West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Sports & Entertainment => Topic started by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 09, 2010, 09:00:52 AM

Title: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 09, 2010, 09:00:52 AM
very accurate

click on link for pictures



They are not good. At all. And they’re obsessed with their more-successful neighbors. Not to say that they don't have some degree of history to hang their hat on, but... that was a while ago. And no one, outside of their fans, remembers anymore. This team is easily underestimated. Too easily, I fear.




They've been good for about as long as the game has been played. They have so much history that your default expectation is for them to always be good, even great. But the reality doesn't support that: they haven't won anything in around twenty years. They haven't been horrible (usually), but they have not at all lived up to the greatness of their traditions. Supposedly, this will be the year when they restore the luster. But we've been hearing that for a loooooooooooong time.




This team used to be almost completely insignificant, and were shown a thorough lack of respect. But then they moved*, and since then they have taken on an unshakable legitimacy, evolving into an opponent that must be taken very seriously indeed. Their fans are vocal, though most people in the area prefer (their) football.


(* In 2005 Australia switched allegiances, leaving the ineffectual Oceania region for the more competitive Asian confederation.)


If we were to go strictly in terms of dominance, we would have to go with the Yankees, or even the Canadiens. But Brazil is more than dominance, they are also glamor, style and exuberance. They are known for their amazing offensive displays, but this overshadows a history of champions who have relied on defense to kick-start those attacks. Plus they have yellow shirts. I mean... there's only one choice here, right?




A powerhouse from a medium conference who are making noise that they are ready to finally step up into the championship picture. No one knows for sure until they do it, of course, but they’ve been around the block enough that it’s no longer a crazy idea. They're fun to watch and easy to root for. (They're also innovative with the external trappings of the game, so to speak.)




A team for whom recent natural disasters overshadow the trivialities of sport. A fan base for whom their team means more now than it ever did before. A team that has never won anything at all from a land with a distinctive physical shape. A high-octane offense. For the rest of us, a sentimental favorite, a team we wouldn't mind seeing rise above. (And one of only two entries that will have a specific time period attached to them).




A respected team with a tradition of consistently making the big tournaments, where you always have to take them seriously. Occasionally throws a truly great team together, though even then they usually fall short. Finally won (a) big one in the ‘90s, and that probably wasn’t even their best-ever team. Generally associated with one long-serving head coach named Olsen. Or Olson.




Man oh man do their fans talk a lotta shit. A LOTTA shit. Not so much in praise of themselves as raggin’ on other squads. Way too much for a team that’s won it all exactly one time, and that was way back in the '60s. Since then, they haven’t even finished second. Yet they talk and talk and deify the main man behind that '60s win. As opposed to their local tabloids, who take every chance they can to tear the team apart one day, while predicting impending championships the next. This team will almost always fall before the final hurdle, but… their current coach might just be the perfect man for this team. He has them playing better than they’ve played in decades, behind a mix of veterans and one gifted youngster whose performance will be the primary determining factor of where they finish. Still, you generally have to assume that they will buckle under the double burdens of incredible media pressure and inescapable history.



Some undeniably great players have been on this blue-clad team, a team that has provided the sport with some of its defining matches and greatest plays. But something about them drives the neutral fan crazy. Almost nobody who’s not from there roots for them, which they bring on themselves for being a little snooty, and by so often being the recipient of grossly questionable calls by the refs.


(I mean, come on. The dude even looks French.)


They may not have won the big game the most times, but they’re close. And no one’s been to that game more than them. They’re hard to root for if you’re not from there, moreso than France, even. That’s partly cultural, sure, but it’s mostly because they do so much damn winning (especially in the '70s and '90s). The team is always made up of a combination of straight-laced leaders and absolute looney-tunes. It’s dysfunctional but seems to work. One of the all-time great squads, like ‘em or not.



Sadly there is no American sports entity that matches the gravitas of Ghana’s nickname, The Black Stars. So, as we shall do with another African team, let’s just try to define them by their on-field situation.

They have a longer history of being good than people give them credit for and, while they haven’t won anything lately, their current team might be the baddest, deepest squad they’ve ever had, man-for-man. They play fast and physical and on their day they can beat anybody.




A team of no importance until they came out of nowhere to win a title, early in the 21st century, that was won almost entirely on defense. Before that, they sucked. Now they suck again. Still dangerous D though.




From a land of free spirits comes a team who will never be able to completely let slip of the long-hair hippie image their greatest sides exuded. They’re not in the list of never-wons, but they’re not quite among the all-time greats either, as they’ve fallen victim to a) some of the greatest performances ever, b) some gut-wrenching choke jobs and c) some horrible injuries to players who could have been all-time greats. Still, this is a widely admired team, respected for the way they play the game and their amazing fans.



They were really good in 1981. Haven’t really made noise since, until now. They’re adorable! Who would root against these irascible underdogs!?!




Italy are a tough one. At first I wanted to go New York Giants. Both have won titles sporadically since the '30s. Both wear blue. Both are built on a commitment to defense. Both won the big one in the '80s and in this decade. But in the end I had to go with a team that better fits their current personality and identity.

A team that has had tremendous success this decade, despite constant underestimation from the media, who always seem to think this squad is too old and not talented enough. But the thing is: they don’t give a fuck what the media says. When their opponent makes a mistake they pounce, with a surgical accuracy and unspeakable togetherness. They’re not afraid of a well-timed flop and not one of their players has ever, EVER committed a foul. They focus on D and do whatever it takes to win. Whatever it takes.




Y’know, in the '80s, they were okay for a little while. Since then they haven’t done much, which is a shame, since they’re from a depressed region that could use the pick-me-up. But this current team might be special. I say “might” because, though people love to watch them and talk them up like they’ve already won something… they haven’t. The thing is… they’ve got this one dude… and this dude is a freak. I mean, he’s big and strong, but also fast and nimble. Everything they do runs through him. When he turns it on, you can see it in his eyes; he’s unstoppable. You do not want to be a defender looking up to see this dude bearing down on you. That would be truly scary. If it happened to me, I would poop.


(NOTE - I am NOT saying Drogba is the Soccer LeBron. But their teams do depend on each of them in a similar way. And they're both bad-ass dudes.)


A team that has come to dominate its humble region the last couple decades or so. But they don’t make a dent in the big dance, despite amazing hair.




This side is a big player in a small conference. In fact they have basically owned their conference since the damn thing started. But when it comes to matching up with the big boys, they fall wayyyyy short, almost every time. Also, they have a tendency to employ combustible coaches who try to assault the other team. Finally, their logo prominently features a winged bird of displeasure.




A bunch of squirrelly, over-matched, mostly white guys with dodgy haircuts, who play with so much heart that they just might cause some trouble for a big team. But overall, these irrepressible scamps are basically just happy to be there.




This team has a degree of success that any reasonable fan base would be happy to have. But this team’s fans are tired of disappointment, tired of seeing generation after generation of great players fail the final hurdle. This of course just compounds the problem, putting undue pressure on a very talented group of players who should be appreciated more for what they have accomplished than derided for what they have not.


(Nigeria's team is also nicknamed the Super Eagles, which helps.)


Isolated. Military. Probably not very honest with their fans about their chances. Will not be around the tournament long.




An unassuming team from an unassuming (and not heavily populated) part of the world. Not a huge threat, but no pushover, either.




I’m not quite a journalist, I don’t have to be that impartial, so let me just confess that Portugal are probably my least favorite team in the world. Not just in soccer- in all of sports. I might hate them as much as I hate the Packers and Vikings combined. They are classless crybabies and divers, and have been so since at least Euro 2000. They prance and preen, but they’ve never won a damn thing, which is problematic since they are HORRIBLE losers. Their best player comes off as a Hall of Fame douchebag, despite his exemplary skills. Their coach is an outmatched drone. Despite all this, they are in the upper echelon right now, always a legitimate threat. But be sure: no one likes them. This one was easy.




Fast. Strong. High-scoring. Well-organized. Always dominant on the way to tournament, always likely to fall apart once they get there.





Ummmm… Both were founded in 1993. Yes. Yes, that will do.


There used to be a different team here, a much better one, but they’re gone now. They do have tradition, but expectations are low for this expansion team in green and white.


(NOTE -Those different teams were Yugoslavia and the Minnesota North Stars, who don't get mentioned in the same sentence often, so enjoy it.)


