PM

Title: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Mo Z. Dizzle on April 01, 2006, 09:46:07 PM
Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio
Winner: Rey
This will probably be the best match of the night IMO

WWE Championship
John Cena vs. HHH
Winner: HHH
HHH has jobbed at the last 2 WMs, so i think he'll win it here

No Holds Barred
Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon
Winner: Vince
I read HBK wants to take time off after WM, so i think by Vince winning now, they can continue storyline later if HBK does take time off and returns to get some "revenge"

Casket Match
Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
Winner: Taker
I think he can keep his streak going

Money in the Bank
Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Hardy vs. Flair vs. Benjamin vs. RVD
Winner: RVD
flair is old, benjamin is IC champ; lashley and finaly have their own feud; hardy is my second choice

Hardcore Match
Edge vs. Mick Foley
Winner: Edge
this'll be a kickass match

US Championship
JBL vs. Benoit
Winner: Benoit
i hate JBL, hopefully benoit will win

World Tag Team Championship
Kane & Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters
Winner: Kane and Big Show
this will be a decent match

Women's Championship
Trish vs. Mickie
Winner: Mickie
Trish has held te belt for quite a while so i think they'll take it off her

Playboy Pillow Fight
Torrie vs. Candice
Winner: Candice
They'll give Candice the push cause of her Playboy cover

Handicap Match
Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell
Winner: Boogeyman
Boogeyman will freak out Booker & Shamrell too much

post ur thotz now  8)
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Sikotic™ on April 02, 2006, 12:59:27 AM
Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio
Winner: Randy Orton
It'll be a great match, but Orton is gonna kill the Smackdown brand til Batista returns

WWE Championship
John Cena vs. HHH
Winner: HHH
Raw is about to get lame again

No Holds Barred
Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon
Winner: HBK
HBK will win, then I think some twist will take place where he takes a leave of absence

Casket Match
Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
Winner: Taker
Who gives a fuck...

Money in the Bank
Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Hardy vs. Flair vs. Benjamin vs. RVD
Winner: Flair
Flair will get one more run with the title I think

Hardcore Match
Edge vs. Mick Foley
Winner: Edge
It's sad that Foley is the only guy they can call up to give anybody a good rub.

US Championship
JBL vs. Benoit
Winner: JBL
Benoit needs to move on to bigger and better things. This will involve an interference.

World Tag Team Championship
Kane & Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters
Winner: Carlito & Masters
Master Lock on the Big Show is my prediction

Women's Championship
Trish vs. Mickie
Winner: Mickie
Probably the best built-up match going into WM sadly. It'll be a great match and Mickie deserves the title

Playboy Pillow Fight
Torrie vs. Candice
Winner: We, the audience
It's gonna be a clusterfuck, but I got my TIVO ready in case some tittayz are exposed

Handicap Match
Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell
Winner: Boogeyman
I feel bad for Booker

7 out of 11
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Denial! Is Actively Joinin The Revolution on April 02, 2006, 04:44:02 AM
Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio
Winner: Randy Orton
Either Randy or Anlge, can't see Rey winning the title

WWE Championship
John Cena vs. HHH
Winner: HHH
Cena has had the belt too long,

No Holds Barred
Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon
Winner: HBK
HBK of course, McMahon never wins!

Casket Match
Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
Winner: Taker
why push Mark Henry?

Money in the Bank
Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Hardy vs. Flair vs. Benjamin vs. RVD
Winner: Lashley
I knew from wen they said it was going to be interpromtional that lashley would be in and win this, especially when they gave him a second chance

Hardcore Match
Edge vs. Mick Foley
Winner: Edge
Foley justs jobs for talent

US Championship
JBL vs. Benoit
Winner: Benoit
Benoit needs to be after the world heavyweight

World Tag Team Championship
Kane & Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters
Winner: Kane And The Big Show
Just have a hunch......

Women's Championship
Trish vs. Mickie
Winner: Mickie
Trish has had the title for a year and 3 months!

