West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Tha G-Spot => Topic started by: Big BpG on September 11, 2001, 07:37:01 PM

Title: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Big BpG on September 11, 2001, 07:37:01 PM
I read this on a site.... kind of freaks me out... check it out

To the poor families in which might have lost a loved one today.I live only a half hour away from the city. My girlfriends father was one of the many people who had to actually run from the horrible incident.And a very wierd idea in which thats been circling online..From Unknown-"The flights that were Highjacked were from United and AA, they were numbered as follows:

11, 93, 175, and 77

11 = Today's Date
9+3 = 12 = Tomorrow
1+7+5 = 13 = Thursday
7+7 = 14 = Friday

What does that mean.... these fools were very organized today... i'm sure they could possible think of something like this... but hopefully its just coincidence...

-Big BpG

RIP ...
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on September 11, 2001, 07:57:39 PM

This shit happened sept. 9th which means 9/11
911=Rescue call

1 1 represents tha two towers.............

Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Big BpG on September 11, 2001, 08:18:04 PM
Yea I heard that too... just messed up. I've been glued to the TV since I first saw it on televesion here in the morning, my school was cancelled due to the events...
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Sikotic™ on September 11, 2001, 08:20:07 PM
This is also the anniversary for the Camp David Accord from back in 1977. On that day there was a peace aggreement between Israel and Egypt I believe.

And isn't 93 the year of the WTC bombing?
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: HBKid_Jr on September 11, 2001, 08:27:24 PM
Bigg Bpg were do u live cuz i live on long island an they didnt let us leave school,  seniors couldnt leave school early.  In school tha principle got on tha PA system an said that an incident occured aproxmently 45 minutes ago at tha world trade center,  thats all they would say.  That shit wit tha number is weird,  do u think they have suptin planed for tha next few days or what,  this shit is startin to get to me,  the also just found two trucks on tha George Washington bridge an I think tha Willamsborrrough bridge wit explosives on them tryin to get into tha city.  Yea Sikotic u r right tha first bombin took place in 93
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Don Jacob on September 11, 2001, 08:30:15 PM
wow, that's interesting, and it makes you think how organized they must have been

this is sick though these fools hate us so much that they'd pull 4 kamakazies
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Sikotic™ on September 11, 2001, 08:36:48 PM


Yea Sikotic u r right tha first bombin took place in 93

Damn, thats some strange shit.
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Don Jacob on September 11, 2001, 08:37:58 PM
yeah and Bin Laden was behind that one too
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Sikotic™ on September 11, 2001, 08:45:32 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Suge as a suspect yet. :)
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Big BpG on September 11, 2001, 08:53:17 PM
Suge Knight probably did this... i hear puffy was visiting lil kim on the WTC roof pool... j/k

anyway nastradamus said this in 1654

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" , "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Don Jacob on September 11, 2001, 09:17:16 PM
the thing about that nostradomas quote is that the opposite happened with the leader and buildings the buildings succumbed and the leader indured
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Nosak on September 11, 2001, 09:45:01 PM
maybe he was thinkin bout another thing when he say this prediction , like "dawm  how do i'll get pay for doing this "  ;D so i switch up the evenements .. but still this is fucked up man ..... :-[
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Doggystylin on September 12, 2001, 02:51:30 PM
yeah today was messed up. but ya gotta think this has happened all over the world and no one gave a fuck and now that it has happened here it the biggest thing that happened in the world. dont get me wrong the disaster today sucked dick

but yall gotta open your mind and think, its not good to have any innocent people die no matter where they are, what race, what religion. isnt that what america is about? yall gotta think!

America is so strong now that no country would have the balls to start a war with america. America has every contry onlock and on their nutsack.
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: lee on September 12, 2001, 04:06:32 PM
This is a kinda obvious observation but nobody on the news etc has said how the 2 biggist planes (the 767's) went into the building in NY ... i would imagine this whole thing has been being planned 4 at least a year or something .....
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: lee on September 12, 2001, 04:07:44 PM
Wasn't that the tallest building in NY  ? cause i know the Empior State building was ... but that is bigger ...
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on September 12, 2001, 04:10:07 PM
Yup, and both planes were goin 2 either frisco, or LA, which means they both had alot of fuel.....Dats exactly wat they had planned.....My god, this shit waz Sooooo well coordinated.......Fuckin bastards.
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: lee on September 12, 2001, 04:11:31 PM
lol ... i was just looking at a news website and it gave out lists of terroists gruops and theirs a group  (not connected to any of this ) called Tupac Amaru .. it was founded in the 80's so it was hardly named after him ... and he was hardly named after them ...
Does that mean something  ?
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Sikotic™ on September 12, 2001, 04:11:58 PM
The Twin Towers used to be the tallest buildings in the world and the Empire state building had that title before the WTC was even constructed so I think they used to be the tallest in NYC.
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Doggystylin on September 12, 2001, 04:12:49 PM
maybe it was tupacs way of getting back at the east?

Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: lee on September 12, 2001, 04:14:48 PM
that proves even more what an impact these guys wanted to make .. the biggist aeroplanes u can get into what i think is the biggist building in the world ..  :o
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: HBKid_Jr on September 12, 2001, 05:45:41 PM
Tha 3 tallest building's in tha world is in I think singapore,  im not sure but if was in an asian country,  a buildin in europe,  and tha sears tower in chicago,  the empire state building is now tha 4th tallest because of tha twin towers goin down
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Doggystylin on September 12, 2001, 06:38:15 PM
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Doggystylin on September 12, 2001, 06:44:55 PM
here is some shit i thought yall should read, there are some good points. please take your time and read it all. i found these at message boards. i was born in the US so i am a suporter so dont get me wrong, i hate that piece of shit Bin Laden too.

--------------------------------------------------------------NUKE ALL OF THE MIDDLE EAST!!!!!!!!

And that will do what??? Kill inocent civilians, though all of them may not be inocent, there are bound to be some who are inocent, just likein the u.s. Not all of us good, but there are alot of us who are inocent. If we completely wipe out these countries, or bomb them,then we are no better then the people who did this. If we are to attack anyone, it should be there military. CIVILIANS SHOULD BE LEFT OUT OF ALL WARS. it is sad that few people realize this.


If we bomb them what does that do? Does it give you a sense of "Ha! we are better thatn you"? Because if we knock out all Arabs then we will be killing innocent people just like the terrorists. So therefore we are terrorists, right? Anyways did you know that some Arab nations have offered aid to America when we find out for sure who is behind this? Just something to think about.-Adam

I agree with Consiko in the matter of racism. We must stop harming people from the middle eastern countries and those who are Musilm. We can not go around and attack other people for something they id not do. Just today as was in school, a fight broke out and there wre five guys beating on a Musilm just because of his race.

I also agree with the fact that we can not! go bomb all the middle east countrie because if we did one, it would cause Wolrd War III. and tell me how many of you want another war like that? because today we have much more advanced fighting power, for example we have the Nuclear bomb correct? and I we attack one of those middle east countries who are allies with Rushia what do you think will happen? I'll tell you what will happend you got another world war on your hands.

I think the President of the United Stated of America has made a good decision about "Hunting down the Terrorist and make them pay for what they have done to our great country." We are a strong country we must stand together and show those COWARDS who the better and strong people are!!

One more thing about bomb the middle east, if we do that then we will in fact sink to the same level as the terrorist are. Because if we do bomb the countries over in the middles east we will deffinatley kill innocent people and there for we will be declasred the Coward for bomb countries for no reason. We need to investigate the situation and right now let the government do that but we as citizens of the United States of America need to turn our selves from accusing who did what, and focus on saving lives in New York City. Now who ever reads this may not think that what i am saying is very educated or what ever, but you must understand we are the most powerful NATION in the world and we can not let the Act of War weaken us in any way.

So for the sake of our Nation dont go around terrorising Muslims, Iraqians ext. because they were most likley not part of this Attack thank you.


for all of u that think all arabs and muslims are terrorists, think again!!! we feel your pain, we are victims of this attack also! the religion of islam condemns terrorism! its wrong to make a stereotype about a whole nation or religion because of the acts of a group of them. should i say all americans are terrorists because of timothy mcveigh?!!!!


and how do you think the Japanese felt to see us all celebrating when 200,000 of their innocent civilians lay dead? We cannot condemn all middle easterners purely because they are celebrating our demise. Racism is the worst thing that can result of this tragedy. We have to resist the stereotype that all middle-easterners are to blame. Instead, we must strive forward, re-build and show the spirit, and unity of the American People. To show the terrorists that we are strong.


it is wrong for anyone to celebrate the death of an innocent human being. However, what many Americans fail to see, is these Palestinian children have watched their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, cousins, neighbors, etc being killed by American weaponns for many many years. And so when they see that someone has been able to fight back America, they feel in a way its compensation for all the horrors theyve experienced. Although its not right to celebrate the death of others, in this situation it is part of human nature


please read all of these.

and there were terrible things said and also today at school my teacher and everyone in school was really clowing and makin fun of muslims. i feel horrible for the people affected by the Terroists and i will keep them ( innocent people affected) in my prayers.

