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DUBCC - Tha Connection => West Coast Classics => Topic started by: light1 on April 28, 2009, 07:21:28 AM

Title: Boule
Post by: light1 on April 28, 2009, 07:21:28 AM
A secret society in America called The Boulé. Most think they are a disgusting group of Black men and women. The claim is that members of this group have always posed as Freedom Fighters or Civil Rights Activists, but they really are suppose to be working with the white race their masters at maintaining the grip of white supremacy on the people of color around the world.

Dr. Henry Minton (who later joined the first collegiate African American fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha) invited five of his colleagues (Dr.’s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele and Richard John Warrick), all doctors working in Philadelphia to join him in organizing a social organization that would “bring together a select group of men with a minimum degree of superior education and culture-men who were congenial, tolerant, and hospitable.” This organization is known as the Boulé.

Note: Solonian Boule - The Athenian boule, with its distinctive advisory function, is thought to have been established by the archon Solon in 594 BC. Originally it was made up of 400 men, 100 from each of the four traditional tribes of Athens. Very little is known about how the boule functioned at this time and its existence has even been doubted. However, evidence for its existence is as secure as evidence for other sixth century institutions.

The Boule is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull & Bones. The founding member of the New York City chapter, W.E.B. DuBois, said the Boulé was created to “keep the black professional away from the ranks of Marcus Garvey.”

(One thing that needs to be pointed out is the time period. At the founding of the Boulé, it was also a time during Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Afrika” movement was reaching a million plus people without television or radio.)

DuBois emphasized “the importance to steal the black professional away from Garvey because an Afro-centric organization that articulated and captured the black professional would give no safe haven in the black community, so the Boulé — the remaking of the house negro was necessary to build a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white system as produced by having stolen this land. This is post reconstruction.

Taking away the articulate negro, now desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self improvement. So we find in the same period as the founding of the Boulé, the founding of the four black male (Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma) and four black female (Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho) college-based fraternities and sororities…We also find the founding of the NAACP and Urban League.” Collectively, all 4000+ members make up the wealthiest group of black men on the planet.

The name Boulé is a Greek term, meaning “advisor’s to the king”. The question is, who is the king?! The king that they advise, or protect, are the white secret societies responsible for white supremacy: the first white Greek fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, the Illuminati, Rhodes/Rothschild secret society, Skull & Bones, the Masons, the Round Table Group, The New World Order, One World Government, the Carnegie, Mellon, Rhodes, Milner’s Kindergarten, The Rhodes Crown, Times Crown, All Souls Group, Clevedine Sect, and numerous other wealthy family organizations (all are simply alias’ and go by many names, but consist of same members and ideology). These white’s have raped, murdered & colonized our people for hundreds of years and their children continue the genocide against people of color around the globe.

Maybe someone can make since of this:

This is part 1 "Sleep or See"

'Let there be light!' it ordains that eyes shall open; it creates intelligences. When God said: 'Let there be light!' Intelligence was made, and the light appeared. For the essence of intelligence is judgement, and the essence of judgement is liberty.

Society is in the "Belly of The Beast."

The world is infested with Freemasons & The Order of the Eastern Stars & other pagan organizations.

I'm not trying to insult anyone that may be a fraternity member, I'm just bringing light.

When a pact is agreed between a group you must be on your guard, because the guileful friend becometh an open enemy one day.

Do Satan have ministers?

With the highest potentates of Infernus, with Lucifer, Beelzebuth and Astaroth, it does not seem possible to enter into a binding compact. Some one among the six governors, who will generally work by their agents. An invariable covenant of the pact should bargain for service by one of the three superiors among such special subordinates

Lucifer need governors to bring in subordinates, governors need subordinates to bring in more subordinates to please Lucifer.

