West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on April 01, 2008, 12:55:40 AM

Title: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on April 01, 2008, 12:55:40 AM
The beauty of a message forum is that you don't have to respond to anything you don't want to and can just talk about hwatever you want.

All the things I say about my personal life on this forum are true, but I leave out shit that's embarrassing or that I don't feel like talking about.

Well.. I had a nightmare of a Winter (Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.) and I have a big court date today.

I decided I might as well tell the story because I got an hour to kill......

.....So I spent all of November in Africa, and it was the first time I had been happy in a few years.  So I was kind of riding a high.

I had aquired some debts while in Africa, not because it is expensive there... but because the people there are poor so you are always caught in situations where you are paying for other people.  And I went by myself so 3 made a couple of mistakes where I lost a lot of money.

So I wanted a way to make some fast money.

I had been working at hospitals and nursing homes as a med tech/assistant to nurses.  It was paying bills but I wanted more.

I had a good friend who was a truck driver and made 1,000 a week his first year doing it.  He kept talking me into it, telling me I would get to travel all over the country, visit my favorite cities, make mad doe, and that they would pay for my school and that id have a CDL liscence in just 3 weeks.

So I got a trucking company to sponsor my school and started going to school in some hicktown around mid December, that's when all the shit started happening.....

-halfway through school my sponsor dropped me because of two speeding tickets I had, which meant I then owed the school 4,000 dollars that I would have to pay on my own.

-I had to spend a whole month at this school, around mostly all X-marine country boy types, who only talked about hunting and drinking beer and tipping cows.  Ofcourse I felt very out of place.

-I didn't know shit about engines, gear shifts, never driven a clutch, towed anything, or truck parts or none of that but these country boys knew everything so I was like the dumbest dude in class.

-Finally I finished school.  Now I was big time in debt.  I started with a company in january.  They were paying me "training pay" which was only 300 dollars a week, and out on the road I would have to spend 100 a week just for shitty food at truck stops.

My trainer was this  big ass dude, who always bragged that he'd killed people before and kicked this and that persons ass.. and dude was always puttin me down and disagreeing with everything id say... he even tried to tell me once that Snoop killed Upac and that Somalians were the only "non-violent muslims" and that they made up a separate sect... this dude was from a small town but insisted he knew everything but he was my trainer so I had to do whatever he said and live in a truck with him for a whole damn month.

-I finally got a new trainer.  This guy was easier to get a long with.  I was finally almost at the end of my training and ready to go solo when I was driving late one night in New Ark, New Jersey. The trainer had told me to follow his GPS and went to sleep in the back.  I took a turn around a clover leaf exit ramp, followed the GPS left, and crashed into a split level bridge.  The first level was high enough but the second one was 12'1 and my trailer was 13'6 so it was a big wreck.  After the wreck, my trainer and I were robbed.  I got an expensive cell phone stolen, and my trainer got his watch stolen.  They tried to rob the whole trailer but the cops came just in time.

So we were stranded in New Ark for two days until we finally got the vehicle salvaged, drove to the company terminal and my ass got fired.

-So I was  big time broke  but had to borrow even more money for a lawyer to represent me in a New Jersey court tommarow.  I will probably lose my liscence.  Which I hate trucking now anyway, driving 65 on icy roads and shit, I have gone back to my old job0 so its  basically like a wasted 4 months and 4,000 dollars.

Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Chief on April 01, 2008, 05:58:09 AM
all this happen in the states?

dude, one thing you should remember next time you go overseas (to poor countries), as soon as poor people smell money, they'll take you for a ride if you let them. you are a nice guy, they see that and take advantage of it.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on April 01, 2008, 08:08:12 AM
all this happen in the states?

dude, one thing you should remember next time you go overseas (to poor countries), as soon as poor people smell money, they'll take you for a ride if you let them. you are a nice guy, they see that and take advantage of it.

Well.. I'm not going to go around acting tough just so I don't get taking advantage of... as far as Africa goes, I made a few mistakes but I learned from them, and I'm not bothered by it at all cause everything worked out.  The part that I'm bothered by was the wasted 4,000 dollars and wasted 4 months involved in trucking.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Doggystylin on April 01, 2008, 04:49:43 PM
That blows, man I told you that trucking thing wasn't a good idea. At least now you can focus on a better way to get that money.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: jeromechickenbone on April 01, 2008, 09:53:53 PM
That sounds like a lot of stuff man.  But remember whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  Peace
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: when it rains it pours on April 01, 2008, 10:44:26 PM
im 18 and gettin my trucking license just to get it, and it only costing me a couple hundrd bucks and 3 weeks. sorry to hear that though
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Australian Bastard on April 02, 2008, 02:05:29 AM
Good story...props.  The Adeventures of Abdul Infinite continue...
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: herpes on April 02, 2008, 07:04:36 PM
well hopefully you have a new found respect for what truckers do instead of assuming anyone and there mother can do the job which isnt the case.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Suga Foot on April 08, 2008, 08:51:16 AM
Move to Alberta, Canada, and work on the oil rigs.  I know people that have done that for a year and came back with like 60grand.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Don Rizzle on April 09, 2008, 04:28:25 AM
When I was in Thailand I had a bunch of people walk up to me on the street offer some scam or another which usually involved them wanting to take me somewhere to meet their "sister", who was most probably a prostitute, all these types of situation have scam written all over them. By all means be friendly but don't trust strangers who proposition you like that, or people offering you deals which seem too good to be true. Plus I met a bunch of girls who wamted to be my "girlfriend", travel around with me etc. but I just one nighted them and shit was all good.