Obviously, it is pretty impossible to equate South Africa and everything going on there with a mere American sports team. So let’s just say that, in strictly sporting terms, they are a team that isn’t very strong, from a less than dominant conference, on an ongoing journey of releasing themselves of a tragic history. The sort of team for whom you can’t help but cheer, though victory will likely elude them.




Haven’t been around all that long. Amazing fans. Incredibly fast-paced offense. Tireless. Relentless. But on D? Can’t stop anybody. Won’t stop anybody. Side note: local government is very concerned about border control.



(NOTE – At time of writing, the Suns are inconveniently ripping through the NBA playoffs. If they win the title, I will revise this. But not before.)


After decades of torturing their fans with mind-boggling losses and historical disappointments, they finally got their shit together last time out and brought home a trophy. All the tortured ghosts are now banished. They still basically have that same side together and had another dominant regular season. What now? Can they keep it going? Will the removal of their back-monkey set them forever free, or was it a blip, with more harrowing failure waiting around the corner? We're gonna find out, starting now. La maldición ha sido invertida!



Not a great team, but they’ll beat you if you’re not careful. Fundamentally sound, if lacking great athleticism. Also, they all probably have rich parents.




They were the first great team. They’ve been winning it all since the earliest days. But now they haven't won anything in years, and despite this fact, they (and their fans) carry with them an almost revolting haughtiness, allowing a nostalgia-distorted self-image to fuel utterly unrealistic expectations. Maybe it's because of all the Catholicism.


32. USA

A place with more tradition in the sport than people remember. Still, a fairly recent addition to the big scene. Haven’t yet gotten over the hump to be a real contender, despite considerable resources. Their fans, being new to this, expect too much. But their enthusiasm is somewhat justified- this team has been slowly stockpiling sneaky-good young talent, with a stable, patient organization running the show. It’s quite possible that their ascendancy, when and if it comes, will come before anyone but them expects it. All in all this is a solid but flawed team, one that absolutely can beat the big boys… but probably won’t.



So now that we have that, let’s take a look at how this lays out this summer. Perhaps this will give you a better sense of who to expect to do well in each group.









Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 09, 2010, 09:19:38 AM
HAHAHAHA, that's so far from being funny..it's funny.

if it mattered we'd watch; this is the event where we let you inferiors feel important. ;)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Lunatic on June 09, 2010, 09:26:12 AM
^ LOL I'm North American but it doesn't take a genius to realize this is the biggest sporting event in the world.

Fuck what dude said about Portugal  :-X
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Digital Pimpin' on June 09, 2010, 09:28:27 AM
Way to go IRAN iz Gangsta!, you've just aggravated the North American inferiority complex.
(Lunatic excepted)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 09, 2010, 09:56:58 AM

if it mattered we'd watch; this is the event where we let you inferiors feel important. ;)

keep living in your bubble  :D
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 09, 2010, 01:15:55 PM

if it mattered we'd watch; this is the event where we let you inferiors feel important. ;)

keep living in your bubble  :D

my bubble >>>*8 million more*>>> Iran.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 09, 2010, 02:56:00 PM

if it mattered we'd watch; this is the event where we let you inferiors feel important. ;)

keep living in your bubble  :D

my bubble >>>*8 million more*>>> Iran.

what u talkin bout willis?
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: 7even on June 09, 2010, 05:35:52 PM
the bigger question to me is, why do Americans always feel the need to cry out when they "dont care" about things? i dont care about a lot of American things, yet i never talk shit because of this. so what's the deal niggas?
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 10, 2010, 03:18:33 AM
HAHAHAHA, that's so far from being funny..it's funny.

if it mattered we'd watch; this is the event where we let you inferiors feel important. ;)

ehh stop hating your boring now

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 10, 2010, 10:47:17 AM
the bigger question to me is, why do Americans always feel the need to cry out when they "dont care" about things? i dont care about a lot of American things, yet i never talk shit because of this. so what's the deal niggas?

cuz they got many complexes, they hate the fact that NFL will never be as big as real football (soccer) and they always have to downtalk soccer to make themselves feel better.  Also notice, when it comes to arguing the facts of 2 sports, they never have a logical point by point discussion, its always a one liner talking shit; soccer is this, soccer is that...like a little kid
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 10, 2010, 11:48:48 AM
^actually, it really depends how you evaluate that one, buddy.

Football, the NFL, is played in one country, by just Americans & it gets some of the highest ratings on TV, Worldwide; Soccer is played by every nation in the World & gets what? twice as many viewers? well i would hope so considering every nation in the World plays it.

if you guys didn't have so much national pride & didn't force yourselves to feel above or too good for Americans & just accept Football, opposed to acting like you truly believe Rugby is better, Football could BLOW UP in Europe.

because honestly, it's just a much more improved & advanced version of Rugby, but your pride won't allow you to play it, shame.

sure, athletically you physically could never assemble a team as gifted as the best players in the NFL, but like Canada you could have fun with yourselfs. ;)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Lunatic on June 10, 2010, 11:54:19 AM
Football >>>>>> Rugby obviously

But doesn't change the fact Soccer and The World Cup is the biggest sporting tournament in the world.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 10, 2010, 12:51:49 PM
Why would Brazil be the Lakers? That comparison was talking about dominance and the Lakers have less titles than the Celtics. And both have less than the Yankees. Wierd.

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 10, 2010, 12:58:39 PM
Why would Brazil be the Lakers? That comparison was talking about dominance and the Lakers have less titles than the Celtics. And both have less than the Yankees. Wierd.

im not sure but i think mostly cuz of the color (yellow)  and brazil is successful as a national team, club/league wise they're not better than europe....and lakers have the more popular well known players as opposed celtics who won half their championships in 1 decade where no one else was anything
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 10, 2010, 01:04:00 PM
^actually, it really depends how you evaluate that one, buddy.

Football, the NFL, is played in one country, by just Americans & it gets some of the highest ratings on TV, Worldwide; Soccer is played by every nation in the World & gets what? twice as many viewers? well i would hope so considering every nation in the World plays it.

if you guys didn't have so much national pride & didn't force yourselves to feel above or too good for Americans & just accept Football, opposed to acting like you truly believe Rugby is better, Football could BLOW UP in Europe.

because honestly, it's just a much more improved & advanced version of Rugby, but your pride won't allow you to play it, shame.

sure, athletically you physically could never assemble a team as gifted as the best players in the NFL, but like Canada you could have fun with yourselfs. ;)

ratings are something that are more accurate in US, there is no way to capture ratings of who watches soccer cuz its world wide.  90% of games arent even broadcasted on tv in every country anyway, so most people watch streaming online, i know i do, lotta times people are at work or like i said dont have channels that show them so they watch online.  And how can u measure how many are watching in some poor country or any non-euro country.

idk about football being more advanced than rugby, there are things in football that they dont even use like the back pass and its used in rugby all the time. football is waaaay more conservative and every inch is considered a big play, in ruby they just go at it like wild animals, aint no stopping every 10 sec to review the play and get  a breather and a cup of gatorade. 

honestly, stick to what u like man, its ur fav sport and i dont wanna ruin it for u cuz if u study soccer & rugby you will see how elementary nfl is and it'll be a shock like when a kid finds out santa clause is fake
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Jaydc on June 10, 2010, 01:08:53 PM
i read a few then stopped.Whoever took the time to write this needs a life.But I lold at the memphis grizzlies comparison,that team is still a joke and has never been seen as anything more,so I fail to see how their a unshakable legimatacy,theyve made the playoffs once,and ahve less fans in memphis then they did in vancouver.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Nutty on June 10, 2010, 01:12:19 PM
Funny thread.

lol2 Northern Iowa. I'd be insulted, but soccer not a strong point, far from it.... that goes for Sth Africa too. And you're right, they were happy as to qualify, the whole country was, we'd be lucky to win a game, lol.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 10, 2010, 01:18:09 PM
^actually, it really depends how you evaluate that one, buddy.