Playboy Pillow Fight
Torrie vs. Candice
Winner: Torrie

Handicap Match
Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell
Winner: Boogeyman
Booker needs a push too

7/11 not bad! But man was i wrong bout some of the matches!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Bramsterdam (see ya) on April 02, 2006, 03:31:26 PM
HHH better not fucking win cause Raw will be mad shitty

As for the other matches they'll probably be all good but I just care that hhh doesnt win, damn bitch.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: daWappla on April 02, 2006, 04:44:04 PM
WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. Triple H
Winner: HHH 
Although I can´t really see it happening I´m hoping for a overbooked match with run ins (by whomever) and a doubleturn... Cena´s popularity declines steadily it seems and they need to do something about it.. Do a doubleturn, let Cena keep the title via his newly found heel tactics and let em feud over it the next months... Since that won´t happen I went with HHH... but whatever.. they need to do something to keep that match from becoming a total stinker.. HHH/Cena became boring a long time ago.. lol

World Title Match
Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Angle
This is one of the few matches I´m looking forward to.. Angle and Mysterio can make it a great match and I think they should leave it at that... Orton as champ? No thanks, and I hope they don´t put the title on Mysterio just to cash in on that stupid "Eddy Guerrero-dedication thing"... (Don´t mean to talk bad about Eddy, just that "angle" is plain stupid)

No Holds Barred Match
Vince McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels
Winner: HBK
While this has to be one of the most retarded storylines in a long time it just has to see Shawn as winner... Besides that I have absolutly no interest in that one.. I´d laugh my ass off though if Micheals would get screwed for real..

Hardcore Match
Mick Foley vs. Edge
Winner: Edge
If Foley is in bump mood then this could become a good/great match... Edge has to go over in this one though...

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lashley
Winner: Flair
Another match I´m looking forward to because of it´s fast paced nature.. Although I have no clue who will win I went with Flair cause I think they might want to give him a last title run and since he´s not getting any younger they have no time to waste.. lol

Casket Match
The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
Winner: Taker
This is so boring.. I mean does actually anyone think that they´re gonna stop Taker´s WM streak for Henry? They´d have to push Henry to the moon after a victory over Taker and even that won´t be enough...

WWE United States Title Match
Chris Benoit vs. JBL
Winner: Benoit
Nothing much to say about that... Benoit deserves to retain..

World Tag Team Titles Match
Kane & The Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters
Winners: Kane/Show
In my opinion Kane and SHow should be champs a very ling time.. they´re monsters and should be pushed that way...

WWE Women's Title Match
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James
Winner: the fans.. lol
No interest in this one besides the obvious reasons..    :D

Playboy Pillow Fight
Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle
Winner: see above

Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell
Winner: Booker
They might go with Booker so this can delight us at the next PPV´s too...
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Sikotic™ on April 02, 2006, 08:50:32 PM
Fucking main events ruined my predictions.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: mrtonguetwista on April 02, 2006, 09:01:23 PM
Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio
Winner: Rey
This will probably be the best match of the night IMO

Rey wins...didnt even see it coming

WWE Championship
John Cena vs. HHH
Winner: HHH
HHH has jobbed at the last 2 WMs, so i think he'll win it here

HHH taps out

No Holds Barred
Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon
Winner: Vince
I read HBK wants to take time off after WM, so i think by Vince winning now, they can continue storyline later if HBK does take time off and returns to get some "revenge"
HBK destroyed the Spirit Squad, Shane Mac, and Vinnie Mac...did some old DX shit, did the elbow drop off a 20ft ladder onto Vince laying on a table with a garbage can over head...awesome match

Casket Match
Undertaker vs. Mark Henry
Winner: Taker
I think he can keep his streak going

Undertaker 14-0..the gimmick's old now...give it up

Money in the Bank
Lashley vs. Finlay vs. Hardy vs. Flair vs. Benjamin vs. RVD
Winner: RVD
flair is old, benjamin is IC champ; lashley and finaly have their own feud; hardy is my second choice

RVD wins...stupid choice..his pussy ass is always out injured...I was looking forward to Lashley winning

Hardcore Match
Edge vs. Mick Foley
Winner: Edge
this'll be a kickass match

Edge wins, but not without a bareback full of thumbtacks

US Championship
JBL vs. Benoit
Winner: Benoit
i hate JBL, hopefully benoit will win

JBL wins =zzzzzzzz

World Tag Team Championship
Kane & Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters
Winner: Kane and Big Show
this will be a decent match

Kane/Show win...but Masters and Carlito will probably go at it at Backlash...they had venom for each other at end

Women's Championship
Trish vs. Mickie
Winner: Mickie
Trish has held te belt for quite a while so i think they'll take it off her