In SE Asia I was living well off $10 to $20 a day, which included all costs, awesome place to go, plus its very safe to travel and easy to avoid scams if u got your wits about you - just like anywhere really.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Elevz on April 09, 2008, 05:40:03 AM
Wait.. Which part of this is truth, and which part is the nightmare?
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Euro-Trash on April 09, 2008, 02:00:25 PM
why would you want to start trucking if youve never driven a fucking clutch before?
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on April 09, 2008, 08:01:06 PM
why would you want to start trucking if youve never driven a fucking clutch before?

That's actually a damn good question.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on April 09, 2008, 08:03:48 PM
Wait.. Which part of this is truth, and which part is the nightmare?

What do you mean.... the whole thing is the truth.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: I TO DA GEEZY on April 10, 2008, 02:29:49 AM
Daym, doesn't sound like something anyone would wanna go through...I hope things work out.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Elevz on April 10, 2008, 02:59:18 AM
Wait.. Which part of this is truth, and which part is the nightmare?

What do you mean.... the whole thing is the truth.

Ohhh, damn, now I see... I thought you were telling us about a nightmare you'd had, but then put it into some context... Damn my illiterate ass for this one.

Either way, that sure has been a sore time (even though surely those speeding tickets are your own fault, and the consequences seem logical). What now? Got any plans to get back on track?
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: everlast1986 on April 10, 2008, 08:54:23 AM
No offense but if the first manually driven vehicle you've ever drove is a 18 wheeler, that wasn't very smart. It wasn't smart for you to even consider going into the trucking business in your situation being muslim. Most of my family has been in it and the majority of truckers are Bush loving rednecks and most likely discrimate anyone thats not their religion or race, although there are a good handful that are cool. I'm not totally ragging on the industry. It's really a great job if you work for a decent company. If you're comfortable being behind the wheel of those yet I suggest finding an independent truck owner. They pay the best and most of them are chill and don't care about past driving records if they're really looking for help.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: when it rains it pours on April 10, 2008, 11:58:33 AM
Wait.. Which part of this is truth, and which part is the nightmare?

What do you mean.... the whole thing is the truth.

Ohhh, damn, now I see... I thought you were telling us about a nightmare you'd had, but then put it into some context... Damn my illiterate ass for this one.

Either way, that sure has been a sore time (even though surely those speeding tickets are your own fault, and the consequences seem logical). What now? Got any plans to get back on track?
lol i thought it was his dream too
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on April 10, 2008, 09:32:07 PM
Wait.. Which part of this is truth, and which part is the nightmare?

What do you mean.... the whole thing is the truth.

Ohhh, damn, now I see... I thought you were telling us about a nightmare you'd had, but then put it into some context... Damn my illiterate ass for this one.

Either way, that sure has been a sore time (even though surely those speeding tickets are your own fault, and the consequences seem logical). What now? Got any plans to get back on track?
lol i thought it was his dream too

Using the word "nightmare" was just a metaphor to describe my real life experience.

anyway... it was asked if I have any plans to get back on track...

Well, its kind of funny how things happen.  Like last July I was pretty much broke and just decided I was going to go Africa and just 3 months later I had the money ready to go...everything was working out for me... and then for the whole month in Africa everytime it looked like the trip may turn into a disaster, something would happen to keep things going my way. 

So for the last 6 months of 2007 everything wwent my way.  Then I start trucking school at the end of 2007, and right away the first day I start school it was like one thing after another kept going wrong for me.  Then for 3 months nothing went right and it all ended in a big wreck and me getting robbed and fired.

So I went back to my old job and now everything is working out for me again.  I've made more money in the last month then I have ever made in 1 month and events both inside and outside of work are going my way.

If this keeps up not only will I be out of debt this year but I will be back in Africa this winter!
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: Doggystylin on April 10, 2008, 09:35:44 PM
why would you want to start trucking if youve never driven a fucking clutch before?

That's actually a damn good question.

LMFAO, aslong as you admit that being retarded.
Title: Re: Fuck it, I'll come clean and tell ya'll the nightmare winter I had....
Post by: eS El Duque on April 12, 2008, 02:42:44 PM
Move to Alberta, Canada, and work on the oil rigs.  I know people that have done that for a year and came back with like 60grand.

and mad coke addictions