West Coast Connection Forum

DUBCC - Tha Connection => Outbound Connection => Topic started by: dj Hurricane on April 15, 2009, 10:08:51 AM

Title: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: dj Hurricane on April 15, 2009, 10:08:51 AM
Just got back from a rap battle thing for people to freestyle at and this white dude was killing this whack ass rapper names D-lo or somthing the White dude sayed a line like

"You bring ya crew with you to stir some shit are you a faggot sir or is it just me or is that a tight fit leave you NIGGAS extinct cause i'm on the brink i'll throw everything at you but the kitchen sink  " or somthing like that

After the battle he got jumped out side all because he said "Nigga" i dont get this do we still take that comment to Heart i have lots of freinds all mixed races but unless i get called Nigga in a violent way or somthing i'm cool with it Also Why is it ok for mexicans , and other people to say it cause this other rapper names "Brink" Said nigga like 100 times but no one said any thing

What do yall think
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Moe on April 15, 2009, 10:13:06 AM
you should ask these people
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 10:22:09 AM
because niggers can't build wealth, raise a decent family, assimilate with the real world, etc...so they need to have a certain edge. an edge no white man can beat them at. that edge is the word nigger.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: OG Hack Wilson on April 15, 2009, 10:24:51 AM
ill bill has a song called "White nigger"

go DL it
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Þŕiņçë on April 15, 2009, 10:44:36 AM
Everytime i see wigger white guys who say it a lot around black people it pisses even ME off. And when i look at some of the black peoples faces when they say it i can just see they are thinking "God this white kid needs to STFU". I don't use the word, and i could never feel comfortable using it around black people.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: dj Hurricane on April 15, 2009, 10:59:26 AM
Yeah i agree with you but thinking "i wish this white boy would shut the fuck up" is better than going out side and putting the kid in hospital
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 11:14:05 AM
Everytime i see wigger white guys who say it a lot around black people it pisses even ME off. And when i look at some of the black peoples faces when they say it i can just see they are thinking "God this white kid needs to STFU". I don't use the word, and i could never feel comfortable using it around black people.

I thought you were one of those kids.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: G-Funk on April 15, 2009, 11:52:09 AM
cuz he is not a minority.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Chamillitary Click on April 15, 2009, 11:57:47 AM
fucked up.

spanish & asain say it; but whites are fucked up if they even think of it lol.

i've heard the term "white nigga" too; like how can you call me your white nigga when i cant call you my nigga? ???

crazy rules lol.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: tempo2 on April 15, 2009, 12:06:11 PM
why not call people by there first name like every other civilized person does?
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: R1ZE on April 15, 2009, 12:08:03 PM
chamillitarys white? wouldntt have guessed, lol...

some of my black friends tell me its okay for me to say it (I'm indian) but idk, i don't, unless its in a joky way. I feel what you're saying in that... it's more about context. I don't think a word can be hurtful by itself, it depends what the intent of the person saying it is. But I'm not really in the position to be making that kind of decision.

It's a sign of the times, if anything. give it another 20 years and we'll see where the worlds at
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: 3rd Coast on April 15, 2009, 12:30:11 PM

i remember a big ass klan rally came to houston 1 time..i was in college..n they was on campus handin out flyers..the klan...n the klux that was on campus was recruitin where we were....and they greeted some of em with that AYAK shit klan talk for are you a klansman....

so i replied back AKIA which meant ...a klansmen i am...

they all tripped the fuck out

then they got up startled.. kuz i speak that klan shit fluently...i hate niggas like the rest of em...i love pussy...

anybody that knows me...know what it is.. kuz thats how i was raised..words dont mean shit...if it aint affectin my paper route wont bother sweatin it..

it dont bother me one bit..

i mean if the shit was such a problem..

back then when the word was 1st used.. the 1st group of blacks to be called the shit..shoulda ended it right there...

i use it everyday since i learned to talk..and i got white friends...like that boy riff raff from the gentlemen club...

and if u knew em...he say that shit all the time..around some niggas that will knock ya head off and they dont even sweat it..

alot of black cats could careless if u use it if u aint black..

i know off back all these niggas that be screamin a peckerwood would call me a nigga i kill em..knowin damn well they finna do shit...

if white rappers cant say it..black rappers shoulda never use it...if its thats such a big deal..

if i seen the shit hurricane seen ..they jumped the white dude..i know me n my potnas woulda jumped in n help the white dude...

Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Prof@ssor on April 15, 2009, 12:43:26 PM
Im Persian but I say NIGGER everyday...deep inside some people are niggers...I feel like one sometimes.  :)
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Chamillitary Click on April 15, 2009, 02:23:15 PM
why not call people by there first name like every other civilized person does?

that would make everything a lot easier. ;) :)

chamillitarys white? wouldntt have guessed, lol...

Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on April 15, 2009, 03:28:41 PM
I used to think it was wrong for white people to say it, until I heard KRS1 talk about this very subject, and what he said made sense to me.  KRS1 said that people outside of hip-hop shouldn't use the word "nigger" but whites inside hip-hop culture who use the word "nigga" use it with a different understanding and that it is acceptable.

So I got to agree with KRS now and say that whites using the word in a hip-hop context makes sense to me.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: K.Dub on April 15, 2009, 04:06:23 PM
I don't use it.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Chamillitary Click on April 15, 2009, 04:19:33 PM
I used to think it was wrong for white people to say it, until I heard KRS1 talk about this very subject, and what he said made sense to me.  KRS1 said that people outside of hip-hop shouldn't use the word "nigger" but whites inside hip-hop culture who use the word "nigga" use it with a different understanding and that it is acceptable.

So I got to agree with KRS now and say that whites using the word in a hip-hop context makes sense to me.


"a" should be acceptable, but "er" should be illegal. :P
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 04:35:39 PM

i remember a big ass klan rally came to houston 1 time..i was in college..n they was on campus handin out flyers..the klan...n the klux that was on campus was recruitin where we were....and they greeted some of em with that AYAK shit klan talk for are you a klansman....

so i replied back AKIA which meant ...a klansmen i am...

they all tripped the fuck out

That's some crazy shit man. I had no idea they even had their own coded language. On some Masonic shit.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: 3rd Coast on April 15, 2009, 05:10:28 PM
yeah.. they got their own coded shit. some of the klux shit aint changed since nathan bedford forrest was runnin it..

when i was locked up.. an ex klan member schooled me.. didnt wanna know.. but he useta talk all the time...killed time...
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 05:14:16 PM
Damn. I guess it was for the better. Can't complain about getting an education into a different side of America.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: R1ZE on April 15, 2009, 05:22:46 PM
I used to think it was wrong for white people to say it, until I heard KRS1 talk about this very subject, and what he said made sense to me.  KRS1 said that people outside of hip-hop shouldn't use the word "nigger" but whites inside hip-hop culture who use the word "nigga" use it with a different understanding and that it is acceptable.

So I got to agree with KRS now and say that whites using the word in a hip-hop context makes sense to me.


"a" should be acceptable, but "er" should be illegal. :P

its the same damn word.

i love pac and chris rock, but they fucked things up with statements like that
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 15, 2009, 05:25:22 PM
ive been wonderin this and been askin this on here
i dont think its aite, and alotta non-black races talk like its theirs
(they say they can)
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 05:26:13 PM
ive been wonderin this and been askin this on here
i dont think its aite, and alotta non-black races talk like its theirs
(they say they can)

well, it is a white mans word originally.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 15, 2009, 05:27:36 PM
explain if you like

ive been wonderin this and been askin this on here
i dont think its aite, and alotta non-black races talk like its theirs
(they say they can)

well, it is a white mans word originally.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 05:29:41 PM
explain if you can...

ive been wonderin this and been askin this on here
i dont think its aite, and alotta non-black races talk like its theirs
(they say they can)

well, it is a white mans word originally.


white people started the word "nigger" as a derogatory (bad, mean) term for black people. what else would you like me to explain?
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 15, 2009, 05:32:20 PM
aite but comin up wit the term and then usin it agaisnt them in a "fucked up", i mean isnt that wrong?
or for example what happens alot
the white girl or guy at the mall (who are usually around some black people) use the term as if them bein around is a pass
do you agree wit anyone but the black race usin that term?
but the main term here is n*gga

explain if you can...

ive been wonderin this and been askin this on here
i dont think its aite, and alotta non-black races talk like its theirs
(they say they can)

well, it is a white mans word originally.


