West Coast Connection Forum

DUBCC - Tha Connection => West Coast Classics => Topic started by: bLaDe on July 27, 2001, 11:59:34 PM

Title: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 27, 2001, 11:59:34 PM
Yo homiez i wuz wondering if ya can get addiced to weed.....

n why do these rappers smoke it so much lol.... :-/
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Smooth on July 28, 2001, 12:01:23 AM
nah hommie you can't really get a phsyical addiction you just get a mental one... nothing major
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 28, 2001, 12:54:03 AM
Weed isn't an additive drug but you can come hooked on it and depend on it if you take to much.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: westcoastin on July 28, 2001, 01:01:44 AM
for some people mentally adictive drugs are more actictive.  for others its the physical
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: AlerG on July 28, 2001, 06:38:03 AM
well you really can't call it an addiction but at the same time you can because if you smoke it enough you begin to rely on it and if you don't get it you can become really testy and snap at little things, i think it's additive but not very harmful, definately better than smoking cigarettes, peace.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: HHH on July 28, 2001, 08:32:52 AM

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Nosak on July 28, 2001, 09:05:55 AM
mannnn i don't know bout ya'll but over here i don't know nobody who don't smoke  from boy to girl , from men to women,, everybody (exept parents and older ones naww mean) but shit in this motherfucka theres some addicted motherfuckaz ,, shit that's what they do every fuckin day on the parc they light one every 5 min ...THIS IS NOT A JOKE, plus another one , if he doesn't get his shit he get mad after people n start beef just because he wanna smoke ,, pleezbaleev that's what i call addicted shiiiiiiiiish :o
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 28, 2001, 09:47:16 AM
I can say officially right here, right now that I do not smoke anything
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Rud on July 28, 2001, 09:51:35 AM
SCROLLING TEXT AGAIN - ONLY USE IT SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 28, 2001, 10:26:54 AM


SCROLLING TEXT AGAIN - ONLY USE IT SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your rite. I'm hooked on it.


j/k  ;D
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: lee on July 28, 2001, 11:15:09 AM
Well see its hard to say cause in a way i don't no EXCATLY what weed is, I know its majuinia, but theres different types like grass, weed, hash etc some are stronger and different parts of the plant, some addictive, some not  ???
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 28, 2001, 12:57:30 PM
hahahah man same here ;)
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: jay on July 28, 2001, 01:13:02 PM
i m an addict..

u CAN get addicted


Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 28, 2001, 01:59:33 PM
LIke I said before. Weed is not an addictive drug. People who use it only for enjoyment will never get addicted. But people who smoke it a lot come dependent on it and therefore it is part of there daily life so in course will be/become and addiction where you have to smoke weed to get throw the day because you have come so dependent on it.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 28, 2001, 02:03:43 PM
whats the pleasure you get outta weed?

can't u get the same shit doin somethin else?(other than drugs)


peace ...
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 28, 2001, 02:12:32 PM
It's hard to explain but some people just like weed cause it's makes then happy. LIke say for instance your idea of fun (not saying it is, just using as an example) is riding the biggest roller coaster in the world or going prarchuting from a plane tens of thousands of feet in the air. Most people would be like "He a physco. Why would you wanna do that when you can get fun any where else but there". Everybody has a different way of having fun or getting pleasure from something and for some people that is weed (also women). It is pretty hard to explain why but I hope you get wot I mean here.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 28, 2001, 02:19:48 PM
[shadow=red,left,300]Hmm...hey thanx man i get it....

but can't weed kill you?? ... If so then y smoke it even if ya get pleasure? ... u will die ..

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on July 28, 2001, 02:41:17 PM
I been smokin weed 4 like 5 years and i aint really depended on it, I smoke every weekend or so wit my boyz. If u smoke weed by yurself, dat means yur a real addict of weed.

Word Of Advice----- dont fuck wit tha hashish if yur an ammateur weed smoker. Trust me.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 28, 2001, 03:59:22 PM


[shadow=red,left,300]Hmm...hey thanx man i get it....

but can't weed kill you?? ... If so then y smoke it even if ya get pleasure? ... u will die ..


