West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: BigG on July 08, 2006, 11:14:04 AM

Title: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: BigG on July 08, 2006, 11:14:04 AM
Im entering my senior year this september and once i graduate i dont think im going to college but the Los Angeles Recording school.  Is this a good idea?  I make beats and i want to learn more about music and recording. 
My other choice is to go to a community college.  Either Rio Hondo(Which i heard is one of the worst community colleges in the country) or cerritos (another bad one)  My teacher told me that most kids that go there to transfer to a 4-year never make it.
We have no money and i have no ride to any of these places but i can take the bus cause i live nearby.  Nobody tell me to go to another college cause these are my only choices cause i have no car, no money, all i can do is take the bus to schools near Whittier in L.A. county.

I feel that if i go to community college im just gonna drop out but if i go to the  Los Angeles Recording school i can make something of myself.
Can somebody give me some advise???
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: Real American on July 08, 2006, 11:46:13 AM
In my opinion I would go to a regular community college. I just think it is too hard to earn a living making beats or doing whatever you would learn at a Recording school. If you go to a community college you will be on the track to hopefully going to a 4 year college and getting a degree in a field where you can find a decent job. You just have to stay commited and don't give up early like all those other people do. It is going to be hard but you can do it if you put your mind to it.
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: Word to Everything on July 08, 2006, 11:48:35 AM
Depends on what you want to do...

The state will cover you, so you shouldn't worry about money. 
California gives out 9 billion dollars in financial aid. You can live on campus instead of taking the bus everyday if you want.

You should talk a school/college counselor.


^Check out some Universities they might have similar music programs  ;)

Los Angeles Recording School is only one year...you can always go to college after that but it depends on what you want to do  :)
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: coola on July 08, 2006, 11:52:58 AM
find yourself some ho's and stack a dolla while you bullshittin...
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: Spicemuthafuc*in1 on July 08, 2006, 11:53:52 AM
I would try and go to a community college.
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: Word to Everything on July 08, 2006, 11:58:24 AM
In my opinion I would go to a regular community college. I just think it is too hard to earn a living making beats or doing whatever you would learn at a Recording school. If you go to a community college you will be on the track to hopefully going to a 4 year college and getting a degree in a field where you can find a decent job. You just have to stay commited and don't give up early like all those other people do. It is going to be hard but you can do it if you put your mind to it.

If you get accepted to a University go there instead and take alot of the general education classes at a community college.
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: WestCoasta on July 08, 2006, 12:17:13 PM
do nothing and get fat and be a bum
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: BigG on July 08, 2006, 12:18:03 PM
If you get accepted to a University go there instead and take alot of the general education classes at a community college.

I dont think i am going to a University cause right now im going to summer school to fix my 2 "f"s and i got a bunch of D's and i heard that you cant have no D's at all so dont think im going to a universitty.

Plus my teacher tells me all i got to do to go to Rio Hondo is be able to walk up its hill and im in so Im probably gonna go to the Los Angeles recording school since its only one year and see what happens and if
it doesnt work out i can just walk up that hill to Rio Hondo and go there.
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: ecrazy on July 08, 2006, 12:28:09 PM
Go To Community College and Discover what you want. I was almost like you, i really thought i was going to be working straight outta high school and i was, but i did not want to work a 9-5 job. So I went to a community college, tried and changed my major 4 times and now im sticking to Music Buisness (Marketing). And If you go to a community college, you save SOO Much money compared to going to a university straight outta high school, because the state pays for you to go to community college and when you finally transfer, you only pay 1-2 years of tuition instead of 4 (this is good if your transfering to a expensive private school like USC)

Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: J Bananas on July 08, 2006, 12:44:22 PM
financially it would be a lot less of a burden to go to community college while you find something that interests you. ive had several friends who transfered to a 4 year straight out of high school and two years in they decided their major wasn't for them. its a big waste of your parent (or your) money to scrap a year or two of progress to switch majors. that goes for private recording schools. im currently on leave from a recording school in the bay (Ex'pression) because the 20,000 dollars i still owe. if u go straight to a private school like that and then decide youre over it, the impact on your wallet might be really depressing. find out what suits you, go to a jc, take a drug or two, live it up, get it out of your system before you're locked in to four years of money draining technical shit.
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: Ant on July 08, 2006, 12:57:28 PM
I agree with Cwalker... go to community college, but defintely don't waste your effort just to go have fun for 2 years.