white people started the word "nigger" as a derogatory (bad, mean) term for black people. what else would you like me to explain?
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 05:36:40 PM
nigga and nigger are the same thing. some people just made up a difference to justify their ignorance when they call all their friends it. Really, it shouldnt be a big deal, i joke about amistad and slavery and nigger stuff with my black friends because we know it's not serious. the whole "nigger" vs "nigga" thing is bullshit, and if black people wanna call each other nigga then they shouldnt be mad when other people who listen to hip hop or are socially aware use the word as well. If they get all uppity then they are just reinforcing the fact that they are the old definition of a dumb nigger.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 15, 2009, 05:45:24 PM
nah theres a few issues here
1.blacks aka the real N*ggaz gettin mad about others usin it when they shouldnt (again accordin to some they (and in this case they=anyone who isnt black) dont have the right or jus simply it isnt their race to be usin it

2.non-blacks usin the N*gga term and in many cases gettin away wit it, but also in many cases not gettin away  trust homies (blacks) have done some damage due to others than their race usin that term.

3.n*gga vs nigger might be the same thing, but they are also different.  when a white person uses the term, they use it in the sense of N*gga, like what up my N*gga, not what up my Nigger.  and they dont fee like its right to be sayin nigger, some actually feel more offended by usin that term nigger

i dont think they need to be reminded that they are a nigger, and i think theyre more concerned of the fact that another race besides theirs is usin their word as if they are part of they race.
sometimes it does seem outta place for a race that isnt black to be usin the term "hey what up n*gga"

nigga and nigger are the same thing. some people just made up a difference to justify their ignorance when they call all their friends it. Really, it shouldnt be a big deal, i joke about amistad and slavery and nigger stuff with my black friends because we know it's not serious. the whole "nigger" vs "nigga" thing is bullshit, and if black people wanna call each other nigga then they shouldnt be mad when other people who listen to hip hop or are socially aware use the word as well. If they get all uppity then they are just reinforcing the fact that they are the old definition of a dumb nigger.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: jeromechickenbone on April 15, 2009, 05:53:37 PM
Everytime i see wigger white guys who say it a lot around black people it pisses even ME off. And when i look at some of the black peoples faces when they say it i can just see they are thinking "God this white kid needs to STFU". I don't use the word, and i could never feel comfortable using it around black people.

I heard your raps, you sound like you are tryin too hard to be black yourself.  And doesn't the word "wigger" propagate the word "nigger"?
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 15, 2009, 05:57:02 PM
IMO wigger is one of the dumbest inventions ever
and muffuccaz cant be suprised to hear reactions from this term
jus wait til fuck oreilly, cnn and them fuck faces catch on to this term

Everytime i see wigger white guys who say it a lot around black people it pisses even ME off. And when i look at some of the black peoples faces when they say it i can just see they are thinking "God this white kid needs to STFU". I don't use the word, and i could never feel comfortable using it around black people.

I heard your raps, you sound like you are tryin too hard to be black yourself.  And doesn't the word "wigger" propagate the word "nigger"?
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: white Boy on April 15, 2009, 06:08:01 PM
classic shit, acoustic is dopeness as well

Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Þŕiņçë on April 15, 2009, 06:13:03 PM
Everytime i see wigger white guys who say it a lot around black people it pisses even ME off. And when i look at some of the black peoples faces when they say it i can just see they are thinking "God this white kid needs to STFU". I don't use the word, and i could never feel comfortable using it around black people.

I heard your raps, you sound like you are tryin too hard to be black yourself.  And doesn't the word "wigger" propagate the word "nigger"?

Trying...hard.....to sound black...................I don't really know what to say to that.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Bananas on April 15, 2009, 06:22:47 PM
nah theres a few issues here
1.blacks aka the real N*ggaz gettin mad about others usin it when they shouldnt (again accordin to some they (and in this case they=anyone who isnt black) dont have the right or jus simply it isnt their race to be usin it

2.non-blacks usin the N*gga term and in many cases gettin away wit it, but also in many cases not gettin away  trust homies (blacks) have done some damage due to others than their race usin that term.