Weed can kill but that is only if you smoke too much of it a day. Weed is actually healthier to smoke than cigarettes so that is why a lot of people smoke it also it is more enjoyable than a cigarette. I guess it can kill but only if you smoke it as much as Snoop Dogg.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 28, 2001, 04:02:52 PM
hmm i see......does it giv ya lung caner or shit? n where do u make it from?

nice quote (from eminem)

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 28, 2001, 04:25:05 PM
I ain't sure about the lung cancer shit but I would imagine only if you smoke a load of it a day.....also you make usually from seeds you can buy to grow it but there is so many different types (weak - strong) that it would take ages to name them all (although you never asked that). But usually it is grown in the attic of a house with the blue ray lights and shit and then the person growing it either smokes it or sells it for one BIG MOTHERFUCKING HEFTY PROFIT. BY the the way just so you know I don't smoke weed but I do know my stuff on it. If only they taught you in skool about it and actually let you roll one and smoke it. The laughs you would have in that class.........there's a yellow pencil.....wow a yellow pencil......and look there's a red one.........even more amazing.....a pen......lol....anywayz I better go before I talk any more shit here
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 28, 2001, 04:28:36 PM
hahahaha damn .... thanx man  ;D
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Don Seer on July 29, 2001, 12:05:13 AM
yeah its not addictive... but if u smoke it with tobacco u get addicted to that... thats how it got me... also.. if all u r friends are smokin n shit... the kinda peer pressure thing keeps everyone smoking

i used to smoke loadsa shit.. but i cleaned my act up to finish college
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Ro J. Simpson on July 29, 2001, 12:28:39 AM
N-Imy u tried to changew ur name huh?....LOL

aw...look at the quotes...some1 been watchin casino a bit too much huh?....fuck you...770 odd posts of pure 100% bullshit...(cheesy wheel of fortune type music comes in)

u cant really get addicted...but i sell that shit...i blaze it most days...its basically my life im know its sad...but ya know...wat can i say...its tha summertime...y'all GOT to blaze a lil wizzeed in this sizzizzle-in hot summer...yo yesterday was hotter than IBIZA Y'all...thats rite...anyways...im off to blaze me a blizzunt

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Ro J. Simpson on July 29, 2001, 12:38:40 AM
Yo if u wanna grow some weed...do it like this...fuck wat N-Imy syas that cat a foo fo shiz

Get hold of some seeds...preferebly big bud...maui...somethin like that....for the first month or so...make sure u water twice everyday and turn it twice a day...and make sure it gets lots of sun...not too much becos the leafes get white dots on them and die...buy some basic regular fertiziliser and put a TINY bit in the soil to help it along...now u must make sure that u have a female...becos if u get a male plant...it flowers but the bud on it has no potency so make sure that u figure out wether its a male or female....

Yo holla if u wanna know how to find out wether its a male or a female i cant b bothered to explain

Now once u have grown it to about 2 feet or even 3 get hold of sum HALOGEN lights...now find a cupboard or a basement and leave the light on full power for a couple days or as long as it takes for the plant to flower

(By the way this sounds silly. but my very knowledgeable mate told me that before flowering his...he pissed on them or urined on them...thi helps the flowering process on twice as fast...try it y'all)

When u think the plant has flowered enuff...harvest and enjoy....if u find out u do hav a male...harvest it none the less and look for the seed they shud be there..u can sell these or even grow them again...but DONT grow a female and a male in the same room...or the females crop wont be as good...trust me..aight so now u hav the low down...yall go grow some weed...also if u get a male...sell the weed none the less to some faggots thats all id do aight???....holla if u need to know more

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on July 29, 2001, 04:51:25 AM
YOu know wot, you can go madly fuck yourself cause frankly I couldn't give a shit what you say about me these dayz cause that's all you seem to be good for. Just talking shit over a computer cause you are over a computer and not right nxt to me cause if you were I'd beat your ass down like the next gay guy that had you last night.

Anywayz if you must know I changed my name cause I was sick of N-Imy so I changed it and considering it has the same pic, quotes etc. it isn't hard to tell it's me (sake he really is dumb). Anywayz the info I gave was on short term and not some laong ass explanation lie yours because he jsut wanted to klnow how people get it not how they actually grow the stuff.