Mickie wins = a gang of ass

Playboy Pillow Fight
Torrie vs. Candice
Winner: Candice
They'll give Candice the push cause of her Playboy cover

Tori wins..= a gang of ass

Handicap Match
Boogeyman vs. Booker T & Sharmell
Winner: Boogeyman
Boogeyman will freak out Booker & Shamrell too much

Boogey wins...kisses Sharmell with mouthfull of worms

post ur thotz now 
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: herpes on April 02, 2006, 09:16:12 PM
WWE dropped the ball with cena.  C'mon take the belt off him or turn him heel or some sought of swerve.  The fuck you cena chants 2nite were sad.  HBK nice to see him regain some dignity and steal the show.  I gotta see the elbow drop off the 20 ft ladder.  I wonder if the DX crotch chops lead to HBK havin some edge again. I dont watch smackdown b/c well its friday night lol. 
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Mo Z. Dizzle on April 02, 2006, 09:19:23 PM
i went 7 for 11 as well
the playboy pillowgiht, us championship, hbk vs vince and the raw main event screwed me up
styll cant believe cena won though, he was gettin booed like crazy from wut i read; hopefully he'll lose it soon
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Sikotic™ on April 02, 2006, 09:30:07 PM
HHH probably said fuck it because if he won, everyone would be on his nuts and say he forced it to happen. I have a feeling he'll win it at Blacklash.

To be honest, the only cool thing that took place was the fact that Rey Mysterio won. I'm so happy Orton didn't win. I'm kinda happy RVD won too, but I was really pushing for Flair.....he's about as good as most of the dudes in that match and he's almost twice their age.

This is one of the more mediocre WM's. Oh well, we got the Draft and the influx of new characters coming in to spice things up so that should be good.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Mo Z. Dizzle on April 02, 2006, 10:02:40 PM
^^ i just hope they dont make us wait a month for the draft to occur
i didnt mind how they had one pick per week...but after Vince announced it, there was a waitin period and i was so friggin anxious to find out who would move lol
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: P Nelson on April 02, 2006, 11:57:11 PM

Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Perfection on April 03, 2006, 12:12:53 AM
I think Rey will only end up holding the title for 2 months at the most. Mysterio got some of the most boos of the night.

Mickie vs Trish - turned out to be one of the best matches of the night. Mickie is really great playing the character & was great at playing with the crowd when the crowd started to boo Trish & give Mickie huge pops..

HHH vs Cena  - was surprising considering the promos they've been for Backlash. The TV commerical has Cena saying at Backlash I take back what's mine. The Backlash poster would lead you to believe HHH is defending the title as well.

Taker vs Henry -  Taker did hisbest to make Henry look good, but no one has been successful making Henry look good. Highlights of the night, Taker giving Henry the Last Ride off the top, Taker diving over the top ropes & landing on Henry, & the Tombstone to end the match.

Candice vs Torrie -  was a complete waste & had no business being on that late into the PPV card or even being on the card in general. Torrie tried to put some wrestling moves in there, but the match was still painful to watch. Thinking it was just there so people could get something to eat or use the washroom & not miss any of HHH vs Cena.

Carlito & Masters vs Kane & Big Show -  was expecting Kane to turn on Big Show. Could still happen & hopefulyy it does & Kane goes to Smackdown & takes the title away from Mysterio.

JBL vs Benoit - Good match, but not as good as they've been having at the house shows. I knew JBL was going to win.

Money in the Bank - Glad to see RVD winning it. Really the only one besides RVD who had a chance of winning it was Flair. There was no chance in hell of Benjaminl, Lashley, Finley, or Hardy winning it.

Edge vs Foley - Can't say much more than match of the night. Foley can still bring it, too bad he didn't get his WrestleMania victory, but at least he got his great WrestleMania moment.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Sikotic™ on April 03, 2006, 12:52:36 AM
I was surprised that the pillowfight was so late into the card. You'd expect something liek that to be an opener.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Citizen-Y on April 03, 2006, 01:57:05 AM
I was surprised that the pillowfight was so late into the card. You'd expect something liek that to be an opener.