Emperor Lucifer, Master of all the revolted Spirits, I entreat thee to favour me in the adjuration which I address to thy mighty minister, LUCIFUGE ROFOCALE, being desirous to make a pact with him. I beg thee also, O Prince Beelzebuth, to protect me in my undertaking. O Count Astarôt! be propitious to me, and grant that to-night the great LUCIFUGE may appear to meunder a human form, free from, evil smell, and that he may accord me, in virtue of the pact which I propose to enter into, all the riches that I need. O grand LUCIFUGE, I pray thee to quit thy dwelling, wheresoever it may be, and come hither to speak with me; otherwise will I compel thee by the power of the strong living God, His beloved Son and the Holy Spirit. Obey promptly, or thou shalt be eternally tormented by the Power of the Potent words in the grand Clavicle of Solomon, wherewith he was accustomed to compel the rebellious spirits to receive his compact. Then straightway appear, or I will persistently torture thee by the virtue of these great words in the Clavicle. AGLON, TETRAGRAM, VAYCHEON TIMULAMATON EZPHARES RETRAGRAMMATON OLYARAM IRION ESYTION EXISTION ERYONA ONERA ORASYM MOZM MESSIAS SOTER EMANUEL SABAOTH ADONAY, te adoro, et te invoco. AMEN.

Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated, and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without any evil smell, to respond in a clear and intelligible voice, point by Point, to all that I shall ask thee, failing which, thou shall be most surely compelled to obedience by the Power of the divine ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL, JEHOVAM, TAGLA, MATHON, and by the whole hierarchy of superior intelligences, who shall constrain thee against thy will. Venité, Venité! Submiritillor Lucifuge, or eternal torment shall overwhelm thee, by the great Power of this Blasting Rod. In subito. I command and I adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, as the representative of the mighty living God, and by the power of Emanuel, His only Son, Who is thy master and mine, and by the virtue of His precious blood, which He shed to redeem mankind from thy chains, I command thee to quit thine abode, wheresoever it may be, swearing that I will give thee one quarter of an hour alone, if thou dost not straightway come hither and communicate with me in an audible and intelligible voice, or, if thy Personal presence be impossible, despatch me thy Messenger Astarôt in a human form, without either noise or evil smell, failing which I will smite thee and thy whole race with the terrible Blasting Rod into the depth of the bottomless abysses, and that by the Power of those great words in the Clavicle--By ADONAY, I adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, as the agent of the strong living God, of His beloved Son and of the Holy Ghost, and by the Power of the Great ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL and JEHOVAM, to appear instantly, or to send thy Messenger Astarôt, forcing thee to forsake thy hiding-place, wheresoever it may be, and warning thee that if thou dost not manifest this moment, I will straightway smite thee and all thy race with the Blasting Rod of the great ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL and JEHOVAM.

I exorcise thee, O impious Satan, who, when thy power has passed away, dost still pretend to impose a tyrant yoke on man. I exorcise thee by Jesus Christ, Who came into this world for the salvation of sinners; I conjure thee to remove thy yoke immediately from this creature, who, deceived by thy wiles, formerly delivered himself unto thee. Abandoning thee henceforth, he commits himself to the Divine mercy, seeking His service unto Whom he alone is owing, Who also promises the reward of eternal life to those who follow Him. I exorcise thee by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, by which the deed of judgment against us hath been blotted out, so that when Jesus receiveth the sinner into His favour, thou shalt dare not to advance anything against him, and shalt not fail to restore the deed by which this creature bound himself unto thee, the same being now cancelled by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

The stone called Ematille you must trace the triangle within the circle, beginning at the eastern point. A large A, a small E, a small A, and a small J, must be drawn in like manner, as also the sacred name of Jesus between two crosses. By this means the spirits will have no power to harm you from behind The Karcist and his assistants may then fearlessly proceed to their places within the triangle, and, regardless of any noises, may set the two candlesticks and the two vervain crowns on the right and left sides of the triangle within the circle. This being done, the two candles may be lighted, taking care that there is a new brazier in front of the Karcist, piled with newly consecrated charcoal. This must be kindled by the Karcist casting a small quantity of the brandy therein and a part of the camphor, the rest being reserved to feed the fire periodically, in proportion to the length of the business. Having punctually performed all that is mentioned above, the chief operator may repeat the following prayer:--I Present Thee, O great ADONAY, this incense as the purest I can obtain; in like manner, I present Thee this charcoal prepared from the most ethereal of woods. I offer them, O grand and omnipotent ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL and JEHOVAM, With my whole soul and my whole heart. Vouchsafe, O great ADONAY, to receive them as an acceptable holocaust. Amen.