The MOST important thing is to focus on learning skills that society demands.   A skill can be almost anything, but make sure its something that your content doing and other people want.   I think a lot of time people in our society are too arrogant about their work... we have it too cushy here and people loose focus on what matters.  Basically, we all need to work, work isn't necassarily going to be a ball, but we have to contribute to earn a pay check.  Too many people have a hard time earning a decent wage because they don't view work as a necessity... they see it as a pain in the ass.  We shouldn't be that arrogant.  People that are much less educated than us in other countries are better workers because they know work is a necessity and they're grateful to have any job.

I live in an area with high unemployment.  But yet it's relatively easy to get a job here.  Why?  Because employers have a hard time finding "skilled" workers.  And trust me, a skill can be just about anything... for most jobs just showing up, being honest, considerate, and dependable is a HUGE skill set.  I see so many people in my town struggling to get a job, but I'm an employer, and I struggle to find people.  I'll go thru 30 - 40 applications for every one person I hire, but if I meet a person that is caring, dependable, and good natured I'll find them a position EVEN IF I'm not currently hiring.

Granted I'm talking about lower paying positions, but these ideas apply to any job.  The best advice someone ever gave me about career advancement is think about what type of employee your boss considers ideal and try to be that.  If you look at things from an employers perspective it is EASY to realize how simple it is to make yourself a valuable employee.  MOST jobs are easy... even high paying one's... a friend got into sales, was nervous at first because of the high salary... he figured a big salary meant it would be  a tough job... a few months later he realized it was simple as hell... he got up to like 80k, then wanted to try something more challenging and makes 150k now.  He's 24, didn't do great in HS, and did so so at college.... but he kept looking for ways to make himself valuable. 

Whatever you do, even if it is music... look at the people who are making it and think to yourself what do I have to do differently to be like them... then learn a little at a time and its amazing how well you can end up.  Like I said.... there are VERY FEW jobs that are extremely difficult.  Don't get intimidated by the workforce, and keep learning new things and you'll be surprised how easy work is.

Anyways..... sorry for the length, I'm always long-winded, don't know why... but hopefully I made some sense.

Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: J Bananas on July 08, 2006, 12:59:47 PM
I agree with Cwalker... go to community college, but defintely don't waste your effort just to go have fun for 2 years.

The MOST important thing is to focus on learning skills that society demands.   A skill can be almost anything, but make sure its something that your content doing and other people want.   I think a lot of time people in our society are too arrogant about their work... we have it too cushy here and people loose focus on what matters.  Basically, we all need to work, work isn't necassarily going to be a ball, but we have to contribute to earn a pay check.  Too many people have a hard time earning a decent wage because they don't view work as a necessity... they see it as a pain in the ass.  We shouldn't be that arrogant.  People that are much less educated than us in other countries are better workers because they know work is a necessity and they're grateful to have any job.

I live in an area with high unemployment.  But yet it's relatively easy to get a job here.  Why?  Because employers have a hard time finding "skilled" workers.  And trust me, a skill can be just about anything... for most jobs just showing up, being honest, considerate, and dependable is a HUGE skill set.  I see so many people in my town struggling to get a job, but I'm an employer, and I struggle to find people.  I'll go thru 30 - 40 applications for every one person I hire, but if I meet a person that is caring, dependable, and good natured I'll find them a position EVEN IF I'm not currently hiring.

Granted I'm talking about lower paying positions, but these ideas apply to any job.  The best advice someone ever gave me about career advancement is think about what type of employee your boss considers ideal and try to be that.  If you look at things from an employers perspective it is EASY to realize how simple it is to make yourself a valuable employee.  MOST jobs are easy... even high paying one's... a friend got into sales, was nervous at first because of the high salary... he figured a big salary meant it would be  a tough job... a few months later he realized it was simple as hell... he got up to like 80k, then wanted to try something more challenging and makes 150k now.  He's 24, didn't do great in HS, and did so so at college.... but he kept looking for ways to make himself valuable. 

Whatever you do, even if it is music... look at the people who are making it and think to yourself what do I have to do differently to be like them... then learn a little at a time and its amazing how well you can end up.  Like I said.... there are VERY FEW jobs that are extremely difficult.  Don't get intimidated by the workforce, and keep learning new things and you'll be surprised how easy work is.