Peace to the World

but fuck the ones who support violence
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Trauma-san on September 12, 2001, 06:56:56 PM
All Of THose Are Cool, Except The Asshole At The End Who Said American Weapons Have Killed Them.  That Is Oversimplifying The Situation... They Left Out The Part About Their Families Invading Israel.

BTW, The Numbers Of The Planes Are Insignificant.  9-11 Is The Anniversary Of The Death Of The Founder Of Their Country... That May Be Significant.  

The Middle East Should Not Be Attacked, But Right Now, With Afganistan Protecting Binladin, They Probably Should.  It's Not My Call, But I'll Bet Afganistan Ends Up Getting Bombed.  We'll Be At War Soon, All The Troops Already Have Their Bags Packed, According To Family I've Got In Virginia (Naval Base).
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on September 12, 2001, 07:10:54 PM
I believe Afghanastan's Kabul will get Leveled pretty soon......

But 2 attack all of middle east is just tha worst thing any country can do, no matter how bad they're hurt.
1st reason is dat most people in middle east are innocent, It is just tha group of fantics and tha cult followers dat are fuckin dat whole area up and givin it a bad name. I mean I have family on my dad's side in middle east, and they hate tha way their countrys are being run by these fools.......They would give anything 2 get outta there, they DREAM of comin 2 America. They would Luv 2 live here. It's like tha worst kind of ghetto over there.......

Second reason why I dont think US should tha WHOLE middle east is dat, US is under estimatin their power......I mean countries like Lybia, Iraq, Syria and my dad's country Iran have Alot of power, they have Nuclear weopens dat can Level Tha US.
Ofcourse US will have alot of allies wit NATO, but IF everybody attacks eachother at tha same time, it will become tha end of tha world, and I dont think US really wants dat...do they?
So in conclusion If USA goes after tha Innocent countries of middle east b/c of tha attacks dat waz done by a group of fanatic terrorists, then tha end of tha world will come, because no country will tolerate other countries attackin them 4 no reason.......
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on September 12, 2001, 07:13:37 PM


maybe it was tupacs way of getting back at the east?

LOL, IMAGINE Dat.......
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Trauma-san on September 12, 2001, 07:22:25 PM
They Won't Attack THe Middle East.  Iran, Libya, Etc. Have Already Expressed American Support, We're Allies With Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Etc.

Iraq And The Fags Hiding Binladin Are The Ones That Need To Worry.

HEY! They Just Said On T.V. That Afganistan Has BinLadin On House Arrest! We'll Be Able To Kill Him Soon.
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Don Jacob on September 12, 2001, 07:24:51 PM
decent which channel
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Trauma-san on September 12, 2001, 07:28:11 PM
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on September 12, 2001, 07:28:18 PM


Iraq And The Fags Hiding Binladin Are The Ones That Need To Worry.

Buck em/Fuck em.............

And another thing, Ignorant muthafuckas need 2 stop pointin fingers, I just heard there waz a big ass fight in near UC Berkely here in Cali which involved middle easterns defending themselves against dumfucks dat point fingers........
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Trauma-san on September 12, 2001, 07:29:31 PM
Yeah, I Feel No Hatred Towards Muslims, Just The Ones Responsible, And The Ones Dancing In The Streets.
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Doggystylin on September 12, 2001, 07:30:37 PM
yeah get that dumb bitch and stick it up his ass >:(

(Bin Laden i mean)

he could have done so many positive things with the money he had. but instead he uses it for evil

Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Trauma-san on September 12, 2001, 07:31:23 PM
He'll Get What Jeffrey Dahmer Got, Just What You Mentioned.
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: bLaDe on September 12, 2001, 09:33:50 PM
Title: Re: Scary Shit About Todays Events
Post by: Don Mega on September 13, 2001, 03:19:22 AM


I read this on a site.... kind of freaks me out... check it out

To the poor families in which might have lost a loved one today.I live only a half hour away from the city. My girlfriends father was one of the many people who had to actually run from the horrible incident.And a very wierd idea in which thats been circling online..From Unknown-"The flights that were Highjacked were from United and AA, they were numbered as follows:

11, 93, 175, and 77

11 = Today's Date
9+3 = 12 = Tomorrow
1+7+5 = 13 = Thursday
7+7 = 14 = Friday

What does that mean.... these fools were very organized today... i'm sure they could possible think of something like this... but hopefully its just coincidence...

-Big BpG

RIP ...

I think that these numbers are scary, but a coincidence, just like all the 7 days theory. When shit like this happens people have a tendency to think of such stuff. No doubt it was organised, but not to this point