Man I ain't even gonna waste me time on people like yourself who get pleasure out of coming on the internet thinking they some hard guy and trying to diss people cause they gots nuttin better to do then act like a fucking 45 year old pedo.

And I do have casino on video but the quotes was not a direct copy of wot De Niro said about Pesci I made that shit up myself. Al;so you keep saying the amount off posts I have  are bullshit but how would you know. YOu signed up dayz after me and neve actually was that fulyl involved unless you be reading every single of my posts.

YOu know this is a typical examply of wot NIK was saying when he criticizd me for beefing wit people but when it comes down to it you are the one still acting like a child by carrying it on. I dropped it all and stopped posting bullshit about you cause that was being imature but it just goes to show that some people always are still just children at heart.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: AlerG on July 29, 2001, 06:13:38 AM
HHH don't know what she talking about, you become dependant on it if you smoke enough, read up it's a fact, peace.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Nosak on July 29, 2001, 09:07:19 AM
chornic make u feel confortable n give u relaxtation-- n yess it have some negative points if u a real smokin motherfucka naww mean, like cigarette, the lung cancer, n it can affect your cough or some the bronchia some fucked top name but anyways .. ::)
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 30, 2001, 11:54:24 PM
Are there any wayz of knowin if sum guyz on weed?
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: stretch1111 on July 31, 2001, 12:16:04 AM
yeah. look for the red eye. look for the smiling grin. look for the fool going straight to the kitchen. look for the chinese eyes. and smell the bud on them. nobody has ever died from smoking bud. not directly at least. lung cancer yes. some people put some lame ass shit in here but some people put some dope ass shit in here too. i puff dank everyday for what its worth. am i addicted? you tell me. peace.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 31, 2001, 12:17:57 AM
damn these little kids r like smokin weed here n shit ... :'( so i wuz wondering if they could ever stop ...
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Don Mega on July 31, 2001, 02:51:21 AM

that wouldn't be weed killing, if u overdose u just fall asleep, but u can get paranoid
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: HHH on July 31, 2001, 02:56:19 AM


HHH don't know what she talking about, you become dependant on it if you smoke enough, read up it's a fact, peace.


Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Big BpG on July 31, 2001, 09:25:02 AM


Weed isn't an additive drug but you can come hooked on it and depend on it if you take to much.

Thats an addiction Dogg...

Yes Weed will give you lung cancer if you smoke it too much... but not because of the weed, because of the smoke.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Nosak on July 31, 2001, 09:34:29 AM


yeah. look for the red eye. look for the smiling grin. look for the fool going straight to the kitchen. look for the chinese eyes. and smell the bud on them. nobody has ever died from smoking bud. not directly at least. lung cancer yes. some people put some lame ass shit in here but some people put some dope ass shit in here too. i puff dank everyday for what its worth. am i addicted? you tell me. peace.

the only way u can know is by the attitude of the guy sometime it change,but something never lies, the lips , they r blacker after a long time,the eye you can put some clear eyes , odor u can step outside for  4-5 minute max,for the food u can wait ...
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Nosak on July 31, 2001, 09:36:03 AM


Thats an addiction Dogg...

Yes Weed will give you lung cancer if you smoke it too much... but not because of the weed, because of the smoke.

ohhh yeah  :o n is there a way to reduce the chance  ???
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Big BpG on July 31, 2001, 09:56:52 AM
Yea dont smoke it

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Nosak on July 31, 2001, 10:02:36 AM


Yea dont smoke it


aight lol nice jobb, well i don'T smoke it to much so it's already be slow down,, i didn't smoke in two weeks i think  ::)
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: RAPQUAKE on July 31, 2001, 10:25:16 AM
yo sliKK, bpg meant dont smoke it, u can eat it, ya kno...

and yo BAD SEED, u know how much tha seeds cost? cuz this foo told me its like 200 dollaz, but i dont trust the info that dumbass puts out much, so holla back, and thanks for the info.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Big BpG on July 31, 2001, 10:39:58 AM
Don't even try to mess with the seeds... unless you dont want kids