3.n*gga vs nigger might be the same thing, but they are also different.  when a white person uses the term, they use it in the sense of N*gga, like what up my N*gga, not what up my Nigger.  and they dont fee like its right to be sayin nigger, some actually feel more offended by usin that term nigger

i dont think they need to be reminded that they are a nigger, and i think theyre more concerned of the fact that another race besides theirs is usin their word as if they are part of they race.
sometimes it does seem outta place for a race that isnt black to be usin the term "hey what up n*gga"

nigga and nigger are the same thing. some people just made up a difference to justify their ignorance when they call all their friends it. Really, it shouldnt be a big deal, i joke about amistad and slavery and nigger stuff with my black friends because we know it's not serious. the whole "nigger" vs "nigga" thing is bullshit, and if black people wanna call each other nigga then they shouldnt be mad when other people who listen to hip hop or are socially aware use the word as well. If they get all uppity then they are just reinforcing the fact that they are the old definition of a dumb nigger.

you're thinking on a smaller level. I guess it will forever be beyond you. go ahead and be a "real nigger", (poor, uneducated, self destructive)
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 15, 2009, 06:27:23 PM
haha nah that aint me im not black, im jus sittin back and watchin and listenin to what others (all races in this case) are sayin
so your aite wit other races usin it?
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: A1 on April 16, 2009, 02:49:10 AM
Dont use the word myself but to me theres a differance between "oi you supid nigger" and whats up my nigga". Just my opinion.

If a black person shouted at me "you fucking stupid honkey , white boy " etc id punch him straight in the face. If he said "whats up white boy, honkey" etc with a smile on his face  i wouldnt think nothing of it especially if i knew the person.

Different strokes for different folks though....
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: RapAddict on April 16, 2009, 03:18:02 AM
Too be honest i never understood why blacks use the word in the first place, it being so derogatory and everything
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Hatesrats™ on April 16, 2009, 03:59:56 AM
Just don't use it & move on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 16, 2009, 06:56:49 PM
thats what im sayin
you used it in another example
and as far as black people usin it, good question might have to do some research

Dont use the word myself but to me theres a differance between "oi you supid nigger" and whats up my nigga". Just my opinion.

If a black person shouted at me "you fucking stupid honkey , white boy " etc id punch him straight in the face. If he said "whats up white boy, honkey" etc with a smile on his face  i wouldnt think nothing of it especially if i knew the person.

Different strokes for different folks though....
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Triple OG Rapsodie on April 19, 2009, 10:21:44 AM
Just got back from a rap battle thing for people to freestyle at and this white dude was killing this whack ass rapper names D-lo or somthing the White dude sayed a line like

"You bring ya crew with you to stir some shit are you a faggot sir or is it just me or is that a tight fit leave you NIGGAS extinct cause i'm on the brink i'll throw everything at you but the kitchen sink  " or somthing like that

After the battle he got jumped out side all because he said "Nigga" i dont get this do we still take that comment to Heart i have lots of freinds all mixed races but unless i get called Nigga in a violent way or somthing i'm cool with it Also Why is it ok for mexicans , and other people to say it cause this other rapper names "Brink" Said nigga like 100 times but no one said any thing

What do yall think

fucked up.

spanish & asain say it; but whites are fucked up if they even think of it lol.

i've heard the term "white nigga" too; like how can you call me your white nigga when i cant call you my nigga? ???

crazy rules lol.

It's because not everyone thinks the same way. Say half of the black population is okay with you using the word nigga, maybe some of your black friends call you nigga. There's still the other half who don't use the word and will get offended if you use it. You can't assume just because one person is ok with it that everyone will be. Its still a racist term, even if some people use it.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Raphael on April 19, 2009, 11:43:19 AM
what up niggaz
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: MediumL on April 19, 2009, 12:48:40 PM
to be honest i kinda feel weird sayin it. i be around black people quite a bit seein as they my fam but they aint never used it. Still kinda feels uncomfortable when u hear it on tv said by white news reporters or actors. Tbh i think its more an American thing and anyone else using it regularly is kinda scraping off of america.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 19, 2009, 12:59:30 PM

what you mean scrapin off of america?