How many believe the Tarot to be the primitive Bible?

The BOULE [Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity] perhaps one of the first black Greek fraternities founded in 1904, but most of its founders were Prince Hall Masons and/or had strong Masonic affiliations.

This is pretty basic history, and no secret that over the past 100 some odd years both men & women have joined Prince Hall, The Order of The Eastern Star, [PHA], International Masons, Scottish Rite & York Rite, Elk lodges that belong to [BGLO] Black Greek Letter Organization their raised before or after they pledge greek.

The real connection between Masonry and Fraternities started with with white masons & white greeks The Phi Beta Kappa Society was founded on Dec. 5,1776 at the College of William and Mary and established the precedent for naming American college societies after the Greek-letter initials of a secret Greek motto. There is a persistent rumor that a Masonic lodge also met in the same place, but there was a different building used by the Freemasons at Williamsburg. It is true that ten of the original members were Freemasons. Most fraternities and sororities today maintain traditions, closely guarded secrets, calling it their ritual. They include an initiation ceremony, but may also include password, songs & handshakes and the form of meeting, amongst other things. Meetings of the active members are generally secret and not to be discussed without the formal approval of the chapter as a whole. All that make ou the body of a Freemason lodge.

There is another Prince Hall connection who belonged to the Order of St. John, from whence came the Chi Rho Fraternity. Found in Prince Hall’s charge [1792] is a most interesting account of our Order. In that charge, Prince Hall suggested that the members of African Lodge, were descendants of African masons who were members of a Christian masonic knighthood called, the Order of St. John. In order to understand the history of our Fraternity, it is necessary to examine closely the charge delivered by Prince Hall.

I fully understand, there's NO RANKING in the number system except that in order to become a 2nd Degree Mason, you must first be a 1st Degree Mason in order to become a 3rd degree mason you must have the first two, yes, yes, that's basic. A person who has received Degree higher than the 3rd degree of the Scottish Rite degree system is not particularly 'higher' in rank, they've just received MORE DEGREES. If one becomes a Mark Master Mason in the York Rite system, they've received an additional degree. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less.

It's this basic Scottish Rite - a concordant organization which is part of the 'Masonic family' - has an degree system consisting of thirty-two degrees. The first three of those are only conferred by 'Scottish Rite Craft Lodges' of which there are very, very few worldwide - with most unrecognized. The 4th through the 32nd degrees [all of which have names that vary from Scottish Rite Jurisdiction to Scottish Rite Jurisdiction] are conferred upon those who make application AND PAY TO RECEIVE THEM! cash, check or credit card!

While some parts of the world have time and service limitations for each individual degree in the series causing perhaps a 10 year delay from beginning to end, in the United States you can walk into a high school auditorium or some other location where the raisings are being held and, after a suitable luncheon break, leave in the late afternoon having all of the 'secrets' of the 4th through the 32nd Degrees of the Scottish Rite.

The York Rite Bodies [the other major concordant body of Masonry] are not 'unified' in the way Scottish Rite is; that is, York Rite is broken into four [in some places, three] 'groupings' and a member is free to stop at the conclusion degree of any of those 'groupings'. Many do. Scottish Rite, however, assumes a progression from their first [4th] degree through their final [32nd] degree and often offer all in a 'class' setting which ensures all degrees will be conferred on all candidates with none stopping at, for example, the 18th. Thus, the highest award for the Scottish Rite Bodies has no publicly recognizable comparison at the Knight Templar level of the York Rite ]although certainly their recognitions are no less meaningful to the York Rite member recipient].