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on July 31, 2001, 11:31:31 AM
ah Hell nah, dont fuck wit tha seeds at all, especially when u unda 18, cause u still growin and shit.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: bLaDe on July 31, 2001, 11:34:10 AM
I heard 2pac g/f say that cause of weed he didn't have no kidz ... is that tru?
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on July 31, 2001, 11:40:48 AM
Nah, i dont think dats true, Krayzie Bone been smokin weed everyday since he waz 13 and he has 6 stright kids w/nothin wrong wit em.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: DeaDSouLjaH on July 31, 2001, 11:42:11 AM
hey guyz this is my 50th post...
newayz.. comin back to the previous post by Lost-SOULJAH..that shit abt pac not havin kidz is all over the net in many of the pac sitez.. i aint sure if itz true though..
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Nosak on July 31, 2001, 12:19:05 PM


Don't even try to mess with the seeds... unless you dont want kids


whats seed , ain't tha weed that u make grow???

n i won't eat that shit  i already eat some but i don't like it that wway
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Instant_Killa on August 05, 2001, 12:09:51 PM

Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Instant_Killa on August 05, 2001, 12:14:33 PM
SHIT....i heard that u can't have kids if u smoke too much weed...i don know if this is true or not...but they say u can have kids with retarted growth n shit....
plus i wanna know if 2pac was shot in his balls during the shooting. many say that he was shot in one of his balls.....but how come he survived if this is true???
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Jay ay Beee on August 05, 2001, 12:42:43 PM
Ai yo someone hit me up on this

I been smokin maad during the holidays and I read an article about Lung Cancer and shit. Then I read about you can eat it and get stoned.

Someone tell me the best way!
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Don Seer on August 05, 2001, 12:46:36 PM

plus i wanna know if 2pac was shot in his balls during the shooting. many say that he was shot in one of his balls.....but how come he survived if this is true???

u can lose both and live.. lol

2pac shot his own bollock off fumbling for his gun.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: .:N-Imy:. on August 05, 2001, 02:13:07 PM


plus i wanna know if 2pac was shot in his balls during the shooting. many say that he was shot in one of his balls.....but how come he survived if this is true???

When Pac got shot five times and blamed Biggie for not warning him yes Pac got shot in the nuts and I'm sure I read he had to get one taken outor maybe I'm just talking shit but he def. got shot in the nuts.
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Nosak on August 05, 2001, 07:08:54 PM
well, i guest u just got to chew it  :P
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: West Coast Veteran on August 05, 2001, 10:19:18 PM
fuck weed! it's all about XTC! nigga what!

naw for real...weed can be addictive...my homeboys HAVE to smoke that shit everyday or else they TWEEK out like some feinds LMAO!
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: verbalassaulta on August 06, 2001, 01:45:27 PM
yes weed is addictive...i was addicted to it for like a year and i have friends who are still addicted, addicted as in smoking several times a day and as much as you could, and when you couldnt thats all you thought of...now i dont even smoke hardly at all anymore...it sucks, it just makes ya tired and stupid, unsocial and paranoid.  so advice to yall smoke it up on weekends and thats it.  
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: Big BpG on August 06, 2001, 01:59:11 PM
If you mess with seeds and smoke them or eat them, you will become impetent, meaning you cant ejaculate... ok kids? Therefore you can't have kids... thats what I meant.

Oh, and don't mess with XTC... that shit kills the brain.. I saw a 20/20 on that... this girl used it and her brain has all these holes in it from the XTC... if you use it too much, it eats the whole brain which results in DEATH
Title: Re: WEED ... can ya get addicted?
Post by: whoopitywhoop on August 06, 2001, 02:02:04 PM
i get high quite a bit,yeah I am upto seven joints a day and don't give a shit eitha.........this shit is nothin you wanna start if you plan on stayin sane though.......and another thing if a muthaphukka don't like you they can always put shit in ya dope.........man like angel dust and fuck you up for life.........so if you smoke dope make sure you smoke it with someone you trust.........the best way to get high is to get a contact high........jus make sure you breathe in when they exhale.......make em exhale in ya face...............jus don't breathe to much smoke in,thats when ya get in trouble.........it's that smoke that does it..........