to be honest i kinda feel weird sayin it. i be around black people quite a bit seein as they my fam but they aint never used it. Still kinda feels uncomfortable when u hear it on tv said by white news reporters or actors. Tbh i think its more an American thing and anyone else using it regularly is kinda scraping off of america.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: 'EclipZe on April 19, 2009, 01:14:30 PM
I'm a black man trapped in a white man's body. So I should be able to say the word 'nigger' in any terms I would like.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Cali Climate on April 19, 2009, 01:53:21 PM
white people just sound corny saying "nigga", and hateful saying "nigger", it's just one of those words that doesn't really fit in our vocabulary.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 19, 2009, 01:59:22 PM
thats a good way of puttin it

white people just sound corny saying "nigga", and hateful saying "nigger", it's just one of those words that doesn't really fit in our vocabulary.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: The King on April 19, 2009, 03:17:06 PM
If a white guy says nigger to a black man, and that black man beats the shit out of him, doesn't that just validate the white guy? I mean, seriously, the black culture has made huge progress in 100 years, yet their are still millions of "niggers", still poor, still robbing people, still not real members of a functioning society. Shouldn't an educated, non-nigger take the high road? A nigger, as I see it, is simply a black man who's yet to assimilate into a proper, respectable society. Aren't those black crack heads who shoot people, still niggers? They haven't made any progress, their not moving with the times, their still lesser members of our country. They are niggers. Simple as that.

If you say nigger to a black man, and he beats you up, then you're 100% right, he is a stupid nigger. If you say nigger to a black man, and he takes the high road, says his piece and walks away peacefully, then your just a racist. It's as simple as that. Some black people are fucking niggers. And if you call some unemployed porch monkey a nigger, then your no racist at all. Your a fucking saint. You are trying to motivate these dysfunctional people to become better people, through racism.

If someone called me a cracker everyday, I would be like "Hey, maybe he's right, maybe I am a cracker, maybe I should become a better person and a better member of society?" Should be the same thing with white people saying nigger.

I love black people, but I sure as hell hate unemployed, do nothing, criminals (niggers). That's what Nigger means in this society today, and it should be used selectively. Don't call a black lawyer a nigger, he's a good person! But sure as hell call those moron gang members niggers.

What's wrong with calling a black man in a gang a nigger? He is a nigger. He's a bad person. And he should be labeled a nigger for making poor life choices. That's the facts. Niggers exist. Their everywhere. And calling them what they are, shouldn't be racism.

Some black people are niggers, and it's these people, who are the real racists. They bring down their own culture. If every black man was a doctor, and gave to charities, and kept the music down, their would be no niggers, and white people wouldn't need to use that word. It's niggers which are 100% to blame for racism. If this small minority of black people would stop robbing people and shooting people and doing crack, then their would be no racism. But these guys ruin it all.

So next time, when a white man calls you a nigger, don't blame the white man, blame all those stupid bandanna wearing, crack selling, gang belonging black people.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: MediumL on April 19, 2009, 04:45:47 PM

what you mean scrapin off of america?

to be honest i kinda feel weird sayin it. i be around black people quite a bit seein as they my fam but they aint never used it. Still kinda feels uncomfortable when u hear it on tv said by white news reporters or actors. Tbh i think its more an American thing and anyone else using it regularly is kinda scraping off of america.

copyin them. these the same guys that walk around in basketball tops and new era caps like they from harlem smh
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: you gon always be my latin queen bitch on April 19, 2009, 04:52:24 PM
so when black people say other races than besides theirs cant listen to the muzik they created (by their muzik they mean rap)
or vice versa when white people say no race besides whites should be listenin to rock n roll

again this is jus what some people in their own right representin their race have said
is that right tho?

what you mean scrapin off of america?

to be honest i kinda feel weird sayin it. i be around black people quite a bit seein as they my fam but they aint never used it. Still kinda feels uncomfortable when u hear it on tv said by white news reporters or actors. Tbh i think its more an American thing and anyone else using it regularly is kinda scraping off of america.

copyin them. these the same guys that walk around in basketball tops and new era caps like they from harlem smh
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Action! on April 19, 2009, 05:43:45 PM
I'm not down with either word.  No white folk, black folk, brown folk, tan folk, baige folk - no one has a right to call me either word.
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: MY FIRST LOVE WAS HIP HOP on April 20, 2009, 04:10:57 AM
KRS on the subject..

https://www.youtube.com/v/V2FxZfPRrAU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2FxZfPRrAU)
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: Sofa_King_Awesome on April 20, 2009, 04:12:46 AM
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: JAZ on April 20, 2009, 09:33:40 AM
Title: Re: White People Saying Nigger
Post by: K-MACC on April 20, 2009, 12:40:33 PM
damn that bitch got ass oh yeah what up nicca