West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: medstud66 on October 27, 2011, 09:25:26 AM

Title: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: medstud66 on October 27, 2011, 09:25:26 AM

1. Vinko Rajic is talking about in his videos on YouTube that he can use telepathy all the time and 100% correct on few kilometer.
   Uri Geller could give evidence for telepathy at Stanford University.
2. At Edinburgh University, experts conducted controlled experiments to see if telepathy is possible.
   The Edinburgh University Koestler Lab could never confirm if telepathy works but they never did any experiment on Vinko Rajic
   or Uri Geller, maybe they do not want to find that what are they looking for.

3. James Randi offer 1000000$ for any paranormal evidence, but Vinko and Uri can use telepathy or maybe NOT?

4.  CIA's  "remote viewing" , "Stargate Project", the  ability to psychically "see" events, sites,
    or information from a great distance.
    Actually there is not evidence that this would be possible. Telepathic people like Vinko Rajic never know who is
    sending to them. Human brains have not any number and is maybe impossible to know from which head you are receiving and to
    which head you are sending. Theoretical this is impossible to localize someone on very long distance and connect it.
5. Grigori Rasputin , "the Mad Monk". There is evidence that he could use paranormal mind control.
   Rasputin's influence over the royal family was used against him and the Romanovs by politicians and journalists who
   wanted to weaken the integrity of the dynasty, force the Tsar to give up his absolute political power and separate the
   Russian Orthodox Church from the state.
   On November 19, 1916, Purishkevich made a rousing speech in the Duma, in which he stated,
   "The tsar's ministers who have been turned into marionettes, marionettes whose threads have been taken firmly in hand by Rasputin
   and the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna , the evil genius of Russia and the tsaritsa .

6. What is Schizophrenia? Schneider's symptoms of the first rank:

 - Audible thoughts
 - Voices heard arguing
 - Voices heard commenting on one’s actions
 - The experience of influences playing on the body
 - Thought withdrawal and other interference with thought
 - Diffusion of thought
 - Delusional perception
 - Feelings, impulses and volitional acts experienced as the work or influence of others

 Using telepathy you can create most of "Schneider's symptoms of the first rank" on Vinko Rajic.
 Why they do not do research on Vinko Rajic or on some other telepath and publish that?
 Also telepathy is possible???????????
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: 2euce 7even on October 28, 2011, 06:44:27 AM
good post.im always into that paranormal/mystery/occult/-shit...shit´s my hobby...2 find out more and more..
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: jeromechickenbone on October 29, 2011, 09:11:36 AM
Look up Ingo Swann.  He was employed by the CIA for many years.  He did remote viewing for them.
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: LooN3y on November 02, 2011, 01:43:40 AM
imo schiz and a lot of other mental illnesses are bullshit.

a lot of foos that I've met that are "schiz" are usually just very very very weak minded (other words pussies)
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: Fraxxx on November 06, 2011, 08:11:15 AM
imo schiz and a lot of other mental illnesses are bullshit.

a lot of foos that I've met that are "schiz" are usually just very very very weak minded (other words pussies)

You often seem like a very average gifted person but at least that doesn't discourage you to speak your mind.

On topic: I don't believe in paranormal phenomenons.
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: LooN3y on November 09, 2011, 12:27:05 AM
imo schiz and a lot of other mental illnesses are bullshit.

a lot of foos that I've met that are "schiz" are usually just very very very weak minded (other words pussies)

You often seem like a very average gifted person but at least that doesn't discourage you to speak your mind.

On topic: I don't believe in paranormal phenomenons.

id say the same for you  ::)
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: Fraxxx on November 09, 2011, 02:56:01 AM
imo schiz and a lot of other mental illnesses are bullshit.

a lot of foos that I've met that are "schiz" are usually just very very very weak minded (other words pussies)

You often seem like a very average gifted person but at least that doesn't discourage you to speak your mind.