Football, the NFL, is played in one country, by just Americans & it gets some of the highest ratings on TV, Worldwide; Soccer is played by every nation in the World & gets what? twice as many viewers? well i would hope so considering every nation in the World plays it.

if you guys didn't have so much national pride & didn't force yourselves to feel above or too good for Americans & just accept Football, opposed to acting like you truly believe Rugby is better, Football could BLOW UP in Europe.

because honestly, it's just a much more improved & advanced version of Rugby, but your pride won't allow you to play it, shame.

sure, athletically you physically could never assemble a team as gifted as the best players in the NFL, but like Canada you could have fun with yourselfs. ;)

iwas going to break this post down but there is actually no point

so your right no one in europe has ever played american football basketball or baseball

and its because of our pride that we feel from a young age of not being american

aLOL i give up some ppl cant see the trees cus thee forest is in the way
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 10, 2010, 01:26:02 PM
^actually, it really depends how you evaluate that one, buddy.

Football, the NFL, is played in one country, by just Americans & it gets some of the highest ratings on TV, Worldwide; Soccer is played by every nation in the World & gets what? twice as many viewers? well i would hope so considering every nation in the World plays it.

if you guys didn't have so much national pride & didn't force yourselves to feel above or too good for Americans & just accept Football, opposed to acting like you truly believe Rugby is better, Football could BLOW UP in Europe.

because honestly, it's just a much more improved & advanced version of Rugby, but your pride won't allow you to play it, shame.

sure, athletically you physically could never assemble a team as gifted as the best players in the NFL, but like Canada you could have fun with yourselfs. ;)

iwas going to break this post down but there is actually no point

so your right no one in europe has ever played american football basketball or baseball

and its because of our pride that we feel from a young age of not being american

break what down? you agreed, you clearly got it. ;)

do i expect you to agree with me? obviously not, your pride simply will not allow you to get showed up by an American. ;)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 10, 2010, 01:35:24 PM
^actually, it really depends how you evaluate that one, buddy.

Football, the NFL, is played in one country, by just Americans & it gets some of the highest ratings on TV, Worldwide; Soccer is played by every nation in the World & gets what? twice as many viewers? well i would hope so considering every nation in the World plays it.

if you guys didn't have so much national pride & didn't force yourselves to feel above or too good for Americans & just accept Football, opposed to acting like you truly believe Rugby is better, Football could BLOW UP in Europe.

because honestly, it's just a much more improved & advanced version of Rugby, but your pride won't allow you to play it, shame.

sure, athletically you physically could never assemble a team as gifted as the best players in the NFL, but like Canada you could have fun with yourselfs. ;)

iwas going to break this post down but there is actually no point

so your right no one in europe has ever played american football basketball or baseball

and its because of our pride that we feel from a young age of not being american

break what down? you agreed, you clearly got it. ;)

do i expect you to agree with me? obviously not, your pride simply will not allow you to get showed up by an American. ;)

and that couldnt possibly be working vice-versa because??...

can i just clarify you are the same kid who said he'd never need to travel anywhere else in the world to see another countries culture because new york has all different nationalities livin there??

and how many American football threads you see me in?? yet its my pride thats stoppn us agreeing?

end of the day i give a fuck what sports u play ive played and watched them all and id still rather play football
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 10, 2010, 01:48:47 PM
^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 10, 2010, 02:02:29 PM
^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

umm technically you do i met a kosovan dosent mean i know what its like to live in kosovo

where does it have this reputation for being boring? oh right america....

ive watched nfl and basketball neither held my attention american footballs fun enough to play but id rather play football

please accept this as an opinion held by millions of ppl worldwide and stop trying to tell ppl were wrong stupid or too proud because we dont like something you clearly hold an affinty for
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 10, 2010, 02:11:56 PM
^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

stop trying to tell ppl were wrong stupid or too proud because we dont like something you clearly hold an affinty for

you understand this goes both ways tho right?! I dont take time out to diss the shit outta Soccer...until some dumbass decides to start talkin shit about Football. I might take lil shots every once in a while...joking around, thats it. But I respect Soccer for what it is. It just isnt in my top 5 sports to watch or anything.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 10, 2010, 02:22:58 PM
^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

stop trying to tell ppl were wrong stupid or too proud because we dont like something you clearly hold an affinty for

you understand this goes both ways tho right?! I dont take time out to diss the shit outta Soccer...until some dumbass decides to start talkin shit about Football. I might take lil shots every once in a while...joking around, thats it. But I respect Soccer for what it is. It just isnt in my top 5 sports to watch or anything.

yeah really lol.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 10, 2010, 02:24:51 PM
^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

stop trying to tell ppl were wrong stupid or too proud because we dont like something you clearly hold an affinty for

you understand this goes both ways tho right?! I dont take time out to diss the shit outta Soccer...until some dumbass decides to start talkin shit about Football. I might take lil shots every once in a while...joking around, thats it. But I respect Soccer for what it is. It just isnt in my top 5 sports to watch or anything.

is that not exatly what im saying though?

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: K-MACC on June 10, 2010, 02:27:19 PM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 10, 2010, 02:33:49 PM
^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

^technically, you don't have to; i'm sure i would though.

i gotta go drinking Ireland. :cheers:

& how many Soccer threads do you see me in? this one clearly pertains to me in the title; so it's an obvious acception lol.

& it's not "vice-versa" because Soccer has a reputation for being boring; i'd like to meet the man whose watched an NFL game was "bored" lol.

so for me, Soccer is just living up to it's reputation where Football is just denied because it's American & has the same name as your #1 sport.

stop trying to tell ppl were wrong stupid or too proud because we dont like something you clearly hold an affinty for

you understand this goes both ways tho right?! I dont take time out to diss the shit outta Soccer...until some dumbass decides to start talkin shit about Football. I might take lil shots every once in a while...joking around, thats it. But I respect Soccer for what it is. It just isnt in my top 5 sports to watch or anything.

is that not exatly what im saying though?

Im just saying it goes both ways is all.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 10, 2010, 02:43:56 PM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.

see....shit like this. ^^

I didnt diss soccer. But American Football is "gay"...while prancing around with your hands in the air (dont wanna get em dirty now) like a fuckin sissy, kicking a little ball around and falling on the ground writhing in pain anytime another player touches your jersey.....no...not gay at all.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Javier on June 10, 2010, 02:47:16 PM
Let's sum this up

-Obviously, it's fine if you don't like something....nobody is forcing you to. 
-Anybody that disses the other sport with stupid reasons is a moron

I'm tired of watching every football/soccer/sports thread turn into stupid ass disses from both sides. 
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 10, 2010, 02:48:47 PM
Let's sum this up

-Obviously, it's fine if you don't like something....nobody is forcing you to. 
-Anybody that disses the other sport with stupid reasons is a moron

I'm tired of watching every football/soccer/sports thread turn into stupid ass disses from both sides. 

ay fuck you!!
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 10, 2010, 02:49:17 PM
Let's sum this up

-Obviously, it's fine if you don't like something....nobody is forcing you to. 
-Anybody that disses the other sport with stupid reasons is a moron

I'm tired of watching every football/soccer/sports thread turn into stupid ass disses from both sides. 

ok yeah...pretty much sums it up.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 10, 2010, 02:56:14 PM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.

see....shit like this. ^^

I didnt diss soccer. But American Football is "gay"...while prancing around with your hands in the air (dont wanna get em dirty now) like a fuckin sissy, kicking a little ball around and falling on the ground writhing in pain anytime another player touches your jersey.....no...not gay at all.

iu could find ten similar comments the other way tho ya know? its all relative anyway end a the day im just gunna be placing bets and drinking so who relli give a fuck lol
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Javier on June 10, 2010, 03:00:31 PM
Let's sum this up

-Obviously, it's fine if you don't like something....nobody is forcing you to. 
-Anybody that disses the other sport with stupid reasons is a moron

I'm tired of watching every football/soccer/sports thread turn into stupid ass disses from both sides. 

ay fuck you!!

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: K-MACC on June 10, 2010, 09:49:41 PM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.

see....shit like this. ^^

I didnt diss soccer. But American Football is "gay"...while prancing around with your hands in the air (dont wanna get em dirty now) like a fuckin sissy, kicking a little ball around and falling on the ground writhing in pain anytime another player touches your jersey.....no...not gay at all.
:'( dont cry like your typical american
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: 'EclipZe on June 10, 2010, 11:02:52 PM
lol nice way to describe all the teams.... ;p
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 11, 2010, 10:37:49 AM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.

see....shit like this. ^^

I didnt diss soccer. But American Football is "gay"...while prancing around with your hands in the air (dont wanna get em dirty now) like a fuckin sissy, kicking a little ball around and falling on the ground writhing in pain anytime another player touches your jersey.....no...not gay at all.
:'( dont cry like your typical american

lol@ typical America. Because the term Eurofag came from Europeans reputations as tough guys lol
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: theremedy360 on June 11, 2010, 11:15:15 AM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.

