West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 27, 2003, 03:09:48 AM

Title: The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 27, 2003, 03:09:48 AM
Man, this got nothin to do with weapons of mass destruction or oil. First it was weapons of mass destruction, then it was because Sadam wasnt  this, then it was that, then it changed again. How the f*ck do u think Sadam got his weapons of this sort in the first place. America supplyed him with weapons that are fierce, they go and screw him over and he get's pissed. Same thing with Bin Laden. They made him fight THEIR war and screwed him over too. And US sit and wonder why the whole fukkin world hates them. Shit if I was the big brother, and I sent my little brother to collect a shit load of money off the ground, promise him half but only give him a couple of coppers, hell yeh he's gonna be pissed. What's worse if I gave my lil brother a knife to play with and I pissed him off BIG MISTAKE!! And why don't they ever learn? one word : GREED. But what is this war really about. Bush & Blair dont know. People higher than them do! Bush and Blair are just the pretty spokespeople for the country - they aint really in charge of nothin. From my sources. This war is to increase relations with foreign countrys and Iraq is worth Billions, whether it be oil, drugs, whatever - its worth a shit load of $$$. So why don't they just go for Japan that is worth $$$ as well. Because Iraq is 3rd world. US were smart enough to know Sadam would use Iraq's wealth to dictate - its a 3rd world country and because of that they can attack em with no problem with relations becuase Iraq have none. So what I'm getting at is that Sadam has been set up. This has been planned for years and years way before the first gulf war.

But to finish my theory, dont matter what they do, they can swoop up Iraq's incredible wealth and make it look like it's weapons of mass destruction yada yada, but I know the real reason. Your all blind because of what you read in a (government owned) newspaper or (governemnt owned) news program/channel. If you can't see it your blind!!!
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 27, 2003, 03:15:04 AM
And oh yeh, real reports show that the chemical suits found are made from a material isnt common in Iraq or any neibouring counrty yet they find a number of 3000+ hmmmm, could they have been placed there by us to make their theory on chemical weapons look better and to direct everyones attention to them. US are always after money, but trust me US wont be the most powerful nation after this The yellow race will one day rule the world remember that. Also it's in the bible!!!
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Don Seer on March 27, 2003, 03:16:11 AM
^ cowards will rule the world?  ;D
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: TheSheriff on March 27, 2003, 04:44:52 AM
And oh yeh, real reports show that the chemical suits found are made from a material isnt common in Iraq or any neibouring counrty yet they find a number of 3000+ hmmmm, could they have been placed there by us to make their theory on chemical weapons look better and to direct everyones attention to them. US are always after money, but trust me US wont be the most powerful nation after this The yellow race will one day rule the world remember that. Also it's in the bible!!!

You're utterly insane.
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 27, 2003, 05:53:53 AM
No I'm perfectly sane. If you don't know & I take it you don't that the yellow race is the race of Chinese, Japenese etc. And in case you don't know US are struggling in this war with Iraq and HAVE lost a war in the 70's to the yellow race. Japan is already the leading country in technology and it's nebouring China with the most troops than any country in the world for having a strong army makes it one of the superpowers in the world along with Japan. But they concentrate on themselves and designing, establishing new strings to develop items that will benefit a mass majority eg consumer electronics. The bible is said to predict many things. It HAS predicted many things and it also says that the yellow race will one day rule the world. I choose to believe it - that doesnt make me insane nor does it make me insane to believe or should I say KNOW the real truth on America and to a lesser extent UK, your just either too Stupid or ignorant to see it
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Disceptive AssAssin on March 27, 2003, 06:32:25 AM
i am now less intelligent for have read your incoherent response.. just thought you should know  :-X
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 27, 2003, 06:52:48 AM
In English bitch, I wasnt put through some upper class education system paid by mummy and daddy
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Kaidy on March 27, 2003, 06:54:03 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Japan and China political enemies? It's not very likely they're going to tag team up and take over the world, even if Mr. Christ said so.

anyway, i kind of sort of agree with your theory about the US, but the way you present your argument just makes you come across as an asshole.
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 27, 2003, 08:13:44 AM
oH RITE. Arent you the same guy that was wanting to know why 2Pac was the greatest.