Anyways..... sorry for the length, I'm always long-winded, don't know why... but hopefully I made some sense.

are you in management for a company?
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: NiCc_FrUm_ThA_nO on July 08, 2006, 01:24:26 PM
I would try and go to a community college.
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: BigG on July 08, 2006, 01:40:22 PM
financially it would be a lot less of a burden to go to community college while you find something that interests you. ive had several friends who transfered to a 4 year straight out of high school and two years in they decided their major wasn't for them. its a big waste of your parent (or your) money to scrap a year or two of progress to switch majors. that goes for private recording schools. im currently on leave from a recording school in the bay (Ex'pression) because the 20,000 dollars i still owe. if u go straight to a private school like that and then decide youre over it, the impact on your wallet might be really depressing. find out what suits you, go to a jc, take a drug or two, live it up, get it out of your system before you're locked in to four years of money draining technical shit.
Thats what im thinking too.  I dont want to go to the Recording school and end up wasting 14 grand.  My dad says he supports me anything i want to do.  We aint got no money but he says theres all that FAFSA stuff.  We really dont know nothing about it cause they have never been to college.
Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: Ant on July 08, 2006, 02:21:30 PM
I agree with Cwalker... go to community college, but defintely don't waste your effort just to go have fun for 2 years.

The MOST important thing is to focus on learning skills that society demands.   A skill can be almost anything, but make sure its something that your content doing and other people want.   I think a lot of time people in our society are too arrogant about their work... we have it too cushy here and people loose focus on what matters.  Basically, we all need to work, work isn't necassarily going to be a ball, but we have to contribute to earn a pay check.  Too many people have a hard time earning a decent wage because they don't view work as a necessity... they see it as a pain in the ass.  We shouldn't be that arrogant.  People that are much less educated than us in other countries are better workers because they know work is a necessity and they're grateful to have any job.

I live in an area with high unemployment.  But yet it's relatively easy to get a job here.  Why?  Because employers have a hard time finding "skilled" workers.  And trust me, a skill can be just about anything... for most jobs just showing up, being honest, considerate, and dependable is a HUGE skill set.  I see so many people in my town struggling to get a job, but I'm an employer, and I struggle to find people.  I'll go thru 30 - 40 applications for every one person I hire, but if I meet a person that is caring, dependable, and good natured I'll find them a position EVEN IF I'm not currently hiring.

Granted I'm talking about lower paying positions, but these ideas apply to any job.  The best advice someone ever gave me about career advancement is think about what type of employee your boss considers ideal and try to be that.  If you look at things from an employers perspective it is EASY to realize how simple it is to make yourself a valuable employee.  MOST jobs are easy... even high paying one's... a friend got into sales, was nervous at first because of the high salary... he figured a big salary meant it would be  a tough job... a few months later he realized it was simple as hell... he got up to like 80k, then wanted to try something more challenging and makes 150k now.  He's 24, didn't do great in HS, and did so so at college.... but he kept looking for ways to make himself valuable. 

Whatever you do, even if it is music... look at the people who are making it and think to yourself what do I have to do differently to be like them... then learn a little at a time and its amazing how well you can end up.  Like I said.... there are VERY FEW jobs that are extremely difficult.  Don't get intimidated by the workforce, and keep learning new things and you'll be surprised how easy work is.

Anyways..... sorry for the length, I'm always long-winded, don't know why... but hopefully I made some sense.

are you in management for a company?

Title: Re: What Should i do after High school?
Post by: Word to Everything on July 08, 2006, 03:30:23 PM
financially it would be a lot less of a burden to go to community college while you find something that interests you. ive had several friends who transfered to a 4 year straight out of high school and two years in they decided their major wasn't for them. its a big waste of your parent (or your) money to scrap a year or two of progress to switch majors. that goes for private recording schools. im currently on leave from a recording school in the bay (Ex'pression) because the 20,000 dollars i still owe. if u go straight to a private school like that and then decide youre over it, the impact on your wallet might be really depressing. find out what suits you, go to a jc, take a drug or two, live it up, get it out of your system before you're locked in to four years of money draining technical shit.
Thats what im thinking too.  I dont want to go to the Recording school and end up wasting 14 grand.  My dad says he supports me anything i want to do.  We aint got no money but he says theres all that FAFSA stuff.  We really dont know nothing about it cause they have never been to college.

From high school I think all you need 2.0 GPA.
FAFSA also pays for Los Angeles Recording School.

atleast take a look their websites...