I love when Soccer fans call US sports gay, just priceless. Keep it up my man.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Hazzard on June 11, 2010, 11:26:31 AM
the bigger question to me is, why do Americans always feel the need to cry out when they "dont care" about things? i dont care about a lot of American things, yet i never talk shit because of this. so what's the deal niggas?

they dont care cause they suck at this game.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 11, 2010, 12:08:15 PM
the bigger question to me is, why do Americans always feel the need to cry out when they "dont care" about things? i dont care about a lot of American things, yet i never talk shit because of this. so what's the deal niggas?

they dont care cause they suck at this game.

If we suck at it...its because we dont care. That makes far more sense doesnt it? Think about things in your life that you care about...chances are, youre pretty good at them. The things you dont care about...chances are, youre not as good at them. 
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 11, 2010, 01:10:09 PM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.

see....shit like this. ^^

I didnt diss soccer. But American Football is "gay"...while prancing around with your hands in the air (dont wanna get em dirty now) like a fuckin sissy, kicking a little ball around and falling on the ground writhing in pain anytime another player touches your jersey.....no...not gay at all.

look man, forget all the gay stuff...the reason people dont like american sports like baseball and football is because there is more emphasis on analyzing little bits and pieces, predictions, hype about players going here there, what formation, tactics they pic, etc.......than the ACTUAL GAME

most soccer fans hate to watch analysis, opening ceremony, commercials, etc, extra hype, they just wanna get down to the damn game and stay glued to tv for every sec so u dont miss anything.  Soccer is a chess game, yes its not gonna be full on 90min back and forth u need to be super human for that, so obviously some parts of it game slows down so they catch the breath. 

So u see if they didnt waste so much time in analyzing football and stopping the game every 5sec to review the game, it'll have more fans and interest.  And there isnt much that u see different in NFL year in year out, same plays, same tackles, same runs, same throws, etc.....thats why its not memorable, i be u as a fan cant recall many important moments from even last years playoffs.  Soccer is not forgettable, every game counts, every goal is important and every game is history.  Thats the difference. 
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 11, 2010, 01:26:00 PM
hi haters  :-* you dont like soccer thats good, go watch basketball or your gay american handball.

see....shit like this. ^^

I didnt diss soccer. But American Football is "gay"...while prancing around with your hands in the air (dont wanna get em dirty now) like a fuckin sissy, kicking a little ball around and falling on the ground writhing in pain anytime another player touches your jersey.....no...not gay at all.

look man, forget all the gay stuff...the reason people dont like american sports like baseball and football is because there is more emphasis on analyzing little bits and pieces, predictions, hype about players going here there, what formation, tactics they pic, etc.......than the ACTUAL GAME

most soccer fans hate to watch analysis, opening ceremony, commercials, etc, extra hype, they just wanna get down to the damn game and stay glued to tv for every sec so u dont miss anything.  Soccer is a chess game, yes its not gonna be full on 90min back and forth u need to be super human for that, so obviously some parts of it game slows down so they catch the breath. 

So u see if they didnt waste so much time in analyzing football and stopping the game every 5sec to review the game, it'll have more fans and interest.  And there isnt much that u see different in NFL year in year out, same plays, same tackles, same runs, same throws, etc.....thats why its not memorable, i be u as a fan cant recall many important moments from even last years playoffs.  Soccer is not forgettable, every game counts, every goal is important and every game is history.  Thats the difference. 

Youre only looking at it from the perspective of a Soccer fan. To Football fans, Soccer is in NO way a chess match. Football is. I dont even see how that can be debated. Especially when you said yourself Football is so much more about formation, tactics, and analysis. Football is a game of X's and O's as they say. Its about strategy. There is a reason an offensive playbook in the NFL is the size of an encyclopedia. There are tons of twists and turns, within one game. Whereas soccer doesnt feel that way. And I actually like watching Soccer during the World Cup. Just hard to follow it all the time. Football has plenty of fans lol. And its growing. Like I said...check the attendance everytime they go to London and play. Or Mexico and play. Or wherever. If you dont realize the way Football changes as time goes on...then its because you arent educated enough on the game. Maybe you can say the same for Football fans...about Soccer. Cus to us, it doesnt seem to have changed EVER. Its the same shit. Running back and forth, very little strategy, very little ACTUAL action that matters. The game is active, it IS nonstop. But it seems like you can count the amount of important plays in a Soccer game on one hand. The only reason why EVERY goal is so important in Soccer, is cus there hardly any of them. The only reason you stay glued to the tv, is because it would be a damn shame to watch an entire Soccer game and MISS the one second of relevant action during the whole game.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: MediumL on June 11, 2010, 01:31:03 PM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 11, 2010, 03:47:03 PM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.

lol There will be an NFL team in London at some point. Poor Rugby.  Its like watching your little sister play Football lol. Yeah, they have no pads. No pads because they hit like pussies. In Basketball they dont wear pads either. Why? Because they dont get hit as hard as Football. In Soccer they dont wear pads. Why? Cus they dont get hit as hard as football. Rugby is no different. Its just that the players are fuckin morons compared to those other sports.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 11, 2010, 09:17:05 PM
if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: C-BLUE on June 11, 2010, 11:07:30 PM
hahah football is way bettter than soccer. i dont even see how you can debate this shit.

You just can't defend this.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 12:31:18 AM
hahah football is way bettter than soccer. i dont even see how you can debate this shit.

You just can't defend this.

I dunno man...Soccer looks pretty rough. I mean, being kicked in the vagina like that has GOT to hurt!
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: C-BLUE on June 12, 2010, 12:37:57 AM
hahah football is way bettter than soccer. i dont even see how you can debate this shit.

You just can't defend this.

I dunno man...Soccer looks pretty rough. I mean, being kicked in the vagina like that has GOT to hurt!

you're right. i just hope his vagina is okay.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Nutty on June 12, 2010, 12:58:07 AM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.

lol There will be an NFL team in London at some point. Poor Rugby.  Its like watching your little sister play Football lol. Yeah, they have no pads. No pads because they hit like pussies. In Basketball they dont wear pads either. Why? Because they dont get hit as hard as Football. In Soccer they dont wear pads. Why? Cus they dont get hit as hard as football. Rugby is no different. Its just that the players are fuckin morons compared to those other sports.

lol. And what do you base your thoughts on? The Heineken Cup....European rugby on epsn? American rugby? Lol. Man, you americans can't speak on rugby coz youse are shit at it.......3rd tier team. 2 different sports. If gridiron was more free running like rugby, man I'd get into it more. Don't get me wrong, NFL is the shit.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 01:04:44 AM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.

lol There will be an NFL team in London at some point. Poor Rugby.  Its like watching your little sister play Football lol. Yeah, they have no pads. No pads because they hit like pussies. In Basketball they dont wear pads either. Why? Because they dont get hit as hard as Football. In Soccer they dont wear pads. Why? Cus they dont get hit as hard as football. Rugby is no different. Its just that the players are fuckin morons compared to those other sports.

lol. And what do you base your thoughts on? The Heineken Cup....European rugby on epsn? American rugby? Lol. Man, you americans can't speak on rugby coz youse are shit at it.......3rd tier team. 2 different sports. If gridiron was more free running like rugby, man I'd get into it more. Don't get me wrong, NFL is the shit.

Dont just come at me man. Go at the person who made the first comment dissin Football. Im not the one dissing Rugby for no reason. Ive only responded to others who say something stupid about Football.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: MediumL on June 12, 2010, 08:09:14 AM
Whats more pussy than running into touch smh.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: theremedy360 on June 12, 2010, 08:55:13 AM
if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.

Seriously, or any All Star caliber linebacker for that matter.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: MediumL on June 12, 2010, 09:01:32 AM
gassed to the highest levels.

If they played properly they wouldn't be killing anyone.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 12, 2010, 09:05:34 AM
to be fair i watched a bit of an MLS game last night and can now see why soccer isnt liked in america the standard was shocking from the play to the commentating i wouldnt watch that shit either
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Furor Teutonicus on June 12, 2010, 09:47:18 AM
if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.

yeah, we all know by now that Americans like big monster packed with Steroids. But you gotta understand that  for some people sports is more than attacking/hitting (or trying to kill) other people.