I aint no asshole, I know whats goin on and believe me Japan & China will sort out their differencies despite what little infants are lead to believe
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Kaidy on March 27, 2003, 08:27:02 AM
oH RITE. Arent you the same guy that was wanting to know why 2Pac was the greatest.

lol no. I posted in the thread i didnt start it, dork.
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 27, 2003, 08:51:40 AM
No stretch I think u got the wrong guy, dork?? Hell no, but I sense some white bitch
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: 7even on March 27, 2003, 09:06:41 AM
as I already said once, china is more powerful than the U.S. that's no hating. and they'll get even stronger I think. it's jus nobody notices because they dont behave like motherfuckers, like the states do
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Kaidy on March 27, 2003, 11:42:38 AM
No stretch I think u got the wrong guy, dork?? Hell no, but I sense some white bitch

and Overseer has the nerve to call you racist. what the heck is he thinking haha
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: 7even on March 27, 2003, 11:58:20 AM
No stretch I think u got the wrong guy, dork?? Hell no, but I sense some white bitch

aint that a bitch..
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: infinite59 on March 27, 2003, 07:09:37 PM
Makevelli... Interesting post.  I like the way you presented it.  Don't listen to these guys they just feel threatened when somebody is thinking outside the box.  I like what you said about this war being all about $$$, that it has been planned for years, and that they are exploiting a weaker nation.  I agree with all that.  

Sadaam was never a threat to us until America's propaganda machine got in motion and told us that he was a threat.  

As for the bible and the yellow race taking over.  Could be true.  Some of the Bible is true, while other secitions have been altered.

Nice thread.  By the way, is that you in your avatar, or Malcolm X?

Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 28, 2003, 02:44:11 AM
Good to see someone else can think beyond what the US feed them. I know this has been about a 20 year plan. Iraq has no real strong governemnt with powers, I thik they planned for Sadam to dictate. Other can believe what they want
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Don Seer on March 28, 2003, 02:50:14 AM
Can you show me a passage from the bible about this yellow race thing?
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: TheSheriff on March 28, 2003, 06:58:44 AM
7even: Yeah, China are more powerful in terms of troops and aircraft, but nukes make all the difference, and the US wins in that respect.

Mickaveli: I didn't call you insane because of what your reasons for the war were. Quite honestly, I do not CARE why this war is happening. I just think you're an insane racist who deserves to be castrated. Yellow race taking over? May I suggest you see a psychiatrist? I have THOROUGHLY studied the bible, and there is no yellow race that will take over.
Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: Mickaveli_#1 on March 28, 2003, 07:17:34 AM
You got the old testiment or the new testiment? It's in there. Just wait. China have the power in numbers and in air. We all know what Japan are capable of Pearl Harbour holocaust etc. They are the leaders in both defense electronics and consumer electronics. Both combined will be richer than the US and UK combined after this war is over. Trust me son, yellow race will eventually overpower us folks in the long run.

Title: Re:The Real reason for this war!!!!
Post by: TheSheriff on March 28, 2003, 12:29:09 PM
You got the old testiment or the new testiment? It's in there. Just wait. China have the power in numbers and in air. We all know what Japan are capable of Pearl Harbour holocaust etc. They are the leaders in both defense electronics and consumer electronics. Both combined will be richer than the US and UK combined after this war is over. Trust me son, yellow race will eventually overpower us folks in the long run.


Want a taste of your own medicine, "son"? If Japan and China fuck with the USA, they will nuked to highest heaven.

WHITES WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I'm not racist.  ::)

And no, no reference is made to any "yellow race" taking over the world. I have studied both the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Apocrypha. I also know the Koran reasonably well.