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Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: Lake Titicaca on February 03, 2007, 09:27:47 PM

Title: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Lake Titicaca on February 03, 2007, 09:27:47 PM
• 2 retired generals, retired admiral say war with Iran would be "disastrous"
• They air opinions in a letter to London's Sunday Times newspaper
• U.S. defense secretary says Washington not planning for war with Iran

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Three former senior U.S. military officials warn that any military action against Iran would have "disastrous consequences" and urged Washington to hold immediate and unconditional talks with Tehran.

The Bush administration has increased the regularity and vehemence of its accusations against Iran, prompting speculation it could be laying the ground for military attack against the Islamic state.

Washington has also sent a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf, a move seen as a warning to Iran, which the United States accuses of seeking atomic arms and fueling instability in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. Iran denies the charges.

In a letter to London's Sunday Times newspaper, the three former U.S. military leaders said attacking Iran "would have disastrous consequences for security in the region, coalition forces in Iraq and would further exacerbate regional and global tensions," they wrote.

"The current crisis must be resolved through diplomacy," they said.

The letter was signed by retired Army Lt. Gen. Robert Gard, a former military assistant to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Hoar, a former commander in chief of U.S. Central Command; and retired Navy Vice Adm. Jack Shanahan, a former director of the Center for Defense Information.

They urged the U.S. government to "engage immediately in direct talks with the government of Iran without preconditions.

"There is time available to talk, we must ensure that we use it," they said.

The three men have joined previous petitions calling on the Bush administration to change course in its policy on Iran.

Washington broke ties with Iran in 1980. It has offered to hold direct talks with Iran but only once Tehran halts its drive to produce nuclear fuel through uranium enrichment.

Iran, which says it wants to enrich uranium to make nuclear reactor fuel, not bombs, has refused.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Friday said Washington was not planning for war with Iran, but again accused Tehran of supplying bombs for deadly attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq.

Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Smoke Break on February 03, 2007, 11:04:02 PM
yeah that probably wouldn't be the greatest thing right now
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Teddy Roosevelt on February 03, 2007, 11:11:13 PM
Doesn't take a genius to know that war with Iran would be diastrous.
The sooner troops leave the Middle East the better.
Fuck George Bush.
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Primo on February 03, 2007, 11:22:56 PM
The US needs a false flag to bolster support for a Iran war.
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: swangin and bangin on February 03, 2007, 11:54:55 PM
there would be nuclealar bombs every where
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Samoan Enforcer on February 04, 2007, 04:08:29 AM
The US needs a false flag to bolster support for a Iran war.

thats what im talkin about, we need to convince America those dirty muslims killed batman
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Real American on February 04, 2007, 08:36:04 AM
The US isn't going to invade Iran like we do with Iraq. We are just going to strike their nuclear faciltiies through the air.
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: virtuoso on February 04, 2007, 08:41:10 AM

Have you stopped to consider the nuclear fallout attacking any nuclear facilities would have? and the reprisals that would lead to. Or is that the prospect you are salivating over
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Triple Sicx on February 04, 2007, 03:30:26 PM
Shock & Awe Part II then boots on the ground and us Infantry would, i hate to admit it being a 11B myself, get their asses kicked
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: The-Leak (aka) kingwell (bka) JULES on February 04, 2007, 04:48:57 PM
Doesn't take a genius to know that war with Iran would be diastrous.
The sooner troops leave the Middle East the better.
Fuck George Bush.
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Real American on February 04, 2007, 05:34:11 PM
Shock & Awe Part II then boots on the ground and us Infantry would, i hate to admit it being a 11B myself, get their asses kicked

US Infantry would get their ass kicked by the Iranian military???

Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: MIC on February 05, 2007, 04:35:17 AM
Shock & Awe Part II then boots on the ground and us Infantry would, i hate to admit it being a 11B myself, get their asses kicked

US Infantry would get their ass kicked by the Iranian military???

Of course not. As war in Iraq clearly shows. US Infantry is unbeatable.  :-\
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: AndrE16686 on February 05, 2007, 05:01:24 AM
The US gonna be out of it for a little while, Iraq is enuff for now.

Israel however, swooped in and destroyed Saddam Hussein's attempts at a nuke facility. It could do the same to Iran easily.

Israel can take Iran. Israel  could put the enitre region to the sword.

 However Iraq is exactly what it is, a shit storm that will only grow if externally fed.

Personnally I think Iraq can still be subdued. If the conflicts in the region can remain contained, then there is a glimmer of hope that the region can be stabalised.

But in the future there will be another Iraq, another Vietnam, another Panama conflict, because our creations rule us all.

Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on February 05, 2007, 09:05:20 PM
U.S. should have never let Iran's gov't live for so long.  NOw they're in too deep and Israel can't do shit either.  They couldnt take care of bunch of hezbollah ground fighters, how can they take care of iran?
Even if they resort to air strike, which will probably be their only choice, then in return Iran can do way more damage to israel cuz it's a much smaller country.  They can probably wipe it out real quick.
Title: Re: Retired U.S. brass: Iran war would be 'disastrous'...
Post by: Mr. O on February 05, 2007, 09:45:11 PM
You wonder how we gonna fund more to war when he's asking 2.9 trillion dollars on his new budget plan. >:(