Why can't both sides just stfu and enjoy their own sport? ::)

btw some nice descriptions. Well, I smelled slight ressentiments against Portugal. :D
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: theremedy360 on June 12, 2010, 10:00:31 AM
to be fair i watched a bit of an MLS game last night and can now see why soccer isnt liked in america the standard was shocking from the play to the commentating i wouldnt watch that shit either

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Lunatic on June 12, 2010, 02:35:17 PM
I enjoy going to MLS games (Toronto FC) but he quality of play/commentary/etc. has nothing on the outside of North American leagues obviously.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 03:05:58 PM
to be fair i watched a bit of an MLS game last night and can now see why soccer isnt liked in america the standard was shocking from the play to the commentating i wouldnt watch that shit either

most Americans arent judging Soccer on MLS. Hardly anyone even knows that shit exists lol.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 03:12:23 PM
if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.

yeah, we all know by now that Americans like big monster packed with Steroids. But you gotta understand that  for some people sports is more than attacking/hitting (or trying to kill) other people.

Why can't both sides just stfu and enjoy their own sport? ::)

Football is far more than attacking/hitting. Thats only one aspect of the game. Obviously the point of the game is to score. However when we are comparing say, Rugby to Football....and both use tackling as a part of the game, it is natural to compare those. Its like comparing Boxing and MMA.  Guaranteed for Rugby players there is a certain amount of pride they take in being "tough" guys.  So questioning their fans on the pussiness (its a word damnit lol) of their sport always hurts their self-esteem a little bit it seems. Its funny to be honest.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 12, 2010, 03:30:38 PM
to be fair i watched a bit of an MLS game last night and can now see why soccer isnt liked in america the standard was shocking from the play to the commentating i wouldnt watch that shit either

most Americans arent judging Soccer on MLS. Hardly anyone even knows that shit exists lol.

MLS? ???
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 05:16:39 PM
to be fair i watched a bit of an MLS game last night and can now see why soccer isnt liked in america the standard was shocking from the play to the commentating i wouldnt watch that shit either

most Americans arent judging Soccer on MLS. Hardly anyone even knows that shit exists lol.

MLS? ???

you see...
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Nutty on June 12, 2010, 05:26:00 PM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.

lol There will be an NFL team in London at some point. Poor Rugby.  Its like watching your little sister play Football lol. Yeah, they have no pads. No pads because they hit like pussies. In Basketball they dont wear pads either. Why? Because they dont get hit as hard as Football. In Soccer they dont wear pads. Why? Cus they dont get hit as hard as football. Rugby is no different. Its just that the players are fuckin morons compared to those other sports.

lol. And what do you base your thoughts on? The Heineken Cup....European rugby on epsn? American rugby? Lol. Man, you americans can't speak on rugby coz youse are shit at it.......3rd tier team. 2 different sports. If gridiron was more free running like rugby, man I'd get into it more. Don't get me wrong, NFL is the shit.

Dont just come at me man. Go at the person who made the first comment dissin Football. Im not the one dissing Rugby for no reason. Ive only responded to others who say something stupid about Football.

True. My bad. All these attacks on my sport, I just had to defend it, lol.

if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.

Ray Lewis would've been dangerous, but that's because he's a top athlete, he would've excelled in any sport he participated in.

Anyway, what's the story with the pads & helmets, I know they weren't there back in the day. Betchu guys didn't know gridiron origins go back to soccer? I guess that's why youse still call it football, lol.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 05:38:59 PM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.

lol There will be an NFL team in London at some point. Poor Rugby.  Its like watching your little sister play Football lol. Yeah, they have no pads. No pads because they hit like pussies. In Basketball they dont wear pads either. Why? Because they dont get hit as hard as Football. In Soccer they dont wear pads. Why? Cus they dont get hit as hard as football. Rugby is no different. Its just that the players are fuckin morons compared to those other sports.

lol. And what do you base your thoughts on? The Heineken Cup....European rugby on epsn? American rugby? Lol. Man, you americans can't speak on rugby coz youse are shit at it.......3rd tier team. 2 different sports. If gridiron was more free running like rugby, man I'd get into it more. Don't get me wrong, NFL is the shit.

Dont just come at me man. Go at the person who made the first comment dissin Football. Im not the one dissing Rugby for no reason. Ive only responded to others who say something stupid about Football.

True. My bad. All these attacks on my sport, I just had to defend it, lol.

if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.

Ray Lewis would've been dangerous, but that's because he's a top athlete, he would've excelled in any sport he participated in.

Anyway, what's the story with the pads & helmets, I know they weren't there back in the day. Betchu guys didn't know gridiron origins go back to soccer? I guess that's why youse still call it football, lol.

The way I see sports is like this. The more dangerous a sport becomes, the more measures get taken to prevent injury. People arent stupid. This isnt a knock on Rugby, but if Rugby was dangerous enough...they would wear more pads. Its simple. The leagues and teams would want to protect their players if they needed to. Imagine how long a hockey goalie would last if he didnt wear any protective gear lol Athletes continually get bigger, stronger, and faster. Any linebacker in football right now, would destroy players 40 years ago. Even the best players. So as they got bigger, and stronger, and the hits got more violent...there was more of a need for protective gear. Its not an exaggeration when I say, without helmets and pads...you would have at least one player paralyzed a game lol. Now the only downside to the helmets and pads...is that players began to use them as weapons on the field. Players started using the helmet as a weapon when tackling and really causing a lot of damage. Which is why they have changed some of the rules over the years.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: K-MACC on June 12, 2010, 09:39:35 PM
keep on crying dayho :'(
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 12, 2010, 10:19:33 PM
^lol, i love people who ignore the argument & just say shit like this because they have nothing to say. :D
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 10:25:26 PM
keep on crying dayho :'(

Keep thinkin "Smear the Queer" is a real mans sport faggot.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Nutty on June 12, 2010, 10:35:04 PM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.

lol There will be an NFL team in London at some point. Poor Rugby.  Its like watching your little sister play Football lol. Yeah, they have no pads. No pads because they hit like pussies. In Basketball they dont wear pads either. Why? Because they dont get hit as hard as Football. In Soccer they dont wear pads. Why? Cus they dont get hit as hard as football. Rugby is no different. Its just that the players are fuckin morons compared to those other sports.

lol. And what do you base your thoughts on? The Heineken Cup....European rugby on epsn? American rugby? Lol. Man, you americans can't speak on rugby coz youse are shit at it.......3rd tier team. 2 different sports. If gridiron was more free running like rugby, man I'd get into it more. Don't get me wrong, NFL is the shit.

Dont just come at me man. Go at the person who made the first comment dissin Football. Im not the one dissing Rugby for no reason. Ive only responded to others who say something stupid about Football.

True. My bad. All these attacks on my sport, I just had to defend it, lol.

if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.

Ray Lewis would've been dangerous, but that's because he's a top athlete, he would've excelled in any sport he participated in.

Anyway, what's the story with the pads & helmets, I know they weren't there back in the day. Betchu guys didn't know gridiron origins go back to soccer? I guess that's why youse still call it football, lol.

The way I see sports is like this. The more dangerous a sport becomes, the more measures get taken to prevent injury. People arent stupid. This isnt a knock on Rugby, but if Rugby was dangerous enough...they would wear more pads. Its simple. The leagues and teams would want to protect their players if they needed to. Imagine how long a hockey goalie would last if he didnt wear any protective gear lol Athletes continually get bigger, stronger, and faster. Any linebacker in football right now, would destroy players 40 years ago. Even the best players. So as they got bigger, and stronger, and the hits got more violent...there was more of a need for protective gear. Its not an exaggeration when I say, without helmets and pads...you would have at least one player paralyzed a game lol. Now the only downside to the helmets and pads...is that players began to use them as weapons on the field. Players started using the helmet as a weapon when tackling and really causing a lot of damage. Which is why they have changed some of the rules over the years.

I see your point about protective gear, and for a contact sport like gridiron they're needed. Don't forget rules, it's the rules in sport that protect players the most.