On topic: I don't believe in paranormal phenomenons.

id say the same for you  ::)

Sure, why not! Difference is that you're speaking on topics you know nothing about, obviously. Maybe the fools you've met ain't even diagnosed with schizophrenia or did you spoke to their doctors?
To label schizophrenia 'bullshit' is straight bulllshit itself. It's just very easy to call people with mental problems 'pussies' if you've never been in their shoes.

On the other hand a lot of 'mental diseases' are in fact made up and that's cause pharmaceutical companies wanna sell medication, I'll give you that. But that doesn't take away from the fact that mental disorders like schizophrenia are very real.

And just in case you wanted to go for the cheap shot, no, I was never diagnosed with such a condition. ;)
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: LooN3y on November 09, 2011, 06:27:19 PM
imo schiz and a lot of other mental illnesses are bullshit.

a lot of foos that I've met that are "schiz" are usually just very very very weak minded (other words pussies)

You often seem like a very average gifted person but at least that doesn't discourage you to speak your mind.

On topic: I don't believe in paranormal phenomenons.

id say the same for you  ::)

Sure, why not! Difference is that you're speaking on topics you know nothing about, obviously. Maybe the fools you've met ain't even diagnosed with schizophrenia or did you spoke to their doctors?
To label schizophrenia 'bullshit' is straight bulllshit itself. It's just very easy to call people with mental problems 'pussies' if you've never been in their shoes.

On the other hand a lot of 'mental diseases' are in fact made up and that's cause pharmaceutical companies wanna sell medication, I'll give you that. But that doesn't take away from the fact that mental disorders like schizophrenia are very real.

And just in case you wanted to go for the cheap shot, no, I was never diagnosed with such a condition. ;)

lol, i know 2 people that were diagnosed with skitz, and my cousin recently had some sort of mental disorder, but thankfully recovered.

the 2 guys with "skits", one was bull shit i mean it was blatant that he was just looking for attention. because even before he was diagnosed with that, he was always an attention whore. he took medicine, which obviously made it worse, he's off that and he's 100% ok (which he's always been)

the other guy was completely normal, his mom just thought something was wrong because he was fucking up, kicking up dust in the streets and chill in with gangstas.
and his mom made him take "schiz" medicine, and this dude juz became hella slow and mellow. its all bullshit, dude was completely normal till he started taking medicine, and became weird. i havnt seen him recently because a homie knocked his teeth out.

anyways, and my cousin, now he had something, or i think he had something, its either that or he juz went through a fit, he was going crazy, acting like a crackhead with weed. and he ruined his credit, and his whole reasoing for it was to be "more outgoing" he claimed he was a DJ, he kept saying a bunch of gangbangers were trying to kill them, and that he works with the LAPD. i know he was fucking with some ecstasy, so i think that shit fucked him up, but he's good now.

and why would i talk about something i know nothing about or never experienced seeing someone with it?

am i a doctor? y, and if other people were to talk about being "schiz" not this forum and post in this thread, u would assume that their doctors? and y would i talk to their doctors? seems like your just being petty.

I'm sure your just trying to attack me cuz I'm using "slang" something you probably won't ever be able to use without shame or looking like a wigger.

lol and cheap shot you? I'm not a piece of shit, i don't cheap shot people if I'm having a serious debate, thats some pussy shit as well.

my cousin had a real problem but it wasn't schiz, these other guys that got diagnosed with schiz by the doctor is straight bullshit.
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: Hack Wilson - real on January 29, 2012, 12:27:52 PM
Title: Re: Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?
Post by: Q U A K E on March 01, 2012, 01:26:25 PM
yo i dont think E will make somebody insane...

i hear mushrooms will cure insanity...

i also researched that peyote and other legal cactuses with mescale (which is similar chemically to meth and E) also cures insanity and mexican natives used it as such.. in peru theres a san pedro cactus ceremony for this very purpose...

weed also cures insanity but i also read if u smoke too much and abuse it regularly it can make u temporarily insane...so theres my drug research on it...

usually if u lack social contact and ppl u can openly talk to about ur problems then ppl get insane more...

damn i shud be a psychologist... maybe one day we'll be able to write peyote and shroom recommendations and u can get em at dispensaries hahaha ;D