West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Sports & Entertainment => Topic started by: HBKid_Jr on May 30, 2002, 08:28:37 AM

Title: whats so special about star wars
Post by: HBKid_Jr on May 30, 2002, 08:28:37 AM
I never really carred 4 it.  How come every1 is in love wit tha star wars series. There r some people that really go overboard wit it. Like when u see a 35 year old guy wearin star wars shirts
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: The Big Bad Ass on May 30, 2002, 10:39:59 AM
I grew up with the shit. I like Star Wars for the same reason I like watchin the Simpsons, or old saturday morning cartoons. Plus, with the exception of episode 1, they are all pretty damn good movies. Good special effects too.
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: BossPlaya on May 30, 2002, 01:06:33 PM
I never really carred 4 it.  How come every1 is in love wit tha star wars series. There r some people that really go overboard wit it. Like when u see a 35 year old guy wearin star wars shirts

ive alwayz been wonderin tha same thing
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: ZILLA THA GOODFELLA on May 30, 2002, 02:12:59 PM
Same way wit me.......Ive been askin this question 4 years.

I can neva be interested in shit like Star Wars, I dunno why.
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: Doggystylin on May 30, 2002, 02:16:40 PM
Same way wit me.......Ive been askin this question 4 years.

I can neva be interested in shit like Star Wars, I dunno why.

feel the same way
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: .:R-E-L:. on May 30, 2002, 02:17:15 PM
i only saw 1 & 2 and thought they were aiight (2 was pretty good actually  ;) )   ANYWAY....

i also dont understand y people luv tha shit SOOO much
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: bez on May 30, 2002, 02:42:25 PM
I say u live once, if u like sum thing fuck it wear the t-shirts, no 1 has a right to critise you.  FUCK EM
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: LAZY on May 30, 2002, 03:41:41 PM
when u see a 35 year old guy wearin star wars shirts

lmao at that
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: HBKid_Jr on May 30, 2002, 05:15:44 PM

lmao at that

i seen it,  it is truly sad.  Guy was in his 30's,  overweight, velcro sneakers,  coke bottle glasses,  scruffy beard.  I was goin ask him if he had ever been laid but my cuz said not 2
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: Smooth on May 30, 2002, 05:22:52 PM
Same way wit me.......Ive been askin this question 4 years.

I can neva be interested in shit like Star Wars, I dunno why.

Word... I don't know why but for some reason I never got into Star Wars...
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: Sub-Z on May 30, 2002, 06:38:31 PM
Same way wit me.......Ive been askin this question 4 years.

I can neva be interested in shit like Star Wars, I dunno why.

same here
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: Cliftone_Santiago_909 on May 30, 2002, 09:02:50 PM

i seen it,  it is truly sad.  Guy was in his 30's,  overweight, velcro sneakers,  coke bottle glasses,  scruffy beard.  I was goin ask him if he had ever been laid but my cuz said not 2

I can see myself in that Position in my Adult life. Just without tha Velcro Sneakers. But Instead of wearing a Star Wars T Shirt, I'd be sporting a T Shirt with a Cannibus Leaf on it.

On tha real though, I dont know shit about Star Wars. Most people I see that are into it though, are kinda into it because tha Imagination behind tha whole thing. Kind of a movie for Dreamers. Like when I saw "The Matrix"... I  left tha Theatre sayin I was "The One". But Tha Matrix was G'd up... Star Wars is fuckin gay with their gay ass robots and creatures n shit.. I dont know.

Shit, Back then, like 4 years ago.. I wouldn't be able to tell you tha difference between Star Wars and Star Trak, I thought Star Wars was like part 1 and Star Trak was part 2... I remember playin with lil Star Wars action figures when I was small too... But I didnt even know they were Star Wars Characters.. they just looked like dope lil white robot soldiers with guns n shit...
Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: Trauma-san on May 30, 2002, 09:27:10 PM
I like all that stuff.  Pretty much, I like everything, there ain't much I don't like, as long as it's respectable.  I even like broccoli.  I like star wars, star trek, the matrix, the sound of music, all that crap.  I can watch or do anything as long as it's not stupid, and it's not disrespectful, and I can do some of that.  It's kind of a cool attitude to have, because i'm always happy.

Trauma - "What, they're playing the new snoop song? YAYYYY!!!!"

"What? They're playing the new Britney Spears song? YAYYYYY!!!!"

"What? They're playing some stuff by Yanni? YAYYYY!!!!"

Title: Re: whats so special about star wars
Post by: Cliftone_Santiago_909 on May 30, 2002, 09:33:01 PM
^^^ Yeah, I can feel that. I'm kinda tha same way. Alwayz try to have a postitive attitude and am kind of known for it. I also like brocolli. Only thing is.. I'm probably not as open minded as you are. I think it's probably cuz You're white and I'm not. You know? White Poeple.. they can be tha happiest people in tha world... I'm a minority... we gotta be mad at something.

Personllay though.. I just think Star Wars is gay.. I can respect other's liking it... just not my thang.