Don't think you'll ever change your view on rugby, but if you grew up here in NZ, Australia or in the UK, you'd be pro rugby, rugby league or soccer instead of pro-NBA, NFL, NHL & MLB. You have your opinion, but because rugby is so small in America, your view on rugby don't mean much since your understanding of the game would be minimal. You can't school me on rugby as much as I can't school you on gridiron.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 12, 2010, 10:38:59 PM
Fuck off Rugby >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NFL

Your shitty stop start game that involves putting the players in cotten wool padding is crap compared to rugby. True people watch the NFL in the UK but usually just the Final cause its so hyped by the American media and pushed upon us.

lol There will be an NFL team in London at some point. Poor Rugby.  Its like watching your little sister play Football lol. Yeah, they have no pads. No pads because they hit like pussies. In Basketball they dont wear pads either. Why? Because they dont get hit as hard as Football. In Soccer they dont wear pads. Why? Cus they dont get hit as hard as football. Rugby is no different. Its just that the players are fuckin morons compared to those other sports.

lol. And what do you base your thoughts on? The Heineken Cup....European rugby on epsn? American rugby? Lol. Man, you americans can't speak on rugby coz youse are shit at it.......3rd tier team. 2 different sports. If gridiron was more free running like rugby, man I'd get into it more. Don't get me wrong, NFL is the shit.

Dont just come at me man. Go at the person who made the first comment dissin Football. Im not the one dissing Rugby for no reason. Ive only responded to others who say something stupid about Football.

True. My bad. All these attacks on my sport, I just had to defend it, lol.

if Ray Lewis in his absolute prime played Rugby, men would have been killed.

Ray Lewis would've been dangerous, but that's because he's a top athlete, he would've excelled in any sport he participated in.

Anyway, what's the story with the pads & helmets, I know they weren't there back in the day. Betchu guys didn't know gridiron origins go back to soccer? I guess that's why youse still call it football, lol.

The way I see sports is like this. The more dangerous a sport becomes, the more measures get taken to prevent injury. People arent stupid. This isnt a knock on Rugby, but if Rugby was dangerous enough...they would wear more pads. Its simple. The leagues and teams would want to protect their players if they needed to. Imagine how long a hockey goalie would last if he didnt wear any protective gear lol Athletes continually get bigger, stronger, and faster. Any linebacker in football right now, would destroy players 40 years ago. Even the best players. So as they got bigger, and stronger, and the hits got more violent...there was more of a need for protective gear. Its not an exaggeration when I say, without helmets and pads...you would have at least one player paralyzed a game lol. Now the only downside to the helmets and pads...is that players began to use them as weapons on the field. Players started using the helmet as a weapon when tackling and really causing a lot of damage. Which is why they have changed some of the rules over the years.

I see your point about protective gear, and for a contact sport like gridiron they're needed. Don't forget rules, it's the rules in sport that protect players the most.

Don't think you'll ever change your view on rugby, but if you grew up here in NZ, Australia or in the UK, you'd be pro rugby, rugby league or soccer instead of pro-NBA, NFL, NHL & MLB. You have your opinion, but because rugby is so small in America, your view on rugby don't mean much since your understanding of the game would be minimal. You can't school me on rugby as much as I can't school you on gridiron.

Youre probably right...if I grew up there I would probably be a bigtime Rugby and Soccer fan. And if you grew up here you would probably be a bigtime Football, Basketball or Baseball fan. Sports are  cultural thing. Which is why like I said...i try not to just take shots at peoples sports for no reason. Unless im provoked...or if Im just fuckin around and not bein serious. Some of these lil faggotass dudes on here just annoy the shit outta me with their ignorance is all.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: K-MACC on June 12, 2010, 10:45:39 PM
keep on crying dayho :'(

Keep thinkin "Smear the Queer" is a real mans sport faggot.
waaaa still crying like a bitch boy
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 14, 2010, 12:48:24 AM
to be fair i watched a bit of an MLS game last night and can now see why soccer isnt liked in america the standard was shocking from the play to the commentating i wouldnt watch that shit either

most Americans arent judging Soccer on MLS. Hardly anyone even knows that shit exists lol.

MLS? ???

you see...

funny i remember having an arguement with cham about MLS before...when he was tellin me beckham was the best player in the world :laugh:

but yah it sucks i wudnt like football either
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 14, 2010, 09:38:37 AM
^was that around the same time you told me the US had "no chance" to beat England? :laugh:
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 14, 2010, 04:16:16 PM
^was that around the same time you told me the US had "no chance" to beat England? :laugh:

yes i believe so...and you do know 1-1 is a draw right? :laugh:
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 14, 2010, 05:17:03 PM
^was that around the same time you told me the US had "no chance" to beat England? :laugh:

yes i believe so...and you do know 1-1 is a draw right? :laugh:

i'm aware; tying was a win for us though.

in this country, "no chance" means you're losing no matter what; probably getting blown out.

was not the case, champ. ;)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 15, 2010, 12:53:07 AM
^was that around the same time you told me the US had "no chance" to beat England? :laugh:

yes i believe so...and you do know 1-1 is a draw right? :laugh:

i'm aware; tying was a win for us though.

in this country, "no chance" means you're losing no matter what; probably getting blown out.

was not the case, champ. ;)

and there in lies the beauty of football  ;D

and i dont care what it means in your country everywhere else wont beat= wont win i.e score more than the other side
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on June 16, 2010, 03:13:51 PM
^lol, i love people who ignore the argument & just say shit like this because they have nothing to say. :D

so far thats been u guys doing that, i havent seen anyone comeback to my arguments

bottom line is, i dont expect u guys to ever understand soccer, its like explaining how to do taxes to a 5 year old
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Jaydc on June 16, 2010, 03:16:12 PM
^lol, i love people who ignore the argument & just say shit like this because they have nothing to say. :D

so far thats been u guys doing that, i havent seen anyone comeback to my arguments

bottom line is, i dont expect u guys to ever understand soccer, its like explaining how to do taxes to a 5 year old

Yes because soccer is so complicated LOL
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: 7even on June 16, 2010, 03:38:40 PM
Let's put it like this... there's people who don't care about watching sports in general. People who find it absurd that grown men scream or even cry because their sports team lost an important game. Right? You could NEVER explain to those people "why" things are like that. It's not really an intelligence thing.

Plus, I don't understand the difference between not liking soccer and not liking baseball. I, for instance, really don't like baseball. I also never go into baseball threads. I never talk about it. Why do guys like you always have to shit on soccer just because you don't like it?
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 16, 2010, 03:51:21 PM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 17, 2010, 12:53:03 AM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P

care to up that thread? 8)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Nutty on June 17, 2010, 01:33:47 AM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P

Uh-oh........ a yank talking cricket?  :laugh:, lol. I see ESPN show tiny bits of it but I can't see that sport EVER, ever, ever, eveeeerrrr taking off in the U.S. Unless it's Poly's playing Samoan Cricket....................at the local park, lol.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 17, 2010, 04:08:02 AM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P

Uh-oh........ a yank talking cricket?  :laugh:, lol. I see ESPN show tiny bits of it but I can't see that sport EVER, ever, ever, eveeeerrrr taking off in the U.S. Unless it's Poly's playing Samoan Cricket....................at the local park, lol.

fuck cricket & rugby their both upper class sports
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: eS El Duque on June 17, 2010, 07:25:58 AM
so Cornell beat the red sox yesterday...nice
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: NiCc_FrUm_ThA_nO on June 17, 2010, 09:51:51 AM
Plus, I don't understand the difference between not liking soccer and not liking baseball. I, for instance, really don't like baseball. I also never go into baseball threads. I never talk about it. Why do guys like you always have to shit on soccer just because you don't like it?
I also have a deep hatred for the "sport" known as baseball, that shit is beyond boring, seems more like a recreational activity than a sport. For gods sake the players eat while on the field, what kinda sport allows you to eat, not talking about rules or anything, if it was a real sport u wouldnt be able to keep that shit down.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 17, 2010, 10:14:19 AM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P

Uh-oh........ a yank talking cricket?  :laugh:, lol. I see ESPN show tiny bits of it but I can't see that sport EVER, ever, ever, eveeeerrrr taking off in the U.S. Unless it's Poly's playing Samoan Cricket....................at the local park, lol.

fuck cricket & rugby they're both terrible ass sports
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 17, 2010, 10:23:16 AM
Plus, I don't understand the difference between not liking soccer and not liking baseball. I, for instance, really don't like baseball. I also never go into baseball threads. I never talk about it. Why do guys like you always have to shit on soccer just because you don't like it?