Filler between the two main events.  Chill the crowd out after one big match to the other.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: P Nelson on April 03, 2006, 09:12:17 AM
I think Rey Mysterio as a champ is actually a good idea for a company who wants to change his imagine about the unaturally builded monster all juiced up with 2 moves on his move-set. With Rey, they have a speedy talented wrestler that the crowd loves a LOT.. Plus, aparently, the crowd was REALLY with Angle 100%  in the begining, but Rey got a great reaction after
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Larrabee on April 03, 2006, 10:14:18 AM
I thought it was an alright WM, 3\5 at best.

The Tag Title Match was pretty decent for an opener, Carlito\Masters should've won though...

Money In The Bank was awesome for the most part, glad that RVD won...Flair bumped like crazy...

JBL-Benoit had a good match, I agree with Sikotic on this one, Benoit's gotta move on to better things...

Edge and Mick Foley's match was incredible, everything came off great, possibly Match of the Night...ending was  :o

Boogeyman-Booker\Sharmell was just there, nothing special here...

Women's Match was pretty physical as expected, crowd was interesting in this one. People are starting to dig Mickie's character...

The Casket Match was purely by the book, nothing unexpected...Taker's 14-0, no surprise...

Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon was damn good, one-sided in a way but I'm cool with that...HBK's great...

I'm happy Rey won the title, but if they gave them another 10 minutes, it would've been nice...pretty stellar for a 9 min. match...

Candice-Torrie was just there to bring the crowd down a little bit before...

Cena-HHH...the match was decent, the crowd heat made it exciting, Cena's win was really unexpected...a heel turn would make sense.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Sikotic™ on April 03, 2006, 11:44:54 AM
Conan The Barbarian???

Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: P Nelson on April 03, 2006, 11:50:22 AM
Conan The Barbarian???


HJAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA HAAAAAAH! What the hell, I heard Game came with a new theme song "King of kings" with that attire lol.. I also heard Cena came with a gun  ;D lol Vince was on crack last night and what was with HBK and HHH making the DX sign? HBK also seemed pumped after the match, saying he was tired of being a nice guy... Will DX be back? I would HOPE SO, the best scenario would be .. Cena with Vince forming a Corporation and DX coming back, that would be GREAT, nothing greater in wrestling then gang feuds in my opinion, so many options for great  matches!
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: AlerG on April 03, 2006, 12:00:00 PM
Conan The Barbarian???


I was just about to comment on that how stupid his entrance was, and then i quickly forgot about it because cena's was absolutely horrible. They are trying to make wrestlemania too show and they come off looking corny. Edge and Foley easily had the match of the night followed by the michaels/mcmahon fight. It was cool both triple h and michaels did the dx suck it gesture during their matches, i wonder if they're anything developing there?
The MITB match was also very entertaining, and the mickey/trish match was the shocker of the night (no pun intended). Mickey is really pushing her character well and they both carried an impressive match until they fucked up Mickey's finisher. The crowd really turned on Trish half ay through.
Rey winning made me mad, too short of a reign for angle. The match was also very short, didn't get much out of it. The JBL/Benoit and Taker/Henry matches were complete sleepers. And the Cena/Triple H match was ok at best. Mister 4 moves wins again,

Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: AlerG on April 03, 2006, 12:01:26 PM
Conan The Barbarian???


HJAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA HAAAAAAH! What the hell, I heard Game came with a new theme song "King of kings" with that attire lol.. I also heard Cena came with a gun  ;D lol Vince was on crack last night and what was with HBK and HHH making the DX sign? HBK also seemed pumped after the match, saying he was tired of being a nice guy... Will DX be back? I would HOPE SO, the best scenario would be .. Cena with Vince forming a Corporation and DX coming back, that would be GREAT, nothing greater in wrestling then gang feuds in my opinion, so many options for great  matches!

i used to love the gang wars back in the '98 era,

Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: eS El Duque on April 03, 2006, 12:29:57 PM
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Sikotic™ on April 03, 2006, 12:41:48 PM

i used to love the gang wars back in the '98 era,


Hell yeah, the corporate ministry was the shit back in the day. When Taker had that satanic edge back then I thought he was at his best. Look how gangsta he was back then:

The coporate ministry theme song was sick too with the No Chance In Hell remix.

And I just notice that next to HHH's throne, there's a giant sledgehammer LMFAO!!!
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on April 03, 2006, 12:55:05 PM

i used to love the gang wars back in the '98 era,


Hell yeah, the corporate ministry was the shit back in the day. When Taker had that satanic edge back then I thought he was at his best. Look how gangsta he was back then:

The coporate ministry theme song was sick too with the No Chance In Hell remix.