I already stated the origins of degrees beyond the Third degree are hidden, suppose to be hidden, most members know about these degrees before they are raised. Members of the Order are aged 18 and older; men must be Master Masons and women must have specific relationships with Masons. Members of the Order are aged 18 and older; men must be Master Masons and women must have specific relationships with Masons. Originally, a woman would have to be the daughter, widow, wife, sister, or mother of a master Mason, but the Order now allows other relatives as well as allowing Rainbow Girls, Triangle Girls, and Job's Daughters to become members when they become of age.

There are more African American Bogus Grand Lodges in the United States than there are Legitimate Grand Lodge around the World. I didn't make this up, this was stated by the first Prince Hall lodge to have jurisdictions in the United States.

You stated you are a Shriner, so every degree you have after the 3rd degree isn't worth anything because the only degree you need to be fully respected is the 3rd degree master mason degree the blue lodge. So, everytime you moved up a degree you had to pay, so, all the due money you paid was for nothing.

I know for a fact, some lodges move members up to a prestigious and HONORARY 33rd Degree as soon as their finish with the blue lodges as long as they come to the meetings and they can pay for each degree after the 3rd degree. the first 3 degrees are all paid for at the same time and done at the same time. Being a prestigious and HONORARY 33rd Degree means nothing, to some, because they give them degrees to anybody these days. And why is it some folks that are a prestigious and HONORARY 33rd Degree feel they are higher than a blue lodge 3rd degree mason, like they have some kind of control over them in some shape or form.

In order to become a Shriner, a man must first be a Mason.

And, yes, the basic unit of Masonry is the Blue Lodge, where members earn the first three Masonic degrees. There is no higher degree than that of Master Mason [the Third Degree], but for those men who wish to further explore the allegory and symbolism learned in the Blue Lodge, the Scottish Rite and York Rite elaborate on the basic tenets of Freemasonry. Most members don't stop at the 3rd degree. When the premier Grand Lodge was formed in London in 1717, Freemasonry had only two degrees: Apprentice and Fellow/Master. It was not until some eight years later, in 1725, that
we have evidence from a minute book of a distinct Third Degree, that of Master Mason—the first “high degree” added to the basic Masonic ceremonies. This addition to Masonic ritual was absolutely confirmed in 1730 with the publication of Samuel Prichard’s exposé, Masonry Dissected, which gives the Master Mason Degree in full with many recognizable features. Thus the Master Mason Degree began a tradition of “high degrees” that expanded upon the legends of and added greater philosophical depth to Masonry.

Like so much early Masonic history, the origins of degrees beyond the Third are hidden. Members of the Order are aged 18 and older; men must be Master Masons and women must have specific relationships with Masons. Members of the Order are aged 18 and older; men must be Master Masons and women must have specific relationships with Masons. Originally, a woman would have to be the daughter, widow, wife, sister, or mother of a master Mason, but the Order now allows other relatives as well as allowing Rainbow Girls, Triangle Girls, and Job's Daughters to become members when they become of age.

There are more African American Bogus Grand Lodges in the United States than there are Legitimate Grand Lodge around the World. There are thousands of men & women who had great, great grandfathers, grandmothers, grandparents, parents, aunts, cousins, friends who belonged to a Bogus lodge.

I met a couple of women who swear their in The Order of the Eastern Stars, but they don't know the founders name but their mother was a OES & their father was a Mason, all her info was [wrong] backwards, so I left them alone. It's nothing for someone to rent a space in the inner city call it a lodge get 7 or more members from all walks of life, wealthy to the poor, to operate as a lodge a, Bogus lodge, taking due money form members, checking the [yes] box on their insurance on the members application, there are thousands of scams. These lodges go decades before their noticed, and even when their found out to be a bogus lodge nothing is done. Some of these members will speak on a daily basis with other members, like say, a International Mason will speak with a Prince Hall or [PHA] about ritual & masonic history. Prince Hall members will speak with other Prince Hall members they swear are in a Bogus lodge, these men work together or grew-up together. The Order of the Eastern Stars have the same problem of Bogus lodges, but they wouldn't know it unless their told.