I only shit on soccer when some soccer fan shits on an American sport that I like. As for baseball...yeah, baseball is boring as hell.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 17, 2010, 10:30:36 AM
Plus, I don't understand the difference between not liking soccer and not liking baseball. I, for instance, really don't like baseball. I also never go into baseball threads. I never talk about it. Why do guys like you always have to shit on soccer just because you don't like it?

I only shit on soccer when some soccer fan shits on an American sport that I like. As for baseball...yeah, baseball is boring as hell.

Baseball is my favorite sport, I played it my entire life; it's a major part of my life lol.

But I can admit I can understand how many could find it boring; but you can watch it & never know what's going to happen on any given pitch.

In Soccer, you know when shit is going to go down & when it's not & then you watch entire games to see it end 0-0 lol; that's a joke.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: .:DaYg0sTyLz:. on June 17, 2010, 10:44:02 AM
Plus, I don't understand the difference between not liking soccer and not liking baseball. I, for instance, really don't like baseball. I also never go into baseball threads. I never talk about it. Why do guys like you always have to shit on soccer just because you don't like it?

I only shit on soccer when some soccer fan shits on an American sport that I like. As for baseball...yeah, baseball is boring as hell.

Baseball is my favorite sport, I played it my entire life; it's a major part of my life lol.

But I can admit I can understand how many could find it boring; but you can watch it & never know what's going to happen on any given pitch.

In Soccer, you know when shit is going to go down & when it's not & then you watch entire games to see it end 0-0 lol; that's a joke.

yeah the ending in a tie thing is pretty fuckin lame. I used to watch baseball as a kid. Even all the way up till the age of 15 or 16 or so. But then it just got HELLA boring to me and I pretty much just stuck to Football and Basketball after that. 
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 17, 2010, 02:04:46 PM
^Honestly, Football is by far the best sport to watch; in the world lol.

Baseball only gets exciting at the end of August on.

Basketball just flat out sucks, unless we're talking about NCAA. :P
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: K-MACC on June 17, 2010, 02:11:11 PM
baseball and american football sucks donkey balls :'(
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 18, 2010, 01:01:02 AM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P

Uh-oh........ a yank talking cricket?  :laugh:, lol. I see ESPN show tiny bits of it but I can't see that sport EVER, ever, ever, eveeeerrrr taking off in the U.S. Unless it's Poly's playing Samoan Cricket....................at the local park, lol.

fuck cricket & rugby they're both terrible ass sports

i can agree with that although i do know a few people that play rugby and enjoy it i have no time for either...which coincidentally blows this whole patriotic arguement out of the water

anyway as if mexico beat france quaaaaality haha
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 18, 2010, 09:57:12 AM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P

Uh-oh........ a yank talking cricket?  :laugh:, lol. I see ESPN show tiny bits of it but I can't see that sport EVER, ever, ever, eveeeerrrr taking off in the U.S. Unless it's Poly's playing Samoan Cricket....................at the local park, lol.

fuck cricket & rugby they're both terrible ass sports

i can agree with that although i do know a few people that play rugby and enjoy it i have no time for either...which coincidentally blows this whole patriotic arguement out of the water

LOL, because you have "no time for it" that means the patriotic argument is out? How?

Just because you have no time for it, doesn't mean you don't love it; it also doesn't mean you wouldn't defend it if I was to go on about how awful they are in comparision to American sports.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: ICHI THE KILLER on June 18, 2010, 10:33:13 AM
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on June 18, 2010, 11:47:52 AM

You mad we stole the name & made a better sport? ;)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: ICHI THE KILLER on June 18, 2010, 01:05:52 PM
hahah i culdnt care less i watch both sports when have time its just funny that NFl has nothing really with kicking that ball so why its called football when handegg suits its more (i think it similar situation with makin all those remaks in hollywood  :P :P ). if i have to choose watch finals for example CHAMPIONS LEAGUE vs NFL my vote going for  CH. LEague as this is much much more entertaing for me  and i only wish to see one day match rugby vs football amer. (some1 said NFL use protection because they hitting harder i thing they are bunch of pussies scared to be hurt that why in rugby they dont need all that BS - im not rugby fan at all i think its even more boring then ice skating).
the namer shluld be changed from soccer to sucker as what they doing in US really sucks.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Russell Bell on June 19, 2010, 08:39:28 PM
Funny article.

Lol at the Germany = Dallas Cowboys one

Loons and straighlaced players are always at the core of the cowboys

actually have been paying attention to the World Cup this year and have been pulling for Germany

If people gave it more of a chance, they would def. be entertained, but the fact we don't really play it as much as other sports kills its real chances to catch on here
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: westsiderider323 on June 19, 2010, 08:47:32 PM

the arrow is actually pointing to his elbow FAIL
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Jaydc on June 19, 2010, 08:55:51 PM

the arrow is actually pointing to his elbow FAIL

and the other one is pointing to his ankle
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: westsiderider323 on June 19, 2010, 08:57:05 PM

the arrow is actually pointing to his elbow FAIL

and the other one is pointing to his ankle

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on June 20, 2010, 06:11:18 AM
^But you don't see threads like, "LOL, Baseball is fifty million times better than Cricket!"; you guys ask for it. :P

Uh-oh........ a yank talking cricket?  :laugh:, lol. I see ESPN show tiny bits of it but I can't see that sport EVER, ever, ever, eveeeerrrr taking off in the U.S. Unless it's Poly's playing Samoan Cricket....................at the local park, lol.

fuck cricket & rugby they're both terrible ass sports

i can agree with that although i do know a few people that play rugby and enjoy it i have no time for either...which coincidentally blows this whole patriotic arguement out of the water

LOL, because you have "no time for it" that means the patriotic argument is out? How?

Just because you have no time for it, doesn't mean you don't love it; it also doesn't mean you wouldn't defend it if I was to go on about how awful they are in comparision to American sports.

lol no

i would rather play basketball than either

id probably prefer to play rugby over nfl as it wouldnt involve me taking steroids but tell the truth in terms of watchin either sport their both tied(i.e i wouldnt watch either)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: 7even on July 01, 2010, 03:53:25 PM
An American sports writer about the World Cup:


I love the Cup because it stripped away all the things about professional sports that I've come to despise. No sideline reporters. No JumboTron. No TV timeouts. No onslaught of replays after every half-decent play. No gimmicky team names like the "Heat" or the "Thunder." (You know what the announcers call Germany? The Germans. I love this.) No announcers breathlessly overhyping everything or saying crazy things to get noticed. We don't have to watch 82 mostly half-assed games to get to the playoffs. We don't have 10 graphics on the screen at all times. We don't have to sit there for four hours waiting for a winner because pitchers are taking 25 seconds to deliver a baseball.

The World Cup just bangs it out: Two cool national anthems, two 45-minute halves, a few minutes of extra time and usually we're done. Everything flies by. Everything means something. It's the single best sporting event we have by these four measures: efficiency, significance, historical context and truly meaningful/memorable/exciting moments. You know … as long as you like soccer.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on July 01, 2010, 05:22:19 PM
An American sports writer about the World Cup:


I love the Cup because it stripped away all the things about professional sports that I've come to despise. No sideline reporters. No JumboTron. No TV timeouts. No onslaught of replays after every half-decent play. No gimmicky team names like the "Heat" or the "Thunder." (You know what the announcers call Germany? The Germans. I love this.) No announcers breathlessly overhyping everything or saying crazy things to get noticed. We don't have to watch 82 mostly half-assed games to get to the playoffs. We don't have 10 graphics on the screen at all times. We don't have to sit there for four hours waiting for a winner because pitchers are taking 25 seconds to deliver a baseball.

The World Cup just bangs it out: Two cool national anthems, two 45-minute halves, a few minutes of extra time and usually we're done. Everything flies by. Everything means something. It's the single best sporting event we have by these four measures: efficiency, significance, historical context and truly meaningful/memorable/exciting moments. You know … as long as you like soccer.

case closed!

NFL fan boys can go back to getting orgasms over other men's muscles and tights. LOL!
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on July 02, 2010, 01:05:39 PM
^Funny, because the sportswriter was obviously talking about Basketball; but you have time & time again proved you know NOTHING about American sports, so it wouldn't surprise me lol.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on July 05, 2010, 01:16:01 AM
^Funny, because the sportswriter was obviously talking about Basketball; but you have time & time again proved you know NOTHING about American sports, so it wouldn't surprise me lol.