And I just notice that next to HHH's throne, there's a giant sledgehammer LMFAO!!!

Undertaker was the shit...I stopped watching wrestling when he started with the "American Badass" shit...LOL
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Perfection on April 03, 2006, 01:04:39 PM
Conan The Barbarian???


I was just about to comment on that how stupid his entrance was, and then i quickly forgot about it because cena's was absolutely horrible. They are trying to make wrestlemania too show and they come off looking corny. Edge and Foley easily had the match of the night followed by the michaels/mcmahon fight. It was cool both triple h and michaels did the dx suck it gesture during their matches, i wonder if they're anything developing there?
The MITB match was also very entertaining, and the mickey/trish match was the shocker of the night (no pun intended). Mickey is really pushing her character well and they both carried an impressive match until they fucked up Mickey's finisher. The crowd really turned on Trish half ay through.
Rey winning made me mad, too short of a reign for angle. The match was also very short, didn't get much out of it. The JBL/Benoit and Taker/Henry matches were complete sleepers. And the Cena/Triple H match was ok at best. Mister 4 moves wins again,


I think Mysterio's entrence was worse than HHH's & Cena. What was the deal with Mysterio stealing Tatanka's head gear?

As for the ending of the Mickie-Trish match, I think the move was botched either because Trish was eelling the injury or because Trish was actually injuried. The live reports said that she could barely walk after the match & needed help to the back. But that could've been her selling the injury.

JBL-Benoit I thought was a good match; not as good as their house stuff but good.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Denial! Is Actively Joinin The Revolution on April 03, 2006, 02:07:56 PM

i used to love the gang wars back in the '98 era,


Hell yeah, the corporate ministry was the shit back in the day. When Taker had that satanic edge back then I thought he was at his best. Look how gangsta he was back then:

The coporate ministry theme song was sick too with the No Chance In Hell remix.

And I just notice that next to HHH's throne, there's a giant sledgehammer LMFAO!!!

That track is on the wwe anthology cd, i have it, i could hook the song up if u want it?
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Mo Z. Dizzle on April 03, 2006, 02:11:47 PM
^^yes, yes we do
and in return we shall prop u (or atleast i'll prop u lol)
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Larrabee on April 03, 2006, 02:17:21 PM
A few years from now, Triple H is going to look back on last night's entrance and feel really stupid. I get the whole old school-new school thing, but it just came off as too tacky to me, especially Cena's entrance. JBL had a cool entrance, with the stage lifting up and the limo coming through.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Bramsterdam (see ya) on April 03, 2006, 02:34:31 PM
what did cenas entrance consist of?
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: M Dogg™ on April 03, 2006, 02:40:22 PM
Mystero used the same attire when he went to Mexico. His got the Aztec headress on, not whatever tribe Tatanka has. Mystero keeping it straight Native roots.  8)
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Mo Z. Dizzle on April 03, 2006, 02:43:13 PM
what did cenas entrance consist of?


picture 87 and 88; it looks as if he dressed as an old-school gangster
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Bramsterdam (see ya) on April 03, 2006, 02:47:31 PM
lol wtf
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Mo Z. Dizzle on April 03, 2006, 02:49:24 PM
lol wtf

yeah it was wierd; hopefully they wont bring that up again lol
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: Sikotic™ on April 03, 2006, 03:41:57 PM
Looks more like a streaker about to disrobe than a gangster.


I usually like the WM entrances. HHH usually comes correct with the live band playing his theme, but I guess this time he had to take it too far.
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: mrtonguetwista on April 03, 2006, 04:08:23 PM
Cena was on some Elliot Ness Untouchables shit

Mysterio looked like a 4ft Foghorn Leghorn

I enjoyed Mickie grabbing Trish's vagina and then licking her hand
Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: daWappla on April 03, 2006, 05:26:10 PM
I only got 4 predictions right..

Can´t say I´m too impressed with the WM but I didn´t have any high expectations either so I´m not disappointed.. lol

Title: Re: WrestleMania 22 Matches and Predictions
Post by: AlerG on April 03, 2006, 07:39:34 PM
I hope triple h doesn't continue to wear that stupid head piece as well,
