West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Tha G-Spot => Topic started by: infinite59 on January 02, 2003, 03:51:17 AM

Title: What's up
Post by: infinite59 on January 02, 2003, 03:51:17 AM
Yo... what's crackin ya'll.. I'm about to go to bed.. just want to say peace.
Title: Re:What's up
Post by: Political Gangsta on January 02, 2003, 04:02:44 AM
Peace brother Infinite stay real.  You know, when brothers say salaam that simply means "peace."  Then when they say assalamulakum that means "peace be unto you."  Moreover, in replying, a good brother will say walakumsalaam which means "peace be unto you, too."  And if you wish to even take it to the next level really you are saying, "May the peace of Allah be unto you."  

You know brother, all things are from Allah.  He is truly the Source of One.  He is everything and everything is him.  See, what is dangerous about our world today, is that West culture has superimposed itself onto Islamic culture.  You see Muslim women, born into the religion running around imitating non-Muslim women.  Dressing like them, talking like them, etc.  You know the prophet (salla alayhi wa salaam) said "If you dress and act as those people, you are of those people."

See brother, in conventional Western society the man worships the woman and the alcohol.  And when the woman doesn't worship Allah, she is a danger to all who come into her path.  See brother, when  you don't recognize that all things come from and belong to Allah, you become selfish; you seek to dominate others and the world around you.  You lack the understanding of what it truly means to be human.  You lack the understanding that this world is a shared experience, and that you should never take away from anothers virtue.

In secular society people treat relations with the opposite sex as a game.  When someone gets divorced his friends will tell him, "Well, I know it's hard, but you will be stronger because of this."  That is not true, you are weakened, your virtue and security has been stripped from you, and you may never recover.  Brother, this is why it is important that we raise our women to be great Muslims.  As the great Malcolm X aka El Hajj Malik Shabazz said..  "The mother is the first teacher of the child, what she teaches the child, he will go and teach the world."

Anyway, I must go perform the dawn prayer.  Salaam brother Infinite.  And have you seen the brother Tech around?  I read one post of his the other day about gambling.  As much as I hate gambling, it was a wonderfully hilarious thread.  You should check it out if you haven't already.

Assalamulaikum.  May the peace of Allah be unto you.
Title: Re:What's up
Post by: infinite59 on January 02, 2003, 04:04:12 AM
Thank you brother but I already knew all that before you said it.  And I've already posted on that Tech thread.  Go there now and you will see.  Why haven't you posted there?  Anyway, salaam brother, I got to bounce.
Title: Re:What's up
Post by: Political Gangsta on January 02, 2003, 04:08:51 AM
Thank you brother but I already knew all that before you said it.  And I've already posted on that Tech thread.  Go there now and you will see.  Why haven't you posted there?  Anyway, salaam brother, I got to bounce.

My bad... I just went and posted there too.  Assalamulikum.  1 G-d.
Title: Re:What's up
Post by: ILL-Logic-AL on January 02, 2003, 04:31:00 AM
All that Muslim shit has gone to your head. Resorting to talking to yourself?
Title: Re:What's up
Post by: STILLDRE IS THE GODFATHER on January 02, 2003, 06:11:25 AM
All that Muslim shit has gone to your head. Resorting to talking to yourself?

if u understand it it dont call it shit   i dont force you to learn it and im not gonna preach i am a muslim so i understand all that

khudafis   or   bye for the ones that dont understand
Title: Re:What's up
Post by: verbalassaulta on January 02, 2003, 07:57:45 AM
All that Muslim shit has gone to your head. Resorting to talking to yourself?