We don't have to sit there for four hours waiting for a winner because pitchers are taking 25 seconds to deliver a baseball.

yeah obviously
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on July 05, 2010, 09:25:42 AM
So I think there have been more blown calls than goals scored.

What a sport. ::)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: StreetsAllSalute on July 05, 2010, 11:16:04 AM
So I think there have been more blown calls than goals scored.

What a sport. ::)

how many major blown calls has their been then...bearing in mind germany have scored at least 12 by theirselves?

what a *#*^ ::)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Javier on July 05, 2010, 11:52:57 AM
So I think there have been more blown calls than goals scored.

What a sport. ::)

Has there ever been an NBA playoff game where it ends and people have said, "those were some great refs tonight" lol. 
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on July 05, 2010, 01:47:43 PM
So I think there have been more blown calls than goals scored.

What a sport. ::)

Has there ever been an NBA playoff game where it ends and people have said, "those were some great refs tonight" lol. 

Those are just angry fans that their team lost & maybe one call that could of gone either way was called against them.

I'm like that with the NFL, but in the end, those "bad calls" are just calls against my team that puts them in jeapardy of winning.

Seems like everyday I turn on SportsCenter, they expose the World Cup officiating for fucking something up real good. Probably because the players roll over & act like they got sniped in the head everytime they brush up against somebody lol; I guess you can't blame the refs too much, it's just good acting Soccer play.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Javier on July 05, 2010, 03:23:14 PM
The acting in soccer isn't anymore than the acting in basketball.  It's like Kobe's move where he goes for a jump shot gets the ball taken away from and his does a ballerina move and screams AHHHHHH
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on July 05, 2010, 04:01:19 PM


LOL, hardly comparable. Sure the NBA has some floppers, but at least there is contact & the refs also have the common sense to realize half the time it is a flop & don't give them the call. Soccer players don't even get pushed & fall to the ground, NBA players get pushed & they just ridiculously overexaggerate how hard the push was.

Plus it happens way more in Soccer than it does in Basketball.

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Javier on July 05, 2010, 04:05:29 PM
Unless someone literally proves the rate of dives per sport in a match, we really can't say who does it more based off some youtube videos. 
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: 7even on July 05, 2010, 05:23:33 PM
The main reason why the World Cup has so many bad calls is because they do the politically correct thing to get refs from everywhere. Every country can only have 1 ref. Meaning they don't get the best refs, but the most diverse refs. Which also means that the refs come from very different cultures and therefore tend to blow the whistle very differently, also a ref from Uzbekistan is not used to ref a ridiculously important game with the whole world watching and 60000 people in the stadium blowing vuvuzelas.

As for the acting, it is horrible in the NBA and in the World Cup, too. The only way to stop this is is by banning people for acting after analyzing video material. But they really don't wanna do this, as they want to leave the entire responsibility to the refs in charge. Villa was proven to do a red card hit on some Honduras player, but the FIFA didn't wanna do shit because the ref didn't do shit. They need to change that attitude, or it will always stay this way. Because it is a moral hazard - if people don't get penalyzed for inadequate behavior.

But how many times was a player injured for weeks, months or even his whole career after an NBA foul? It happens on a regular basis in soccer.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Makaveli's Food & Liquor on July 05, 2010, 06:55:10 PM
The thing about diving in soccer is that if you don't overreact then the ref won't give the foul, sure the odd people just blatently dive but more often then not it's just about trying to make sure that the ref sees the foul and makes the call, and it's always gonna happen more in soccer than basketball cos there's more contact in soccer

About missed calls it happens in EVERY sport and it was always gonna happen in the world cup because the Refs are under SO much pressure since it's one of the biggest sporting events and since FIFA are against technology. It's not like the playoffs where the Refs review the video multiple times and then still get it wrong ;D
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on July 08, 2010, 04:40:35 PM
diving is all theatrics....americans are so dumb, they actually think the players are serious when they dive or act like they're hurt.  Anyway this is all going to stop once they bring in video replay or extra refs which they are doing from now on, its confirmed.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on July 08, 2010, 10:02:41 PM
diving is all theatrics....americans are so dumb, they actually think the players are serious when they dive or act like they're hurt.  Anyway this is all going to stop once they bring in video replay or extra refs which they are doing from now on, its confirmed.

No, we don't think they're serious; we're telling you that they are acting pussies, that aren't fooling anyone & look like morons when they do it lol.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Furor Teutonicus on July 09, 2010, 02:43:55 AM
diving is all theatrics....americans are so dumb, they actually think the players are serious when they dive or act like they're hurt.  Anyway this is all going to stop once they bring in video replay or extra refs which they are doing from now on, its confirmed.

No, we don't think they're serious; we're telling you that they are acting pussies, that aren't fooling anyone & look like morons when they do it lol.

That's what everybody thinks. The acting in this world cup has been terrible. But don't act like this is what the game is all about. Of course they look like morons, but it's cheating, to call itr a sport for fags is plain stupid/ pure hating. And, of course, in lower leagues you see way less diving/acting.   
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on July 09, 2010, 12:50:47 PM
diving is all theatrics....americans are so dumb, they actually think the players are serious when they dive or act like they're hurt.  Anyway this is all going to stop once they bring in video replay or extra refs which they are doing from now on, its confirmed.

No, we don't think they're serious; we're telling you that they are acting pussies, that aren't fooling anyone & look like morons when they do it lol.

if its acting then why are they pussies? do u think every actor is a pussy?
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on July 09, 2010, 01:44:07 PM
diving is all theatrics....americans are so dumb, they actually think the players are serious when they dive or act like they're hurt.  Anyway this is all going to stop once they bring in video replay or extra refs which they are doing from now on, its confirmed.

No, we don't think they're serious; we're telling you that they are acting pussies, that aren't fooling anyone & look like morons when they do it lol.

if its acting then why are they pussies? do u think every actor is a pussy?

If you admit they are all actors, then it isn't much a sport is it? Do you think all sports movies with actors are real?

Just admit that they look like little girls.

http://www.youtube.com/v/M81KviQGUVE Ain't no jokes or pussy shit here. 8)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Fraxxx on July 09, 2010, 01:52:03 PM
diving is all theatrics....americans are so dumb, they actually think the players are serious when they dive or act like they're hurt.  Anyway this is all going to stop once they bring in video replay or extra refs which they are doing from now on, its confirmed.

No, we don't think they're serious; we're telling you that they are acting pussies, that aren't fooling anyone & look like morons when they do it lol.

That's what everybody thinks. The acting in this world cup has been terrible. But don't act like this is what the game is all about. Of course they look like morons, but it's cheating, to call itr a sport for fags is plain stupid/ pure hating. And, of course, in lower leagues you see way less diving/acting.   

This. Fewer cards for not so bad fouls, more cards for diving/acting.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: IRAN iz Gangsta! on July 09, 2010, 05:06:11 PM
diving is all theatrics....americans are so dumb, they actually think the players are serious when they dive or act like they're hurt.  Anyway this is all going to stop once they bring in video replay or extra refs which they are doing from now on, its confirmed.

No, we don't think they're serious; we're telling you that they are acting pussies, that aren't fooling anyone & look like morons when they do it lol.

if its acting then why are they pussies? do u think every actor is a pussy?

If you admit they are all actors, then it isn't much a sport is it? Do you think all sports movies with actors are real?

Just admit that they look like little girls.

man if david villa was to kick a ball for a long range shot and it hit u directly in the face, you'd be on the ground crying and probably with a broken nose

u have no idea the type of collisions that happen in soccer

Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Nutty on July 09, 2010, 07:14:04 PM
Still arguing, lol. Just watch the sports you enjoy watching or playing and leave it at that. Another question, who here plays sport? lol. Betcha no-one.
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Chamillitary Click on July 09, 2010, 11:14:24 PM
Another question, who here plays sport? lol. Betcha no-one.

If you meant professionally, obviously not.

But I play Football ALL the time; no pads too. 8)
Title: Re: World Cup teams explained to an average American - LOL
Post by: Nutty on July 10, 2010, 08:04:12 PM
Another question, who here plays sport? lol. Betcha no-one.

If you meant professionally, obviously not.

But I play Football ALL the time; no pads too. 8)

Then that'd be called Rugby, haha, jk. Ya play socially, cool.